The Evil Dr. Meinclare

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005

Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Mark grew increasingly frustrated as Stevie didn’t want to play with him. With Mark’s personality now that of a 3 year old, Stevie wasn’t interested in the same things as Mark. Genni was now back in her 28 year old body but mired in a confusing fog still leaving her stuck with the mind of a 6 year old. The effects of the severe regression Dr Meinclare had subjected her to had still left her unable to regain her adult personality and memories. She still believed that she was the little girl and that Katie was the mother. All this was the result of fragmented memories leftover by the Doctor forcing an age trade between the two.

Due to Stevie’s urging she had agreed to be the mother again but it was all like a game. It didn’t seem real. Katie was the most disappointed of all. She had liked being a grownup and being in the role of mother. Now she was a little girl again and pouting in frustration. Genni tried her best to fill the role of an adult but the swingset was just too inviting. It was when she joined Mark in the sandbox that some things began to fill in. Not all at once but rather slowly. Sometimes memory fragments would float through her mind and disappear. That would frustrate her as she tried to focus on them. They seemed so different from the way she currently felt but didn’t last long enough for her to understand why. Other pieces of the puzzle slowly came back to her. A sudden realization of how she was dressed and a bit of embarassment washed over her. The T-shirt had fit 6yr old Genni like a dress but now it barely covered her. And Mark looked familiar in different ways to her yet so strange to see him acting like he was.

’Look... army man!’ he said as he held up a toy soldier. ’I see army men ALL the at school’ he said confusing school for where he worked for the government.

More random thoughts ran thru Genni’s head. Her head hurt as the pieces tried to fill in the now confusing blanks. Feeling silly to be playing in the sandbox she slowly stepped out as she brushed herself off. She shook her head and walked over to Stevie.

’What’s wrong with me?’ she asked him.

’I dunno....’ he replied ’I think that crazy ol’ doctor messed everybody up! I wanna go home. I want you to be mommy again and daddy to act right!’

More things filled in for her. Things started to make sense. The memories of what the doctor had done and why came back to her. Family roles came back. She knew that SHE was the mother. It wasn’t all clear just yet but she realized that she was on her way to returning to normal. The Doctor had returned her personality to normal but the effects of being regressed so far back had slowed the process.

’Stevie... listen...’she whispered into the young boy’s ear ’Mommy’s better now. Don’t say anything...just listen. I’ll figure something out so that we can all get out of here. I know things have been strange but it’ll be OK. But don’t tell your sister. I don’t think we can trust her now. And I’m not sure about your father either! Maybe he can still help but it might be up to me and you. We’ll have to think of a plan.’

Stevie was glad to hear all that! He was ready for this to end. This wasn’t the summer vacation that he had planned.

’Genni.... let’s trade back now. You don’t wanna be mommy! You said you didn’t!’ Katie whined.

’Not now, Katie’ Genni replied as she made her way over to talk to Mark.

’Mark? Are you still in there?’ She whispered.

’Ummmmm I’m in the sand box.... look tanky!’ he answered showing her a toy tank.

’That’s nice. Do you still remember being an adult? Can you help us get you back to normal?’ she asked.

His eyes widened. ’Nuh huh.... I’m big boy though!’

’But... do you have any ideas on how we can get back to normal?’ she asked him.

’Uhhhhhhhhh You’re scarin’ me!’ he said as he started to cry. This got Miss Holmes attention. Dr Meinclare had sent her to watch over the ’children’.

’Kids? Genni? What’s the matter?’ Miss Holmes asked.

Gennifer’s mind raced. Should she overtake Miss Holmes she wondered? She realized that got her nothing. Dr Meinclare had the power.

’Genni? Are you OK?’ Miss Holmes again asked.

Gennifer decided to play along and act like she still had her 6 year old mind. ’Uh huh I’m K.... ummmmmmmmmm Mark... Marky won’t play with me!’ she said now trying to imitate the speaking voice and vocabulary that had come naturally only moments ago.

Before Miss Holmes could reply Dr Meinclare’s voice boomed over the intercom. ’Miss Holmes.... Is there trouble?’

’I don’t think so doctor.’ she answered.

’Well... why don’t you bring Genni in here a second.

Gennifer wondered if this was her chance? Could she get the device? Would the Dr let his guard down? At least she had her adult faculties on her side! She decided to play along and study the situation. She knew she couldn’t afford to waste her chance. Whenever she made her move it would have to count.

Once inside she could see the Dr was working on unpackaging a new mouse for his computer. The other one had been taken apart and appeared to have seen better days!

’Yes... Genni... Miss Holmes... there’s been a little delay in my plans. So Genni it looks like I better make sure you adult personality doesn’t come back at the wrong time’ he said.

’Ummmmmm huh??? Uhhhhhhhh I don’t like it when you ummmm use that thingy’ she said still trying to talk like a 6 year old. ’I’ll be good... I ummmmm promise’

’Click’ ’We can’t have any surprises’ the Dr said as he engaged the device.

’But, But, But... I’ll be good..... I’m a good girl! I prom...I pwomise....... ’ she said trying to get the Dr to change his mind.

’Now... you shouldn’t even notice a difference. I’ll just send you back to 6 years old where you’re already stuck anyway. That way those nasty adult memories won’t come back and cause us troubles! You shouldn’t notice a thing’ he explained.

’uhhhhhh but mister.... hows come? I pwomise I’ll be good ... I’ll play allllllllllllllllll day long! ’ she said as she lost the battle with the Doctor’s device and then broke into giggles.

’That should do it!’ The Dr said. ’Let her go play with the others. I have work to do. Soon I will RULE THE WORLD!’ he shouted as he turned to the instructions for his new mouse.

Miss Holmes took her back outside and Genni skipped back over to Stevie.

’Have ya got a plan? Did you get that thing he has?’ Stevie asked quietly.

’Nuh huh...’ she answered.

’How come?’ he asked.

’Cuz’ she said.

’Cuz Why?’ he replied.

’Just cuz!’ she replied getting frustrated.

’Genni... are you ready to trade me back? I wanna be big!’ Katie said.

’She ain’t gonna trade you no more!’ Stevie cut in.

"I dunno....." Genni said as she appeared to be thinking. With the thought process of a six year old working for her she kind of liked the idea of being the kid. After all, she could still find a way out of Dr Meinclare’s even if she was a kid again she figured.



End Chapter 6

The Evil Dr. Meinclare

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005


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