by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 21, 2011

From superheroes to superbabies.

Complete Story

Chapter Description: Three great superheroes finally find their doom, at the hands of who they less suspected. But remember, every end is also a beginning...

The center of the dark room enlightened as the three mechanical doors opened at one time and the dim light of the hallway delineated the silhouettes of the three great heroes. Without being able to see much of a thing, they walked sneakily towards the bright white platform. They had overcome great perils and obstacles to manage to reach the center of the mysterious building, but they knew it was not the end. Now they’d have to face the mastermind behind this plot.

As the dark figure was drawn to the light of the platform, a familiar voice came to its ears.

“B… Bruce? Is it you?”

Bruce Wayne was surprised to listen that well-known Kansas accent. But he calmed and kept his distance… “Could this be a trick…?”

Batman had received the clue of an extraordinary building with dare technology in the center of Gotham City, supposedly inhabited by a dark enemy that planned to conquer the country. He had infiltrated into the building, dodged the several traps the lord of the building had put, and now he had found into this.

“Superman, what’s your business here?”, Batman asked, keeping his guard as the friendly buff figure of Clark Kent walked to him.

“I was going to ask the same thing”, Superman said. “I had no idea of your trip to Metropolis, Bruce…”

But as Superman finished the line, he suddenly realized Batman’s expression. And in matter of a second, his faced turned the same that of his friend.

“What the heck are you talking about, guys?”, a third voice came into the scene. “Is your radar broken, Batman, or what? We’re on NY, you morons”.

The agile figure that arrived hanging from a string was unmistakable.

“Peter?”, Superman saluted, with a fearful expression. “You too?”

“Me? I was only investigating about that mysterious abandoned warehouse in the Main Street when I found you here, in my city?”, explained the man in the blue pajama.

“Mmm, it seems we all fell in the same trick”, The Batman said, scratching his chin. “The only I wonder about this is a kind of transportation technology.”

“So, we all found the same building in our respective cities…? And then we were all brought here together?”, Spider-Man complemented.

“I know a handful of names about villains who could have done this…”, the muscular boy scout informed. “But if it’s hard to beat one of us, why making us come all get together?”.

But in that moment, in guise of an answer, a screechy metallic sound hit far away.

The three superheroes grouped on the center of the platform, eager to fight.

“I have no idea”, the Dark Knight expressed… “But I think we’re going to have our answer right now”.

One by one, the lights of the room turned on, revealing three giant screens on the three walls. Now, every superhero was going to face his very own perpetrator.

On Peter Parker’s eyes, the screen showed a beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes and glossy lips, wearing a blue shirt.

“Be welcome to our party”, the woman saluted.

What Superman saw was a very well-known person. That elegant, self-confident woman had been his co-worker for many years. She was wearing an executive vest and said hello only by directing him a suspicious stare.

“L… Lois! What’s all this…?”, Superman asked, confused.

The wild looking feline woman that appeared on Batman’s sight was equally alluring, and the great detective couldn’t even react.

“Catwoman! Why you…?”.

“Yes, Felicia”, Spider-Man yelled. “I know I didn’t said goodbye in a polite manner last time, but it is not excuse for you take me out of my duty and…”

But Spidey was interrupted by a vibrating sound that came out of the floor.

“What the hell…?!”

The three women now spoke at the same time: “The only reason for we brought you here is because you could be experts in escaping… From villains, from the engagement, and from us… And then, we decided to ally and give you your only chance to be with us…”

The platform on the heroes’ feet started to emit a bright white light, and the ceiling of the room mirrored the effect. The situation was a hazard, and soon the three superheroes took action.

“None of my gadgets is working!”, Batman said, throwing a batarang to the screens, but it was repelled by an invisible force. “Clark, try to get us out of here”, he asked, second.

“I don’t feel very well”, Superman said, with his arms hanging weakened. “I think they… they put a kryptonite component on this room”.

Spider-Man tried to climb the walls, but his power didn’t work on them.

The superheroes were helpless against… any kind of attack their former lovers were planning.

“… Now you gotta be MORE DOCILE!”, the three women said, at one time, in an authoritarian tone, making the spines of the three men chill in fear. And the buzzing sound of the platform pitched to a phantasmagoric frequence.

“Oh, no, what’s coming now…?”, Spider-Man asked, feeling weird as the vibrations of the platform penetrated his body.

Superman fell in his knees, holding his head with his hands, while struggling against the weird sensation.

“Clark! Resist!”, said Batman, holding Superman by his shoulder. But the batman’s mask was trembling under the unknown effect and he wasn’t able to do a thing about that. “And Parker… you better…!”, Batman said, aiming at him with his index finger. However, he couldn’t finish his order, since he realized something too fearful to believe. Now his glove was feeling loose, and he wasn’t even able to point with his index!

“What the hell is Selina thinking?”, Batman asked himself. “All of them… How can they…?!”

“I don’t… Understand!”, Spider-Man said, slipping from the wall and hitting the floor, when the oversized boot of his costume couldn’t help him to climb.

“Oh, no… Parker too!”, Batman told to himself, and then, alarmed, he turned his head to his friend Clark. He only froze when he saw the sleeve of Superman’s sweater hanging away from his hand, that was hidden inside the same sleeve.

“You gotta react, Kent!”, Batman ordered, slapping him in the face. “You gotta..!”, and there, he stopped; he had noticed in his voice a somewhat squeaky growing quality.

“YOU BETTER DON’T STRUGGLE!”, the women on the screens warned, as they contemplated the scene pleased. “AFTER ALL THIS, YOU’LL HAVE YOUR CHANCE TO FINALLY BELONG TO US!”.

Those feminine sentences echoed on Superman’s ears, as he tried to stand the strange effect taking place on his body. But with his eyelids tight closed, he felt how his body was changing to a different one. His muscular arms and thighs were deflating, and he felt the neck of his sweater every time looser; it seemed his signature cape was getting longer and longer, as Superman’s feet shrunk inside his boots.

“We cannot be defeated in this way!”, the Dark Knight screamed hysterically, but soon the mouthpiece of his mask blocked his mouth. Oddly, he felt, as the plastic of the mask rubbed his chin, how it had now mysteriously turned out of any facial hair. Desperate because of those unpredictable changes, Wayne ran to the screen, and slammed it repeatedly with his fists. But it was useless… The only thing it happened is that after five or six punches, one of the gloves fell off of his hand, that now looked disconcertingly tiny! He even started to feel his breastplate uncomfortably large and clunky…

Unable to escape, Batman cried in pain against those impassive female faces on the screens. But they only smiled.

Parker was now entangled on the floor, almost swimming inside his former Spider-Man’s costume. His body was getting thinner and shorter, and as he could take his face out of his mask to breathe, he realized he had lost all that weight and size, and his face felt alarmingly weird.

“Wait, wait…”, he said, rubbing his skinny chest, “not again!”. Peter had realized he had returned to the pubescence. And he was not the only one…

“Clark!... Clark?”, Spider-Man exclaimed, when seeing a long-haired and thin figure about his now current age, lied down on the floor over (and under) what seemed Superman’s baggy clothes.

Peter needed to understand what was happening; so he held the best way he could his oversized pajama pants and ran to his fellow superhero. Was it really him? When he finally came to his size, he found what seemed to be Superman had decreased in size dramatically, and his classic hero briefs were mostly empty. With bewildering interest, Spider-Man held the little person on his arms, and quickly turned it round to confirm his face… What he saw was unexplainable; Clark was seemingly unconscious, and his features were sweeter and delicate than expected, the hair was long, and on his chest had flourished two unmistakable feminine breasts!

Shocked by the discovery, Peter froze in his place, holding that young girl that seemed to be Superman, with the stare on him, without managing to understand… And he only reacted when he felt his own chest encountered Clark’s new nipples!

“Oh, no! Me too!”, Spider-Man sighed, as he confirmed the effect was still happening, and his own chest was turning into modest lady’s breasts. “Bruce, please, do something!”, he begged to the man on the wall, while feeling his body was molding to his new gender and his growing silky brown hair was already tickling his shoulders.

But where seconds ago Batman was punching the door, now there was a tushy of a female figure repeating the same desperate task, with the pants slipping down and the protective cup inside them. And he wasn’t listening at all.

“What did you do to us?!”, Peter’s feminine voice asked to the void, as he saw the figure on his arms getting every time more childish.

In relief, Spider-Man felt how the growth of his female breast was deceasing, but along the sensation, he started to notice something… Inside his now XL pants, a little friend was saying goodbye, getting littler, and littler, and littler…

Spider-Man’s little girl laments joined to Batman’s girlish cry, as the women, arms crossed, supervised the fix. But as the girl’s cries increased, the vibrating sound of the platform decelerated and the white bright dimmed. Just in the moment the sound finally ceased, the doors opened again…

* * *

The cries of the three baby girl laid on the floor were filling the special room, when the three women entered.

“Awww boo-boo-boo!”, Selina Kile gibbered when she ran in high heels towards the girl in the corner.

“Is the little princess awake?”, the businesswoman asked in a warm manner, picking up “Superman” wrapped in his former sweater with the El family emblem. The baby girl was sobbing and crying in sleep, and the Pullitzer-winning Lois Lane cradled her against his chest.

“Hey, mom’s here!”, said Felicia Hardy, opening her arms to the naked baby girl that was standing in four limbs over the Spider-Man’s. At the same moment the girl saw that woman’s face, she stopped crying and stared her with curious eyes. “Come on, come on, sweety”, said Felicia, hugging ‘Peter’ and picking her up. “Uuuh, You are wet!”, added, feeling the chubby baby’s bare body against his clothes.

With his advanced toddling ability, Batman gave a step back in order to stay away for the recently arrived woman that looked at him with a smiley face. But the Catwoman didn’t wait more and took him on his arms. “Don’t be afraid”, she said, in a harmonizing voice.

Bruce tried to object, but as he opened his little mouth, he felt something stuck inside. It had been too surprising, but after only half a second, Bruce felt the softness of the thing, and unable to resist, he closed his eyes and sucked once and again that little gummy in his mouth.

“Ha ha ha...”, Selina giggled, in contempt, and proceeded to remove that large mask that was covering Bruce’s face, to behold her new daughter. The now peaceful expression of the baby girl melted her heart.

“Hey, Lois, Felicia”, Catwoman said, turning round for show the other women the little girl that was avidly suckling at her breast. “I want to introduce you to Brenda Wayne”, announced with pride.

The other girls smiled in happiness, each of them holding their respective little girls.

“Well, girls”, Felicia added, with her little’s girls legs around her waist. “It seems now we finally have our superheroes just where we wanted them”, concluded, while affectively tapping her little girl’s bare buttocks.

And holding baby Clark just the way he had came to the Earth for first time (only with a different gender) Lois Lane uncovered his girl’s face from the blanket her Kryptonian parents have sewn for him, and contemplated her new acquired beauty. “Yes… And it seems it is a whole new beginning for us all…”



End Chapter 1


by: malom_shlasters | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 21, 2011


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