Some New Disaster

by: little trip | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 23, 2011

Chapter 10
Lady in Red

Chapter Description: The conclusion of the Humiliation Trilogy-- Part 2 of 3.

A 23-year-old woman in a red dress crashed feet-first through the classroom window, having used an electrical cord dangling from the second floor as a rappel. She landed, uninjured, on one knee, then stood up and brushed the broken glass from her dress.

The nine students found themselves powerless to intervene-- and very, very confused.

“Must you always be so theatrical, my dear?” Trip smiled from his desk.

“Well,” said Lola Trechlyn as she brushed a lock of hair from her face, “here we are again. It’s always such a pleasure.”

“That it is,” replied Trip, continuing to write.

Lola surveyed the culmination of the previous hour. “Still grinding them out, I see.”

Trip shrugged. “Keep it simple.”

“Not even a plot?

“Oh, look who’s talking,” grinned Trip good-naturedly, “Little Miss ‘It Isn’t a Story Unless a Boy Shits Himself.’”

Lola glanced over and pointed at Robert, the seat of whose pants were caked in filth. He sucked his thumb hypnotically and continually spanked his own ass, marveling at the sensation of his mess splattering against its skin.

“Oh, yeah... that,” Trip said. “I was gonna edit that out.”

“Right.” Lola walked around the room, making note of Jody and Tricia. “Girl-plus-girl? You? Gay-as-a-picnic-basket Little Trip?”

He shrugged again. “Give the people what they want.”

“So... why am I here?” asked the woman.

Trip looked up, but kept writing. “I need your help. A couple of these kids have really been ticking me off, and I think they’ve forfeited their adulthoods. I can’t be writing and diapering at the same time.”

Lola nodded, then moved to the canvas bag Corey had previously used while tending to Nick. Beneath the scads of adult-sized diapers and supplies were items more appropriate for infants and toddlers.

The classroom door opened suddenly and an 18-year-old boy poked his head in. “Need my help with anything?”

“NO,” replied Trip and Lola, simultaneously, insistently.

“Get the hell out of here, Dioscuri,” Trip spat. “No one knows who the fuck you are.”

The boy’s eyes opened wide. “Ooookie-dokie, then.” He shut the door and was gone.

“Well,” Trip said, looking up at Lola, who had already pushed the empty desks out of the way to allow for a rudimentary changing station. “Shall we begin?”

“Write away.”

Derek stops masturbating when he realizes his penis is shrinking. It’s subtle at first, but when he feels the head of his still-hard cock retract into his fist, he lets go and watches in horror as he loses his proud, aching dick and gains the one he had when he was 12 years old. Then, it’s the penis he sported when he was 6. He can tell that its ultimate destination is the nub Derek had when he was a six-month old the moment his weakened muscles cause him to spray urine all over his hand, all over the floor, all over himself. Stumbling backwards, his entire body starts to shrink, his cells reinvigorating at a rapid pace, racing to align with the apparent age of the boy’s genitals. Derek leaves puberty, sinks through childhood, and enters toddlerhood from the wrong direction. By the time his regression stops, Lola has to pull him out of his sea of soaked clothing just so the baby can get some air-- which he uses to squeal out the most anguished infant wails anybody in the room has ever heard. The woman secures a thick disposable around Derek’s loins just in time for him to fill its seat with a sticky, warm mass.

Still seated on his potty chair, Ben finally does his business. As Stephanie cheers him on, the humiliated teenager empties a biologically improbable amount of piss and shit into the Elmo-adorned container. But this time, Ben is also emptying out his age. With every squirt of pee, with every lump of poop, the boy loses another year of maturity. Ben finishes at last-- but he’s three years old again, and still very much in need of potty training. The crying he does when his diminutive form sinks into the potty and squishes against his mess is epic.

Stephanie’s laughter is increasingly riotous. Trip doesn’t like her unabashedly gleeful attitude. He concludes that she got off pretty easily for a student who did just as poorly as the peers of hers who suffered far more humbling fates. Aiming for a little irony, Trip removes her potty training completely and permanently, as well as any hope of her ever getting it back. If Stephanie wants to function in normal society she’s going to have to be diapered 24/7. And, just for kicks, Trip decides that the girl will speak in a high timbre and with toddlerlike locution for a full 30 minutes after each instance she uses her diapers.

Lola finishes tending to Derek and swaddling him in a blanket just in time to see a flash of light erupt around Nick. The tall teenage boy in a white diaper has become an awkwardly-toddling two-year-old girl in a pink diaper. Nickie is so audibly distraught over her new station that Lola has to pull the child up into her lap and breastfeed her just to get her to shut up. The former man latches on and nurses hungrily... and, a minute later, Jody is attached to Lola’s other tit, having burst into tears out of sheer jealousy.

Concluding that it would be an amusing shift in paradigm, Trip snaps Robert out of his mental regression, restoring the other 16 of his 17 years of adult function to the beleaguered boy’s brain. At once, the teenager is back... only with his finger up his nose, his toes covered in drool, and his soaked pants loaded with shit.

“You bastard,” spits Robert, pulling his finger from his nose. “I was in there the whole time.”

Trip raises his pencil and wags it in the air. “Ah-ah-ah. Don’t test my altruism.”

Lola looks on, her two little girls getting drowsy from the milk filling their tummies. “Oh, God, Trip,” she moans. “I don’t have to clean him up too, do I? It would take fucking forever.”

He thinks for a moment. “Nah. Let him walk home like that. He can take care of himself when he gets there.”

“So you’re just going to let them all go?” asked Lola, incredulously. She felt an orgasm erupt throughout her body as Nickie and Jody so fervently suckled her nipples.

“No,” Trip replied, “I’m going to let the ones who can go, go. Kevin and Tara have a senior prom to waddle through. Stephanie may be totally incontinent but at least she can carry little Benny out of here. Tricia might only want baby food for the rest of her life, but that’s hardly crippling. And Robert can swallow his pride and walk home with poopy pants like any other... um... teenager who routinely poops his pants.”

Robert shivered and threw daggers at Trip with his gaze.

“I see,” Lola remarked. “So I’ve got three new babies to take care of, now?”

Trip thought for a minute. It did indeed seem a lot to ask.

“Give it a week,” he said. “If you don’t come to absolutely adore them, write a sequel and turn ‘em back.

“As for my story, it’s finished.” With his eyes trained on the classroom door, “Little” Trip Warzlyn gathered up his work as soon as he pulled away his penci



End Chapter 10

Some New Disaster

by: little trip | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 23, 2011


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