Not The Charm

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 18, 2016

Third time isn't always the charm

Chapter 1
Not The Charm

Chapter Description: Third time isn't always the charm

This time it had to work just right, the last time had just been a mistake. Okay maybe the last two times. Third time’s the charm so they say.

“Chronos, lord of time and age, hear my words.

Give us the power of time

Let us control it to our liking

Let us use it to our advantage

Hear our words

Grant us the power”

That had to work this time, the ingredients were correct, the ambience was just right, everything was exactly as it needed to be.

A minute passes, two, still nothing.

“Maybe we forgot something” Thirty years they’ve been trying to make the God Of Time hear them, thirty long years of screwed up spell after spell. They did everything right, everything was exactly as it was supposed to be so why did it never work out the way they wanted?

“Like what? We’re doing it right” Neither of them were getting any younger and soon they would have to give this up since it was cutting into their limited finances.

“No idea, maybe we just can’t ask to control time, we have to be exact about our reasons” Exact reasons? They didn’t want to get too old, they wanted to have more time to make the most out of their lives, what other reason could there be that that? It would be better than dying slow deaths as their cancer consumed them.

“What other reason do we have other than to have a little more time?” Life was too short and theirs in particular was too short.

A few baby items are placed in the circle, nappies and other things.

“Maybe we need to be exact, like we want to have a chance to be parents, we want to have a career, anything that isn’t us dying painfully and slowly.

Worth a try.

“Okay, let’s try again” It had to work, it needed to.

“Chronos, lord of time and age, hear my words.

Give us the time we need to live our lives

Give us the years we need to make more of our lives

Let us exist with hope

Let us have a chance

Grant our plea”

That had to work. A static like feeling can be felt followed by what feels like an increasing thickness between the legs...oh no, not again.

“Oooo, puffy” Thirty years, ten years each time once they were old enough again to tap into any magical energies. This was becoming a annoying to say the least, no matter what they did they would always be in the same situation that lead them to trying this, the diagnosis, the slow death.

The nappies were at least comfortable so there was that, but were they limited to this loop with no way of cheating death and staying as adults?

“Again?” A voice asks from the doorway.

“Again, up?” Another round of growing up to do or maybe the lord of time was tired of their attempts and would keep them as babies this time round.

It would be fitting punishment for asking to cheat death as adults.

“Think about it this way, you two are adorable at this age and you don’t have many worries” Aside from being pretty much helpless and needing cared for, sure.

“Yay, ikkle!” At least someone was enjoying being a baby again.



End Chapter 1

Not The Charm

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Mar 18, 2016


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