
by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 14, 2014

Chapter 2
Quality Time

Chapter Description: Adam and Nikki spend the early morning hours of Halloween hanging out together.

“Do you have any idea how many charges I could file against you for that?” Adam exclaimed as he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes, which were primarily from embarrassment. Nikki just laughed at his reaction, “Oh, you should have seen the look on your face!” at this point she was obviously trying hard to keep her voice low.

Nikki went to Adam’s bathroom to go wash the makeup off her face, which in the light looked pretty ridiculous rather than realistic. She and Adam had been going out for a few months now. Nikki knew Adam inside and out. Adam had grown used to Nikki’s probing by now, but still found it rather odd. She had to know every minute detail about him and had found everything from his online passwords to baby pictures to bank account numbers, granted she hadn’t stolen a dime from him, regardless, he found it disturbing. As Nikki got to her feet, Adam sat up.

“Soo... any early morning Halloween plans for me?” Nikki inquired her host. Adam was too tired for this, but Nikki was always two steps ahead of him. “I’ve prepared something special for today!” she declared as Adam got to his feet. Nikki’s plans were always hit and miss, so while Adam found himself curious as to what was cooking up in her head, he also knew that declining may be the better option. Adam hesitated before giving a straight answer. “...well, guess I’ve got time to hang out,” Adam gave in, he felt that their roles in the relationship were somewhat reversed. Nikki exited Adam’s apartment and came back in with a big handbag.

She led Adam back into his room. One whiff of the room told her a lot. “You should really think about cleaning up in here,” she advised him, “it’s bad for you health to breathe in all these odors.” Adam rolled his eyes. “... so... do you got some weed? I need my fix...” Nikki usually rewarded him whenever he indulged her. “That can wait,” she replied as she pulled an adult sized disposable diaper from her handbag.

Adam winced. Last week was S&M, but if that was for her it would just be way too weird and bizarre. He started to turn her down, “Look, Nikki, I have fun doing these things with you, but I’m not gonna put you in that...” To his surprise she shook her head, “Today I thought I’d let you in on the fun,” she insisted. Shocked and curious, Adam started stripping. She usually had him do things to her, her activities varied from week to week, but it was always him who indulged her fantasies, almost always from the sidelines. He felt this may be way too far, but it was the first time she insisted that he participate. Adam heaved a sigh. Nikki would get her way no matter what he told her. He consented to let Nicole diaper him. He closed his eyes. She was gentle, but it felt pretty rough. It felt odd to have his nethers encased in thick cotton and plastic. He was going to humor her for a few minutes then take it off... hopefully she wouldn’t take pictures. She patted his stomach when she was done and he opened his eyes. Nicole stifled a laugh as he ran to examine himself in his bathroom mirror. He heard clicking behind him which he knew was her phone camera. “FUCK YOU!!!” he shouted as he turned on the light.

“I look pretty retarded,” he announced as he exited his bathroom. Nicole took a few more shots with her phone. Adam flipped her off. He reached for the tabs so he could pull off the diaper, but found that Nikki had placed tape over the tabs to prevent easy removal. “What the fuck!?” he exclaimed as she got up to hug him. He felt the fake bones that were glued to her hands on his back as she did so. She had a real talent for making anything weird she did appease his mood. He face palmed as she made eye contact with him. “It’s just for today. You be my baby and I’ll do anything you want.” This caught Adam’s attention. “Anything,” she repeated, as he stared into her eyes.

Adam scratched his head. He knew that Nikki knew how to please. She hadn’t been so indulging with him, but he’d heard her last boyfriend was the envy of the entire campus. He swallowed and then nodded. He’d give this a shot. “Good,” Nikki stated, “let’s turn on the TV, you’ve always said you wanted to watch horror movies with me.” Adam put a random slasher on. They both sat on the couch to watch. Adam enjoyed the movie while Nikki continuously tried to get comfortable. She yawned a lot and was obviously fighting off sleep. Halfway through the movie Nikki got hungry. In spite of Adam’s claims that the movie was almost over, she went into his kitchen to get them snacks. “You’re missing the best part,” Adam called out to her. After a few seconds Nikki called back, “you really need to go shopping again, most of your food’s expired... god, you suck, Adam!!!”

Nikki was back within five minutes with two large cups of beer and a bowl of chips. “Alright,” she said, “let’s restart the movie, but every time someone gets hacked, we drink.” Adam liked these terms. He bobbed his head up and down.

Adam went back to the disc menu and restarted the movie. During the first ambush, Nikki only took a small sip while Adam took a huge gulp. His cup gradually seemed to grow bigger, as did the TV screen, but he didn’t pay too much attention to any of that. All he was focused on was the fact that Nikki was on the couch watching a horror movie with him and all that mattered was the next drink. Hopefully she’d get drunk enough to consent to having a little fun with him after the movie, but he guessed that depended on her having more drinks. He tried to spy on how much she had left, but was too obsessed with the television screen.

A little more than halfway through the movie Nikki pulled Adam into her lap. He was bigger than she was, but tonight it seemed less so. “Y-y-you seem a lot bigger than I remember,” Adam stammered. His diaper was tight when Nikki first put it on him, but it seemed to have loosened during the movie. He figured it was just the alcohol messing with him, but the fact that he hadn’t had that much was a concern to him. “Oh, you’re just drunk, sweetie,” Nikki claimed as she wrapped her arms around his entire body. Now she seemed bigger than he was, but he felt too intoxicated to care that much.

Nikki sniffed the air. “Baby, you stink.” she exclaimed, pausing the movie. “Don’ ca’ mm’at.” he responded. Nikki just shook her head and dropped the issue.

Adam had a hard time making it to the end of the movie. Nikki had his head in her lap at the end of the film. “Shiii, mmm outta beeeer” he slurred during the final scene. Nikki opened his mouth and poured the rest of her glass down his throat. “Sweet dreams, pumpkin,” she cooed as he blacked out, watching in utter fascination as he gradually continued to shrink.



End Chapter 2


by: Mr. D | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 14, 2014


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