Downsizing without knowing it

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 22, 2007

A little respect can go a long way

Chapter 1
Downsizing without knowing it

Chapter Description: Not my first AR story, but I was bored when I wrote it. It's British written, what with being Scottish and all.

[center]You’re never too old to show respect[/center]

Another Halloween, another excuse to get drunk, get stoned and get laid with as many men as possible. Now that, Ann thought to herself, was her idea of a Halloween. No silly trick or treating for her, no doing childish things, not now she was a grown up who could whatever she wanted.

Her parents would say she had a lot of potential, if she stopped being a drone like everyone else her age. Not that Ann cared, being grown up was all about being as stupid as possible and leaving the responsibilities till she was in her 50s or older. Naive, very naive.

So another Halloween, time to get wasted and regret it all on her death bed years down the line. It’s amazing just how stupid the new generation of adults are.

Seeing as how it was Halloween, Ann was out shopping with two of her friends and their boyfriends. Ann wasn’t interested in ever having a long term relationship, her long term plans were to party, get rich quick and let others take care of her while having continuous one night stands. A fairly common mind set in today’s adults.

Her shopping plans were to find anything that would make even a corpse drool over her and she would look down her nose at all the of the kids who were excited about dressing up and going trick or treating. “Stupid kids” She would think to herself. “Halloween is for us adults, it’s for us to use to get totally wasted. You brats should be tucked up in bed asleep while the adults have fun” Her friends, though, didn’t share the same idea. They thought it was sweet and even their boyfriends were thinking of getting dressed.

Such children, dressing up went the way of the dinosaurs. True dressing up should be to make you into a sex toy for any man, or woman if your tastes are that way inclined, and to not have to think about what others see in you as long as they see you” She didn’t voice her opinions though, she thought herself more grown up than anyone else. She hated children and she hated the idea of doing anything childish, unless it was for sex. It was little wonder that her parents worried about her.

“Come on, this is for kids” Ann called out to her friends as they joked about previous Halloweens when they were children years ago.

“Oh lighten up, we were kids once and there’s nothing wrong with kids having fun. This is commercially made for kids after all, not adults” One of her friends, Janya, replies while examining a small, but very cute angel outfit.

“It should be for adults, kids are stupid and don’t know how to have fun” Ann said coldly.

“Kids may be stupid, but they’re only kids and to them everything is fun, it’s the only way they truly learn. Don’t be so cruel, hell maybe I’ll join in with my sister’s trick or treating. It might be baby sitting, but all those sweets sound great”

“Oh grow up! We’re adults now, why don’t you behave like one!”

“Adults should always learn how to have fun that doesn’t have to revolve around drinking, drugs and sex. It would get boring otherwise and if I were 12 years younger, I would look adorable in this outfit” Another friend, Loni, held up a teddy bear outfit that looked perfect for a four year old.

“Think they’ve got this in an adult size? This is just too cute too pass up” Ann rolls her eyes and turns away, she would find what she was looking for herself.

“See you all later, I’m going to look for something a lot more grown up” Ann mutters as she leaves the shop.

A little exploring later and Ann gives up finding anything of interest, there just wasn’t anything that said ’Major Sex Goddess’. Just the same old rubbish that she saw all the time, even owned.

So, frustrated, Ann decides to meet back up with her shopping companions and get something to eat.

Guess I better get creative and think of something, there must be something I’ve never done before” Deep in thought, Ann doesn’t see anyone in front of her until it’s too late.

“Watch where you’re going! Head in the clouds?” Ann looks to see a woman who can’t possibly be real, not with how beautiful she was. The woman was a little taller than Ann, her hair looked like it had a life of it’s own with it’s colour that seemed to be shifting from brown to black. Her eyes were dark and her features were just too perfect to be real, she was trim without being thin, her bust size made an almost infantile feeling come to Ann and the woman was just generally too perfect.

“Sorry, didn’t see you” Ann manages to reply, her voice seemed to sound small, she felt small.

“That’s quite clear. Manners, child” The woman snaps.

“Child? I’m no child, I’m 23 I’ll have you know!”

“23? What? Years or months? Just looking in your eyes tells me how immature you are” Ann’s blood begins to boil in anger, who was this woman to criticise her so much?

“I’m 23 years old, for your information. Who do you think you are?”

“Just a drop in the ocean, you though, you’re barely a drop. You should grow up and stop behaving in such foolish ways. Children are more mature than you are, at least they don’t go causing hurt, not intentionally anyway. Perhaps that’s what you need, child, to start over and learn to be more grown up as you become an adult again. Yes, that is what you need, and that’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to be cut down to size and you’ll grow up all over again and hopefully learn from your behaviour. Now let’s see, how far down do you need to go? Hmm...”

“You’re crazy and you’ve got no right to insult me”

“I’ve got every right if you refuse to see what you’ve become and what you’ll continue to become if you don’t grow up. Now hush, child, I’ve got the perfect idea for your downsizing and it will start from right now. By tomorrow night, after Halloween is over, you’ll be quite downsized. Now then, child, have a nice Halloween. Have a very nice Halloween” Ann rolls a hand into a fist and lashes out, only to connect with air.

“Get back here, coward! You threaten and insult and then you run away? Coward!”

“The only coward is you, child, a coward for not being a true adult” The voice fades away as quickly as it had appeared and Ann finds herself back in the main street. Her memory seemed a little hazy and everything that had just happened seemed to be dreamlike.

“Must have been one hell of a kick, probably nothing” Shaking the thoughts from her memory, Ann finds her friends in a clothes shop, the memory of the woman already gone.


The rest of the day passed and Ann decided to go shopping again tomorrow, in case there was anything to actually find. Yet something felt off and she couldn’t place it.

“See you all tomorrow, we’re going to have a wild Halloween” Ann called out to her friends as she went inside, after all she was 18 and her parents had asked that she be back early because of all the problems she was having with the police and the curfew they had placed on her. Her friends were older than her and she wished she were in her 20s like they were, they seemed so much wiser than her.

As she went inside, she could hear the TV in the living room and smell that supper was ready.

“Just in time, young lady. I hope you weren’t getting into any trouble again” Her dad calls out to her.

“No trouble, dad, just meeting up with my friends”

“You should meet friends of your own age, not that they’re any better”

“Everyone else my own age are all idiots”

“So are you, with the way you behave”

“Shut up”

“Don’t tell me to shut up, young lady, when I was your age I was being responsible”

“Yeah, all parties and weed. Real mature”

“It was then”

“Just as it is now, only more so, it gives you status”

“Status doesn’t get you a job, nor does it get you happiness”

“It gets you noticed”

“When you’re older, you’ll find that being noticed isn’t enough, same with throwing away your life for pointless ideals”

“Yeah, yeah”

Tuning her dad out, Ann goes through to the kitchen to find her mum yawning at the table. Her mum worked long hours at one of the main supermarkets in the city and she was always worn out.

“Hi, what’s for sup?”

“No idea, just got back. Your dad was bored, so he cooked. Food’s in the micro, just needs a little heating up” Ann heats up her food and sits down next to her mum, the food was good, but not exactly what she wanted.

“Not long to go till you’re working like I am”

“Maybe, I’m not thinking about it though, I’m almost 18. I should be partying”

“Not worth it, dear, really. It all sounds like fun, but you soon come to regret being so stupid when your future is more important. What will you be doing for Halloween tomorrow?”

“Don’t know yet”

“Well I’m sure you’ll think of something, maybe you and your dad or you and me could go trick or treating together”

“Oh mum, I’m too old for that!”

“You’re never too old, sweetie. When you’re my age, you’ll wish you were younger”

“That’s a long way away”

“It seems that way now, but it isn’t that far off. One day you’ll be married with kids and hardly finding time for yourself and you’ll wonder where all the time went”

“I’m not likely to get married and I don’t ever want to have kids. I want to party and die young”

“Be careful what you wish for, dear” Her mum gets up from the table and heads upstairs to have a bath.

Bedtime soon came around and Ann snuggled down into her covers, 13 and she still loved to feel such comfort and softness, it made her feel very young again and she liked it.

“Sweet dreams, angel. No matter what you say, you’ll always be my little nappy bum” Her mum says to her after they had had a girl chat about Ann’s growing into a young woman.

“Mum, I’m 13, I’m too old for that”

“Perhaps, but I still see you as that little bundle of joy that would suckle from me, giggle in delight when she was tickled, fall sleep in my arms when her bottom was patted. I’ll always see you in that way, even when you’re a parent yourself years from now”

“Mum! Stop embarrassing me!” Her mum chuckles, her memories of her daughter when she had been learning to walk.

“Nothing wrong with that. Sweet dreams”

“Night, mum” Her mum closes the door and Ann finds herself falling asleep quite suddenly, her thoughts on what it would be like to be 13 soon.


With a yelp of excitement, Ann wakes up and her 8 year old body jumps out of bed and lands on the floor with a thud.

“Yay! Halloween!” She cries out happily as her young mind thinks of all the things she would be doing, trick or treating, dressing up, all those sweets! Not even bothering to get dressed, Ann runs downstairs in her pjs and into the kitchen.

“Well good morning, sweetie, and happy Halloween” Her mum says to her, sitting at the table getting ready to go to work.

“Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait!” Ann replies as she sits down and pours herself a bowl of heavily sugared cereal.

“I should be able to take you trick or treating tonight, your outfit is ready”

“Yay! Thanks mum! This is going to be the best Halloween ever!” After breakfast Ann runs upstairs to look at her Halloween costume and think of all the sweets she was likely to get. In all her almost 8 years of life, Ann has always loved Halloween just for the sweets.

Her outfit is laid out on her parent’s bed, a very cute looking angel outfit with gold and silver streaks and adorable wings and a really cute halo.

“Mine, all mine. I’m going to be the best angel!” She couldn’t wait, she really couldn’t.

Night soon came around and 5 year old Ann was practically jumping with excitement.

“Hold on, sweetie, almost ready. There we go. Now then, ready to be my little angel?” Her mum asks her.

“Yes mummy! I’m ready” Ann holds up her hand and her mum takes it, she couldn’t wait!

The takings were good and Ann, almost 5, couldn’t wait till start eating all the sweets she had been given. All the other kids had really great costumes and the older kids looked bored, they were so big, Ann wondered what it would be like to be so big.

“Mummy, I’m sleepy now”

“Are you sure? All done?”

“Yes, mummy, all done”

“Then let’s go home and you can have a few of your sweets, can’t let you have too many, your little tummy might get sick”

“Yeth mummy, up?” Ann holds up her arms and her mum picks her up, gently holding her. 4 year old Ann snuggled against the warmth of her mum and almost fell asleep, but she wanted to stay awake a little longer, just so she could have a sweet.

“I think you’ll need to go back to nappies when we get back home, sweetie. Your training nappy is really wet”

“Sowwy mummy, me big girl!”

“Yes sweetie, you are, but big girls don’t wet themselves”

“Sowwy” Almost 4 years old and she had to go back to nappies, oh well, at least they were so comfy.

They got back home a short while later and Ann’s mum changed almost 3 year old Ann’s nappy before tucking her in for the night and reading her a bedtime story. After the story, Ann began to fall asleep fast. As she fell asleep, she wondered if she could wear nappies when she was older, they were so comfy and cosy. Without even thinking about it, Ann hugs her favourite soft toy and sticks her thumb in her mouth. Ann loved her mummy so much and she knew her mummy would keep her safe.


Next morning Ann woke up and gurgled happily, her tiny hands trying to reach up to the baby mobile above her crib. Her nappy was full and needed changing, so after a few seconds of realising that, Ann cries and her mother comes through to Ann’s room.

“Shh, shh, there there, my little nappy bum, mummy’s here now” Picking Ann up from her crib, her mum comforts her before changing her nappy and bathing her.

“Mummy’s little angel had a very nice Halloween, didn’t you sweetie? When you’re all grown up, you’ll have a lot of fun Halloweens” Ann babbles in reply as her mum bathes her and afterwards, with a new nappy on and dressed in a cute pink dress, she whimpers a little bit in hunger and her mum smiles.

“Milk time, angel. Here we go” Slipping away a bit of the pj top, her mum holds Ann to a breast and supports her head. Ann’s tiny mouth slips around the nipple and she suckles contently, completely at peace at the very tender age of six months old.


Now then, anyone else needing a little downsizing? Just because we all grow up doesn’t mean we have to be grown up. Right? No? Alright, then you’re next.



End Chapter 1

Downsizing without knowing it

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 22, 2007


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