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by: | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 3, 2007

Chapter 5
Chapter 5

While I knew exactly what I had done, it started to hit me harder and harder as I sat there watching veggie tales. Not only had I peed my pants, but I had done it on purpose, and everyone here was going to think I had done it twice today.

Then I heard the one magical voice I didn’t want to hear in my sodden condition... Angela was there, and she was early. There was no way I would ever convince her that this wasn’t a real accident. Megan was telling her about my potty training woes and explained to her how they had ran out of pull-ups. She told her that my dress should be finished in the dryer and that she would go get it if Angela wanted to go and pick me up. Angela walked over to me and picked me up by my arm pits and in a cute was said that she had heard that that darn sippy cup had gotten me again... Then without even asking me if I was wet, she felt the crotch of my diaper and headed to the changing room. But this time was different from the hospital, or when Megan had changed me. Angela was so sweet and gentle as she slid the wet pamper off of my bottom. She spoke softly to me as she cleaned me with the wipe. It was almost... loving. Before, with the others, you could tell that it was a chore. Then Megan walked in with my dress and training pants, all fresh and warm from the laundry. Angela pulled the dress over my head and patted me on my diapered bottom saying that we were on our way.

When we left from the daycare, we took the forty five minute drive to the doctor’s office. On the way we stopped off and got a snack and some drinks. I got a root beer which was a welcome change from the juice and milk I had been drinking all day, and it was nice to drink from a straw and not a sippy cup. I still wasn’t quite comfortable in the car seat in the back, but my diapers showing under my dress kinda made me feel like I couldn’t complain about being treated like a toddler. After checking in, Angela sat me on the floor next to her chair. There were some books to read but I wasn’t in the mood. Besides, the root beer was starting to get to me. Then it occurred to me, that this was the first hour I have had in the last two days where someone hadn’t asked me if I needed to potty at least twice... Did she just expect me to use the diaper now?

When they called my name, we went back into the nurses room, she weighed me, and took my height, 37 pounds and 41 inches. The nurse’s chart showed me to be about the size of someone who was three years and 7 months. The doctor came in and she sat me up on the examination table and started asking Angela questions about my health. Angela told her that I was doing ok, could have been eating more, and that I was having accidents. The doctor said she figured that from the diaper... and said that she thought some protection was a good idea to take some pressure off of me. Then the doctor started talking to me about my new “school” and how did I like it? She pointed to a poster of the circus on the wall causing me to turn my head and then... OUCH. Dr. Johnson had been trying to distract me before she gave me the hormone shot. It had distracted me, I usually didn’t like shots, but it had been a long time since I cried when I got one. And to add insult to injury (literally) when she put the needle in my leg it scared me enough to make me pee pee in my diaper. After the injection, and a little more examination Dr. Johnson told the nurse that I was wet and asked her to change my pants. While I was getting fixed up by the nurse, I could hear Angela and the doctor discussing my future...

Dr. Johnson explained that as long as I got regular injections, I would start to grow like a regular child. That meant that if I was about the size of a 3 and ? year old right now... in about 8 years I would look like I was supposed to look right now. It was the doctor’s opinion that with the unfortunate background that I have had so far, maybe it was best if Angela continued to keep me around kids my size instead of kids my age. She also suggested that Angela not make a big deal about my wetting and told her that my staying around the younger kids so much may cause me to regress a bit in other ways... she said that should probably be encouraged as to help me to fit in better. This was all a lot to take in...



End Chapter 5

Who new?

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 3, 2007


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