Parenting of Doom

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 23, 2007

AR story of a superhero teenager who isn't one anymore thanks to a certain villian. And if things couldent get worse, all hell breaks loose once the word "Mommy" Is spoken.

Chapter 1
Parenting of Doom

Chapter Description: The start of it all...

Parenting of Doom

by Beast Gal

Warning: Theres no warning for course language. But that is why this is rated so high, there is alot of cussing. Just a heads up.

Disclaimer: I do not own the idea of the Teen Titans or the character Warp. Those belong to DC comics and warner brothers. I do own everything else.


“Mommy? Are you awake?” I heard the tiny voice ask from the doorway. I rolled over, moaning over the lack of sleep I was getting thanks to her.

“No” I responded.

“Oh, ok I’ll come back later” She turned. I mentally slapped myself and sat up. Immediately she saw this and leapt in my lap. “Can I have a story?” the little girl asked me.

“ Cat, I’m tired, you kept mommy up all last night, please can I sleep?” I begged her, showing my weakness. Her eyes started to tear. “Alright, one story, that’s it”

“Yay!! Read one from your story book, dairy?”

“Diary?” She nodded furiously. I sighed and opened my book, she’s too young to remember any of this anyway.

“Ok, It was a day like any other....”


The sun was peeking out of the winter clouds and spring started to grip Dayton City, including the T-shaped tower in the bay. I was playing “Megazoids 3” with Makeshift, our fearless leader, who I’ll admit I have a crush on. His red hair was always spiked to perfection and his red blazer announced his position proudly. The “M” on his left breast stood for his name, his name, leading to his ability to shift his arms and legs into anything at will.

“You can’t beat me” he challenged.

“Watch me” I was always a lanky girl, my blonde hair flowing down to my upper back. My brown eyes never left the screen and Makeshift’s mask was also glued.

Midnight and Illusion were playing chess. They’re both extremely smart. Midnight was dark-skinned and his red eyes contrasted against it. He always wore a cloak with a hood hiding his upper face; he was defiantly my favorite telekinetic. Illusion, a book-smart girl with long flowing brown hair to her lower back, as her name states, she can turn invisible at will.

Then Klawz, our resident Shape-Shifter barged into the room, she was defiantly an eccentric girl I felt as my little sister. She had startling blue eyes that had to be hid behind her blue-tinted sunglasses. For we all knew if she looked into someone’s eyes directly she could absorb memories before becoming an exact copy of that person. Though animals were her favorite.

“Movie night anyone?” She asked us. I was intent to beat Makeshift so I didn’t respond. Neither did anyone else.

“Anyone for solitaire?” She sighed to herself before the alarm went off.

Our brave leader leaped up from the couch. I love the way he always changes his persona to our fearless leader, ready to attack anything.

He vigorously started to type on the T.V that turned into a computer.

“Warp” He said through clenched teeth. “Titans Go!”

Warp was currently trying to steal a rare almost extinct type of fossil from the Natural History museum.

“With this in the future I could make a killing!” He smiled.

“Think again” Makeshift said from the rafters where we were perched.

“Titans Go!”

“It’s about time” a laser rose up from Warps shoulder and fired a strange colored beam. It was heading for Makeshift but he morphed his arms into shields and deflected the attack and it cut a hole in the ceiling. Warp growled and fired another, but this one hit Klawz dead on, and ran her into a wall. She wasn’t having a good day.

“Klawz!” I yelled and rushed to her side. Makeshift, Midnight, and Illusion all attacked Warp and jailed him. Klawz rose from her stupor and held her head in the pain it took to hit the wall.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think that beam was defective, it didn’t do anything” She stated and we paid no heed.

Afterward we all went for pizza, though I did notice that Klawz was acting more immature then usual. She was flinging her pizza at us.

“Haha! Gotcha!” She exclaimed at Makeshift when a chuck of pizza hit him. We laughed the first 3 times, now it’s getting old and annoying.

“Klawz! Stop it!” He roared. She didn’t stop.

That night I was lying in my bed after writing in my diary when I heard a faint crying coming from next door. Rolling my eyes at my neighbor, Klawz, I tried to ignore it, excusing it as either her childish emotion or a night terror. But the crying continued. Desperately needing sleep I decided to investigate. Half asleep, I ventured into the hallway and to her door.

“Klawz? You ok?” The crying continued. Getting short tempered and agitated. I knocked harder. “Klawz are you alright” Still it persisted. I was starting to get a headache so I opened the door. To my horror there was a little baby, sitting on the bed, when I came to my senses I ran to Makeshift.

“MAKESHIFT!!!!!!!!” I pounded on his door.

“What I’m trying to sleep here,” He growled at me.

“Sorry, but we have a problem” I said, eyeing his shirtless chest and mask. I was nearly drooling.

“What kind?” he perked up.

“The 6 and a half pound, 17 inches type” I stated. He stared at me dumbfounded. I grabbed his hand and raced towards Klawz’s room.

“Inside” I said. And let go of his hand before he thought anything of it. He opened the door and we entered the room. There in the center of the bed there was a wolf pup wrestling the sheets. She saw us and shifted into her human form in her oversized shirt.

I picked her up in my arms. Makeshift was off in another world.

Our leader slowly came out of his stupor. Klawz was squirming in my arms trying to get to Makeshift. I handed her over and she climbed on him. Hugging his neck.

“Well, now what Shift-boy?” I asked.

“We get Midnight and Illusion,” He said and we raced to Midnight’s room.

“Midnight!” I banged on his door.

“What?” He answered half-awake. “Hey, you too finally got busy, congrats, now let me sleep” I turned a deep purple.

“WE DID NOT!!!” I yelled in his face.

“Well, that Klawz? I didn’t know she could shift into a baby, sweet, now goodnight” He closed his door. I banged it again.

“Alright, What do you want now?” He asked, more awake now. “Klawz can’t shift into a baby......DEAR MOTHER OF GOD!!!” Midnight nearly passed out.

“Thank you for cleaning out my ears” I said.

“Sorry, well, this is strange, odd, and strange, let’s get Illusion” Midnight added.

“Hey Livie, could you, I don’t know, take her, ow! Stop that you little brat.” Makeshift was having troubles of his own. I grabbed Klawz off of him and held her in my arms.

“Alright, let’s get Illusion and we’ll run some tests.” Midnight declared and we raced down the hall.

“Illusion!! Illusion wake up!!!” Makeshift pounded on the door. Illusion is an extremely heavy sleeper, as well as Makeshift, but she wasn’t budging. Midnight started to ram the door.

“WHAT??!!!! SOME PEOPLE ACTUALY SLEEP AT NIGHT HERE!!!!!” She answered her door.

“Well, if you would stop steaming we would give you a pretty damn good reason” Midnight reasoned.

“Fine, but it better be good” She crossed her arms.

“Is this proof enough?” I showed her Klawz, who was sleeping in my arms. Illusion’s eyes went wide,

“Is that-?” She stumbled.

“Yes” I responded, she nearly passed out.

“Let’s get her to the infirmary, and see what’s wrong” Midnight said and spun on his heals racing to the infirmary, his cloak trailing behind him.

I held Klawz in my arms as Midnight stuck those little black probie thingies on her. Immediately the machinery fired up with it’s clicks and blips, and showing all of Klawz’s vital signs, like heart rate, health, etc.

“Mmmmmmmhummmmmm” Midnight mmmmed, holding his chin.

“What’s the mmmmmmm for?” I asked. Midnight pulled up a small screen in the corner; there were three different colored lines, one blue, red, and green, all different widths.

“There” he pointed to the smallest green one.

“Very interesting, but if I want to see a bunch of lines I could go to any art museum” Illusion yawned. Midnight’s red eyes turned into slits.

“There” he pointed again. “Is her biological clock status, as you see it’s only about half an inch, where it should be 14 inches. What Warp shot her with was somehow able to shrink it or in figurative terms, turn back her biological clock.” Midnight concluded.

“So Warp did this” Makeshift added.

“Tell us something we don’t know” Illusion rolled her eyes.

“I will, there is no cure,” Midnight said, I blacked out.

“Livie, Livie, LIVIE!!!” Makeshift brings me to.

“I’m ok, but Midnight, did you say that there’s no cure?” I said, trying to convince myself this is all a dream.

“I did, so you two will need to brush up on your acting skills, she needs to grow up in a normal-as-possible environment,” He was looking at me and Makeshift, “You’re her parents now, she has no recollection of her past life, nor will she ever get it back until I get an antidote. So until then, have fun mommy and daddy” Makeshift and I passed out...


“What happened to the girl?” She asked me.

“Well, she’s out there, somewhere” I said looking out my window.

“But she didn’t live happily ever after?” The girl looked up at me with her bright blue eyes.


“She’s supposed to live in a giant castle, where’s the giant castle!”

“Ok, fine Klawz lived happily ever after in her oddly shaped castle with her parents, happy now?”

“I guess”

“Good, now go to sleep” I yawned, Catherine snuggled up close to me and drifted off fast,

“You told her” I heard a voice from the door. I turned to find Makeshift standing there, shirtless again, only in his pants and mask.

“Yeah, she’s too young to understand” I sighed and stroked her hair. “Will we ever get Klawz back?”

“Donno, Midnight said it’ll be a good while before he’ll get anything, I say we should get used to it.” He said and sat down on my bed.

“I miss Klawz”

“So do I,”

Makeshift snuggled close to me and we fell asleep.



End Chapter 1

Parenting of Doom

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 23, 2007


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