Hannah's great escape

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 7, 2008

Chapter 5
The Finalie

Chapter Description: The finalie

(Afternoon 2)

“Well, Hannah, looks like you have to go back to diapers,” Shelby said gleefully.

Hannah was horror struck. “But...but...I’m not a baby! I didn’t mean to poop in my goodnite!”

“Exactly. Babies don’t mean to do it either. They just mindlessly poop their diapers. This case, big girl panties.”

“Shelby, can’t you please just let me go into another goodnite? I can’t dance in a diaper. They’re too thick and crinkly and the tapes come off too easily!” Hannah whined.

Shelby pondered while towering over her former elder sister, “I guess I could put you in a pull-up, but after we’re done dancing, then I’m putting you in a diaper.” Shelby grabbed a cubby with Hannah’s name labeled on it, even though she couldn’t read it. That’s weird. I learned how to read when I was six, now I’m seven... Hannah thought a little depressed and frightened. A pull-up with Cinderella on the cover and baby wipes were taken out of the cubby.

The former baby of the family gently pushed down her big sister on to a bench and tore open the goodnite. The smelly mess quickly wavered over to Hannah and she gagged over the smell of her own crap. Shelby wiped it up with a cool baby wipe, making Hannah’s vagina and ass tingle and the wet cloth glided on them. Hannah giggled as she was stood up. The white dress was taken off Hannah and a ballerina tutu was replaced. Then the pull-up was slid up on to Hannah’s ankles and then pulled over her thighs and finally on to her crotch. The tight training pant was very comfortable to Hannah and she felt light headed.

Shelby took Hannah to the theater where all the ballerinas would dance. That was where the sisters parted. Hannah stood by the little girls while Shelby stood with the teenagers. Then they all began to dance, Hannah by far the best out of her class. She spun and twirled with perfect balance that a few nights ago she dreamed of. Her talent was reborn and quite a few of the teenaged girls couldn’t even keep up with her genius.

Then, a crinkle was heard by the other girls. Then a whisper, followed by a giggle, which soon turned into hush laughter, and very soon every student was laughing at the seven year old that had to wear a diaper like a baby. Shelby rushed over to Hannah while hiding her face from embarrassment.

Mom was waiting for them in the locker room, with Hannah’s things already taken out. Mom tried to comfort Hannah but failed as she began to sob.

“Ok, baby,” Mom said rubbing the back of Hannah’s head while they hugged. “Let’s just get your dress on. Maybe the other kids won’t recognize you out of your tutu.” Hannah agreed just so they would get out of there sooner. Shelby and mom worked together to get Hannah completely dressed and they walked out of the room, some girls still giggling in Hannah’s direction.

In to the daylight, Hannah was momentarily blinded by the sun as dad took her hand and walked them to the car. The booster seat was already on the seat and without a thought, Hannah sat on it, with the pull-up making a crinkle and she began to sob again. I’m five! I shouldn’t be wearing diapers. No kidding why everyone thinks I’m a baby. I should be in a stroller.

Out of the corner of Hannah’s eye, she saw her pink binky with a white ribbon and decided if she was going to be a baby, she might as well act like a baby, and she popped the pacifier into her mouth.

“I’m going to get so fired.” Shelby said. “I can’t just run out of a job. I still have to pay for college! It’s not my fault little Hannah can’t keep up with the big kids.”

“Give her a break, she’s only three.” Dad said from behind the wheel.

“Yea, yea. Fine. But what am I going to do about money? I can’t even move out of the house yet. I’m eighteen; I should be living on campus or something.”

Hannah’s eyes started to droop from there. She began to rabidly suck her binky as sleep drifted on her.

(Night 3, Sunday)

When Hannah woke up, the first thing she saw was Shelby smiling down at her. Momma... Hannah’s baby mind could only think. She looked around and saw grandma and grandpa smiling up at her and then saw a man wearing all black except a while collar. Behind her grandparents were all their family and the girls from ballet class.

Although Hannah didn’t realize it, they were in a church, and the Father dipped Hannah’s head into holly water, thus baptizing her. All hope of returning to her teen life escaped Hannah’s subconscious and she peacefully returned to sleep despite the air of excitement.



End Chapter 5

Hannah's great escape

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 7, 2008


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