Aroma Therapy

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 9, 2005

Sometimes smells can bring back the memories that brought you together.

Chapter 1
Thomas and Mary

“Any luck?” Thomas said as he stood by the bathroom door. A long pause came from the bathroom, then a woman’s voice quickly chimed back in disappointment, “nope, no line” Thomas sighed. He and his wife Mary had been trying to have a baby for 3 years now. In his early 30s, Thomas was more than ready to be a father, but despite trying, he simply couldn’t conceive a child with Mary.

Thomas looked Mary in the eyes and sighed as she opened the bathroom door. “Well, we’ll have to try later, but first things first honey I want you to pack up what you can and get out of here. The corps concerned about all this rain. The lakes about to overflow. If it tops the dam we’re all in trouble this whole area is a flood zone. “

Mary nodded and hugged Thomas. “I know baby but I want you to be safe, please come with me.” Thomas held her tightly. “I can’t honey, I have to stay here and make sure everyone gets out successfully.” Mary nodded “I understand, please PLEASE be careful though ok? I’ll meet you at your mother’s house tonight... promise me?” Thomas nodded as he put on his uniform. “Promise.”

The day went much like any other day for Thomas. Despite ANOTEHR downpour for the area being predicted, the weather today was bright and sunny, it was unbelievable that the whole town could be in danger of a flood. Thomas drove around much of the day in his squad car in crowded areas talking over the loudspeaker. “There is a mandatory evacuation of this area, this area is in an emergency flood zone, please turn to 88.6 FM or 382 AM for more information.” He said over and over again.

As expected, as night fell the rain began to fall. Light at first, but increasing steadily. At about 5PM Thomas received the phone call he’d been dreading all day, the dam was going to be topped in another 3 hours, he was to go into every populated area looking for people who haven’t gotten the message and evacuate whoever he could before the dam’s expected collapse just 1.5 hours after being topped.

Thomas did as he was asked, banging on every door telling his story over and over again. By about 7:30 he felt confident that his job was done, as he started to head out of the flood zone however he was reminded about the new apartment complex. As he quickly sped into the parking lot he spotted 3 cars, a silver Honda, and a green altima outside, as well as a red Tahoe. Thomas quickly entered the building, spotting the landlord behind the counter frantically packing a bag with important papers. “Sir you need to...” “I know I know!” the man yelled cutting him off. “What about the other 2 cars in the parking lot?” Thomas asked. “I... I dunno here’s the master key, I’m getting out of here!” he said as he tossed the key to Thomas. Thomas caught it and the man ran out the door before he had time to react. Thomas then began the long journey of going from door to door trying desperately to inform the two remaining people of the impending flood.



End Chapter 1

Aroma Therapy

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 9, 2005


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