Last Trip down Memrie Lane

by: magicgirldiapers | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 1, 2011

Chapter 5
Chapter 5


There was no up or down or left or right. There were no noises and yet there was no silence. Darkness surrounded her as she hung there in nothingness screaming without sound. Harley could feel the world around her spinning in all directions, or was it she who was spinning?

She was terrified and confused and she did not know where or what she was. She couldn’t feel any of her limbs in this dark sea of everything and nothing. To her, the only thing in the world which was real was her mind, or at least her consciousness, a disembodied knowledge that she in fact existed.

Then slowly, or perhaps very quickly, she felt solidity coming back to her. She felt her arms and legs dissolve out of the nothingness to take form on her body. The world around her was also becoming more real, and sounds now started to creep into her mind. Gravity thrust itself forward and she felt herself being pulled backwards, if there was a “backwards” at all.

Eventually, Harley could hear herself screaming, her own voice ringing high and loud in brand new ears. Then she felt herself opening a pair of eyes. She was lying on her back and she could feel her feet and arms flailing upwards against gravity.

Something was wrong. Eye new eyes adjudged onto a room which was much too large, like an airplane hangar in size. Long cylinders were extending upwards above her, encasing her like a lidless cage.

She continued to scream, she wanted help. Help from anyone or anything, She didn’t know what was going on. But she found that she couldn’t make any words. She only wanted help, but no word came to her lips to define it. She only screamed and screamed a high-pitched wail…

A very high pitched wail…

A baby’s high-pitched wail.

It took a while for her to notice this. For some reason it seemed natural for her voice to sound like this. But it didn’t change the fact that she was scared and by the feeling of the dark room around her, alone. But the unseen walls seemed to peer down over her, watching her, judging her. She needed help.

Then she heard a voice. She did not stop screaming or flailing strange and misshapen arms and legs for something she could not reach, but she heard someone.

“Oh my dear sweet child. Do not worry. Mommy’s here!”

Her eyes swiveled and landed on a woman, a gigantic woman towering above her. Tall as a forest tree, she seemed to Harley, but not scary or ominous. She looked welcoming and warm. Still she kept screaming. Now she wanted comfort from this woman but she didn’t know why or how she could get it. She only kept crying.

Then the woman scooped two huge hands under her armpits and Harley felt gravity swing itself downwards until she was unmistakably upright, dangling in midair in the hands of this stranger. Then the woman brought Harley close to her chest, and cradling her with one arm, pulled her fancy blouse down with her free hand and before she knew what was happening, Harley’s lips were wrapped around the woman’s protruding nipple and warm milk was flowing into her mouth. She felt her lips and tongue working furiously to get the milk from the woman’s body and even though it felt wrong, it also felt right. It calmed her and she felt her body go limp with serenity. With her mouth drinking up the woman’s warmth, her mind distantly heard a conversation suddenly spring up in the room. She understood every word but it all sounded strange to her. Suckling the woman made her mind go fuzzy and she didn’t care about anything in the world except this woman and her milk. Her body was warming up, better than any orgasm or drug. The people talked.


‘Yes dear?” Harley felt the woman’s chest vibrate against her head as she spoke.

“How is our new darling?”

“Fine, my husband, just fine.”

“Aww she is sweet. She loves her mother, yes she does. And by the way she is partaking in your breasts I feel she will grow up into quite the Memrie, won’t she.”

With eyes closed, Harley dimly felt a gruff but gentle hand stroke the top of her head with was apparently encased in a bonnet.

“I believe she will my husband. The Memrie house will thrive. And we will teach our little Bella well won’t we?”

Harley stopped suckling. Somewhere deep inside her mind, something stirred. Something sounded familiar.


Then in a snap of realization, Harley’s mind began to work furiously. Bella! Bella, the woman in the old creepy house on Memrie Lane. Memrie Lane… Halloween! Her friends! Where were her friends! What had happened?!

She tried to remember but it was hard. The woman was rocking her back and forth now and she felt herself slipping into a deep sleep.

Her friends. What had happened? Halloween… they had gone to the house… than Bella. That woman… she did something… something… something had fallen… SHE had fallen… she fell and hurt herself and for some reason Harley left. She went somewhere in the house to fix something. Something with her dress. Why was it so hard to think?! She was walking. Walking down a hall when something… something sparkled. Then she remembered a long flat mirror. She had gone to look at it. She touched it, and all of a sudden she was pulled into blackness. And now she was here.

Where was she. And why were these strange people so big… and why was she suckling on the giant woman’s breast? And why, oh why, did it feel so good?! And why were they calling her “Bella”?

But before she could think of any more, she heard the giant woman holding her began to hum a soft song, and it shot through her like an injection of peace and calm, and she felt her body go limp with peace and happiness, and she fell down into a deep sleep…



End Chapter 5

Last Trip down Memrie Lane

by: magicgirldiapers | Complete Story | Last updated Nov 1, 2011


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