Younger Days: Retrieval

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 6, 2006

Chapter 2
The White Eyed Victim

Chapter Description: Sayo, keeping with his promise, grabs his first victim after they failed to get there from the first day.

Younger Days: Retrieval

Chapter 2

It was already twelve o’clock in the day, and the sun was baring down on them. But they were still traveling, in a straight like to keep a good watch. Sasuke, being the ego driven person he is, decided to lead, being the quickest person of the group. Immediately behind him was Shikamaru, having decent fighting skills and an incredible stretegic mind, being good for him to back up the leader. Third was Naruto, whose power would be good for backing up and taking on attacks from behind. And, at the back, was Neji, with his Byakugan activated to keep watch all around them.

Last night, they were in disarray. They had no idea what to do. And Naruto wasn’t helping, being his perverted prankster self. Throughout the night, he was beaten several times, after attempting to disrobe his other three teammates. He was finally tied up and thrown into his tent, gagged after his yelling got on their nerves. They sat out around the fire to discuss the situation before retiring as well.

But when they woke up, they were in for another surprise. All of their clothing, which they had packed for a two week trip, had changed. From minor size changes to fit their thinner frames to completely different wardrobes, nothing was the same.

For example, the clothes they were wearing now were reminiscent of there old outfits, though now under the design of what happened. Shikamaru’s now looked more like something Anko would wear, with a fishnet shirt over a barechest, with his overshirt covering anything important along with normal shorts and sandals. In front of his was Sasuke, who was wearing a skintight body suit, similar to his black outfit.

The two in back seemed to have the most changed outfits. Naruto, already comfortable in female form, decided on a black tanktop and a pair of baggy orange pants, knowing a bit more of female fashion then others. Neji, on the other hand, simply wore a white kimino, not wanting to do anything flashy. But they all had one thing in common: They were all miserable...


At that time, an undetermined amount of miles away, in a dark Village with a big house were four infants. Two of them were playing with each other on the floor, completely unaware that they were not supposed to be in this position. On the other side of the room were the other two girls. Unlike the lighter haired ones who were enjoyig themselves, they were very aware of their situation and very embarassed about it.

"Hinata, you alright?" A young TenTen babbled to her companion. See, a while ago, they figured out that they could understand each other, even though they seemed to just be babbling mindlessly. That is how the two keep in contact behind the two adult’s back.

"Hm? Oh, it’s nothing... I’m just a little wet" she babbled timidly over in the corner, still keeping her normal shy and nervous self.

"You sure?" she asked, crawling over to her and plopping down next to her.

"Actaully... I have been thinking about a way to get out of here. And if, even if we do, if we could ever get back to normal" she replied, looking thrrough the mesh side at the other two girls, having mindless fun with infantile toys.

"Well, don’t worry, someone will come for us" she said, putting her small hand on the other girl’s shoulder.

"A... Alright... By the way... How did you get here?" she asked, turning her pale eyes to her.

"Well... It was kinda weird..." she said, thinking back...


The last peice of reality she remembered that night was drifting off to sleep, listening to the sounds of the forest. But, in an instant, the forest sounds turned into a light tune playing in the distance. She opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by pink. She freaked out a bit, walking to the side of the room. But she was met with a blank wall. She looked all around and saw that there was no entrance or exit. Not even a window

"It seems that you have figured out that there is no escape." came a voice from behind her. She turned around, but only saw the wall. "Don’t bother looking for me. I am in your mind. I am simply projecting my voice wherever I want it to be" came the same voice, this time in front of her, even though there was no one there.

"Why am I here?!?" she yelled out, looking all around the place.

"Don’t yell. It annoys me" he said, as his image fizzled in front of her. She growled and ran forward to attack, but saw that he stayed the same length away from her. "Do I need to tell you again? I am in your mind! I am simply projecting myself." he said again, smiling to her.

"But you still haven’t answered my question!" she yelled again, stomping her foot.

"Why, it is very simple. I am looking for something. You are just one of the people I am going to test" he replied, fading away.

"Wait, what are you going to do to me?!?" she yelled again, before she felt a hand cover her mouth. She looked down, and was shocked to see her own fingers covering her lips. "And I say again... I am in your mind... So I can do anything with you that I want" came the man’s voice again, followed by a chilling laugh...


"... What happened next?" Hinata asked, staring at her, wide eyed.

"I’m not sure... It feels like I kinda passed in and out... I remember that, then I remember laying on a table, being diapered... Then I was in a crib... And then, I was being carried on a lady’s back" she said, her arms crossed and thinking hard. They would have continued talking, if they each hadn’t been lifted off of their bottoms. "Oh, it seems we have two wet ones here!" came the cheery voice that they had come to know Aya. "I guess you need some new diapers!" she said in her sing-song voice, as the two girls sighed.


They had traveled until sundown, making it into a a lightly wooded area. There, they decided to stop for the night. Instead of staying up and talking, they went straight into their tents, not really in the mood anymore to talk since their change.

Neji sat in the middle of his tent, meditating lightly, with her byakugan activated and a lamp lit next to her. Everything seemed calm. No alerting sounds out in the wilderness, no cast shadows to investigate...

But she could feel a powerful chakra in the wood, coming in from behind her. She concentrated even more and found the figure, forty meters in the woods... But he wasn’t doing anything... He was just standing there and staring at the group of tents. Neji opened he eyes and stood, tieing the belt of the kimino as he walked out and cautiously went torwards the figure, in the Hyuuga stance...

"I mean no harm... I jsut want to speak to you" he said lightly, walking out from under the shade of a tree and into the moon.

"It’s you..." Neji said quietly, focusing her eyes on his tenketsu points. "You have one minute" Neji said defensively, getting ready for an attack.

"Well then, I guess I’ll just come out with it. I can get rid of that curse mark that plagues your forehead" he said, stading and staring.

That threw Neji off. "What... What do you mean?" she asked, now nervous for the few times in his or her life. She slowly moved out of the stance, now standing very still and staring back up at him. "What do you mean?" she repeated.

"Just as I said. If you entrust me, then I will remove the curse from you, and free you from the Hyuuga Branch family" he said, walking closer. Neji panicked and stepped back, only to trip over a root. Before she could even get up, the man was standing above her, with her forehead protecter in his hand. "Wha-?" she was cut off when she reached down and touched the mark. For some reason, it activated, sending a searing pain through her head and body. But, just as suddenly, it cut off, and the man stepped back, holding out his hand. "If you never want to experiance that pain again, take my hand" he said, standing there with his arm extended.

Neji layed there, holding her head for a minute before sitting up. She gulped, looking around, before slowly extending her hand, and grabbing his...

She felt herself being pulled off of the ground aand to her feet. "Now, my dear, close your eyes" he said softly, putting his hand on her forehead. Neji, knowing that if she even tried to fight back would cause dire consequences, followed the instructions and closed his eyes...

What he saw, in the blackness in front of him, was his glowing mark. "Now... The only way to remove a curse mark that only few know about is to remove it through time" the man told her.

"Wha... What do oyu mean?" Neji asked, now sounding alot like Hinata.

"By using the power of time, I will help you. Just remember to keep your eyes closed" he replied. And, slowly, Neji watched the curse mark shrink in front of his eyes, fading as well. "What are you doing to do this?" she asked him in disbelief, forgetting their promise and opening her eyes.

She faced his waist. She moved her eyes up, and saw a glowing light. "My... I told you not to open your eyes" he said to her, as he moved his hand from her forehead. "What... What have you done to me?!?" she asked, looking down at her hands. "I am helping you. By going back in time, I am bringing you back in time to before you recieved the mark" he said, "Now, come here, let me finish" he said, reaching forward.

Neji moved back and got into the Hyuuga stance again. But the man just laughed. "Wha do you think you can do? Attack me?" he asked, walking over. Neji growled, moving forward and striking him in the leg. "Oh, that really hurt" he said sarcastically as he reached down, grabbing her wrist and lifting her up. Neji kicked and screamed, but it was no use. He saw the light again, coming from his hand and going through his entire body.

Even when he was lifting her, her feet still just barely scraped the ground. But she felt her feet moved up from the ground, now dangling in mid air. She tried everything, from kicking and punching with her other hand to biting his hand, but it was no use. By the time he gave up, she was merely four, and hanging high off of the ground.

"Do not be depressed. You will be free from the grasps" he said. Neji looked up at him, with her pale eyes. "Pwease.. Stop..." she said quietly, looking down. "Alright" he said, as his hand stopped glowing. "My, you are older then my other girls" he said, as he put her on his shoulder. He then laughed lightly as hewalked off with the defeated girl, disappearing back into the woods



End Chapter 2

Younger Days: Retrieval

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 6, 2006


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