Buying Diapers

by: pcouche | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 21, 2007

Chapter 2
Buying Diapers

Chapter Description: Chapters 11 - 14 Kenny begins towet the bed. Lisa and Dennis try to retrieve her little brothers Pampers. Chaos ensues.

Well, here is the next installment. I hope someone is enjoying

this. The rest of you, move along...

I will post the pics I started to go along with the story soon. I

only have pics for the first dozen chapters though. They’re not great,

so if you don’t see them, you probably haven’t missed much, but I like


Buying Diapers

Chapter 11 - School’s out

Lisa was waiting as Dennis exited his classroom. They kissed

passionately, but when they broke apart he could see that Lisa

looked agitated. "Dennis. I think my mom knows I was involved with

taking those diapers. If she finds out it was me, she will put me on

restriction for at least a month! And that means no visiting after

school and no Homecoming Dance! I don’t know what to do!" Lisa


Dennis put his arm around her comfortingly. "Relax, baby! All we got

to do is pick up another bag of diapers and slip it into the house.

She’ll never know!"

He really didn’t understand what the big deal was. It was just some

diapers. Who the hell cared?

"But my mom took away my allowance! I won’t get it back for at least

two weeks and by then it will be too late." She moaned.

Dennis figured he had about twenty-three bucks left, but he was

planning on buying the new Topps baseball cards that just came out.

There were some rookie cards in there that could be valuable some

day. No way was he gonna waste the money buying diapers! Dennis held

up his hands in a helpless gesture. "Hey, I’m broke too." He lied.

"I put my last five dollars into my gas tank."

Lisa whined, "I just wish we could just get those diapers back." She

knew that it was her fault, letting Ken steal those diapers to begin

with, but there seemd no way out.

Not wanting to disappoint Lisa, Dennis thought for a moment, trying

to figure a way out of this without spending his own money. There

was no way they could steal them. Imagine if they got caught

stealing diapers! Not only would they get busted, but people would

want to know why they were stealing such a babyish item! Either way,

they would look stupid for buying the diapers, or they would have to

admit what they did to Randy(which meant REAL trouble for both of

them!), or people might assume that one of them needed to wear the

diapers, maybe even that one of them was the ’Diaper Kid’ on the

tape! No. They would have to find a way of getting a bag of Pampers,

exactly like the one’s in Randy’s room...

That was it! Randy didn’t really need them and he sure couldn’t

complain that someone took them! But, he still didn’t want anyone

seeing him carrying around a bag of pampers. Hmmm... "I got it! We

could get the pictures off Ken’s camera and trade them to him for

the bag of diapers. Kinda Like a hostage exchange." Dennis certainly

knew better than to tell her he had copies in his pocket. He would

just pretend that he stole the originals from Ken. It would be easy.

"I don’t know, Dennis." Lisa said, looking uncomfortable. "Isn’t

that like blackmail?"

He shook his head. "Nah. It’s more like a mutual benefit. He gets

the pictures, so no one finds out his secret, and we get those

diapers back so you don’t get into trouble and we can still see each

other. It’s what my history teacher calls a ’win-win’ situaton. That

way everybody’s happy."

Lisa couldn’t think of another solution. She didn’t think it was

right, but at least they would get the diapers back. She reluctantly

agreed. "Well, all right. I guess. But, Please, don’t do anything to

emabarrass him anymore, OK?"

Dennis grinned in response. "Relax, babe. I’ll be very delicate. I

won’t hurt the little bedwetter’s feelings!"


Randy left his last class of the day feeling scared and yet somehow

relieved. He hadn’t been bullied that much today. It seems everyone

was still speculationg over who might be the voices on the tape. And

miraculously, no one had accused him of being ’the diaper kid’. He

hated that name.

Somehow, whoever had recorded him last night had edited the tape so

that it sounded like he actually wore diapers! He imagined catching

them and pulling out his magic wand, just like Harry Potter. Then he

would cast a spell on them to turn them into a toad or a ferret! He

shuffled through the quad.


Kenny sat crouching, peering over the roof gutters and down into the

quad. From his rooftop vantage, he could see Randy walking

dejectedly towards his locker. He only had one shot. Even if he had

another condom/water balloon, he wouldn’t have time to take a second

shot. Not without risking getting caught by a teacher, anyhow. Plus,

if he missed his target, it would spoil the ’ joke’.

Kenny aimed and threw. Bulls-eye! Right on the the front of his

crotch! He stayed around just long enough to see the condom burst

open and drench the little punk’s pants, before crawling away from

the roof’s edge so as not to be seen. "Payback’s a bitch!" He

sniggered as he climbed down the rain gutter on the other side of

the building. He paused a moment and lit up a cigarette. Ken wished

he could pick up some more, but he still had to deal with his bed.

He’d just have to get some tomorrow. Ever since he got caught

stealing them from the 7-11, he had to pay homeless guys to buy them for

him. It was such a drag and they cost more than what they regularly

cost that way. He finished his cigarette and headed for the bus



It happened so fast that Randy was staring at his cold, wet pants

for a full second before he realized what had happened. Someone had

hit him with a water ballon! To make matters worse, they had hit him

in the worst possible spot. It looked like he had peed his pants!

The laughter from the students in the quad area was loud and harsh

in his ears. He looked around for his assailant wildly. The laughing

and pointing continued. Randy ran for the nearest bathroom at top


Randy rushed into the first stall and slammed the door. His breath

was coming in sharp, ragged gasps. ’Oh God, no!’ It couldn’t have been a

coincidence. Whoever this sick and twisted person was, they were out

to get him! He had been a favorite target for water balloons in the

past because he was slower than many of the other kids, he knew. But

he was sure whoever had thrown it, had aimed deliberately at his

crotch. He knew he would have to hide untill the school

emptied before he could show his face. He closed the lid on the toilet,

sat down and sobbed into his hands.

By the time the janitor started locking up the bathrooms at four

o’clock, Randy’s pants were dry. He quickly left. Owing to the less than

sanitary nature of teen boy’s bathrooms, he failed to notice until then

that agood deal of the urine smell was actually coming from his recently

’water’-ballooned pants. On top of that, he had missed the bus! He

slinked home wondering if everyone in the whole school knows what had

happened. Now, everyone would think that he was the ’diaper kid’ for


Two blocks from school, Randy spots one of his friends from the

chess club; Gerrold, the chess-club captain.

Gerrold spotted Randy walked over. "Hey Randy. I heard about that water

balloon in the quad. I guess someone was trying to make out that you are

the ’diaper boy’ that everyone is talking about."

Randy winced at the name, and then hid his face. Gerrold had no idea how

close to the truth he was.

Eddie saw that this information startled and scared Randy, so he

added, "Don’t worry. Everyone knows it was a water-balloon. I mean,

you’re the smartest kid in your class. No one really thinks you wet

your pants. It was probably that bully, Kenny, or one of those other

idiots. They think that kind of stuff is funny. What a bunch of


While Randy didn’t think it was very funny, he is relieved to know

that no one believed he had wet himself. Which he is sure his

tormetor had intended people to think. He mumbled, "I gotta go now.

Lots of homework. See you later." and started walking again,

thinking ’At least the day can’t get any worse.’


Lisa and Dennis were parked in front of her house. She had calmed

down a little with the promise that Dennis would get the diapers back

tomorrow, then Lisa could sneak them back in. When she asked about

the fact that the package had been opened, Dennis shrugged and replied

that Lisa should tell her mom that she had found them and used one to

change her brother.

Lisa was doubtful, but she also didn’t see any other alternative. They

kissed goodbye, but Lisa’s heart wasn’t in it and she shrugged off his

attempts to feel-up her breasts. She got out of the car and watched

him drive away, wondering how she would ever get out of this mess.

The drive to Ken’s house is short. When Dennis arrives, he is

surprised to see that Ken’s mom’s car is parked in the driveway.

’Damn! I’ll have to sneak around back and hop the fence. Well, at

least no one is home next door.’ There is no car out in front of

Randy’s house. And he knows the school bus will take another ten

minutes to get there, at least.

Being as quiet as possible, he opened the side gate and let himself

around back. He climbed the fence and into Randy’s window without

the help of the ladder. There was no way to get it without Ken’s mom

seeing him, anyway.

On the way there, Randy realized he could just sneak in and quickly

remove the diapers before anyone got home. That way he wouldn’t have

to deal with writing a letter and arranging for an exchange of the

pictures. It was much less risky that way. Searching Randy’s closet,

Dennis sees that his mom has bought him more GoodNites. ’Geez, what

a dork!’ Dennis thinks. ’He can’t even go one night without wearing

his damn Pull-Ups.’ Dennis searches Randy’s entire room and doesn’t

find the diapers anywhere. "Now what?" He mutters. He didn’t have

time to search the whole damn house and maybe get caught and be

arrested for breaking and entering. Or burglary. ’I guess I’ll have

to write that note after all.’

Finding a pencil and three-ring binder on Randy’s dresser, Randy

paused for a moment. What should he say? He had to do this

anonymously, he knew. Maybe he could write it like a ransom note. He

had seen lots of those kind of things on TV. He wrote in block

letters to disguise his handwriting and after he finished, he reread

it to make sure there was no way to identify him as the author.

Satisfied, he placed it on the bed and quickly left, climbing the

fence and left through Ken’s yard, so anyone seeing him would never

suspect he had ever been in Randy’s house. Dennis drove off, confident

that Randy would have to return the Pampers and that Lisa will be so

grateful she might even let him get to third base!

Chapter 12 - The Discovery

Linda returned from her psychologist appointment, feeling somewhat

better about herself, but still unsure about how to handle her

increasingly unruly son. If only Stephen, Ken’s father, would show

an interest in helping. The only things he showed interest in these

days was his new ’secretary’ and his sports car. He barely

acknowledged their son existed outside of his semi-annual visits.

Ken needed a man’s influence, she knew. Someone to give him


She sighed. Stephen wouldn’t even consider taking him for the

summer. She had tried so hard to convince him. She really needed

some time to herself and maybe to start dating, she thought

wistfully. But all he said was, he was too busy. Too busy for his

own son! She knew Stephen didn’t want his son to cramp his style

with that new twenty-something tramp of his. And a very young

twenty-something at that. She probably needed him to buy her

alcohol. Damn him!

She fixed herself a drink, and put her laundry into the machine.

’Where is Ken’s laundry basket?’ She wondered as she passed through

the kitchen. Looking down, she caught a glimpse of her note lying on

the floor. ’Great. He probably didn’t even read it.’ Sighing again,

she headed upstairs to gather his laundry together. She usually

stayed out of his room to give him the privacy a teenage boy needed,

and she was sure he would yell and complain when he found out she

had been in his room, but at least the laundry would be done in time

for her soaps. Since the divorce and starting at this new company,

she rarely had time to watch them anymore. Opening the door to his

room, she was hit by the odor of stale urine. "What the hell? "It

smells like an outhouse in here!" She said aloud.

Looking around she noticed his bed covers were slightly damp as if

he had... moving towards the bed she also noticed that the sheets

were missing. She pulled back the covers, thinking, ’This can’t be

happening.’ She stared at the stained mattress in disbelief. Linda

could hardly make sense of it. Ken was sixteen! He hadn’t wet the

bed since he was four. "What the hell is going on here?" She

muttered. She searched his laundry basket for the wet sheets, but

did not find them. Looking around the room and checking the closet

produced no better results. ’He must be hiding the wet bedding so he

can wash it before I find out.’ she mused.

Linda knew Ken would be very embarrassed if he knew she had discovered

his accident, yet she felt compelled to help him.

She decided to put everything back and let Ken deal with it. After

all, she reasoned, it was a one-time accident. She would put the room

back the way it was and pretend nothing out of the ordinary had

happened. She quickly put the blanket and laundry basket back, then

gently closed the door.

Downstairs, Linda thought some more about the situation. ’I’ll have

to check tomorrow and make sure it was only last night. Perhaps I

should tell Dr. Vernon (her psychologist) about this?’ She quickly

went about the rest of her household chores: dishes, the rest of her

laundry, and vaccuuming. Lastly, she took out the garbage.

It was Ken’s job to take out the garbage, but as usual he had put it

off untill it was so full it was spiliing over. She removed the lid

and started to put the trash bag in, but suddenly stopped. There were

the sheets! He had thrown them in the trash rather than wash them.

That must mean he is planning on buying new ones to hide his

accident. Linda also noticed the can was more full than it should

be. Curious as to what else he had thrown away, she pulled out the

wet sheets and gasped! A package of GoodNites! Furthermore, it was

opened and clearly several had been removed. And used! Two wet

Pull-Ups were lying on top of the opened package. How long has this

been going on? Linda’s mind raced. This was certainly more than a

one-night occurence. This changes everything. Ken would have to see

the psychologist now. Perhaps a medical doctor, too! Wetting the bed

and wearing Pull-Ups was NOT a normal thing for a sixteen year-old

to do. Meanwhile she would do his laundry and not mention it. She

turned to go in and call the doctor for the next available


Suddenly, Linda noticed a strange man standing next to her. He was

wearing a black leather overcoat and wide-brimmed leather hat. How

did he get there without her noticing? The man looked up at her as

she tried to conceal the GoodNites and wet sheets in the can.

’Great. Now what?’ She thought, while trying to preserve her son’s

dignity(and hers! A sixteen year old bedwetter! What would her

friends think?).

The man held a small metal box in his left hand. He smiled as he

closed the distance to her as if he were an old friend, reaching out

to shake her hand. "How do you do Mrs. Haskins? My name is Jeremy."

Linda held out her hand in automatic response and was about to

answer when he grabbed her right hand and touched a small object to

her wrist. She tried to pull back but felt a mild shock and then

stood rock still. Her volition gone, she stood rooted to the spot.

The oddly dressed man looked at her. "I won’t keep you long. You’ve

got to deal with your son’s bedwetting problem."

Linda couldn’t speak, couldn’t move at all. How did this man know

about Ken’s ’accidents’? What was going on here?

"Relax. This will only take a couple of seconds. Just a minor

attitude adjustment. Now. From this point on, your son must wear a

GoodNite to bed to deal with his bedwetting. It is the only

solution. All bedwetters need a plastic sheet and have to wear

GoodNites, though, I want you to call them ’Pull-Ups’. There

is a bedwetting calendar in his package of GoodNites. Put it on the

wall and make him record every wetting accident he has. It will help

him stay dry. It is the only sensible way. There is no need to call

a doctor. You know how to handle this situation. Now you will forget

that I was here. You will remember my words though, and you will

believe they are your own thoughts on dealing with your bedwetting

son." The strange man clicked off the device and walked away, whistling

a merry tune.

Linda looked around, confused. Why had she stopped in her driveway?

She had things to do. Linda put the used Pull-ups inside the package

and grabbed the wet sheets, taking them into the house. ’He must

have bought these Pull-Ups recently, he’s only used a few. I guess

I’ll have to do the laundry and make his bed before he gets home,

that way it will be less embarassing for him to talk about. He has

to wear these Pull-Ups every night. I’ll have to get a plastic

sheet for the bed, too. These "GoodNites" certainly don’t look

absorbant enough to keep his bed dry last night. All bedwetters, no

matter how old, should have a plastic sheet on their bed to protect their mattress. And wear their Pull-Ups.’

Linda quickly put the sheets and his blanket into the washing

machine and left the package of GoodNites in Ken’s room. She decided

to take down the swimsuit posters as well. No child who wet the bed

should have that kind of imagery on their wall, she felt. She should

put up something to help remind him to stay dry, instead. Linda decided

not to call the doctor after all. She knew how to deal with a bedwetter.

Linda grabbed her keys and headed to Wal-Mart. She had some shopping to do.


When she returned, Linda finished washing Ken’s sheets and drying

the mattress. She then put the new plastic sheet on the bed.

Pausing, she looked over at the package of GoodNites on his table

and decided to inspect them more closely. Removing the wet

undergarments from the package, she saw a folded paper inside. She

removed it and opened it up. On one side were instructions on how to

wear "Pull-Ups brand GoodNites". The other side was a colorful

poster-sized calendar. It said "GoodNites Dry nights(tm) Calendar"

and showed how to mark the calendar with colored ’x’s and ’o’s to

indicate wet and dry nights. There were no dates on it, just the

days of the week. A generic calendar. Hmm. What a great idea! I

really should put this up and make sure he uses it. It will help him

stay dry if he can see how often he wets the bed and how often he is

dry. The poster, the Pull-Ups and the plastic sheets. It really was

the only solution for a sixteen year old bedwetter.

chapter 13 - homecomings

Ken got on the number 97 bus and sat down. He had to get those

sheets first and clean up the mess before his mom got home. She

usually got home around five on Wednesdays, so he had about two

hours. First stop: Wal-Mart. It was in the opposite direction of

home, so he had to hurry. When the bus came to a halt, he got off

promptly. No point in wastng time. His mom might get home early. He

shuddered at the thought. He’d better make this quick.

He still didn’t know how Randy had gotten in and poured piss in his

bed, all without even waking him. Maybe Randy had put his hand in

warm water or something? Probably. No way would that little

bedwetter have the guts to actually piss in Ken’s bed while he was

sleeping in it. Not that it mattered. His mom wouldn’t believe him

anyway. Even if she did, she would just go talk to Randy’s mom and

then she would find out why Randy had done it. That would be worse.

She had taken the belt to him in the past. How embarrassing (not to

mention painful) would it be for her to do it now that he was

sixteen. He wouldn’t let her do it again, though. He was a grown

man! Had he been paying more attention to his surroundings he

wouldn’t have missed two soon-to-be-important facts: 1. His mother’s

car had just pulled out of the large box store’s parking lot and 2.

The very casuallly dressed man following him around the store.

He kept an eye out for anyone he knew that would be there. He didn’t

want someone from school asking him what he was there for. Spotting

the sheets he wanted proved no trouble at all. He looked at the

price and was shocked. Over $20.00! He didn’t have that much. Well,

time for the old five finger discount. Looking around, he spotted

only one other customer in the aisle. The man seemed intent on

buying pillows or something and was reading the price signs

carefully. Ken turned quickly away from him and tucked the package

under his t-shirt. He did not notice the man glance up as he turned

away, nor did he notice the man speak into a two-way radio that

appeared from his pocket.

Ken turned around, attempting to look casual as he headed for the

exit. No one he saw seemed to pay him any attention. As he

approached the automatic doors, though, a man called out. "Stop

thief!" It was the man Ken thought was buying pillows! He must be an

undercover cop! Ken ran.

Two men in security uniforms stood outside the door, arms folded.

Ken knew if he were caught, not only would he go to Juvie for sure,

but his mom would find out about the wet bed!

He yelled "Fire! There’s a fire in Electronics!" at the top of his

lungs and shoved through the panicked customers headed for the exit.

It worked! The guards were overwhelmed with people fleeing the

store, many with unpaid packages still in hand. He dashed around the

corner of the building, before anyone could spot him in the crowd.

He ran towards the street and got on the arriving bus. Perfect

timing. In ten minutes he would be home. He sat back to enjoy the

rush. He’d gotten away clean. No one would ever know. Across from

him on the bus, a man in a full-length black leather jacket and

wide-brimmed hat, sat smiling, looking in Ken’s direction. He held

something on his lap. The man made eye contact with Ken and leaned

forward in his seat as if to talk with him. Ken averted his eyes not

wanting to talk to some old fag who was probably trying to hit on


"I hope you try to keep those dry." The man chuckled, indicating the

packaged sheets that were now under his arm.

Ken started. "W- What?" He asked, looking around as if this were

some nightmare. Did he really just say that? How could he know? Who

was this guy, anyway? Had he been followed from the store?

The man got up and moved closer, sitting down next to him. "You

heard me. Those bed sheets." His voice was still loud enough for

other passengers to hear. Suddenly he leaned in and pressed

something that felt cold and metallic against his arm. *Buzzzzz*

The retort Ken had been trying to get out was instantly cut off. His

head went numb, and his body wouldn’t move. Ken sat still as a

statue, unable to do or say anything. ’What’s going on? What

happened? Did this guy drug me?’

"No, Ken I didn’t drug you.", he whispered close to Ken’s ear. I

just have to make sure you understand your new role in life. As a

lifelong bedwetter."

Ken struggled to free himself from whatever was happening to him,

but to no avail. ’How does he know my name? How does he know what

the sheets are for? Lifelong bedwetter? It only happened once! And,

anyways it wasn’t me. Someone set me up! What’s going on?’

The man leaned in as if the boy had mumbled a response and chuckled.

Then in a stage whisper, he replied "Only once, huh? How many times

have I heard that? No, Kenny-wenny you wet your bed every night,

isn’t that right?"

Ken tried to figure out what was going on. What does he mean? What

did he just call me!? I’ll kick his faggy lttle ass! But even as he

was thinking this his head slowly bobbed up and down, "Yes, I wet

the bed every night." He replied in a (very) audible voice. He heard

himself confirm to a whole busload of people that he wets his bed.

Ken immediately tried to deny it "NO, I don’t you stupid fag! Now

stop touching me there. I am gonna call the cops!" is what he wanted

to say. But he couldn’t! He couldn’t do anything but sit there,

stupidly agreeing with this freak! Damn him! What was going on?

The man lowered his voice. "I’ll keep this short. I have other jobs

today. You will wet your bed every night for the rest of your life.

You can’t help it. As soon as you fall asleep you will lose all

bladder control. You will have no idea why or when you wet at night.

You must do whatever your mother tells you to do or does or tells

you needs to be done to deal with your accidents. It doesn’t matter if

you don’t want to do it. Your mom is in charge of dealing with your

wetting problem. Whatever your mom tells you to do for this problem,

no matter how embarrassing, you will have to do it. No matter how

much you struggle and don’t want to. "

The leather clad man straightened up. "Well, this is my stop, so I

want you to forget you saw me. You will not remember me or this

little chat we just had. But your life will never be the same. You

will be a bedwetter for the rest of your life. Whatever your mother

tells you to do for your new problems, you must do, no matter how much

you hate it. You may not do anything to stop her. Bye now." The man

lifted the metal box off Ken’s arm and stepped off the bus.

Ken looked forward unseeingly and waited for his stop, having no

idea of his new future. He had to get home before his mom.

Soon, Ken started to feel a little uncomfortable on the bus.

Everyone seemed to be staring at him. At first he was worried that

someone from the store had gotten on or the people on the bus

somehow knew he had just stolen the sheets, but no. They were

smiling and some of the younger kids were even pointing and

giggling! He hastily checked to see if his fly was undone. Finding

that OK, he checked over his entire body. No. Everything was fine.

Then he froze. He could swear one of the kids pointing at him had

just murmured "bedwetter". What the hell is going on? ’Nah’, he

thought. ’I must have misheard him. There’s no way anyone could know

what happened last night. No way.’

Just the same, he got off at the next stop. It was only one before

his stop anyway. He would walk the rest of the way, he decided. He

had plenty of time. He lit up another smoke, then shoved the sheet

set backunder his t-shirt, just in case. Maybe he was just being

paranoid, but he didn’t want anyone seeing him walking home with a

new set of bedsheets tucked under his arm. They might get the wrong


chapter 13.5 a living nightmare

Ken quickly walked the four blocks to his house. As he turned on to

his street, he spotted his mom’s car in the driveway and stopped,

his heart suddenly racing. "Oh shit!" She was home already! How was

he going to clean up before she found out? He would have to sneak

the sheets in without her finding out. Maybe if he went around back

and put the sheets under his window, then he could get them when he

was inside. That would work. Then he could offer to do laundry for

his mom. Say she looked tired or something. Steeling himself, he

snuck around back and placed the sheet under his window and

remembering the microphone, he scaled the fence and tore the tape

down off the window. He put the microphone in the garage, just in

case his mom noticed it and asked questions. Then he crept back

around front.

Whistling as nonchantly as possible, he walked into the house. "Hi

mom. I’m home." He saw her sitting in her chair watching her soaps.

Good. Now, just go upstairs and put the clean sheets on the bed and

wash the blankets before she found out. He swept through the kitchen

towards his bedroom.

"Ken, come in here." She said without turning around. "We need to


Ken kept walking toward his room. "In a minute. I gotta do something

first, mom. It’s umm.. for schoool." Ken quickly opened the door to

his room and stopped dead. The Goodnites! They were on the table!

There was a bedwetting calendar on the wall, just like the one in

Randy’s room. It even had a red ’x’ marked on it for yesterday. His

bed was stripped and there was a plastic sheet on it. You could still

see the yellow urine stains underneath!

Ken went into shock. ’No. No. This can’t be happening! It’s a dream.

A nightmare! How could she have found out?’

Linda walked in behind him and went to the table. She picked up the

package of GoodNites and looked at Ken as he stood there frozen. Not

knowing where to start, she said in a firm but loving tone, "Ken, I

need to know how long this has been going on. "

Ken decided the best thing to do was get out of there. Now! He

turned to leave.

Linda, seeing him try to run away from the problem and knowing there

was little she could do to stop him, spoke sternly, "Stop right

there young man. You need to stay here and help me deal with this

problem right now!"

Amazingly, Ken did stop. He turned around slowly, all the time

willing his body to turn back and get the hell out of here. He just

couldn’t. He didn’t know what to do, so he stared at the floor,

avoiding his mother’s gaze.

"Kenneth Haskins, answer me!" His mother commanded, surprised that

he had not just fled while saying something rude, as she had more

than half-expected.

"What do you mean? What the hell is going on?" Ken asked, pretending

ignorance. Maybe he could convince her one of his friends played a

joke on him.

"And what the fuck did you do to my room?! What are those for?" he

asked. indicating the package in her hand.

"You watch your mouth! And you know perfectly well what these are

for, young man. They are yours. I found them in the garbage. The

package was open, and two of them were uhh... ’soiled’, so I know

you were using them."

"Mom, I don’t know what you are talking about! Those are Pull-Ups.

Why would I wear them? And why is there a stain and a plastic sheet

on my mattress?" Ken was starting to sweat profusely. He didn’t know

how he was going to get out of this. ’Think! Think!’

Linda sighed and then adopted a firmer tone, "Kenneth, I don’t want

to play games with you. I know you’ve been wetting the bed, and for some

time now, by the looks of it. There are multiple stains on the bed,

which explains why you have been trying to keep me out of your room

lately. I found your wet sheets in the trash can. What I don’t

understand is why you threw away these Pull-Ups last night? Did you

put them on wrong? Did they leak? It’s OK, honey you can tell me. I

promise I won’t tell a soul." She finished, soothingly.

Ken knew he had to head this conversation off right now! "Mom, It’s

not what you think. I didn’t wet the bed. Someone else did this."

His mom arched her eyebrows and looked disbelievingly at him. "No,

really! One of my friends must have played a practical joke on me!

And I never saw those Goodnites before."

"You know I can just ask my friend Joe Barston down at the police

lab to check this package for fingerprints don’t you? Yours are on

record, from that ’cigarette incident’ a year ago at the convenience

store. I bet they could even do a DNA test to see whose urine is in

them. What do you suppose would happen when the newspapers found out

what the police were testing? The press loves that kind of stuff.

And whose urine would they find in these wet Pull-Ups?" she asked,

holding them up in front to his face.

Ken felt cornered and tried a new approach. "They’re not ’Pull-Ups’,

mom. They’re GoodNites. And I never wore them.. I uhh... got them as

a practical joke for someone else. That’s all."

"You seem to know a lot about these ’GoodNites’ for someone who

doesn’t use them." His mom retorted. "And if you never used them,

how did they get wet?"

Ken gulped. "I uhh... just peed in them because..." His voice died

off. He realized how dumb it sounded.

"Kenneth Haskins! Just how stupid do you think I am? I’ve had enough

lies! Do you realize how ridiculous this is? Someone else wet your

bed? You didn’t wear these ’GoodNites’ or ’Pull-Ups’ or whatever,

you just peed in them? You bought these things as a joke? Ken, you

are old enough to know better! Untill this bedwetting stops, you

will wear one of your Pull-Ups to bed every night, and that’s final!

As they don’t seem to be absorbant enough, or you were unable to

put them on correctly, you will also be sleeping with a plastic sheet

on your bed. Have I made myself clear?"

"Mom, I swear, they’re not mine! I never wet the bed before last

ni..." He started.

She looked triumphantly at him. "Well now, at least we’re getting

closer to the truth! You admit it was you who wet the bed last

night. The next step is to admit you’ve been wetting your bed for

some time and have been wearing these ’GoodNites’... The first step

to fixing this problem is to admit it. Now say it!"

No way. There was no way he would say that. Not in a million years!

Yet, even as he thought this, he DID say it. In a hoarse whisper he

said, "I have been wetting my bed and wearing these GoodNites."

Linda relaxed a little. She had been worried that Ken might get

violent like he usually did when he was cornered. Now that the hard

part was over, her voice and face softened a little bit. "Well, from

the looks of things, I would guess that you have been wearing these

things for two days and wetting the bed about two weeks. Isn’t that

right?" She said, eyeing him and nodding a little to encourage the

correct answer.

Ken didn’t know what to do. He just couldn’t believe he was nodding

his head dumbly, as if it were true!

"I am glad to see you are admitting your problem. Now, get undressed

so we can get one of these Pull-Ups on you and see how they fit."

"Mo-o-m! They’re not Pull-Ups! They’re GoodNites. And I don’t need

them! I’ll never do it agian, I promise!" He wanted to storm out of

the room and this whole crazy day, but for some reason, he couldn’t.

"Now." Was his mom’s only reply. She didn’t understand why, but Ken

seemed to be responding to her better when she decided what he had

to do. Perhaps, somewhere deep inside he knows he needs to wear

these... ’GoodNites’, and just needs me to take charge. He just

needs to keep his pride.

Watching her son reluctantly disrobing, it occured to her that he

must be having a hard time dealing with this. The poor boy must be

exhausted and scared. He probably stays up all night trying to stay

dry! Well, exhaustion will only make the problem worse, she thought,

I’d better set him an earlier bedtime and make sure he sticks to it

after today. But tonight, he should get to bed right after dinner.

By then the sheets she had recovered from the trash and the rest of

his laundry would be done and she would make his bed. He really

needed a good, long nights rest witout the worry of a wet bed. That

way he can wake up clear-headed and able to deal with this strange

new problem better.

Ken, in an effort to save his dignity while removing his pants right

in front of his mother, says, "Mom! I can put them on myself. You

don’t have to watch me." He looked up at her hopefully as his hands

tugged at the waistband of his underpants.

"Quit stalling! I need to see how they fit and how you have been

putting them on, so I know if they leaked because you put them on

wrong or if they aren’t absorbant enough. Besides, I am your mother.

I have seen you naked before." She replied.

Then suddenly, they were off. There he was; standing in front of his

mom in just a t-shirt. He wanted to die! He wanted to hit someone!

Anyone! Yet, he just stood there mute and blushing furiously.

"For Heaven’s Sake! I’ll put them on you! You just pay attention, so

you can put them on correctly tomorrow!" She exclaimed, totally

misreading his reluctance. To her, it seemed he wasn’t sure how to

put them on. That must be why they leaked. Well, she would show him

how the first time and then he could do it himself afterwards. She

wanted him to keep as much dignity as possible, but she had to deal

with this problem! All bedwetters need a plastic sheet, Pull-Ups


"One more thing," She spoke as she pulled one of the undergarments

from the bag and motioned for him to come stand in front of her, "I

put up the bedwetting calendar I found in the package. See. It’s

right where your girlie pictures used to be. You must mark it ’wet’

or ’dry’ using a red ’x’ when your Pull-up is wet and a blue ’o’

when it is dry. You need to do this every morning, so we can see how

you are progressing. And whether you had an accident or not, every

morning you need to take the Pull-Up off and put it in the trash,

OK?" She eyed him meaningfully.

Kenneth Haskins, all around tough guy, couldn’t even look his mom in

the eye as he mumbled, "OK."

She smoothed her apron and smiled a little. Despite having such an

embarrassing problem to deal with, she was enjoying the way her son

was finally listening to her. She had somehow gotten through. She

would help him with his problem in the only sensible way: Pull-Ups,

a plastic sheet and a bedwetting calendar. He motioned for him to

turn around and step into the leg holes, then pulled the garment up,

noting the purple thread in the back, just as the instructions had

said. On the front was the word "dry" printed several times in light

grey. When wet, it would be replaced with the word "wet" in bright

blue. ’Just like the wetness indicator on a diaper.’ She didn’t say

that aloud, though. No need to embarrass him anymore than he already


Kenny just can’t believe what is happening. He wants to stop her.

Tear that GoodNite off! He wants to yell at her. Most of all he

wants not to have this happening to him right now. But there was

nothing he could do about it. His mom told him he had to wear these

to stay dry. So he did. He hated them. They looked like... He

stopped himself from even thinking it. NO! This will be over soon.

When mom realizes I don’t wet the bed, she will let met out of these

stupid things. He didn’t realize that he was admitting, if only to

himself, that his mom would decide when he wouldn’t have to wear

them anymore.

Chapter 14 - Home sweet home

Randy walked home from the bus stop dejectedly. He knew now that the

’water’ balloon had actually been a piss balloon. and went to his

room to clean up.

He opened his door and found another note lying on the bed. Randy is

too defeated to even be surprised by the appearnace of a new note.

Aparently whoever was harrassing him was not done. Slowly he lifted

and read the new letter:

"I have pictures of your room with your Pull-Ups and with the

diapers in your closet. Both pictures clearly show that is your

room." Randy looked at his closet door and realizes that whoever

wrote this is probably telling the truth. He has his most recent

school picture on the wall and above his door is a

wooden carved sign reading "Randy’s Room’ He looked back at the

letter. "If you want the ONLY copies of the pictures, take a plain

garbage bag and put the whole bag of diapers inside. Then tape up

the bag and mark the bag with a ’P’. Tomorrow morning, put the bag

into the trash can nearest the students’ parking area and your

pictures will be in your locker by the end of the day. If you don’t,

your pictures will be available for EVERYONE to see in the school

trophy case next to the office. Don’t tell anyone else about this or

I will play the whole tape. Including your name. No funny business,

you faggy little Pampers-boy, or else." He stood there numbly

holding the letter. What could he do?


Dennis’s family sat down to their regular noisy meal. His younger

brother Eddie asking if he could go to camp this summer. Dennis and

his dad talked about last night’s game, while his mom kept trying to

get everyone to be quieter. Just as things were winding down, the

phone rang.

Dennis’s dad swore. "Every time I sit down to eat! Probably some

telemarketer!" He picked up the phone and said, "Yes?!" *pause* "Oh

yeah? What did he do?"

The room got quiet as both boys tried to figure out if they were in

trouble. "Oh, OK, sure. Next Tuesday. 5:30. Yeah, I guess so. My

wife will be there. What?! Fine! We’ll both be there. This better

not be some ’Save the Whales’ BS! I’m a working man you know!" He

snarled, then slammed the phone onto the cradle.

The family looked at him expectantly. He eyed Dennis suspiciously.

"You up to anything you shouldn’t be, boy?"

"No, sir." Dennis replied, wondering if someone had found out he was

involved with the stolen diapers. "Why? What’s up?"

"School called." He grunted. "Some sort of emergency conference.

Something about listening to a tape."

Dennis paled. What did they know? He knew neither Lisa nor Ken would

squeal, but maybe they had been seen? Damn Ken! He just had to play

that tape!

Dennis’s mother, Dianne, looked at her husband. "We BOTH have to be

there? But my bridge tournament is Tuesday! Why can’t one of us go?"

she asked meaning him. She was looking forward to sweeping the local

tournament ever since Gladys Mercer had recently moved.

"I don’t know, damn it! They just said parents had to be there or

their kids will face suspension." The rest of the meal passed in

silence. Each member of the family wondering what it could be all


While Dennis is worried that they might somehow get caught, he is

sure neither Lisa nor Ken would talk. Lisa had too much to lose and

Ken was too tough to be intimidated like that. Hell, he might even

up the ante by playing the whole tape just for laughs! Randy went

upstairs and finished his homework.

There was no point in calling Lisa and Ken. No doubt the school had

called their parents as well. He finally turned out the lights and

laid down. He imagined Lisa; so grateful for not getting caught and

for the return of the diapers, naked and agreeing to finally fuck

him. He jacked off, imagining them screwing like crazy! He pictured

her moaning with pleasure and crying out "OH! YES! YES! God, I love

your huge cock! Fuck me harder, you animal!" He quickly came. Slowly,

ragged gasps became regular breaths and then the gentle snores of a

sleeping teen.


Lisa sat at the table and worked on her history homework. She sighed

as she reread the last paragraph. It would have to do. She still had

to study for her Algebra exam tomorrow. She put the paper away and

brought out her math book, opening it to the chapter on quadratic

equations. She looked up as her mom entered the kitchen.

Sally glared at her daughter accusingly. "Are you sure you don’t

know what happened to your brother’s diapers? I can’t find them

anywhere, and I know I put them in the nursery the other day."

Lisa tried to keep her expression as normal as possible as she

replied. "I’m sure, mom! You probably set them down somewhere by

mistake. What do you think? That someone came in and stole them or

something?" She added remembering yesterday’s conversation with Ken

and Randy.

Sally raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Watch your tone young lady!

The Good Book says ’Honor thy mother and father.’ I will not

tolerate such disrespectful behavior in this house!"

Lisa lowered her head. "Yes, mom. I’m sorry. I just thought..."

"Perhaps if you spent more time reading the family Bible and less

time thinking, you would be mmore respectful! I notice you aren’t

attending Sunday school after church anymore." She added.

At least her mom wasn’t asking about the diapers any longer. "I need

to do my homework on Sundays mom! You know I want to go to college

and then medical school! I have to have top grades to do that. Daddy

already said I can’t go if I don’t get a scholarship. It’s too

expensive, he said."

Which was true. She wanted to be a doctor ever since she could

remember. Her parents had told her that girls became nurses and boys

became doctors, but she knew better. There were plenty of women

doctors and she wanted to be one more than anything! If she couldn’t

be a doctor, then maybe she would try law school. But whatever

happened, she would never be a nurse. That was for idiots who were

to stupid to be a doctor. Not that she told her parents this. They

had just assumed that she had finally understood them and wanted to

become a nurse. Once she turned eighteen, they couldn’t decide

anything for her, so she would play along for now.

The phone Rang and startled both of them. Sally grabbed the phone

and answered. "Hello. Dupree residence. How may I help you? *pause*

Yes. This is she. Who, may I ask, am I speaking to?" *pause* "Oh?"

She looked over at Lisa, who was now reading her textbook. "And what

is this about?" *pause* "I see. How horrible! And what does this

have to do with..." *long pause* "Well, of course we’ll be there. Do

you have any idea who might have been involved?" *pause* "I see. Of

course. Anything we can do to help. Yes. My husband and I will be

there. Thank you." Sally hung up. Lisa thought it sounded a lot like

a call from the church to help someone out, so she kept quiet. If

she said anything she might find herself ’volunteering’ to pass out

punch and cookies at some dull meeting that she didn’t care about.

Fortunately, her mom left the kitchen without mention the missing

diapers or the phone call.

Lisa finished studying for her math test and went off to bed. After

slipping under the covers, she slowly began to massage her sex,

something she had only recently started doing and regarded as

shameful, but nonetheless very pleasurable. She thought of Dennis

seeing her naked and he was naked, too! Then he would reach out to

her and hold her and kiss her. In her imagination, she would embrace

him and let him enter her, feeling him deep inside. She started

moaning quietly, so as not to alert her parents of her forbidden

behavior. Quickly, her breathing became faster and more shallow as

she brought herself over the edge, envisioning Dennis erupting

inside of her! She was breathing hard, imaging the man she loved,

smiling at her as they lay side by side in their marriage bed.

Finally, Lisa relaxed and listened hard to be sure her parents had

noticed nothing. Good. Her parents were still downstairs watching

TV. She cleaned herself up and drifted off to sleep.


Randy stared at the note. He moaned. How was he going to get out of

THIS? He didn’t HAVE the diapers! His mom did. She had probably put

them in her closet. If he took them back, she would notice. He had

to get them, though! He would tell her that one of his friends was

babysitting and Randy had given them to her, rather than having such

a babyish reminder of his problem in the house. Hopefully she

wouldn’t question him further.

Even though his mom wouldn’t be home till much later tonight, he

crept guiltily into her room, knowing that he should not be sneaking

into his mom’s personal stuff. He didn’t see the diapers in the room

so he checked the closet. His eyes immediately fell onto the package

of Pampers and he set down the letter he still had in his hands to

pick up the package. As he pulled it out of the closet, what appears

to be a manual or maybe a home-made book fell to the floor. Curious,

he looked around furtively and turned it over. The cover read,

"Vengeance, Inc."

Thinking his mom or maybe his dad(before he left them for another

woman as his mom always told him) had written a book or a play, he

opens it up to find what looks like a cheap, black and white catalog.

But what a catalog! Here was a curse on making someone oink and snort

like a pig whenever they tried to talk. He quickly rifled twenty

pages, thinking that would be near the end, but surprisingly, there

seemed more and more pages than he thought could possibly fit

between the covers. Almost as if by... Magic!

He started randomly opening pages, reading about turning someone

VERY fat, or making them smell like rotting cheese, or even... EWW!

YUCK!! making them want to eat poop! He turned back to the front of

the book and read the inside page hoping to find out who would write

such a thing. There he saw a telephone number. Was this for real?

How did this even get here? "It MUST be magic." He whispered. Maybe

this had just appeared for him to get revenge on whoever was doing

this. Hmm...

He reread the last sentence on the letter still lying on his mom’s

bed. "Let’s see who the faggy little Pampers-boy is NOW." Randy

picked up the phone and began to dial.

Randy waited breathlessly as the phone rang. Once. Twice. Then:

"Vengeance Incorporated. How may I help you Mr. Lormann?"

She knew his name! ’It WAS magic!’, he thought exitedly. "Uh Hi.

I... Are you for real? Can I actually put curses on people?"

The woman on the other end replied seriously, "Yes, we are for real,

I assure you. And no, you can’t put curses on people, BUT you can

pay us to do so for you."

"But... How do I pay you? How do I know the curses even work?" Randy

asked, partly to buy time so he could think and partly out of

suspicion that this might be a practical joke after all.

The operator seemed used to these questions and answered at once.

"Well, normally we don’t allow minors to use our service. But that’s

mostly because minors don’t usually have a bank account. But I see

here you have a joint-savings account for college with your mother

as co-signer and you have a current balance of $3203.58. You are

fully authorized to use this account, so we would withdraw the money

automatically after you have made your selection or selections. As

to how you know if it works, generally our curses DO have very

noticable effects. Now, would you like to place an order with us


Randy looked at the letter still lying on the bed and said, "Yeah. I

definitely would." He knew that whoever was doing this to him would

be in for a big surprise! "I want to curse the guy who picks up this

err... package I have... of... umm..."

"You mean those Pampers sitting next to you?" She asked.

Randy blushed a deep scarlet. "Uhh yeah. Those. Anyway, could you

make him a... " He read the last line of the blackmail letter," ’a

faggy little Pampers-boy’?"

"Could you be a little more specific sir? By ’faggy’ do you mean

he would merely swish and act like a homosexual, or that he actually

wants to have sex with other males, or that you want him to be

compelled to have sex with other men wthout wanting to or..."

Randy jumped. "That last one! The one where he has to do it, but

doesn’t want to."

"Very good sir. Do you prefer him to be a top or bottom?" The woman


"What? What do you mean by that?" Randy felt as if he was way in

over his head. Top? Bottom? He had never known anyone who was gay(or

so he thought), so he didn’t understand those terms.

"Would you like him to be the one who puts his penis into someone or

should he want men to put their penis into him? Most people choose

the latter." came the helpful reply. She was speaking in a pleasant,

matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh yeah, the second one." Randy thought this was the weirdest

conversation he ever had.

"All right, then. Now about this "Pampers-boy" part. What, exactly,

are you looking for? A compulsion just to wear diapers or..."

Randy cut her off again. "Perfect! Make him HAVE to wear the diapers

he teased me about. But like the other part, make him not like it,

just need to do it."

"Excellent!" Purred the operator, sounding pleased with his choices.

"Now about ’little’. You did say ’faggy little Pampers-boy’, did you


Erm yes." Randy replied, wondering what she meant.

"Well then, you could go with item # 92586: Size reduction, but

personally I find that a bit boring. But, by shrinking his penis and

adding the extra mass to your penis, the vicitm, um... I mean the

punishee, feels that much more diminished. Item #42334-d. It costs a

little more, but is far more embarrasing for most males."

"You mean I could have a bigger penis, while his actually gets

smaller. Cool! Then he will be teased every time he goes into the

locker room with a tiny little boner from looking at the other guys!

Let’s do that one!"

"Very good sir. The package of diapers will be cursed so that when

the blackmailer touches it, he will be compelled to wear diapers,

preferably Pampers, and want to masturbate in them. He will also be

compelled to perform oral sex and to uncontrollably desire anal sex

from other men, constantly. Finally, his penis will shrink to say,

about two inches when hard? Transferring the lost mass into your

penis. The total charge is $86.85 But since you bought three, our

special offer kicks in and we are offering the fourth one free. Is

there anything else you want?"

Randy lapsed into silence and thought. If they really could do all

this, maybe they could... " Could you uh... could you cure my

b-bedwetting?" He asked hopefully.

"I think you will find that problem will go away with time." She

said unhelpfully. "But in any case, V.I. is in the revenge business,

not the ’curing people’ business."

"Oh", came Randy’s forlorn reply. "Then, can I put a curse on

someone else?"

"Of course, sir. The same person? Or do you have someone specific in


"My neighbor, Ken Haskins, he’s a bully at my school and he..."

"And what would you like us to do to him sir" She cut him off,

before he could start rambling.

Randy thought for a moment. How could he get back at a bully who was

extremely tough and seemingly, only thought with his penis? Wait a

minute! That’s it! "How about that penis curse. Could you do that to

him the next time he bullies me?"

"Absolutely. Item #42334-d; with a trigger. How about the next time

he bullies you or one week, whichever comes first?" She suggested.

Randy thought that was a good idea. That way, even if Ken cut school

or was out sick, he would still get what was coming to him. "Yeah.

Let’s do that!"

The operator replied jovially, "I must say, you really are getting

into the swing of things. You’re a natural. But, if that is all, I

do have other customers waiting..."

"Oh. Yeah. Uhh... Thanks." He replied to the dial-tone that

indicated the connection had already been broken.

Wow! I can’t believe it... This little catalog has got to be the

coolest thing in the world. Suddenly he heard his mom’s car in the

driveway. Oh No! He closed the closet door, took the catalog, the

letter and the bag of Pampers and then quietly closed his mother’s

door. Hearing her key in the lock, he dashed into his room and hid

everything under his bed. He would have to wrap the diapers up

tonight when his mom went to sleep. He quickly changed his pants

before his mom could check on him and notice the urine smell from

the ’water baloon’.

He would do exactly as the letter said. Then he would get those

pictures back and whoever was blackmailing him would be too busy with

their bizarre new problems to give him anymore trouble.

Randy felt better than hed had all year. He couldn’t wait for Kenny

to try bullying him again! And if he still didn’t stop, then he

could always just call his new friends at Vengeance, Inc.

In fact it even made him a little excited. Slowly his hand crept to

his zipper while in his mind he saw the two tiny-dicked bullies,

moaning about their pin-sized equipment. Not that Dennis would ever

need his useless prick anymore. Except for jacking off in a diaper

while sucking some guy off. God, he was hot all of a sudden.

To Be Continued...



End Chapter 2

Buying Diapers

by: pcouche | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 21, 2007


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