In memory of Scottish Wildcat

by: username | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 21, 2021

The cat burglar is feeling somewhat ancient these days. Maybe she needs a little pick-me-up?

Chapter 1
The story of a master thief begins.

Chapter Description: She's a smart one. Maybe a little too smart?

Scottish Wildcat was a premier cat burglar who was considered the best of her generation, had passed her prime, and regretted her aging body not permitting her to continue her profession. Her sexy figure hadn’t weathered the years very well with its once firm breasts and butt sagging down. She was still sexy in a matronly way, but not a “smokin’ hot” sexy young body way.

She still worked out diligently to keep the steel in her physique, but time and nature will always win in the end resulting in loose skin wattling her chin, arms, and thighs. Her perfectly balanced nose had grown over the years as nature increased the amount of cartilage it possessed making it broader than its once more petite predecessor.

Her hips had broadened, making her butt appear larger while lending her hourglass figure a slight pear shape. Thinning upper lip, facial hair, and the gray hairs that she diligently dyed to keep it the same color as her original fiery red couldn’t change them back to the lustrous thickness that had thinned out to the straight lifeless strands that were there now.

The wrinkles on her hands and her pronounced crow’s feet around her eyes which were now puffy contributed to the whole and gave her the look of a hot grandmother.

Oh, but she longed for something to bring back the vibrancy and healthy glow that her body had lost! If only one of the many sham beauty products out there could just eliminate one wrinkle she’d buy out the company and take a bath in it every day.

Her profession had provided well, and she put the cash she had gotten from her wealthy contacts into various funds, trusts, and hedge-funds, growing her wealth which allowed her the life of luxury that he had dreamed about as a starving orphan all those decades ago.

One day while cleaning out her closet she came across her old catsuit. The leather was still supple, and it gave her a pang of nostalgia that older people sometimes have of more exciting times like parties or witty banter with handsome adversaries.

Against her better judgment, she tried it on.

It was tight in all the wrong places, loose in others, and the zipper wouldn’t fully close at the top. She regretted her compulsion and took it off, folded it up, and put it away at the back of her closet.

Instead of looking forward, Scottish Wildcat was trapped in remembrance of past glories, she needed something new to allow her to accept her maturity and use it to her advantage. But, try as she might, her gloomy thoughts would somehow return to those former glories of yesteryear, near captures, heart-pumping adrenaline-charged moments in which she alive, living for the moment and the thrill of getting away with her prizes to fetch top dollar and invites to social parties where she would rub shoulders with the elite.

Nowadays, she rarely got invites to anything. The “beautiful people” of her past had drifted away, lost touch, and eventually dropped her off their Christmas card lists. She felt quite the old fool these days as she realized that she was only an acquaintance to those people, a tool that they used, fed scraps to, and then tossed aside when her utility had expired.

She decided to start a new project, one that would finally convince her that dwelling in the past wasn’t good for a person, she needed to get over herself. She decided to research ways in which a person could revitalize their mind and body.


The first place she went was to a small office, it was well decorated and run by a businessman named Natasha. She recognized his charm and appeal but didn’t appreciate the almost desperate ferocity in which he pursued getting her to sign a contract. You’d think he was desperate for a person’s soul or something!

In a remote part of the jungle, she found a temple that had been erected to worship a goddess of youth. On a Dias hidden in the middle of it, there was an orange glowing stone. Before she could pick it up, an alien appeared out of nowhere and told her that it was only for the male of the species and escorted her out, locking the temple with a new passcode that was undecipherable. She let it be and continued back to civilization.

In a small cave, she found a grotto with water that glowed with green phosphorescence. After verifying that the water was safe with a portable analyzer and chemical test kit, she took a short swim. The water had tightened her skin for a while but didn’t do much else for her. She decided to bring a sample back with her and have her lab boys analyze it. Later, it would gain some popularity as an astringent for the middle-aged crowd.

Taking a break, she went to see a movie about superheroes. The movie wasn’t much on plot and had one MacGuffin which she felt was a bit overused. The CGI was pretty good and the actors did a pretty decent job of portraying one-track-minded characters. She especially liked the scenes where one of the female protagonists regressed herself in a mirror. It sent little electric thrills up and down her spine as she watched it.

After a few more dead-ends and fruitless searching, she finally concluded that nothing was available that wouldn’t be dear in one way or another and put the issue to bed, closed the book on the exciting chapters of her life, and opened a new blank page on which she started a new beginning for her that would allow her to continue her life participation with the mature dignity that her age demanded.


That is she did until she didn’t. It all came to a screeching halt when she visited a museum that was putting on a special display of some obscure civilization long dead and forgotten. According to the literature, the people of the tribe were long-lived and suffered from a DNA aberration that rendered them sterile. After pulling in several other adopted races to bring in new blood, the replacements had also died out after living long lives. This piqued her curiosity.

She set out to explore the ruins with a small party that it turned out had discovered them but ran out of funding. This worked out well in her favor as she was able to tag along as a patron and an amateur archaeologist.

The team discovered much about the culture, philosophy, and most importantly, the science of the dead civilization. A tablet with several languages on it served as a Rosetta stone between the dead civilization and several other long, forgotten ones.

Using the stone, Scottish Wildcat was able to find an ancient formula that would according to her translation “restore the body to a youthful incarnation”. After much research, she found a caveat in another translation that said the “use of the restorative rendered its user sterile” and that with it in wide use, people weren’t as interested in procreating their civilization and were more interested in enjoying life’s luxuries instead.

She sequestered the information and let the party continue with their investigations on the condition that any information about what they found on the formula be forwarded to her.


She found modern equivalents for the ingredients with some research and conducted experiments on test animals with great success. As a caution, she let her test animals live in a personal zoo and observed them for a year.

The animals were sterile, computer models found the problem in one of the DNA sequences that the formula modified and she found a way to nullify it. The animals were in good health otherwise, so she conducted a new set of experiments with a new set of test animals and opened the second wing of her zoo for observation.

After a year, the animals had bred with the progeny being healthy and most importantly fertile. She felt she had her success.

She took the formula and it rejuvenated her body to the smokin’ hot body she had possessed as a 23-year-old. A vibrant body with supple skin and lissome muscles fully complete with the grace her acrobatic training had lent it.

She donned her leather catsuit and marveled at the way it hugged her perfect hourglass frame. She was ready to go back into business, get some more contacts and contracts, and once again schmooze among polite society.

After a year, she was feeding the animals in her first zoo when she noticed that they seemed smaller than they should be. After hasty DNA analysis, she discovered that the formula that she had mixed must have lacked a molecule or two and the result was 2 years of vibrant adulthood with a slow return to the nothingness of unbirth.

She didn’t panic, she had at least two years before it would happen. She put the formula through further computer analysis and after a few months of number-crunching discovered that the thing affected was the telomeres on the end strands of the DNA samples were growing as well as a few other molecular changes. Try as she might, even bringing in specialists, nothing would stop the process from happening. Nothing would slow it down nor was there a way to put it into remission. She was now officially screwed.

Cursing herself for a fool, she suited up for her next job and noticed that her catsuit seemed a little loose in places. Her body was already regressing! She now possessed the body that she had sported in her late teens. She canceled the gig and resumed using the DNA analyzer to look for long shots that would yield a tangible result. After several months of testing, she found nothing.

Donning her catsuit for comparison, as she looked in the mirror, the young tween in the mirror staring back seemed to be wearing the same leather outfit that bunched up at the ankles and covered the tops of her feet, sagged at the crotch, and obscured her hands with its too-long sleeves that she bent at the elbows. Her boobs were gone! The fitted cups of the suit had collapsed inward and were flat as pancakes now.

She looked like a little girl playing dress-up for Halloween in her mommy’s sexy cat costume.

After a few more months a little girl of 2 or 3 was found wandering around the abandoned mansion that belonged to Scottish Wildfire. The only reason that they had found her was that spring had come around and a gardener had come to start prepping the ground for summer.

The little girl was very cute and possessed a shock of thick fiery red hair with a smattering of freckles on her face. The little girl tried to explain what had happened, but nobody was listening and if they did, they wouldn’t understand anyway. Wild tales about secret formulas that rejuvenated would only be taken for childish imagination, after all.

She ended up in an orphanage, where her steady regression continued and she ended up in a crib as a medical oddity. When the day came for the 1-day old infant to begin unbirthing, a miracle happened and her internal clock started to go forward again.

She grew up normally after that.


(Author’s note: I just didn’t have it in my heart to kill her off. Sorry!)



End Chapter 1

In memory of Scottish Wildcat

by: username | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 21, 2021


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