Homestuck Infantilist blurbs

by: Rezzka Toxxos | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 14, 2015

Chapter 2
Vriska/Terezi blurb

Chapter Description: So this one is still being written and I will edit it when I get my whole idea back but this is a game of Truth or Dare between Terezi and Vriska. Other characters show up, and I do need to edit it to flow better.

Vriska yawned as she laid on the couch, humming some as she looked around the room, her clothes were normal, blue jeans, black Scorpio top, red converse, and grey overshirt. Across from her was Terezi, who conveniently decided to engage in a magic game of truth or dare. Being first Terezi looked at Vriska with her toothy grin. "TRRROOOOOTH OR D4R3 SP1D3RB1TCH?" She said in a snarky tone.

Vriska and her ever present ego giggled caused her to proudly shout. "DARE!!!" And with her wicked giggle Terezi spun up a smiled. "V3RY W3LL! 1 D4R3 YOU TO 4LW4YS DR3SS L1K3 TH3 GRUB YOU 4R3!!!"

Vriska yelped a lil, her face flushing blue, as she felt her clothes shift around, her panties growing thicker and thicker by the second, becoming the first noticeable change in her outfit, the spider themed diaper fully formed followed by her shirt and pants forming into one unit, as well as her shoes too. The entirety of the outfit becoming a cute hooded spider sleeper, which included her jacket becoming one with it too.

Growling, Vriska glared at Terezi, but smiled a lil. "F..fine I see how it is. Truth or dare, asshat?" she asked curiously, staring the toothy girl down, despite Terezi being blind.

"OH 1 TOO W1LL T4K3 D4R3" Terezi quipped happily, knowing that Vriska was forever trapped in her new outfits.

"I dare you to be my pacifier for eternity!" She shouted at her growling under her breath, a look of terrified shock growing on Terezi’s face. "Now you’re loud mouth can fill my mouth!" Vriska added maliciously giggling , as she watched Terezi’s form shrink, contort and reform, eventually leaving a teal pacifier with the Libra symbol wearing glasses on the ring holder of the paci.

Vriska smiled some picking the girl up, and plopping it into her maw, suckling on it happily. "Oh boy this is great even taste like you." She said smiling, as she picked up the phone and dialed up for one of her friends to come over, well not some, more so 1 being Nepeta.


Nepeta had always been apprehensive of spiderbitch, she really had no idea why she talked to her but when she called today, she sounded extremely off, which for the cat troll, intrigued her enough to run down.

Nep giggled as she went around her cave hive collecting her toys and gadgets for the day, she was always a girl who needed to be prepped for the day, survivalist instincts you know. After what seemed like hours to the autistic cat girl, but in reality was about 25 minutes, she was packed, ready, and kissing her Lusus, Pounce De Leon good by for the day. The natural response for the grizzly bear sized cat was a gentle churr noise.

The distance between the homes would have been unbearable to walk, but thankfully most of them had their warp pads ready and available, except Nepeta. This was because she always had a problem keeping to the litter box, a fact Equius often yelled at her about. SO began the normally grueling quest, which for Nep lasted only about 45 minutes, but then again she was running thru the forest at the speed of a cheetah and the grace of a monkey, well dexterity, monkeys on alternia weren’t so graceful. And with her journey over, she knocked upon the mansion door, Terezi’s jetpack resting outside.



End Chapter 2

Homestuck Infantilist blurbs

by: Rezzka Toxxos | Complete Story | Last updated Aug 14, 2015


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