'Madison Springs'

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2015

Chapter 2
An Unexpected Encounter

Kellan staggered backward, clasping at his throat as he gasped for breath. A surge of luxuriant hair had banished the bald patches from his scalp, the deep creases on his craggy face had smoothed out, and the dark shadows under his eyes had all but vanished, rolling back years of accumulated stress and toil. Looking like a fresh-faced university student, broad chested with firm, athletic arms, he practically burst with youthful energy.

Unfortunately, he didn’t stay that way for long. Dizzy and lightheaded, Kellan could barely make out the dim figure of his assailant as he started shrinking into his clothes. The sleeves of his white oxford shirt began to slide past the palms of his hands, and his dress pants grew loose and sagged halfway down his behind. His handsome, rugged features gradually dissolved into a soft chubbiness, his bright eyes widening, and his muscles losing all definition before disappearing altogether. Body hair retreated into milky, smooth skin, and his height plummeted, causing his pants to finally give up and crumple to a heap around his ankles, followed swiftly by a pair of plaid silk boxers.

Alarmed by the sudden vacancy around his nether regions, Kellan let out a high-pitched squeak and pulled his shirt down as far as it could go, managing to stretch it past his knobby little knees. But as his scrawny shoulders continued to narrow and pull inward, the now absurdly oversized garment soon dangled perilously over one blade like a billowing sail.

Backing away from his approaching assailant, he stumbled out of his beige moccasins, but soon found himself cornered and shucked of his shirt, leaving him naked as a jaybird. His entire body turned bright red with embarrassment, and he clamped his little hands over his boyhood, only to realize with a jolt of terror that there was nothing there. Bending down, he searched and groped desperately, but there was only a thin slit across his groin. “No… way…” he stuttered, as the realization of what he’d become sunk in like a ton of bricks.

“Oh you’re going to be a real looker.” his assailant murmured, ruffling the soft curls on his head.

“You nevah get away wif dis! I call da paw-lease!” he yelled in a quavering soprano.

“Really? Well, just what will you tell them? Do you even remember your name?”

“Mwai name is… ish…” he scrunched his face with effort, drawing a complete blank as his mouth hung open helplessly. A cruel laugh reverberated thru the room as he wobbled around unsteadily on his pudgy legs before plunging forward uncontrollably onto all fours, hot tears streaming from his eyes.



End Chapter 2

'Madison Springs'

by: skywavesage | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 4, 2015


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