Lori’s Continuing AR Adventure – Out of Control

by: marvcarv | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 1, 2006

Chapter 2
Part 2

“Wow! That was neat! Can I try that box?” Kaitlin anxiously asked Andrea. While the rest of their kindergarten classmates crowded together near the front of the room to gawk at the scene of confusion that centered around the youthened Miss Aspen, Kaitlin and Andrea had remained quiet and unnoticed in the back of their class.

“Well...I dunno,” hesitated Andrea, reluctant to hand over the amazing device. Using the control on her mother, her babysitter, and her teacher to cut them down to size had given her a feeling of power that a child her age rarely experienced, and Andrea was more than a bit intoxicated with her newfound ability to change the adult authority figures in her life into kids her own age - or even into helpless toddlers or babies, if she wanted.

“Please...I wanna try it,” begged Kaitlin.

“Well...just for a couple of times,” said Andrea as she grudgingly handed her friend the control box. Kaitlin was one of her best friends, and, after all, her mom always told her that sharing was good. “Who are you going to try it on?”

“I dunno. How about some of the PTA ladies?” suggested Kaitlin.

“PTA ladies?” asked Andrea.

“Yeah. I think they’re having a meeting later on. My mom’s here, and I think I saw Erin’s mom too.”

“Hey, that is a good idea,” agreed Andrea.

Andrea and Kaitlin’s classmates were totally absorbed by the ongoing activity surrounding their now five year old teacher and a panicked Paige Ranford, who was simultaneously trying to calm Maureen down while keeping the class under control. The two girls quietly left through the door in the back of the classroom, completely unnoticed, and proceeded to sneak down the hallway.


“Look, they’re all in there,” whispered Kaitlin, directing her gaze toward the conference room door.

Andrea cautiously peered around the corner. The conference room was filled with about fifteen women, who were standing around in several discussion groups. Andrea and Kaitlin could hear the buzz of multiple conversations, punctuated by occasional laughter.

“Can this age thing change more than one person?” asked Kaitlin, referring to the control she held in her hand.

“I’m not sure,” replied Andrea. “I didn’t get a chance to try it out. But I guess it should work, as long as you aim it right.”

“Maybe I better try it on just one person first,” mused Kaitlin.

Peering around the corner again, the first woman Kaitlin saw was Ruth Hudson. Ruth was a tall thirty-six year old, and had a son in the third grade at Jefferson elementary.

Kaitlin aimed the control in Ruth’s general direction and very carefully pressed the button just as she had seen Andrea do. She was afraid to press down too hard.

Ruth continued to fill her coffee cup, apparently unaffected in any way by the youth ray.

“Nothing’s happening,” Kaitlin hissed in disappointment to Andrea.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you...the harder you press the button, the quicker the person changes,” explained Andrea.

Kaitlin responded by suddenly and emphatically mashing the button down with her thumb, using all the pressure she could muster.

Ruth Hudson didn’t even have time to gasp as she began to rapidly shrink. In seconds, the unwitting woman was reduced to a one year old baby, crawling out of the dress she had been wearing just moments before. Andrea and Kaitlin could hardly contain their laughter at the sight.

Kaitlin turned and aimed the control at a group of four women nearest the door. Their backs were turned to the girls, and they were so engrossed in conversation that they failed to see what had just happened to Ruth (who, at her reduced new size, was hidden from view behind a table).

Kaitlin pressed the button again, just as hard as she had the first time. Zap! In the blink of an eye, all of the women were suddenly much smaller than they had been. A chaotic scene ensued.

The amount of youthening the women experienced depended purely on luck - where they had been standing when the radiation had flooded the room. The more fortunate ones, who happened to be standing behind their friends or who were in the far corners of the room, had lost only a few years. Others shrunk back to their teens. The women who were less lucky now looked like kids playing dress up. A few of the mothers and teachers who had been directly in line with the age altering ray found themselves regressed all the way back to infancy. Several of them started sobbing and crying in panic as they struggled to wriggle out of piles of their own clothing.

“What the hell is wrong with my clothes?” demanded the suddenly pint-sized Helen Stevenson as she discovered that her pants would no longer stay up by themselves and that her shirt sleeves had suddenly become longer - much longer. They now dangled past her hands, hanging all the way down to the floor.

“Oh my god, look at us!,” gasped another of the women, looking around the room and seeing that she, along with approximately half of her fellow PTA members, had instantly undergone a drastic reduction in age.

“I’m a kid again!” yelped a preschool girl, incongruously draped in a huge blue dress. She was still holding onto the can of diet soda she had been drinking, and was obviously having a hard time balancing herself while trying to walk in high-heeled shoes many sizes too large.

“No, this can’t be...this is impossible!” whimpered a cute three year old with curly brown hair who had just shrunk out of her own business suit. Her skirt had dropped to the floor.

“My dress!” exclaimed Karen Roberts. Karen was no longer a soccer mom in her mid thirties; she now looked like she was six.

“Please, help me...my breasts...they’re all shrunk down to nothing,” exclaimed Mary Sullivan, who (through dumb luck) had not been exposed to quite as much of the youthening radiation as her friends. Instead of being reduced to preschool size, Mary had retained enough years to pass as a fifth or sixth grade girl. She was tugging frantically at the front of her blouse - which had assumed rather large, baggy proportions - as if hoping to discover that her missing mammary glands were hiding under her drooping bra cups.

Ruth Hudson had by this time managed to crawl halfway to the front of the room, but on the way had lost what was left of her adult underwear. Totally naked, she found that she could barely manage to stand on her wobbly little legs, and when she tried to talk most of the words came out sounding like baby gibberish. Ahead of her, she saw two other baby girls, their nearly bald heads peering out from piles of clothes they had been wearing.


From the perspective of Andrea and Kaitlin, the mothers and teachers now looked quite comical, reduced to the size of children but still dressed up in all of their baggy adult clothes.

“Andrea! That was fun,” chuckled Kaitlin. “Can I try it again? Please?” she pleaded, glancing at the age changing control.

“Well...just once more,” said Andrea reluctantly. “Who are you going to use it on this time?”

“How about Miss Ranford?” suggested Kaitlin.

“Why her?” asked Andrea.

“Well, her and Miss Aspen used to be friends, ?cept now Miss Aspen is too little. I’ll make Miss Ranford the same age as Miss Aspen, so they can still be friends.”

“Gee...I guess that seems kind of neat,” concurred Andrea.

Andrea and Kaitlin left the chaos in the conference room and snuck back through the back door of their kindergarten classroom. Standing in the center of the crowd of fascinated children, Paige Ranford was still trying her best to comfort little Maureen Aspen. Paige suddenly found herself swimming in her own outfit and looking at the kindergarten kids eye to eye, having become a victim of the youth ray herself.


Andrea and Kaitlin watched while several of the women from the PTA meeting, now reduced to the age of little girls, managed to walk down the hall to the principal’s office. Andrea giggled as she watched them struggle to hold onto their adult sized clothing.

The women entered the office and looked around for an adult help them.

“And who are you young ladies?” asked Julie, the office secretary, stooping down a bit to get a better look at the strangely overdressed girls.

“We are not young ladies!” shrieked Helen Stevenson, who looked panic stricken. “We are adult women!” Since Helen looked to be no older than 3 or 4, her assertion seemed ridiculous.

“I’m Barbara Vance, Tara’s mother,” explained a little girl, who looked no older than seven. She was wearing what looked like a woman’s blouse, except it was big enough on her to make a passable dress.


Andrea and Kaitlin laughed at the mayhem they had caused. After a few more pranks (shrinking Ms. Levitz the librarian down to adolescence, reducing buxom secretary Julie Winters to babyhood, and changing Ms. Seville, one of the teacher’s aides, into a two year old), Andrea felt tired and decided to leave for home. Confusion reigned throughout the school. Given the ongoing excitement and general pandemonium, Andrea doubted anyone would notice her leaving early.

Kaitlin lived two blocks in the opposite direction from school. As the two girls parted, Kaitlin begged Andrea to lend her the age-changer so she could use it at home. Andrea reluctantly felt obligated to turn her best friend down, but promised Kaitlin that she could use it some time in the future.


Darcie was intrigued by Heather’s tearful description of the device that had sent her back to childhood. If Heather could be believed - and her wild story seemed to be backed by incredible but irrefutable evidence in the form of Heather’s youthened body - then the neighbor’s little girl Andrea Vanowski still had the age-changing device with her. Darcie decided to watch for Andrea’s return from school, which usually occurred around three o’clock in the afternoon. At that point, she’d try to somehow get the age altering control from the girl.

Darcie periodically looked out at her neighbor’s house to see if Andrea had returned yet from her kindergarten class. Shortly after 2:45 in the afternoon, after anxiously checking for what seemed like the hundredth time, Darcie finally spied Andrea approaching from the direction of the school.


The age reducing control had certainly made for an interesting school day. Andrea dumped her backpack on the kitchen counter and went upstairs to check up on her mother and Peggy Schwann. She found the babies asleep in the crib where she had left them.

Andrea grinned. Having two real live babies to play with was going to be much more fun than playing with dolls. It would be amusing to play house with her mom and Ms. Schwann - of course, they would be the babies and Andrea would be the mommy. She would dress them both up in the old baby clothes her mom saved in the attic, and Andrea could pretend to do the shopping, cooking, and bottle feeding chores. Andrea wasn’t sure if the unwilling babies would want to play along, but the former women had been made so much younger that they weren’t big enough to protest much. And if they gave her too much trouble, their vastly reduced physiques meant that Andrea was large enough to spank them now.

Andrea felt like going outside for while. She would let her mom and Ms. Schwann finish their naps, figuring she could play with them later on. She hurried out to the back yard to play on her swing set before it got dark.


Together, Darcie and Heather had gone through some old boxes of clothes in the basement, and had managed to find some things that fit Heather’s “new” size much better than her own teen clothing currently did. However, “better fit” was relative - since they couldn’t find anything really old (their children’s clothing having been long since given away to charity), Heather was dressed in a pair of corduroy pants and horizontally striped sweater that Darcie had last worn when she was in the fourth grade. Heather had rolled up the pants legs and the arms on the sweater, but her ensemble was extremely baggy. While not nearly as oversized as her original outfit, Heather still looked like a six year old playing dress up.

Darcie noticed Andrea playing in the back yard. She watched the girl long enough to satisfy herself that she would be preoccupied with her games for a while. Making up a false but plausible excuse, Darcie told Heather, who was still trying on clothes while complaining about being reduced to the age of a little girl, that she would be gone for a few minutes and would be right back.

Slinking around to the front of the Vanowski’s house, Darcie found that Andrea had left the front door unlocked just as she had expected. Darcie cautiously opened the door, anticipating that Ms. Vanowski - or someone else - might be at home with Andrea. As she tiptoed into the living room, she found the house as quiet as a tomb. After tentatively sneaking a look around the room, Darcie concluded that Andrea was home alone and that the house was otherwise empty.

Darcie spotted Andrea’s school backpack on the kitchen counter. Furtively glancing around, she opened the velcro flap and examined the contents. Next to an A-B-C “learning the alphabet” picture book and a half-full box of crayons, Darcie saw what looked like a small remote control.

Curious, Darcie removed it from the backpack and gave it a closer look. Superficially, it did resemble a remote control - it was a small rectangular box with buttons on the top. However, unlike any remote control Darcie had ever seen, it had a substantial heft to it that gave the impression it was made of solid metal. As she scrutinized the top, she saw that the buttons were labeled with weird (and as far as she could determine incomprehensible) geometric symbols. Darcie realized immediately that this must be the device that had changed her older sister Heather into her new little sister.

“Wow - this is way cool,” she said to herself, slipping the mysterious little control into her pocket before making a hasty and surreptitious exit.


Darcie had no plans to restore her sister back to her normal age - far from it. From Darcie’s perspective, Heather was much too pompous for her own good. She picked on Darcie and her friends constantly, and as far as Darcie was concerned, turnabout was fair play. Her (formerly) big sister was going to remain her little sister as long as Darcie had any control over the situation. Now that Darcie had obtained the age altering device, there would be no limit to the fun she could have, and she resolved to enact her own brand of justice by cutting down a few of her older antagonists to size just as soon as an opportunity presented itself. Darcie made up her mind that she would start that very afternoon with some of Heather’s more obnoxious friends.

Darcie contemplated the remainder of her schedule for the day. She had been rather indifferent toward attending George Washington Junior High’s annual “Autumn Leaves” dance scheduled to start at 7:00 PM that evening. With some reluctance, she had decided to go, mostly because many of her friends would be there. Darcie brightened as she realized that an otherwise lackluster evening could become significantly more interesting with the addition of some impromptu age-adjustment magic directed at selected attendees, courtesy of the device she had just pilfered.

She returned to her house and found little Heather still digging through the box of old clothes. Darcie pretended to resume helping her, all the while remaining silent about the device she had recovered.

The girls heard footsteps coming up to the front door of the house.

“Oh my god. It’s Cindy and Diane,” said Heather, peering down from behind the curtain of her upstairs bedroom window. “They probably wondered why I didn’t show up after lunch today. Darcie, you’ve got to tell them I’m not home or something. They can’t see me like this!”

“Well...I guess you have looked better,” agreed Darcie, taking stock of her (formerly) older sibling. “What do you want me to tell your friends, little sister?”

“Don’t call me that!” complained Heather. “I’m not your little sister. I’m still the oldest. My...uhmm...my body looks younger, but I’m still really older than you are.”

Darcie rolled her eyes in theatrical fashion. “What-ever. I doubt that anyone is going to believe that you’re 16 years old. You look just like any other kindergarten kid to me.”

“But I’m not a kindergarten kid. I’m in high school!” Heather protested half-heartedly. As frustrated as she was by her humiliating situation, Heather knew that her sister was right.

The doorbell rang.

“I’d better get that,” said Darcie, heading downstairs.

“Wait, Darcie! Please, you can’t let them in!” implored Heather. “Please, I don’t want my friends to see me looking like this...”

Darcie, ignoring her sister and relishing the new opportunity presented by the two unexpected (and unsuspecting) visitors, dashed down the stairs to the front door.

“Hi, guys,” said Darcie, greeting her sister’s friends.

“Hi, Darcie. Is Heather around?” asked Diane.

“She’s upstairs,” replied Darcie.

“Is she alright?” Cindy asked. “We didn’t see her in class after lunch.”

“Well...my sister kind of...well, let’s just say that she ran into a little trouble,” responded Darcie. “C’mon upstairs.”

The two teens trailed behind Darcie as she led them upstairs to Heather’s room. Darcie stood aside and watched them as they squinted in disbelief at the five year old girl who greeted them.

“Guess who?” smiled Darcie, introducing her sister.

“Hi, Cindy. Hi, Diane,” Heather said listlessly.

“Heather?” gasped Cindy, refusing to believe her own eyes. “What the heck...I mean, is that you!?”

“It’s really me,” sobbed Heather, looking up at her friends.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Cindy.

“How did you get - you know, turned into a little kid?” asked Diane, looking down at her diminutive classmate.

Just then, Darcie silently entered the room holding the remote control. Cindy and Diane had their backs to the door and were questioning Heather as Darcie aimed the device in their direction and pushed the activation button.

Both of the unsuspecting teens began to youthen at a gradual pace. Watching them from the back, Darcie could see the seats of their (no longer very tight) jeans grow baggier at the same time their pant legs started bunching up on top of their shoes. Cindy’s bra clasp was visible underneath the material of her cotton tee shirt; Darcie watched as it slowly slid further and further down Cindy’s back as she became younger and shorter.

Diane and Cindy suddenly noticed that something was wrong with their clothes. At the same time, they observed that kindergarten-age Heather seemed to be growing taller and taller.

“Hey! What’s happening to us?” wailed Diane.

“I don’t know...” replied Cindy, a puzzled look on her face as she noticed how large her clothing had become.

“You guys are getting smaller!” exclaimed Heather in disbelief as she watched her friends quickly dwindling back into preadolescence. “That’s just what happened to me...”

“Look - It’s Darcie!” exclaimed Diane. The three girls turned to face Darcie, who was standing in the doorway.

Darcie smiled as she displayed the control in her right hand. “You jerks always seemed to enjoy making fun of me. Well, guess what - the situation is reversed. You’re the little ones now. I think I’m going to leave you just how you are for awhile so you’ll remember how it feels to be younger and smaller.”

“Hey! That’s the same thing that Andrea used to make me a kid,” said Heather, staring at the device her sister was holding.

“Oh my god!” shrieked Diane, her eyes wide with panic. “Look at us! She shrunk us with that thing!”

“I didn’t shrink you,” corrected Darcie. “I just made you younger.” She glanced down at the control in her hand, then back at the girls. “Let’s see...I’d guess by looking at you that you’re both about nine years old now. I can tell just by looking at those tiny little bumps in front of your tops, where your boobs used to be...”

“No...no...oh, shit, she’s right...” moaned Cindy. “I’m practically flat again!” she wailed, frantically clutching the front of her baggy top and finding that her breasts had retreated back into her chest.

“Me too,” sobbed Diane, who was also checking out her suddenly loose sweater and empty bra cups.

“You little creep!” squealed Cindy.

“Watch your language, young lady,” laughed Darcie. “And I do mean young lady.”

“Change us back!” demanded Diane.

“You’re both going to find out what it’s like to be the youngest one in your families,” smiled Darcie. “Cindy, what do you think your little sisters are going to say when they see you? Let’s see, Karen’s in the fourth grade - she’s probably a year older than you are now. Not to mention the fact that she’s a lot taller and bigger. That’s going to be a big change in your relationship.”

“You can’t do this...” sobbed Cindy, mortified at what her sister Karen would do when she discovered that Cindy had been reverted back to the stature of a nine year old girl.

“Looks like from now on, you’ll be the one wearing little Karen’s hand me downs, eh?” asked Darcie, looking at Cindy’s oversized clothing. “Maybe she can lend you some of her training bras. I mean, when you get old enough to need them.”

“Darcie, please. Make us big again,” Diane pleaded.

“Diane, aren’t you on the varsity track team? And the swim team, too?” smirked Darcie. “I doubt you’re going to be much of an athletic competitor in your new size. Maybe they’ll let you stay on the team as a towel girl or something.”

“But she was going to get a college scholarship,” explained nine year old Cindy.

“If you don’t appreciate your new looks, I can make you even younger,” threatened Darcie with an evil grin on her face. “I can make you both the same age as Heather,” she said, punctuating her remark with a meaningful nod of the head toward her sister.

“Darcie, stop it! You leave my friends alone!” demanded Heather.

“You can’t boss me around any more, Heather. Remember, you’re my little sister now. Watch this,” said Darcie, glaring defiantly at her sister. With a sneer on her face, she casually took aim at Cindy and Diane.

“No, please don’t use that thing again....” pleaded Dianne.

“Darcie, please! We’re sorry! Don’t make us any younger!” whined Cindy.

Darcie savored her power for a moment and, ignoring the entreaties of the girls, pressed down the regression button briefly while directing the control toward them. In a moment, Cindy and Diane discovered their already grossly oversized clothes were growing even larger. In a few seconds, they had been further reduced to approximately the same age as Heather.

“Shit! Shit! I’m practically a baby!” squealed Diane.

“This can’t really be happening to us,” sobbed a distraught kindergarten-sized Cindy.

Darcie smiled down at the former teens.

“Hey, I just remembered...isn’t the High School Homecoming Dance next week? I’d like see you guys all show up looking like that,” laughed Darcie. “I just hope none of you planned on wearing a strapless dress...and I’m pretty sure that whatever you were going to wear is going to need some alteration now.”

Cindy and Diane looked like they were going to start crying.

“If you little girls don’t behave yourselves and do exactly what I tell you, I won’t change you back ever,” explained Darcie. “On the other hand, if you do help me, I just might be persuaded to change you back to your normal ages.”

“What do you want us to do?” asked Heather.

“Hmmm...I don’t know right now, but I’m sure I’ll think of something. You kids stay put here until I get back from the dance. Don’t go anywhere. If you decide to go out, or tell someone what happened, well - I just might forget to change you back.” Darcie wasn’t really worried about the possibility of Heather or her dorky friends leaving the house until she returned - in their new sizes, they would be too embarrassed to be seen by anyone they knew, and no strangers would be likely to believe the story that they had been changed from high school girls to kindergarteners.

I’m going to have some more fun with this thing, Darcie thought to herself, brandishing the device.


Darcie glanced at the clock and was surprised to see how quickly the afternoon had passed. It was now nearly 6:00, and her two best friends - Claire and Rachel - were going to stop by shortly to pick her up on the way to the “Autumn Leaves” dance. She hurried up to her room to get ready. Stripping, Darcie quickly threw her jeans and T-shirt into the bathroom hamper and stepped to her closet to get her dress. She had picked it out several weeks ago, mostly over her mother’s objections - “Darcie, that’s not appropriate for a girl your age.” Recalling the conversation, Darcie was suddenly struck with an exciting idea.

Darcie was twelve years old, and had started the seventh grade just a few months previously. She wondered how it would feel to be a bit older.

Darcie studied the control for a moment. It seemed clear that the front edge, just like any other remote control, was the “business end”. The top of the control was populated by several buttons. Their function wasn’t obvious, but with the supreme confidence of youth, Darcie felt sure she could figure them out. What more could one want in a simple age-altering device?

She decided to test it out on herself before proceeding any further. Somewhat awkwardly, she held the control at arm’s length and, aiming the front of the device at her chest, gingerly pressed the one of the buttons a couple of times.

A mild tingling coursed through her body as a pale blue beam of light emanated from the control. At first, it seemed as if nothing was happening. As Darcie stared at her image in her dresser mirror, she suddenly realized that the top of her head and shoulders seemed to be moving slowly. She was gradually growing taller! She could see now that she was gaining several inches of height.

Suddenly, Darcie became aware that something was slowly squeezing her. She realized it was her underwear. “Ouch,” she yelped as she felt the elastic in her bra band pinching under her breasts. She released the button and carefully setting the control back on her dresser.

Darcie smiled as she checked out her new image. Her face looked slightly different - it was longer and more mature looking. Her hips seemed huge to her - they were considerably wider, and her stretched panties accentuated this sudden growth. At first she was uncomfortable with this aspect of her new body and concluded that she now looked “fat”. Her disappointment with her hips was soon negated by elation as she realized that her breasts were also bigger. Several cup sizes bigger, in fact. Darcie imagined that she now had the largest assets of any of the girls in her class by a wide margin. Of course, the girls in her class were still twelve year olds, and Darcie guessed that she was now older than they were by a least two or three years. She couldn’t wait to show off in front of her friends and the cute boys when she showed up at school.

“Wow - I have some real cleavage,” Darcie marveled, checking out her top. She was accustomed to seeing nothing more than small swellings around her nipples, little bumps in the front of her tightest clothing, and now she had very well developed and shapely breasts the size of apples. She could feel their weight on her chest. Her bra was much too small to be comfortable, and looked silly on a older teen with the figure that she now possessed.

She realized she had also gained quite a bit in height. Darcie guessed that she would now be almost as tall as Elaine Thomas, who was one of the tallest girls in her class. Unlike Elaine, who Darcie considered to be a skinny geek, Darcie now had the advantage of considerable breast development. The horny boys in class would be drooling over her, and all of her friends would be insanely jealous of her new and improved bust.

Darcie set her own dress aside - it was, she reasoned, probably a bit too small for her now. Stepping into the previously forbidden sanctuary of her older sister’s room, Darcie helped herself to one of Heather’s bras, grabbed a pair of panties, and selected a dress that Heather had worn to a high school dance last year. Everything fit amazingly well. Darcie strutted and primped in front of the mirror for a while, lost in a daydream as she admired her mature new look. The sound of car horn honking outside broke the spell.

“This is going to be so great,” Darcie said. Smiling, she dropped the age control in her purse and headed out the door.

Rachel’s mom was waiting in the driveway in front of Darcie’s house with her minivan, along with Rachel and Claire.

“Hi, Misses Thompson,” greeted Darcie cheerfully as she slide open the door and took a seat in back.

“Hi, Darcie,” chimed Ms. Thompson. “You certainly look very nice this evening!”

“Wow! Darcie, you look great!” gasped Claire, checking out Darcie’s new look. Rachel and Claire also gushed forth with numerous compliments, and Darcie couldn’t help but feel just a bit superior as she felt the envious eyes of her friends checking out her enhancements. Of course, Darcie was now three to four years older than her friends, but seated in the back of the dark vehicle it was hard to tell anything specific had changed. To her friends, Darcie looked a bit more mature, but they naturally attributed the changes to the fact that she was all dressed up for the dance.

The girls giggled and gossiped on the short ride to the school. Rachel’s mother dropped them off at the curb, reminding Rachel that she would be back to pick them up after the dance.

“See you later, girls. Rachel, behave yourself,” admonished Ms. Thompson as she pulled away.

As the girls walked to the gymnasium entrance, Claire noticed for the first time that Darcie seemed to be quite a bit taller than she remembered. Attributing it to Darcie’s high heels, she kept the thought to herself.


Andrea played on the swing set in her yard until she was nearly exhausted. She was starting to get hungry.

Suddenly, Andrea remembered that she had changed her mother and her mother’s friend Peggy into babies. They were still upstairs, in her baby cousin Stacey’s playpen. For a minute, Andrea debated which course of action would be likely to earn her the least amount of punishment. She was going to get in trouble one way or the other - either by trying to make dinner for herself using the stove without her mother’s approval, or by changing her mother back to her normal size so she could prepare dinner. In the later case, she was quite sure her mother would deliver a good spanking before cooking anything.

Andrea considered that she could change Ms. Schwann back instead - at least Peggy would be reluctant to punish her directly. But, after some contemplation, Andrea realized that Peggy would just take the age changing device away from her as soon as she was physically capable of doing so, and use it to restore Andrea’s mother to her full grown-up size as well.

The doorbell interrupted Andrea’s indecision. It took Andrea a few seconds to recognize her next door neighbor Heather, who she had shrunk down to her own age earlier in the afternoon.

“Hi, Heather,” greeted Andrea. She laughed for a moment. “I hope you’re not here to baby sit - you’re the same age as I am now.”

Heather ignored the younger girl’s jibe. “Andrea, you’ve got to help me. Darcie stole that thing you used to make me little. We’ve got to get it back. Where’s your mom?”

“She’s upstairs,” said Andrea. “What do you mean, Darcie stole my magic control box? It’s in my backpack.”

“She probably came in and took it while you were in the back yard playing!” shouted Heather.

Sure enough, a check revealed that the control was nowhere to be found.

“How am I going to change my mom back?” cried Andrea.

“What did you do to your mom?” demanded Heather. “Did you change her into a kid like you did me?”

“Well...not exactly. I changed her and her friend all the way back into babies,” admitted Andrea, who started to sob. “I was going to change you all back, honest I was.”

“We’ve got to get that thing back,” insisted Heather.



End Chapter 2

Lori’s Continuing AR Adventure – Out of Control

by: marvcarv | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 1, 2006


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