Growing Down isn't So Bad: TG Editon

by: Guyver54 | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 1, 2015

Chapter 5
16 to 15: Another Awkward Moment Leads to something Surprising

Chapter Description: While having lunch, our heroine tries to get her thoughts in order, only to come across another face from the past and learning just a bit more about her ever changing status.

Growing Down Isn’t So Bad:


16 to 15:

Another Awkward Moment leads to something surprising

I let out small groan as I tore out a page in my new log book, crumpled it up into a ball and threw it into my Burger King Bag. It has been well over an hour since my visit to GameStop and I have been trying to write down everything that has been happening to me. But every time I try to write it down it somehow comes out like I’m writing in a stupid diary!

With another groan, I took a bite out of my ice-cold burger and chocked it down with my soda. I took a deep breath and slowly brought my pan to the book, determine to get this right.

Around 10:40 AM, I, Kenneth Turner Junior, underwent a startling alteration; going from a 5’ 2’’ male to a 5’ 6’’ girl with golden brown hair and a lighter shade of green eyes.

I paused as I took out a compact mirror that was forced onto me by that crazy sales lady and studied my face. I noticed that my hair is slightly shorter then before, not by much but still noticeable if you know where to look. Even more curious was the coloring, the blonde highlights had thinned a bit; it was harder to tell that I even had them. Even my eyes seem a little lighter then before, there were now a bluish green instead of the piercing green that gave me my intimidating stare.

With a sigh, I snapped closed the mirror, pocked it and looked at my body. The changes to my figure weren’t as noticeable as my hair, but I could still see them. My outfit was starting to feel a little more spacious and I could wiggle my toes in my shoe ever so slightly. I noticed that the band on my right wrist-I still don’t know why that lady gave them to me in the first place- were a little on the loose side. I gave my wrist a small snap, but the band stayed on.

With my small exanimation over, I picked up my pen again and continued with my log.

Probably more startling then transforming into the opposite gender was that my alteration hadn’t ceased. Because of my state of being at the time, I was unaware that I had actually grown a whole year younger. That made me an eighteen-year-old girl instead of a nineteen-year-old woman like I first thought. Even more startling is when, six minutes after the first alteration, I got another year younger. This strange regression occurred again over 46 minutes later.

I stopped writing in my log book, and looked over my work as I took a large bite out of my burger. I was please, but it was exhausting, as it was a conscious thought not to write like some sort of teenage girl. This wasn’t the first time I had noticed something about my behavior, but I wasn’t going to write about it until I can confirm it.

It’s safe to assume that I will continue to grow younger at an irregular pace. Thankfully there are signs that will warn me before I regress. Noticeable, after my first two alterations, I would feel a chill on my neck before I will regress. Additionally, when body regress it causes some aftereffect as well. Most notable, I become lightheaded, and my hearing and vision goes out. But I also believed that these conditions are shortening each time I grow younger.

I nodded as I closed my logbook and put the pen in it holding spot and put the book into my bag. I began to finish off my lunch as I looked around the food court. Weird, I had just realized that I had come to this mall so many times, but I barely know the place. The reason behind that could be that I wasn’t much for crowds, and I only come here for a quick lunch.

I was kind of bummed out at that, I thought as I took a sip from my soda. I bet some of these people were nice, and it would a shame that I wouldn’t get to know them better, because I think this is the last time I would last time come here for a long time.

“Here, baaaby. Did you hurt yourself on the way down, because I think you fell from the heavens?”

I don’t know what startled me more…the obviously fake Spanish accent, or the pick-up line that sounded like it belong in a cheesy 1980 teen romance movie. Whatever the reason behind was it, I nearly spit out my soda. I mentioned to push down the liquid before I could make a mass, but that left me with a small couching fit, and I think some escape as I felt something sliding down the corner of my mouth. I couched for like a good 10 seconds before I got mine breathing under control and wiped off whatever was running down my chin.

I whip my head in the direction the voice came from and was ready to get the guy a good tongue lashing. Whatever words I had for the looser that used the cheap pickup line died when I actually got a good look at the guy.

“So, what do you think baaaby?” Renaldo Monk, age 17, asked in that fake Spanish tone. “Do you see the ray of the sun coming from behind me?”

I don’t know what worse, the lamb pick-up lines the guy was using, his outfit, which was just a stylish shirt with a spiral on the sleeves and rips throughout the entire article of clothing, black jeans and a pair of black high tops with paint on them, or the cologne he was wearing. It was either to strong or he used too much of it, because the odor is making me lightheaded.

“So, baby, what do you think about hanging out like a stud like me?” Renaldo asked smoothly, or what he probably thought was smooth.

I wanted to gag, I truly wanted to gag, and it wasn’t because of the cologne. See, Renaldo’s older brother, Marco was a bit of a ladies’ man with a natural attraction that all the females found nearly irresistible. Thankfully, my bestie since I was a little boy wasn’t a jerk to them, and while he had many girlfriends throughout high school he always treated them with respect.

My friends and I had always suspected that Renaldo had some resentment and a lot of bottled up envy with his older brother’s luck with the ladies. But I never had said a thing about this to my friend. Now I’m wondering if I should I have spoken up when I noticed this problem.

“How about it, baby,” Renaldo said smoothly as he took the seat across from me. “There’s a movie I think will be right up your alley.”

I looked at his, feeling a strange mix of pity and disgust. At some level I felt pity because he was trying so hard to pick up a lady. I can also sympathize with him, I having been Marco’s wing man since we entered high school. But, I couldn’t help but feel disgust, since he was hitting on a man in a girl’s body.

So, to save my friend’s brother some face, and my not to mention my own dignity, I decided it would be best if I just let the poor guy down softly.

I didn’t get a chance to put my plan into motion when I felt that familiar cold on the back of my neck. Unlike the last few times, however, the feeling traveled slowly down my spine, spreading through my entire body at even pace. Maybe it wasn’t because it as powerful as my last regression that I could feel my outfit loosen slightly. While I still experienced the typical lightheadedness and lost of hearing and sight they so weak the only thing I noticed was a slight ringing in my ears and my version become slightly blurry but not even to cause any sort of problems.

I frown as I looked Renaldo. He didn’t notice that I was now younger. In fact, he wasn’t even paying attention to me; he was busy spraying himself with that terrible cologne. I don’t know why, but having him ignore me tricked me off slightly. I mean, he here was, basically forcing himself onto me, and what does he first does…put on more cologne.

I grinned as thought popped into my head. Sure, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth for this second life I’m entering, but someone had to teach this poor boy that it rude to try and forced himself onto a lady and then ignored her.

And I realize how I just sounded now, but I had made up my mind, and once I set my mind to do something I rarely stop until it completed. Mama would often say that because I gain my grandma’s stubbornness. But I could care less at the moment; I had a somewhat rude boy to put in place.

“So, you said something about a movie?” I asked in a slight flirtatious but casual manner, “With you, right?”

The look on Renaldo face said everything; he instantly beamed as it seems I would take him up on his offer. He quickly covered up his own eagerness by acting like he wasn’t interested as he lean into the back of his chair and put his arm on the head. He tried to look cool, but somehow just couldn’t manage it as he flashed me a smile.

“Yeah, sure why not?” he replied casually.

I hid my laughter by pressing the back of my hand slightly to my mouth. It was cute, how he was trying to play it cool, but it just didn’t work with him. Plus, being a former dude myself, I was fully aware of how desperate he was, and in a way, it almost made me feel bad for what I was about to do.

But, it needed to be done, and I just hope he can rebound from it after words.

“It sounds nice,” I replied casually, “But I’m afraid you’re just not my type.”

The look on Renaldo’s face was almost heart breaking, the way his face just dropped and the light from his eye dimmed a bit. Some part of me wanted reach out and comfort him, to tell him it would be alright. But I couldn’t do that, he might get the wrong idea, and the whole reason behind was because he wasn’t my type and thank to my problem would make it very hard…on the both of us.

“Well, she had to have a pair slightly bigger then mine,” I replied flirtatiously, pointing at my breasts and then flip my hair, “And she has to have hair slightly longer then mine so I can play with it while we kiss.”

The look on Renaldo’s face was priceless. The look of disbelief flashing across his face told me everything; he had stroke out with more ladies because they hadn’t been interested the opposite sex in the first place. It was funny for reasons I couldn’t place, and I couldn’t stop the light giggle that escaped me.

Now was the prefect time to put the finishing act of mine. “And how old do you think I am anyways?” I asked in a strange mix of innocence and flirtatiousness.

Renaldo blinked a couple of times, before saying, “Umm, sixteen?” I noticed that Renaldo had lost his Spanish accent, but that didn’t matter at the moment.

I giggled, which I realized sounded a lot like when my sister and mama’s giggle as I lean forward slightly so I was close to the poor guy’s face. I still don’t know why I found this funny, but seeing the look, a strange mix of rejection and bashfulness, on my best friend’s little brother’s face was just to funny not to laugh.

“Sorry,” I said innocently, “But I just turned fifteen, and one of my moms doesn’t like it when I talk to a boy even a year older then me. She threaten to do unspeakable things to any boy she finds with me, and she can bench-press five-hundred and fifty pounds on a bad day.”

“I-I got to go,” Renaldo said, face as white a ghost, and he hastily got out of the booth, hitting his side on the table, but tried to ignore the pain as he power-walked away from me.

Unfortunately he wasn’t paying close attention to his surroundings and collided with someone coming from his right. The end result was the poor soul got knocked to the ground and Renaldo got covered in Chinese food. Renaldo was slightly dazed, but that last for about a second and then helped the other boy to his feet and took something form his pocket.

“Sorry,” Renaldo said quickly, shoving a ten dollar bill into the still dazed kid‘s hand. “Keep the change!”

The boy of a mix parentage then practically ran away, not even looking back as he disappeared around a corner, leaving behind one confused kid.

I watched this entire event and couldn’t help but giggle at it. Yes, I felt dirty in a way that could never be cleaned. I was also mortified by my own actions; it was easy so to flirt with the poor boy I felt bad him. But I wouldn’t lie and say that some part of me didn’t like it. When I was a boy I didn’t do a lot of flirting, being Marco’s wingman and everything, so it felt like a treat that I finally got to do a bit of flirting, even if I was flirting with a boy and it was only to make him to back off.

Still, I wouldn’t deny that I had fun doing it, and in doing so, made me feel a little better about myself.

“Man, I think I needed a good laugh,” I muttered to myself as I took another bit out of my burger and took out my log book for another entry.

Dear Diary; at 12:27 PM, I had confirmed another state of my usual condition; as my body grows younger my minds tried to match it. But I do not believe this is a part of whatever is affecting my body, but more of a sub-conscious effort on my part, probably keep myself from being discovered. But, the most disturbing fact I had just realized was this…I’m starting to enjoy this experience, it’s a weird ride, but one that I ride out until the end.



End Chapter 5

Growing Down isn't So Bad: TG Editon

by: Guyver54 | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 1, 2015


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