Madame Zelda: Life is a Beach

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005

Two children visit the mysterious Madame Zelda to ask for her help.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Timmy and Lisa were busily explaining their problem to an older woman. The house was dark and all the curtains were closed. Candles lit the room. The old woman sat back in her chair as the two children pleaded with her for some kind of help.

’People say you can do...magic, Madame Zelda. Can you do something to help us?’ Lisa asked.

’It is true that people speak in hushed tones of my having ’powers’. I don’t deny my ’gifts’ when asked about them. Most people are too afraid to seek my help. But what you seek of me has a cost. In fact it can be very expensive! Even moreso if you wish that the spell be used against someone’s will and without their knowledge.’

’How much?’ Timmy queried the old woman.

’It always depends. But I like you two. Maybe we can work something out?’

’Ya mean like chores or something?’ Timmy asked.

’That could be arranged. I have a lot of cleaning around here and Winston might enjoy the company’ she said as she motioned to a black cat that seemed oblivious to the guests. ’But first let us come to an understanding. You feel like your parents aren’t fun? You think them to be....shall we say....’sticks in the mud’?’

The two kids shooks their heads in agreement. ’Daddy works alot away from home and mommy is home but she never has time for us to do anything fun. Other kids get to go to the park and the beach and stuff!’ Lisa said.

’Yeah, Mom works from her computer and is always on the phone. Even on weekends!’ Timmy added.

’I might be inclined to help if you agree to some chores around here for me.....BUT you must bring your parents down here so that they know how you feel. I’ll do something for you only with their blessings!’

’Awwww ...they have to come HERE?....And TALK?’ Timmy whined.

’I’m afraid so. You children are too innocent to do things any other way. Besides, the cost is way too high otherwise. I’m an old and wise woman and I think you’ll be pleased with the results!’

’But Dad is out of town until next weekend and ALL the kids will be heading to the beach THIS weekend! It’s the first weekend of Summer vacation!’ Timmy told the old woman.

The old woman looked knowingly at the two youngsters. Timmy is 10 and his sister Lisa is 7. Their innocent stares seemed to tug at her heart. ’Bring your mother in the morning and I’ll see what I can do. If you are happy with my results then you can start on the chores first thing Monday morning. That should give you plenty of time to enjoy the beach this weekend!’

Lisa and Timmy again shook their heads in agreement. It wasn’t exactly what they were hoping for. They had hoped the old woman would cast a spell and suddenly make their parents more ’fun’.

’Do ya think that old woman really casts spells?’ Lisa asked Timmy as they walked the few blocks back home.

’I dunno. It sounds like she is just gonna talk to Mom and try to get her to loosen up. Maybe she is gonna hypnotize her....’


Timmy laughed. ’....Hyp-NO-Tize HER. When people are hypnotized you can make ’em think they are a chicken or that they’re cold when they’re really hot.... Make’em sing even if they can’t sing a bit!’

’Oh...’ Lisa answered but not fully understanding.

When morning came both Lisa and Timmy were up quickly and plotting to get their Mother to go to Madame Zelda’s.

Their mother, Susan, was 40 and actually looked even a bit older than her 40 years. Not grossly fat, but slightly overweight. Her blond hair had dulled and she always wore it pinned up. Although the kids had seen pictures of her with curly, long flowing hair and pretty clothes....all they ever saw her wear was dowdy, conservative outfits and her hair clipped up. This morning was no different.

’Mom... we want you to meet someone down the street. It won’t take long....’

’Timmy, I have plenty to do today. I don’t have time to socialize! If you have a new friend you’ll just have to play outside and leave me to my work!’

’No, no.... It’s Madame Zelda...The only woman that lives in that house on the corner by that big ol tree.’

’Madame Zelda? That crazy old woman? Have you kids been hanging around her? I’m not sure about that!’

’She’s OK Mommy’ Lisa said.

’Mom, she’s not crazy....You’d see that if you met her!’

’Well, I don’t have time....and I don’t I want you bothering an old woman anyway!’

’It would take just a minute or two...and we’re not bothering her! She said her and her cat could use some company and....uhhhhhh she has chores for us and wants you to OK it personally. I’d sure like to make some money to buy stuff this Summer!’

’Chores? I guess you’re getting old enough to do things like that. You kids are growing up so fast! Tell her to call me and I’ll tell her it’s OK with me as long as there are NO power tools involved!’

’Ummmm She doesn’t have a phone. Come down there with us so she’ll let us do the chores. It won’t take you long...’

’Plllllllleeeeeeeeeazzzzzzzze Mommmmmmy’ Lisa chimed in with her best manipulative child’s voice.

’All right...BUT let’s go now and get it over with. I want to get back here and get somes emails sent before lunch.’

It was easier than Timmy had hoped!

The three walked to the home of the old lady. Most people assumed her to be a bit eccentric. A few people had talked about her being a gypsy. Some of the kids had said she was a witch. Susan had never really seen the old woman in person but figured to meet a senile old woman, hard of hearing, and unable to get around very well.

Susan caught her breath as she knocked on the door. Much to her surprise the old woman that opened the door seemed to be rather spry for her age. Her eyes were clear and looked out of place in such an old body. She had no trouble hearing and smiled as Susan introduced herself. The old woman invited them in for a seat. She took them to the same room that Timmy and Lisa had been in earlier.

Susan looked around and decided that the old woman was a bit odd regardless of how healthy she appeared. The room was again dimly lit with candles and many odd trinkets lined the shelves. Some things appeared to be very old.

Before Susan could speak the old woman began the conversation. Madame Zelda told her about how unhappy the kids were and how much they wished their parents had more time for them. She explained that today was the first day of Summer vacation and that many children and their parents would be off to parks and pools. She told Susan how important this time was for the kids.

Timmy and Lisa looked a bit embarrassed. Instead of casting a spell, the old woman was trying to reason with their mother! What was worse was that she was telling Susan everything they had told her!

Susan appeared to be growing agitated at what she felt was the old woman sticking her nose in where it didn’t belong. Finally, she blurted out ’And I suppose you know JUST what the problem is and how to fix it, huh?’

’Why, yes I do. You’ve allowed yourself to get old before your time. You’ve became pessimistic and sour. You’re bitter. You’ve worked yourself until you’re tired. Tired to the bone Your bones are weary!’

For some reason the words rang in Susan’s head. As much as she wanted to tell the old woman to mind her own business, a part of her was astonished at how the old woman had analyzed her so well. The more she reflected on herself the more she realized how bitter she had become.

’Maybe I have became a little bitter...but life does that to you! And now there’s no time for little things. What can I do?’

The question was meant to be rhetorical but the old woman had an answer. ’My dear, I have a vial here that’s contents I made especially for you. You need to lose the bitterness and see things from another perspective. Because I want to help, I give this to you .’

’What? What is it?’

’My dear, a drop of this can erase 5 years from your tired brow! 2 drops will erase 10 years! But it is only temporary. It only lasts about 24 hours. It is not meant to be any kind of a curse, or a gift of permanent youth. Those things can carry a toll...a burden to some maybe. This is just a gift to allow you to live your life in a different way. To hopefully allow you to change you perspective. You should WANT to take your children to the beach on such a glorious day, not stay at home in front of the computer terminal!’

Susan wasn’t sure how to answer! She also was surprised to hear the old woman mention the computer. ’How did she know I was planning on a day in front of the computer?’ she wondered ’And how does she know about computers?’

’Take it, Mommy’ Lisa begged.

’That’s stuff is not real! It might even be poison!’ Susan quickly protested.

’Here, I shall allow you to place a drop upon MY tongue’ Zelda told her as she placed an eyedropper in the bottle.

’I, I, I don’t want to poison you....Let’s just go...’

’NO!’ And with that statement Madame Zelda jumped up and grabbed Susan’s hands. Holding both hands in only one of hers she used the other hand to deposit a drop of the liquid in Susan’s mouth. The liquid was quickly absorbed. Susan couldn’t believe the strength of the old woman. She wanted to spit the substance out of her mouth but it was quickly absorbed. She was a bit relieved because it only tasted like water. She figured that was EXACTLY what it was.

’I’m sorry I had to do that but I feel you needed the ’coaxing’. The effects will be gone by this time tomorrow. You should already be feeling it start. Once you see that I am telling you the truth I trust you will want to take another drop. That will be your decision. I just needed to prove to you that this was possible.’

Susan didn’t feel any different. She hopped up and was about to order the kids to follow her. She was stopped by the sight of a scar fading from her hand. It disappeared as she watched. She had cut herself a couple of years ago as she was trying to prepare dinner while talking on the phone. The scar had since served as a warning against taking knives for granted. Now it was gone!

’Is it working, Madame Zelda?’ Lisa asked.

’Oh yes, at full strength it works fairly quickly. But at only 5 years being removed the effects won’t be dramatic. I believe she should notice the scar from her accident in the kitchen is now totally gone. Lines won’t be quite as deep....’

’This IS working..... Are you a witch?’ Susan asked still not sure whether to be excited or worried.

’Me? I’m of no consequence. Just an old woman.... But I should warn you, the drops each remove 5 years. They also remove the maturity that those years bring! That is the only way to remove the bitterness. Young people are dreamers. You must get in touch with that ability to dream without limits. 2 drops will leave you a vibrant 30 year old woman. Still youthful but yet not so impatient....still a bit practical I would imagine. 3 drops and you’ll be a 25. Barely an adult really. You might prefer that age. Youthful and full of energy, probably a bit impractical, passionate...but still an adult. 4 drops is more than I would recommend. While not completely a child, your 20 year old self will be full of passion and energy. Very youthful and maybe even a bit ummmmm unrestrained...rebellious maybe? Any more than that would render you unable to fuction as an adult at all! Remember your ability to drive didn’t come until you were 16! There is plenty in this vial. Use as much or as little of it as you feel you need. Use it whenever you wish. It will only last about 24 hours each time.....And when it is gone... it is GONE! I’m a business woman first and foremost. Your children have offered to help me around here to work off the price this time. I’m afraid that another vial, or a more lasting spell, would be more than you could afford!’

The children listened intently and hoped this would finally put some fun into their parents lives.

Susan, maybe a bit intoxicated with the effects or simply desiring to be younger than 35, placed another drop on her tongue. Madame Zelda smiled. So did the children. The undiluted solution quickly went to work. This time everyone could see the changes. Her body trimmed up. Her sagging breasts firmed up somewhat. Her clothes began to get slightly baggy. A youthful sheen began to radiate from her blonde hair. In a few minutes a 30 year old Susan Langford stood before them!

Susan reached down and pulled on the excess material that was clinging around her waist. She ran her hands over her now flatter stomach. ’WOW!...I mean I’m a little poochy, BUT it feels so much firmer......’

’Mommy, can we go to the beach today? Can we? Can we?’ Lisa asked as she jumped up and down clapping her hands.

An even larger smile broke out on Susan’s face. ’It would kind of be a shame not to show this body off while it’s back! I guess I’ll need a new suit....maybe even a couple! Thank you, Zelda! Thank You!... What do YOU tell Madame Zelda, kids?’

’Thanks, Madame Zelda’ they answered in unison.



End Chapter 1

Madame Zelda: Life is a Beach

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005


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