New Outlook Inc.

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Cindi came to like Shonda’s plan. Over the course of the week they went about ’reprogramming’ little Millie to grow into their idea of the ideal mother for a teenager. Cindi also used her new found power and freedom to dress and act how she wanted. No more pleasing anyone except hereself! Shonda was very helpful and in fact was glad to even babysit some in order to allow Cindi to have a couple of dates with boys that her mother would never approve of.

Shonda figured the more she could do to teach little Millie how to be ’cool’ the better off both her and Cindi would be when Millie returned to adulthood. Body piercings, tatoos, makeup, toe rings, hair colors, were all things she worked on instilling in little Millie’s ’fashion sense’. Millie grew to look up to Shonda and looked forward to her visits.

By the end of the week Millie was in obvious awe of the teenagers and as much as said so telling them she wanted to be just like them when she grew up!


Saturday morning came and Cindi knew it was time to return Millie to the facility. She briefly considered not returning her but then realized that there would be too much to explain if her mother disappeared and this small child was suddenly living in the home. She only hoped that their plan would work and she’d end up with a ’cool’ mother and not a very angry mother!

The drive was long and Millie’s excitement over the trip soon wore down into boredom as the miles flowed by. Cindi only hoped that she would fall asleep because her whining was getting onher nerves.

’How much longer???’ Millie whined

’Not long...’ Cindi would say and wait on the question to return only moments later.

Finally, they reached their destination and went inside. The same young woman greeted them and took them into the area that they had been in before.

’I trust everything is OK?’ she asked.

’Yes, fine. But I’ll be glad to end this today’ Cindi sighed.

The woman nodded and took little Millie’s hand and led her away.

Cindi waited. And waited. After some time the door opened and the lady returned with a still young Millie.

Cindi’s eyes widened in a questioning fashion.

’We’re not finished yet. The process takes a while just as before’ She told Cindi sensing her concern.

Cindi nodded and appeared relieved.

’I feel funny!’ Millie complained as she stared at her hands. She looked down to see her legs not reaching the floor as she sat and began to look confused. Everything seemed wrong yet perfectly normal all at the same time.

After a while the woman returned for Millie. By this time Millie was experiencing strange memories. Different aspects of her life seemed to dance around in her head. Some things seemed from ages ago yet others seemed very recent. But in both she was a little girl. At least that part seems right she thought. She was very confused as her mind seemed to be filling with things in direct conflict with her reality. Or at least the reality that she percieved. Following the woman she had moments of deja vu as she walked thru the corridor and was placed in the room again.

Cindi again waited. Again the woman returned with little Millie. There was one difference this time. Millie’s adult mind was filtering back now! All of a sudden she felt very embarassed to be stuck in the body of a child! The cloudes were lifting and she was slowly remembering how she got to this point. The events of the past week were burying themselves deep into her mind as if they had happened years ago.

’Cindi... wow...I’m so freaked... this is like soooooooooooo embarassing’ she told her daughter as she examined her young body ’I hope I wasn’t too much trouble?’

’No... well ...yeah.... but it was OK I guess... You’re not mad?’ Cindi replied.

’Mad?’ she asked as she thought back to what seemed like ages ago ’Why would I be mad? You guys were the coolest! You were really cool to me’

Cindi fought back a smirk. ’Could the plan have worked?’ she wondered with increasing confidence that it had.

The woman spoke up ’Millie....errrr Millicent’s mind is slowly returning now. Just as before, once it reaches a certain point Millicent’s brain will tell her body where it should be and this time she’ll progress into adulthood. You can leave now. Everything is taken care of. If there is any problem please let me know.’

’Maybe we should wait?’ Millicent asked hopefully.

’But, mam.... it was your request last week that we let your daughter take you before the process was complete in order to not be driving late much less be out that late?’ the woman replied. ’There’s really not been any arrangements made for you to stay this afternoon.’

’Ya..... I did say that didn’t I... But I just feel all weirded out going out like this’ she said motioning with her arms to show her young body.

The woman had seen this type of response before. Usually, it was caused by the adult mind not fully returning and filtering itself thru the thought processes of a child. It always fades . Once the mind has been triggered to re-age itself it always does. The process is too powerful.

Millicent agreed to leave but not without some protest. Being trapped in the body of a child, even if only for a short while, was now more than she could stand! She couldn’t wait to be big again.

She held her head low so no one would look her in the face as she went to the car. There was no reason for this other than in her own mind because no one would have suspected her of being anything more than a normal child. But then that is what bothered her. ’How could she ever have agreed to this?’ she wondered as she got in the car. Her daughter was really cool and this was a stupid idea in the first place she thought!

’Why are you like acting so weird?’ Cindi asked.

’Cuz! Look at me!!! I’m a child! A stupid little kid! I wanna be big again.... a teenager!’ she answered.

Cindi shook her head ’A teenager???’

’Oh shit!’ Millicent exclaimed in her child’s voice ’I’m not a teenager? Like just how ~old~ am I? I can’t remember..... Don’t be messing with me! You’re messing with me..right?’

’I’m not sure who’s messing with who!’ Cindi countered.

Millicent pulled the visor down and looked into the mirror as though the reflection of the young child staring back would give her a clue as to how old she really was. Her bright young eyes offered no clue and her mind fought to erase the lingering clouds that held the information from her.

Cindi figured it was best to let it come back in its own time. She only hoped that Millicent’s desire to be a teenager was a result of her and Shonda’s ’programming’. ’You’ll be the age you’re supposed to be... that’s all I’m telling you!’

Millicent didn’t like not knowing but Cindi wasn’t going to tell!

All during the ride Millicent kept examining herself hoping for some signs of growth. She’d alternately decide she saw something and then decide she hadn’t. In the back of her mind she began to worry that she would be stuck as a child! Her face brightened as she suddenly realized that her need to adjust her tightening sandals was the direct result of her growing! ’I’m growing!’ she exclaimed.

Soon other items began to feel progressively tighter and it soon became obvious that new clothing would be needed before they could reach home. An Outlet Mall along the interstate proved to be ideally located for them. In they went with Millicent tugging on her ever tightening clothing all the way. Cindi knew they’d have to hurry...and buy things big because Little Millie would be quickly growing into her outfit!

Inside the store Millie quickly headed for the Junior’s section. The salesgirl thought it was strange that Cindi would allow this little girl to pick out her clothes but it was the only excuse Cindi could think of as to why the little girl was doing all the looking! Millicent picked out a skimpy summery outfit and Cindi rushed her to the car without questioning her choice. Millicent was beginning to look very comical as she outgrew the clothes she was wearing. Her shoes were the first pieces to lose the battle as she grew too big for them and the ripped under the strain. Her tummy poked out of the ever shortening T-shirt. The elastic band in her shorts was at then end of its ability to stretch any further. As she made her way through the parking lot none of this mattered anymore. Instead she was relieved to know that she wouldn’t be stuck as a child!

Once inside the car she discretely changed into the much too large outfit that they had just purchased.

’Wow! This is like so totally cool! This will look great as soon as I grow into it!’ She announced giddily.

The progression was going much slower than the regression had worked. By the time they reached their hometown Millicent was just entering her teens. She, of course, was very happy to see that she was leaving her ’childhood’ behind. On the other hand, Cindi was a little concerned that the process was taking so long. One thing she gladly noticed was that her mother seemed to hold no grudges for the way they had ’raised’ her. In fact she seemed to not have minded the parenting at all! Millicent thanked her many times ’for being so cool’ with her the whole time considering her ’dumb idea!’. Millicent spent the last of the ride painting her nails as best she could considering the motion of the car. Not something she’d normally do.

By the time they reached the house Cindi was pretty sure that her mother wasn’t going to be the same as before. She only hoped it would work out as well as Shonda had thought it would.


Shonda figured it was time to see if their plan had worked. Deciding to go straight to the house rather than call first, she hurried over and anxiously entered without knocking.

’Cindi, girl! How ’bout it?’ she said in anticipation upon seeing Cindi in the living room going through her CD’s.

She turned around ’Shonda! Cool! What’s up?’

Shonda’s jaw dropped! It wasn’t Cindi at all but rather a now similar looking although slightly more endowed teenaged ...... Millicent!

’I’m sorry.... I uhhhhhh saw the clothes and ummm thought you were Cindi...’ Shonda stammered as she looked over the other teen wearing only short shorts and tight tank top that allowed a peek of her tanned stomach and showed off her ample and perky breasts hiding behind the fabric.

’Yeah.... don’t you think the color is sooooooooo cool on me!?’ Millicent replied as she spun around giving Shonda a view of the outfit. ’Girl , you ~have~ to check out the dress I got too.....It is soooo ummmmmmm ~short~!’ she said laughingly with a naughty laugh.



End Chapter 3

New Outlook Inc.

by: Louder | Complete Story | Last updated May 6, 2005


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