Adam and Aubrey

by: antgression | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 24, 2017

Infintialist stuff. Not too intense

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Let me introduce myself. My name is Adam and I consider myself a normal guy. I do office work at a bank company which pays the bills even though it is not that life-fulfilling. For someone in their late twenties with only a few years outside of college it is not too shabby.

However, that is not what you came to read about. So I will start talking about the story you want to hear about. This begins with my girlfriend Aubrey.

I met Aubrey through a friend about a half year before the story really heated up. She worked at some fashion company and was actually high up in management. However, as my relationship with her developed I soon learned that this job was more her passion then her source of income. Her father had died a few years back and had gave up his money partially to Aubrey’s mother and partially to Aubrey’s siblings. He was so wealthy that Aubrey did not need to work for the rest of her life. However, if she did decide to retire in her twenties she would have to live a modest life in order to make her inheritance last, and she preferred to find the job she liked.

Keeping this all in mind, let me begin my story. A month into dating Aubrey we started having sex. We had both been active in this sense before and it was not too significant to either of us. However, a month later I learned of something weird about Aubrey.

One day decided that our sex was not enough to satisfy her. She stated that we should try “other things.” Now as a man I did not really care nor did I think anything she wanted would make me feel uncomfortable. My mistake opened floodgates that I would not have opened if I had hindsight.

From that point on Aubrey introduced our sex life to progressively weirder things. First, we tried role playing and tamer stuff. This lasted two weeks until Aubrey stated she had found this cool new store that could improve our sex life. Suddenly she brought in handcuffs and other such bdsm objects and even started to talk about the importance of a bdsm relationship.

Before you stop reading this due to weirdness of this all or because of your disbelief that I would tolerate this I must interject. Aubrey had tactfully introduced each new sex toy very slowly and escalated the craziness of our sex life slowly. She also was very accommodating and tolerant of my hesitation. With the bdsm stuff she would allow me to be the person with power first as I was a man and then she would get a turn. I can’t say I loved the sex toys, but I also cannot say that I got no enjoyment from them. From every toy we got 1 or 2 sessions of good sex. But for each night she wanted to bring the “weird stuff” in, I wanted wanted one night of normal sex. This pattern continued until she brought in the collar.

She brought it in a plastic bag similar to those that carried groceries, in the same manner she had brought in all of her other toys. However, this collar seemed different, even though she claimed that she brought if from the same sex store that she had been using this whole time, I did not believe her. It did not seem like this collar was for pretend. It seemed like it had a purpose which it accomplished well.

Aubrey explained that the collar would be put on a person and the other person had a controller for it. The collar did not dig into your neck like others did and you barely felt it. The controller had a dial that could select numbers from 1 through 5 for intensity. Then there was a button to activate the collar in order to punish them.

I looked at this collar with suspicion, hesitation and a little bit of fear. I could not imagine myself putting this around my neck. I had done things with Aubrey that were bad but nothing so real. I opened my mouth in order to tell her there was no way I would comply to this.

Before I could she interrupted me and told me that while it looked like a real shock collar, it was really nothing extraordinary. She put the collar around her neck and told me to shock her. I asked her if she was sure. She nodded and I carefully navigated the dial to the one and pushed the button to electrocute her.

Looking back I am amazed at how composed she remained. She did not flinch at the shock, even though I would come to realize that this shock inflicted horrible pain. She asked me if I would agree to bringing this collar to the bedroom. I agreed out of obligation, but in her eyes I saw deception and maliciousness. Something was not right.

For a few nights out of habit, I was given the remote to the collar. I did not use it frequently as I did not know how to. I honestly did not understand how I should use it and I quickly forfeited it to Aubrey.

Soon I would feel like a someone who did not learn how to double jump in a mario game until someone else played it for him. Aubrey knew how to use the collar. I could never forget that.



End Chapter 1

Adam and Aubrey

by: antgression | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 24, 2017


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