Only A Little

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 16, 2015

Be mindful of how much baby cream you use on yourself, it could be more potent than you realise

Chapter 1
Only A Little

Chapter Description: Be mindful of how much baby cream you use on yourself, it could be more potent than you realise

Just use a little, she told me, only a little. She didn’t really say why when she handed me the tube of baby cream, she only said to use a little of it.

I should have listened to her.

It wasn’t so long ago that I was nearing the end of my life after eighty odd years, I knew my time was ending. I had a pretty good run though when I think about it. Yet I wasn’t ready to die yet and I had been foolish enough to say that in front of someone, a young woman, who gave me the baby cream.

I’m sure you can guess what happened next but you’re also probably wanting details so I’ll get to the details.

Not that I really need to say much because you very likely already know what happened.


The day she gave me the baby cream was probably my last day, I hadn’t been feeling very well for the past couple of weeks and there wasn’t anything that could be done. It was old age that was getting to me, my body was failing on me and I knew there was nothing to be done about it.

The Reaper is a patient one for sure and he, she, it, whatever the Reaper is was very close to me.

That was when she gave me the baby cream, a small tub, and she told me to only use a little of it. Just a little.

In my determination to live a little longer though I used more than just a little.

I used the entire tub. It was a very small tub but the contents were potent, which I found out over the course of days.


The first day was a shock to say the least, I had used the entire tub the night before and didn’t expect to see any difference but I got quite the shock when I saw myself as I had been over sixty years previously looking back at me in the mirror.

Smooth skin, next to no wrinkles, my hair back to it’s full glory, my body back to how it used to be when I had a young woman barely in my early twenties.

As you can imagine I was quite delighted, overjoyed to be exact. I was in the prime of my life again, my youth was restored, my health was better than it had been for years. That entire day was one spent being, well, young shall we say.

Young and foolish.


The second day brought more surprises when I saw myself as a young woman of barely fifteen years old looking back at me in the mirror, I was a fresh faced teenager again and I could feel how young I was.

And I was scared, was I going to become even younger? The answer, of course, was yes.

I spent that day in both fear of the next day and the delight of being so young once again. But I needed help so I contacted the young woman who had given me the baby cream and told her what happened, she came round to see me shortly after the call and explained to me why she had told me to use only a little.

The baby cream was modified to allow a return to youth, but to avoid using too much because the person would continue to get younger instead of remaining at the age they have returned to.

The fear became stronger then, how young would I become? Would I disappear?

Had I made my potential un-birth my death?


After a troubled night, and the young woman staying with me since she was concerned for me, I awoke the next morning and found that I had become even younger, even before looking in the mirror as before.

I was greeted with a young child of barely six or seven years old looking back at me. Gone were my indications of having been an adult barely forty eight hours ago, I was too young to take care of myself.

How young would I be tomorrow? Was this my final day?


It was not to be my final day, like I had feared, but it was another day of being even younger. The next morning I awoke to the age of two years old, or near about that age. It was a good thing that my new carer had considered protection for me when I had gone to bed that night, I needed it.

I was so young and helpless, I had to rely on her for so much and she didn’t mind at all. It was hard to think much as an adult that day. I was slipping away back to pure innocence.

I was disappearing.


The next morning I was even younger, barely months old, and that day is today. My adult mind and memories are very hazy, I am barely managing to talk about this due to how hard it is to talk.

I should have been mindful of her words.

It was very potent baby cream indeed.

But I suppose it isn’t so bad since I do get more time to live, hopefully, and maybe this new life could be even better than the previous one.

I should have just used a little though, only a little.

Sleepy time.



End Chapter 1

Only A Little

by: Reina Watt | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 16, 2015


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