Say What?

by: Long_Rifle | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 27, 2010

Frat party. Librarians, magic. And Long_Rifle. This is gonna be interesting. Not a fair ending, but no deaths either.

Chapter 1
Say What?

Chapter Description: Well, let's see how this goes.

Say What!? By: Long_Rifle.

So there’s this nice story on the net that has this nice female hypnotism/mental regression scene. I love it. Finally; I’ve decided to get something down that has part of that scene in it. Bonus points if you can name the source of my idea. It’s such a great set of paragraphs that keenly describe what I would think a person would feel and think as they realized what was about to happen to them, and the ensuing failure to prevent it. So, enjoy seeing what would happen in Long_Rifle’s universe if a magical force took hold in a frat party... Contains female mental changes, and plenty of foul language as well. And not exactly a “fair” ending either. But hey, you don’t read my stuff for fair endings do you? Have fun bitches!

It was a perfectly horrible evening. Rain ran in sheets down the streets and the windshield of a certain car as it’s three occupants looked through the rain and haze. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed as they kept staring off towards a regular looking stucco building, and what looked like a full parking lot. As they watched a car slowly coasted past, and honked it’s horn. The rain kept falling as it entered the lot and slid into a space. Two people left the car and started towards the building, breaking into a run in an attempt to stay as dry as possible.

“You know, the myth busters proved that doesn’t work...”

“Whatever. Shouldn’t we try to stop them?”

The first voice spoke again, “We don’t know exactly what’s going on in there yet do we? How do you think that would go over? Hey, you guys, there might be a serious problem in that party that only four college librarians can handle, so why don’t you wait in your car?”

“Sandy, you’re always so full of fun. I don’t know what else you could do to make our jobs easier, and make us feel better about what we do. Thanks for that.”

The woman that has spoken first laughed, “But she is right. We don’t really know if something bad happened do we?”

“Sure Lyn, nothing bad happened. The book probably isn’t in there. And the warning burst from the compass was probably nothing.” She turned to look into the back seat, “What do you think Liz?”

“I think Sam should have gotten her ass back here by now. And I think we have a bigger problem then we’ve ever had before. That’s a whole house full of people that were probably shit faced before the book got opened.” She stopped a took a deep breath. “I’d hate to go into that house if magic wasn’t involved. This is just to much. We should stop and case the place first, find another entry point, and go in there.”

Sandy shook her head, “We’ve fought dragons, and even stopped a hurricane from coming ashore in Michigan. The weather guys still talk about that one. What could be worse in there?”

“Those times we knew exactly what we were getting into. This is a complete unknown. Anything could have happened in there. I think we should find some help. That Samantha hasn’t come back, or called is bad enough.”

For several moments they stared at each other before turning back to the house. Something seemed different. “What’s...” They all said in unison as the house seemed to glow brighter and brighter. They piled out of the car and stood shocked in the rain as the glow started to cast shadows. In a flash it was gone. The house seemed to be normal again. Lights that had gone out inside the home started to flicker on, and the girls could see the shapes of people dancing and moving inside again.

Sandy got back in the car and started it up, “Let’s go. I want to get this over with. We?re not doing any good out here”

“But we don’t know what’s going on in there....” Lynn whispered. Then louder, “We should wait till Sam gets out.”

Liz shook her head. “Sam needs our help. I’m not leaving her in there alone. I would rather make a plan and do some snooping, but I guess not. Get your charms, and lets go get her. Maybe we can’t stop whatever is going on, but we can sure as hell get her out of there.”

Lynn looked like she wanted to say something else, but with the other two staring at her she kept her mouth shut and sat down in the backseat. Sandy threw the car into gear and slowly rolled it into the parking lot. She found a space next to another small car and parked. “Okay. We get in, and get out. No trying to save the world. NOT till we get Sam anyways. Got it? Liz you have pockets right?” She tossed her keys at Liz not even waiting for an answer. “Ready girls?“ They nodded and as one stepped back out into the rain.

Now closer, the building didn’t seem as foreboding. The lights burned brightly inside, and there was a soft pulse of music coming through the walls. The trio walked slowly towards the low porch and ducked under the eave and out of the downpour. Sandy started to knock, but Liz reached out and opened the door with a push before she could be stopped. From inside the sounds of Kenny G, or some other horrible horn player rushed out. They couldn’t be sure. Liz could see a few people staring at them from inside, but even as everything seemed okay something tickled at the back of their minds.

A man they recognized from one of their classes came to the door. He was on one of the college’s teams, which made his manner of dress seem odd. A wide grin broke across his face as he looked them over, his face seemed to strain as he spoke, “Welcome young ladies. Are you here for the social? Or are you in need of some assistance in this horrid weather?”

Sandy had heard him speak before, and he had never gone so long without swearing at least 5 times. To hear him now she knew something was up. “We’re just looking for someone we think came here earlier. Can we come in a look around Jeff?”

He seemed surprised that she knew his name, but quickly recovered. “Indeed.” He brought a meerschaum to his lips and nervously chewed it. Then he finally seemed to make his choice with a broad grin. “Come in! No matter, we shouldn’t leave you in the rain.”

Sandy stepped past him and into the home, followed closely by her friends. She smiled at Jeff and gave him a wave, then motioned towards the hallway for Lynn and Liz to follow. Liz took the longest, taking into account a few more of the partiers, and the odd way they were acting for teens. The hairs on the back of her neck wouldn’t stop standing straight out. And even though it was very warm in the building, she felt an odd chill. She finally stepped closer to the other two, “Is it a little weird to see wine and evening dresses at a frat party, or is this some kind of sick new trend?”

Lynn shook her head, “This isn’t right. It has to be the book, but...” She looked into the room and frowned, “Well, I don’t know what’s going on here but it doesn’t really look dangerous to me.”

Sandy cleared her throat, “And then aliens shoot out of their stomachs. I think we need to stay on our toes here girls. Remember, Sam is still in here somewhere, I think we-” She stopped talking as Jeff came back and draped a fancy scarf around her shoulder, her face flushed, then her features seemed to relax. “need to split up. Why don’t you two go check the rest of the house and I’ll poke around down here.”

“Yeah. No. We should stick together miss party pants. This is a rescue after all.” Liz said.

But Jeff had draped an arm around her already and was leading her away and deeper into the group of partiers. He looked back at them, “It should be fine. I think your little friend went to the kitchen, if she’s not there, check upstairs.” He stopped talking as he nabbed a wine glass from a banister, and offered it to Sandy.

She took a small sip, “It’s fine. I’ll be okay. Go look for Samantha. I’m sure she’s fine.”

Liz looked like she wanted to hit her, but Lynn started pulling her away. “Not now. Let her go. She’s not in any trouble here, let’s go find Sam and get out of this place.”

Liz grumbled as she was led away, “And the bitch called her Samantha, you know she hates that.” She kicked at the wall, and smiled when she saw a small hole left in the plaster. “God, I hate these little quests. Why don’t we just lock up those dam books?”

Lynn smiled, “Tried that. Whatever powers those books wants out. And when it happens there’s nothing we can do. You know that. Remember the last time we tried to lock them up in those safes? The chaos?”

Liz saw an open doorway, through it she saw a counter, and heard a dishwasher running. “I don’t care anymore! I’m tired of this crap. I’m leaving after this. I want out.”

“But you can’t break up the team! What would we do without you? The world is at stake here!” Lynn said in shock.

They both stopped talking as they walked into the large kitchen, Liz looked at several empty beer bottles scattered across a table, and part of the counter. “The world got along fine without us for a very long time Lynn. Don’t listen to the other two. If we don’t fix it, someone else will. That’s the way it works.”

Lynn opened the fridge, not seeing anything abnormal. “I don’t know....”

Liz knocked one of the bottles over and watched it crash to the floor, “Just stop it. This is ridiculous. There’s nothing wrong here. We need to find the dam book, and find out where Sam is, and we’re done. I’m through wasting my time on these little problems.” Liz started opening cabinets trying to be thorough, as she cracked the second one open a familiar smell came to her nose. She smiled as she got on the balls of her feet and saw what she needed, she reached in and carefully drew out the problem book. “And here we are. One down; let’s find our missing musketeer and get out of here.”

Lynn smiled weakly. Happy to have the book, but concerned about the group breaking up, “Maybe you should relax. We’re almost done here, right?”

Liz clutched the book tightly, “Done with this conversation. Done with this shit. Let’s get this over with Lynn.”

In the front room Sandy was still holding a now empty wine glass and was lightly laughing at an unfunny joke. She had stopped wondering about Samantha minutes after joining the party. As she looked around her she wished she had worn something more appropriate, instead of jeans and a t-shirt. She sighed and hugged Jeff closely, “I really wish I had a nice dress on for you tonight dear.”

Jeff pulled back, seeming surprised. “I like this one though. I reminds me of our first date.”

“But I’m not wearing a dress...” She looked down as she spoke, and saw she was wearing a flowing gown. She thought it looked better then any other there that evening. She looked back up at Jeffrey. “But... How?” She thought back at the other part of what he said. “Our first date? Are we dating?” It didn’t seem right. She knew she had come here just tonight. And she didn’t hang out with his type. But she also remembered many steamy nights with him. She remembered other socials, and even remembered laying down and snuggling with him that very morning. “But... But...” She looked into his eyes, and felt her love for him grow. Even then something felt wrong, that there was something odd happening to her.

There was a soft clicking sound as if someone was gently rapping a stick on wood, she turned and saw that there was now a small collection of musicians in a corner, and they were getting ready to play. “They weren’t there when we got here.” Sandy thought. She let go of Jeff and walked closer to the group, she thought one of them looked like a fellow partier. But she was dressed differently now. She looked like she had come as part of the entertainment. Sandy shook her head, she knew something was really wrong. “Things are changing. Even my memories are starting to change. I have to warn everyone!“ She thought. But something started to happen as she looked towards the musicians. A new chair had popped into existence, and she felt an urge to sit in it. Instantly she knew what was happening. Even as she sat down, and felt the weight of a cello materialize in her hands. “Oh shit! We need to get the hell out of here!” But she couldn’t stop herself as the head chair tapped her bow a few more times and started to tap her feet. As soon as her violin started humming Sandy started to sweat, “But I don’t know how to play. This isn?t right at all!” Even as she finished the thought her fingers found the right places and she began to play along.

Lynn looked up the narrow staircase and gulped. “Are we sure about this? What if we get trapped up there?”

“Don’t think you could make a jump from a second story window?” Liz quipped.

Lynn still looked scared, “Seriously. This isn?t right. Why didn?t Sam just come down? We should go get Sandy.”

“Whatever. I swear this is such a shit call. The only thing I’ve seen changed is the attitudes of a bunch of dumb ass frats. And that doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me. Now let’s get moving.” She pushed Lynn out of her way and started to take the stairs two at a time. The air seemed to get warmer as she got to the top. The sounds of the party died down as she got closer to the top, her hands gripped the railing harder as the sounds disappeared completely as she stepped fully off the top stair. “Shit.”

“What?” Lynn said as she started to freak out. She stopped dead in her tracks. Liz grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto the floor anyways. As soon as both feet hit, she started to breath harder as the music ceased to exist. “What does that mean?” She said in a scared whisper.

Liz smiled, “It means there’s something else happening here after all. Maybe time is different up here. Maybe that?s why Sam didn?t come out yet. Maybe this is a new plane of existence and we?re not on earth or at least our earth anymore. It could be anything.”

Lynn immediately tried stepping back onto the stairs, but her foot seemed to hit a solid barrier. “What the hell?” She almost screamed as she tried to kick her way through. She turned back to Liz, “This is dangerous. How do we get back down now?”

Liz tried to remain calm, “Hold on, first we check a few things out before we get freaked. It’s like you’ve never done this kind of shit before. Geez” She carefully lowered her own foot, and found that she could go down herself. She grabbed Lynn’s shoulder, and pulled her down as well. Her feet easily passed through the previous barrier. “And now we know why Sam is still up here. She didn’t have the book. And she’s stuck. Let’s find her and get out.” Lynn wanted to say something, but she stopped when Liz gave her a horrible look, and started to walk away. They checked every door as they passed. But they all seemed to be locked. It was the last door on the right that swung open silently as Liz turned the knob. Cool air came from within, and soft music as well. She turned to Lynn, “Be quiet, let’s see what’s going on.”

They both slipped into the doorway, Lynn tried to hold the door open, but an odd force pulled it slowly closed in her hands. She was still trying to re-open the door when she heard a voice behind her. “Please, be quiet, I just got her to sleep.” She turned around and saw one of her regular students from the library with a soft plain gown on. She didn’t look as she remembered her, something seemed off, but Lynn couldn’t place it. She tried to get her mind off her by looking around the room. She could tell it was a young child’s room. Everything was in soft pastels, and two white cribs sat side by side..

Liz stepped away from them both, towards a room that was darker, and from which the music came. “Lynn, stay here. I’ll be right back.” She said. Lynn nodded, happy to be kept out of the unknown for a little bit longer. She settled down into a chair while Liz went exploring.

Liz stepped into the dark room, realizing at once that it was another nursery room. But much larger. And also realized that she was just wasting her time. “What kind of evil would be in here?“ She thought to herself. But out of sense of closure she decided to clear the room before leaving. She walked clockwise around the room, peering into several cribs as she passed them. Out of five cribs, only one held an infant. “I guess there’s not a lot of young mothers partying with frats.” She whispered. She reached the far wall and started towards a large wardrobe. She shook her head as she opened the doors and was overwhelmed by the sweet smell of baby powder. “Diapers.” She said under her breath as she started to close the doors. Then she stopped, and opened them again. “What the fuck is this?” She wondered as she looked at stacks of overly large diapers. She carefully checked each stack. Seeing sizes for regular babies, as well as adult sized ones as well.

The doors closed with a soft click as she decided to get the job done instead of looking at some freaks diaper collection. She continued her walk around the room, not being surprised when she realized the cribs she was seeing now looked big enough for adults to use. “Perverts. I’ll be glad to be out of this dam group. I?m tired of seeing weird shit like this.” She stopped at the lat crib, thinking she smelled something odd. She put her head closer and thought it smelled like pee. She pulled away fast, still having time to see a large wet spot on the sheets. “Gross.“ Liz turned the last corner, edging towards the door and finally getting out of the dimly lit room. As she stepped out she saw that Lynn was sitting down in one of the chairs, and dressed in the same type of gown that the other woman was in. “Hey. Time to go. We need to get Sam, remember? You can talk to your friends later.”

Lynn had a small baby in her hands, and an odd smile on her face. “Isn’t she cute?” She said as she handed her to a surprised Liz.

“Yeah. Then they grow up. Time to go.”

Lynn twiddled her fingers in front of the babies face. “But she’s such a cutie pie. Aren’t you? Oh yes you are!”

Liz felt anger well up inside her, she opened her mouth to tell Lynn to get moving when a horrible smell hit her nose. “Oh god, did she shit her diaper?” She said. She looked down into the eyes of the baby and watched as she scrunched up her face and pushed even more poop into her diaper. Liz tried to push the baby back into Lynn’s arms, but she refused with a sly smile.

“That’s your poopy. I’m not cleaning her.”

Liz sighed, but decided not to press it. It wasn’t really a big deal. She set the baby down into one of the cribs and snapped it’s pink onesie open with several loud pops. She tried to do it with one hand, but shook her head and held the book out behind her. Lynn took the hint and grabbed it, setting it carefully in the unoccupied crib. Liz leaned back farther into the crib and pulled the tapes of the diaper away, then carefully used it to scoop most of the mess off of the babies bottom. She was about to ask for wipes, when a soft white box was set down next to the child. She grabbed one and used it to finish the job. Then rolled the diaper up carefully into a tight ball. “I need a diaper please.” She asked. She playfully picked at the babies toes as she waited. But after several seconds she was still waiting. “Hey, I need a diaper here now...” She said more forcefully.

This time she heard the nursery worker answer, “Of course dear.”

She reached behind her, without looking. She thought she heard plastic crinkle, then felt something rubbing between her legs. She looked out between the bars and saw something white being pulled up between her legs. “What the hell?” She murmured as she stood quickly. She felt brief nausea and closed her eyes to stop it. By the time she opened them she could see it was one of the large diapers, and it was almost completely taped on. “NO! You idiots! I meant the baby. I don’t need diapers!” She tried to grab at the tapes, but the women at her sides seemed able to read her mind, and easily slapped her hands away.

Lynn smiled, Liz’s right hand held firmly in her left, she started to calmly stroke her hair. “Such a big baby. I guess we’ll have our hands full Carol.”

Carol, hands full of Liz as well, smiled right back. “I wonder if she’s a good baby, or a naughty one? Though it doesn?t really matter does it? Diapers and cribs for both huh?”

Liz started to stomp her feet, normally she could easily beat Lynn. But now her body seemed to be weaker. She stared daggers at her friend. “Get this dam diaper off me! I swear I’ll rip your face off!” She twisted her body, trying to get away, but Lynn’s grip seemed to get stronger. “Let me go! I’m not a god dam baby!” She threw her head back, hoping to hit something, instead she almost fell backwards. She steadied herself, “Please! This isn’t right Lynn! You know I don’t need this!“ She took a deep breath to scream, but felt something slammed between her lips. She probed it with her tongue. “Ahh pacifaaa?!” She mumbled around it as she fought to spit it out.

But Carol held it firmly in place. “Baby needs her paci... Lizzy wants to be a good baby for her aunt. Then baby can have her nap.”

Liz screamed. She lifted a foot to kick her, but lost her balance and found herself laying on her back on the floor. She stared for a second at the ceiling, wondering why she didn’t feel much pain, then realized she had been caught and gently set down. Seeing she was no longer being held, she reached down to rip the diaper off. Instead of grabbing at the tapes, her fingers moved spastically, she tried several seconds before finally bursting into tears. Both women stepped back and watched as she started to throw a tantrum. They let her legs and arms flail and burn off the anger. The pacifier dropped from her lips, and for a second Liz felt like she was going to die. She screamed even louder, until Lynn squatted next to her and gently inserted it back into her mouth. As she frantically sucked at the rubber nipple she felt herself grow calmer, the anger leaving her with a tired hungry feeling. “What the hell is going on here?” Liz thought as she calmed down. She stopped struggling and tried to figure out exactly what was going on, she stared at Lynn and knew that the book had caused the sudden change in attitude. But wondered what else was going on.

Lynn kept squatting next to Liz and started rubbing her belly through her shirt. “She sure is cranky.”

Carol had gone back to the first baby, finishing the job of diapering her, “I bet she just needs to be fed, you know how she needs to be kept on a schedule.”

Liz frowned, “Fed? I’m not sucking on a fucking bottle!” She thought. But as she started to look at Lynn, her eyes were drawn to her chest. Specifically to her breasts. Liz felt her mouth start to water. She stared in shock as her friends tits started to grow larger in front of her eyes. She pulled her eyes away from them and saw a corner of the old book hanging over the edge of the open crib. Her mouth opened and hung slack as she put everything together. She thought back to Sandy downstairs, and the change in her personality as the scarf was wrapped around her neck. And to the plain gown that was on Lynn as she walked back out of the rear nursery. Now she thought she knew what was going on. “Every time something new touched us we’re compelled to change. Oh shit.”

She felt herself being man handled and looked up to see Lynn holding her in her lap, and a large bare breast in her face. The pacifier was popped from her mouth, she felt longing to have it return but started to scream, “No wait! This is wrong! It’s-” She was stopped as Lynn’s nipple was stuck in her mouth and she started to selfishly suckle sweet milk from it. Her mind started to drift as her stomach grew fuller. She started twirling hair around her fingers, then fidgeted as the nipple was popped from her mouth. “Noooooo!!!” She whined as she still felt hungry. But before she could start crying another was put back between her lips, and she settled back down again.

She felt herself fade in and out as she sucked. Her hands drifted down towards her diaper. Absently she slipped them inside and felt the rough fabric of her pants. The last of her adult self thought she could push the diaper off from the inside. She put all her control into pushing, and she could feel the diaper start to move. As it came away from her she felt the mental fog start to lift, she started to push harder as her control ebbed back. The diaper stopped moving, so she pushed even harder, suddenly Liz felt moist heat pour between her legs, and onto her hands. “No! Not now! I’m winning!” She thought. But just as quickly as she had found strength, it faded back again. Leaving a warm wet plaything for Lynn. She playfully slapped at her wet pants inside the diaper, while she finished off her meal.

Carol watched the pair with a smile on her face. She was about to check on her other charge when she saw Liz start to wet herself. She blushed as she saw she was wearing pants under her diaper, and they were causing pee to leak everywhere. “Oh my! We need to get baby properly diapered Lynn! Lets get her cleaned up and let her relax with her friends.”

“And maybe get me some new pants! I think she leaked on me!” Lynn said with a laugh. She pulled Liz from her breast then carefully held her up to her shoulder and started gently patting her back.

To Liz the pats felt painful, she knew they weren’t, but what was left of her adult self combined with the infants mind to twist her feelings. As the imagined pain increased Liz felt her mind come back, “Oh no you’re not gonna burp me!” She tried to scream. Even as she did a bubble of gas came up from her belly and caused her to wetly belch. She felt her mouth fill with what tasted like stale milk. “OH GOD! I’m gonna puke!” She thought as she tried to get the foul vomit from her mouth. She gladly opened, and stuck out her tongue as Lynn wiped most of the substance away. Liz was still gagging a bit as she felt herself being lowered to the floor. She sat with her feet splayed in front of her, and kept trying to clear the chunks from her mouth. She raised her arms automatically as she felt her shirt being pulled up and off. Her attention span had been reduced to meanr moments. Soon she found herself staring at Carol, sitting on the chair and making stupid faces at her. But she found them hilarious. She laughed sop hard she fell over. But there was no pain, she kept laughing.

She looked back towards the woman by the wall but Lynn was in her way. “Move momma!” She yelled. Instead she reached down and started to do something to her legs. Liz felt something being pulled down her legs, as she tried to remember what was happening she heard ripping sounds, and crinkling. Then something that had been laying between her legs was removed. Immediately Liz felt strength returning to her body and mind, she leaned up on her elbows and looked down to see Carol cleaning her now pant-less and diaper-less vagina. “Fuck this!” She screamed as she pushed herself crablike away from the woman and towards the doorway. The back of her head slammed into it, and almost instantly she was up on her feet. She grabbed the knob and frantically turned it. She felt hands on her back as she opened the door and launched herself out into the hall.

“No! Bad baby! Get back in here! You’re not dressed yet!” Carol yelled at her.

“Go fuck yourself!” Liz screamed back as she ran down the hall and towards the stairs. She leaned forward and almost jumped onto the step. Her foot touched the first step before she felt her entire body grabbed and flung backwards. She landed in a heap at the base of the wall, rubbing her sore head where it had struck it. “Owwww, Shit! I need the book!” She looked back down the hall and saw both women walking towards her. Carol had another diaper in her hand, and Lynn was pushing a large hamper. Liz scampered to her feet and tried to decide what she was going to do. “I’ll go past them, using the hamper as a shield.” She thought. She walked towards the duo, sneering at them, and bouncing from foot to foot. “Come and get it bitches...”

Carol looked surprised, “I don’t know how baby got out here, but she needs her dia-dee on before she makes a mess!”

Liz stopped and put a stupid grin on her face, then stuck her arms out towards Carol as she started to toddle towards her. She waited till she was several inches away, and rolled quickly away from her. Liz’s naked behind rubbed against the hamper as she moved past. In an instant she lost her footing and fell head over heels into the wheeled box. Her head swam with murky thoughts as she felt herself being flipped and moved around carefully by the two women. Liz felt as though her thoughts were slowing down, then evaporating all together. ?No.... Bad.... Not babeeee!” She whispered in defiance as the will and ability to move left her. She thought she felt herself being lifted partially, then lowered back down onto something soft and cool. “Diaper.” Ran lazily through her head.

“Now that’s better.” Lynn said sweetly. “Let’s get baby to the playroom and we can have a few minutes to relax Carol.”

Carol lightly laughed, “Sounds good to me, my back is killing me.”

Liz felt what she realized was her basinet start to roll. She kept her eyes open, and stared up at the ceiling as she was moved. But she felt the ride stop before she thought it should have. She was able to move her head just enough to see one of the previously locked doors being swung wide open. She thought she smelled stale piss as she was rolled inside, but as the idea was formed it left her. She felt confused at the sudden loss. She still smelled something. But she didn’t understand what it was any longer. Fear ringed her consciousness as she knew something was wrong, but could no longer tell what.

“She’s really calm now that she’s been put down. Are you sure you want to set her out? Why not let her sleep?” Carol asked. Liz understood what was being said, but at the same time she almost immediately forgot what she had just heard. She was left with a vague feeling of anger, but not understanding why.

Another voice cut in, different from Lynn and Carol, “Why? Because if you don’t let her stretch out now, she’ll only nap for an hour or two, and be awake much longer tonight Carol.”

“Yeah little miss perfect. How’s our big girl doing tonight? Is she ready for a little guest Pam?”

“I think so. She’s been playing with her dollies for a while now. She’s been asking for her own little baby all night.”

Liz listened to them talk, but could no longer understand. She went with tones and pace. If they made her feel good she smiled and cooed. If they made her feel bad she would cry and fidget. She felt herself being picked up and swung into the air, she gulped and cried as she was flipped over. Then settled down as she felt herself being laid onto her belly on something soft and a bit scratchy. She pulled herself up into a tucked position, and managed to flop her head over to one side. She smiled as she heard happy sounds around her, and tried to turn her head towards them.

Lynn clapped and giggled, “She’s such a cutie, I swear it’s as if she’s trying to crawl already!” She reached down and gently turned Liz’s head towards the group. “That’s my girl.” She walked away for a moment, then came back, another large baby in tow. “Sammy, say hi to the baby.”

“But Samma baby?” The large toddler asked.

“Oh you’re so cute. But she’s a smaller baby. You’re older. You get to do more things.”

“Ohhhh.” Sam said softly. She stepped towards the baby. She looked back at Pam confused. “But she bigger. Why she bigger?”

Blinded by magic Pam tried to figure out what her charge meant. “No honey. She’s smaller, that means littler then you. Not bigger, I’m bigger then you.”

Sammy didn’t understand. “Baby bigger then you!” She finished by stamping her foot loudly.

Pam could see that a tantrum was imminent and decided to cut it short. “I think you’re over tired, time for a nap Sammy.” She grabbed the girl’s hand and led her towards the door. “I’ll be back in a few girls. Aunt Pammy has to get her baby down.”

Lynn waited till the door was closed to speak, “To bad. I thought it would have been nice to see them interact a bit.”

Carol smiled and rubbed her breast, “Yeah. Hey, do you think she could do with a bit more to eat? My tits are killing me.”

Lynn gave a non committal nod and sat down on one of the larger chairs in the play area. She watched as Carol moved Liz around and got her in position to be fed. She watched as a breast was offered to the young baby, which greedy took it and began to nurse. She was still sitting several minutes later when Pam returned, slamming the door behind her. “Come on! Don’t go slamming doors around here you might startle the dam babies!”

Pam stared down at Carol and the baby, then back at Lynn. She had an old book in her hands. “Stop! Stop it! This is all wrong!” Carol had time to look up at her, before Pam pushed the book towards her and held it in contact with the side of her neck.

“Get that thing away from me!” She yelled. She moved her body to get away from it, but Pam kept it held tight to her. She opened her mouth to yell again but stopped as the baby in her arms seemed to grow larger. She looked down at her and watched as she seemed to blur, then balloon into a full grown diapered woman. She felt feint as her chest seemed to shrink and tighten. She forcibly pulled the woman from for nipple and scooted across the floor, Pam following her the entire way. Keeping the book in direct contact with both their bodies.

Lynn couldn’t believe that Carol would do such a thing to an infant. “You could hurt her!” She screamed as she rushed to the infant, now laying on her chest, and crying softly, not understanding why she wasn’t being fed any longer. She coddled the baby. Gently rocking her from side to side.

In the corner Pam was still holding the book against Carol. “Please relax! I don’t know what’s happening. But when I touched this book I came back! We were under some kind of trance or something!”

Carol kept looking from Pam, to the scene of Lynn holding and rocking the diapered adult. “NO... It’s not possible!” She kept trying to clear her head. But every second the book touched her, memories came back, and pushed the newest ones aside. She remembered coming to a party. And drinking some beer. She had sneaked up here with her boyfriend, and without knocking pushed her way into a darkened room.

She looked at Pam, “You were here. Watching your baby, when there was a flash and Mike went down to check it out. You covered me in one of your shirts...” Then she stopped. They both knew what had happened after that. She looked back at the nursing pair, she felt sick to her stomach, she had changed a woman’s diaper. Her eyes popped wide as she thought of the toddler girl. In her mind she saw herself watching a real baby. Then it changed and perverted till she saw another woman acting the fool in a diaper. She gagged as she thought about changing Sam’s diaper. And that she had actually enjoyed it. She tried to get to her feet. “We have to get out of here!” In the process she knocked the book from Pam’s hands, sending it to the floor.

Pam lunged for it, grabbing it before it stopped moving. She stood quickly, and roughly pushed the book back into contact with Carol. “Careful. You let go, and it starts again.”

Carol nodded, in the few seconds she had not touched the book she had already felt an odd haze overcome her, almost euphoric as her mind was changed again. She wrapped her arms around the book, “We need to leave Pam! Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“And leave them to this crap? It’s just gross.” She carefully moved towards the pair, having to pull Carol along as she did. “Look, I know we really don’t know each other. But I can’t leave anyone like this. Let’s get them, then get the other girl. I have to get my baby anyways, so what does it matter?” Carol nodded but kept her hands tightly on the book.

As they got closer Lynn looked at them, venom in her eyes. “You could have hurt her! You need to get the hell out of here! I won’t have things like that happen to my girl! I should call the cops!” She stared daggers at Pam, “And you, coming in here and acting like you’re something you’re not! You’re sick!” She got one of her hands free to slap them both away from her and Liz. Connecting several times before both girls put their full weights on the pair and just kept it there while the book did it’s magic. “Get off! Lynn screamed in terror. “You’ll crush her!” She bit down hard on one of the girls, and got a punch in the face as a result. But she didn’t care, it barely phased her in her fear. She took a deep breath and screamed louder. “Help! They’re hurting us!” She felt it then. Pain. Coming from her nipple. As if someone was biting her forcefully, clamping their teeth down as hard as they could. “Get off!” She yelled, this time meaning Liz as well.

Liz kept like she was coming out of a dream. She felt rested, and oddly full. She thought it must have been one hell of a dream because she felt sweaty. She had felt something between her lips, and bit down on it without thinking. To be rewarded with a loud scream. She came immediately out of her fog ands found herself to be laying on top of a woman, with her tit in her face. “Oh shit! What the fuck!” She pushed away from her. As the woman pushed her away as well.

“No don’t!” She heard a voice yell. Then the same voice yelled. “The door! Lock the door!” She felt a weight come off her, and watched as a woman she didn’t recognize slam her body against a door, and grab at the knob, then fling herself make into the mob.

“What the hell is going on?!” She asked as she kept trying to push herself free.

“The book! You let go of the book!” Carol yelled at her. Trying to keep contact with it herself.

“Fuck!” Liz saw the book, and grabbed it with her hands. She could feel someone under her still squirming. And pushing as well. “Stop! Stop it! We need to relax!”

Lynn had finally come out of her stupor. But she constantly lost contact with the book, and in terror would reach out for it again. Causing others to lose grip as well. Finally after several moments everyone had a hold of the book, and they were quiet. Lynn gently sobbed as the pain from nipple throbbed, and as the memory of breast feeding her friend came back to her.

Loud pounding came from the door. “Are you alright in there?” A male voice asked.

Lynn tried to clear her voice, “Yes.” She said sounding pained. “We’re fine. You can go back to the party.”

But she didn’t sound convincing, “Open the door. Or we’ll break it down!” The voice asked.

Carol answered, “It’s okay you fool. And we’re alright. Just go back to your little get together you ass!”

The door shook with several loud bangs as someone tried to break it down. Loud cursing came from the other side. And a final muffled, “Stay here, I’ll call the police.”

Liz looked at everyone, “Okay. This ends now. We need to get Sam and get out of here.”

Pam agreed, “Let’s get untangled first. And then get you some clothes.”

Liz blushed, she had not thought about being near naked and in close contact to so many. As they carefully untangled, she looked down at the diaper she wore, moving her hips and listening to it crinkle. “Oh god. Where’s my clothes?”

Pam started walking towards the door. “Gone. Down to the basement. We don’t have time.”

But Liz balked, “I’m not leaving here in a diaper.”

Carol agreed, “Look. If it was clean I’d say just leave. But I don’t think it’s right to make her walk around in a messy diaper.”

Liz stopped and spread her legs wide, she could feel something slowly peeling away from her inside the diaper. “That’s it! This thing is coming off! I’m not leaving with shit stuck on my ass! I want some clothes dammit! Why the hell did you say something earlier?”

Pam tried to calm her down, “Maybe there’s something in the nursery. We need to get there anyways. And we need to stop them before they call the cops. Or before they get here. Let’s move it!”

“Careful.” Liz and Carol said in unison as they started moving towards the door. Pam used one of her hands to unlock the door, calling through it. “Hey, we’re coming out. Don’t bother the police. It was just a stupid dream.” There was no answer. She slowly opened the door, and stuck her head out. Two men were standing outside leaning against the wall. As soon as they saw her they stepped away from it.

“Are you ladies all right?” One asked.

“We’re fine, get the hell out of our way asshole.” Liz answered.

The man looked at her and smiled. “I bet she’ll be a singer when she grows up.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Liz said as she forgot about the book and took a step towards him. Almost immediately she lost control of her body and fell towards him.

He easily caught her, and pushed her back towards Pam. “Easy ladies, I don’t think this one is quite ready to walk yet. Pam touched her with her free hand, and Liz felt her control come back again, she frowned at the idea of being moved around like a baby. As she stood up again, she realized her diaper was thicker, and felt very warm.

“I. I. I pissed myself... Dammit.” She said to herself.

“Deal with it.” Lynn whispered to her. Then louder towards the men. “So everything is fine, you better stop them from calling the police guys. The cops don?t like to be bothered so late you know. Unless it?s serious.”

“Of course. We better go tell Mike to hold off.” The silent one said as they both took off, back down the stairs.

Pam sighed in relief, “Let’s get this done with.” She started off towards the nursery, then stopped. “You felt normal as soon as I touched you right?”

Liz nodded.

“Then I guess we just need to touch each other not, just the book then.” Carefully they tested the idea, and in relief found that it was true. They were able to get a bit more space as they fanned out, careful to tightly grab bare flesh on one another. As soon as she was sure they were ready Pam took off again, dragging the group along with her. The door opened easily, and as they went through, Carol was sure to lock it tight behind her. Inside a baby was laying in one of the cribs. “There she is! My little angel.” Pam said in relief.

Lynn was happy, she had been worried that the baby was another adult. “God, I’m glad she’s a real baby.”

Liz looked around the room for something adult to wear, “She was a real baby. Remember seeing her when we came in here before? I was touching the book and saw her as a baby still. Dumbass.”

“Oh yeah...” Lynn said, embarrassed that she had missed that bit of logic. Then she smiled, “Still need a dry diaper Lizzy?”

Liz blushed, even as she filled with anger. “Maybe after I remind you why you are always the last one picked for teams.”

Pam shook her head at them, “Relax, there’s plenty of time to fight later. Let’s get this over with. Let’s get your friend.”

Liz kept looking at Lynn, “Fine.”

They walked into the dark crib filled room and turned on the main light. The wardrobe beckoned to Liz, but first she knew they needed to get Samantha. They found her where she had been left for her nap. She was dressed in a shirt and a diaper. Which Liz saw was still very dry. They looked for several seconds before the question was asked by Carol. “How should we do this?”

Liz thought back to her own change. “In her sleep. Touch her and wait. It will be better that way.” Without waiting Liz reached out and set her hand on the sleeping woman. They waited, wondering how they would know something had happened. Then they watched as she pulled her legs together, and then rolled from her back onto her side. Her thumb popped free of her mouth and she smiled in her sleep. “I think that’s it. Wake up Sam!” Liz yelled down at the sleeping girl.

Sam’s eye’s slapped open. They darted back and forth, as she tried to remember where she was. As she did, she bolted upright in the crib and stared at the group of girls around her. “We have to get out! The magic is turning everyone!”

Lynn gently shushed her, “We know. We figured it out.” She looked at Pam, and at her smile. “On accident. Now we’re here to save you and get the hell out of here!”

“Save me? What? That was just a few minutes ago...” She tried to rationalize what had been happening to her since she had left the car alone, “It couldn?t have happened.” She thought. But she could see the crib, she knew it was all real. She squeezed the diaper between her legs. “At least it’s dry.” She said to herself.

“Lucky...” Liz whispered.

“Later girls.” Pam reminded them. “We need to get moving.” They helped Sam out of the crib and onto her feet. She saw the short-alls she had been wearing before her nap and picked them up off the floor. She turned her back to everyone and tore at the diaper tapes. She let it fall to the floor as she pulled the childish clothes back on. Smiling in spite of herself, she snapped the buttons closed. She hated that she had to wear it, but it was better then just a shirt and a diaper. “I’d rather be dead then in public in a diaper.” She thought.

Then she caught sight of Liz, and was reminded that for a good portion of the night she had been forced to act like a baby herself. And that while she was still aware, it was as if it was behind a heavy high, unable to help herself as her body did what the spell told it to. She was embarrassed to remember that she had actually liked it at the time. Deep down she felt the urge to do it all over again. She looked at Liz, and wondered if she had the same feelings.

Liz caught her staring. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get me cleaned up and get out of here.” She started walking towards the wardrobe and threw it open. She grabbed a diaper she was sure would fit her, then stopped. “Why the hell was I thinking of putting another diaper on? I don’t think so.” She dropped it on the floor, then rummaged around inside till she found something she could wear. It looked like footed pajamas, “Better then a onsie.” She thought to herself, stealing a glance at Sam.

She slipped on what she wanted to think of as pajamas. Liz was surprised at how long the sleeves were. She had to pull several inches of sleeve up and over her hands to get them free. “Weird.“ She thought. She made sure the legs were clear of her diaper as she reached down and un-taped one side. It flopped down, exposing part of the soaked diaper, and showing that some of the mess had worked it’s way forward as well. Immediately the smell grew intense. Even she felt like gagging. “Oh geez.” She choked. “How the hell do I do this with one hand?”

Pam’s head shot towards the closed door. She had thought she had heard something outside. Like a car door being slammed closed. She didn’t want to be here for more victims, or worse. She swallowed and stepped closer to Liz, turning back to face the group she carefully handed her baby to Carol, “When I’m done grab me and we can go.”

Liz looked at her, “What?” But as she finished Pam pulled herself free from the group and the effect of the book. Liz stepped back, “No... Not like that.”

But Pam was smiling. “It will be okay honey.” She said, sounding airy and far off. “It feels okay. I’ll be done soon. Now let me change that stinky diaper of yours.”

Liz pulled away from her, “No! I’m not going to be touched by you! Get away!” She pulled again, and Lynn decided she needed to act as well. She had a firm hold on Carol as she reached out, and pealed Liz’s hand free, leaving her to feel the full exposure of the spell. Liz had time to look at her, then started to reach back into the group, before she felt Carol push her away. She fell heavily on her diapered bottom. She scampered onto all fours before she felt her mind start to revert. She smiled dumbly. “It does feel good.” She slurred as she let herself fall into bliss. She felt her head seem to grow too heavy, then her arms started to tire, before she dropped onto the floor with a quiet “fump”.

Pam smiled down at her, then picked up the diaper from the floor, “I don’t know where this came from, but it’s to thin for you girly. You wet way to much. And you don’t really need to worry about thickness right now anyways. Isn’t that right sweetie?” Liz barely made a sound, she kept kicking her feet spastically from the floor. “Exactly.” Pam answered as she started to carefully change the diaper.

It was like a train wreck, too horrible to watch. And yet none could look away. Lynn kept her eyes on Liz’s face. “Didn’t it seem to happen faster this time?” she asked quietly.

Sam nodded. “I remember it took several minutes for me to... um... change. When it happened. This is much faster.” They kept watching, waiting till Pam had a clean diaper under her butt and was taping it closed. As soon as she had one tape on, the group advanced quietly on her and gently touched her with the book. Her back arched as her memories came back, causing a low moan to escape her lips. She blinked several times, then stood up and backed away from Liz.

“I’ll never get used to that... God...” She grabbed hold of Carol’s shoulder and then grabbed Liz’s hand. It seemed to take longer for Liz to come back. But after several tense moments the hand in her grip started to tense. Then in a sudden rage it tightened to the point of pain. Liz sat up and slapped her as hard as she could. “Never. Do. That. Again.” She spat each word, making her meaning exactly clear. Pam blinked back tears, but she nodded just the same. “Now turn around. You pervs aren’t getting any more looks. She waited till each had turned their back to her, then ripped the diaper off. She buttoned the snaps on her pajama legs as fast as she could, which wasn?t very as she was still using only one hand. She had to finish while sitting on the floor, all the while thinking the sounds they made seemed louder then normal.

Liz stood as soon as she finished, “Let’s get out of here now.” She growled as she started to walk to the door. Everyone was forced to follow her, with Lynn almost losing her grip as they entered the hallway. Liz stopped for only a second as she hit the top of the staircase. The memory of what had happened the last time made her heart skip a beat. But she pushed it all aside and stepped down easily onto the top step, then took the next in a quick succession. It got a little harder as the rest of them started going down at the same time. Near the bottom they saw their first party goers. Two men having a spirited discussion on stock options. They stopped talking as the oddly behaving group left the stairs and bee lined towards the front door. Liz upped her pace as they got closer. She turned and looked towards a large group of people gathered around a band and dancing. She caught a quick view of Sandy, playing a cello and acting part of the concert.

Lynn saw her as well, “What about Sandy?”

Liz grabbed the knob and cracked open the door, “She finds she has an innate ability to play the cello at keggers. Keep moving.” She swung the door wide. It was still raining, but now it didn’t seem as gloomy. Liz took one breath and stepped out onto the porch. She could see the car, and smiled as she thought the night was finally over. She could feel rain soak into the footed part of the sleepers she was wearing, but didn’t care. The cool water felt wonderful to her. She stepped out from under the eave and was soaked immediately to the skin. Goosebumps ran up and down her skin as the cold rain poured down on her. She had never felt better. She pointed to the car, “Let’s move it girls.”

They were off the steps, and halfway to the car. Expecting that they were out of the influence of the spell Sam bolted for it. She made it two steps before she stopped dead, and teetered in place. The group stopped and stared as she drunkenly turned back to them, when they saw her face it seemed frozen in terror. She took one last step before they made it to her and embraced her again. As her strength returned she shook her head fiercely. “It’s still here. It’s still affecting us. Shouldn’t it be done?”

Lynn looked at the book, then back up at her. “If it’s not distance now, then it’s dawn. First light and it’s over. That’s the way it works. Otherwise magic spells would spread everywhere. We need to wait till the dawn.”

Liz started towards the car, “Then let’s do it at my house!” She took a final look towards the house, turned towards the car and stopped. “Fuck! I’m so stupid.”


She turned back to the house, “The keys. The fucking keys are gone down the chute. With my clothes.” She swore non stop as they walked back to the house. As they stepped on the porch she turned back to Pam, seeing her trying to shield her baby as best as she could. “Can you get us to the basement?”

Pam nodded. “As long as the door opens for us, yeah.”

“Then take the lead and get us there. Don’t stop for nothing.”

The group entered the house, dripping wet. A group of people broke off from the main party to talk to them. “A bit dangerous for babies out there isn’t it ladies?” Another intoned, “I don’t think CPS would be happy about it at all.”

“Mind your god dam business!” Lynn yelled. “You guys are so blind you can’t see the truth staring you in the face. Get back to your wine and cheese asshole!” The finely dressed partiers seemed taken aback, and pulled away from the dripping group. Lynn watched with disgust as they walked towards one corner and started casting angry glances towards them. “Yeah! Fuck you too!” She yelled back at them.

Liz sneered, then urged Pam to get moving. “We are losing time here. I don’t want to spend all night here, wet and getting hugged by you.”

“Bitch. You were better off in Pampers.” Pam thought to herself. She adjusted the baby in her arms and started off towards the basement. As she walked she kept thinking about what had happened to her. “So I saw them as babies. Nothing else changed.” She felt the weight of the book as it bobbed in one of her hands. She seethed as she looked at her soaked baby, thinking that it was wrong to drag her into all this. She reached the door, and easily opened it, she let Liz push past her down into the dimly lit room. But stopped before going down. Liz looked like she was going to yell again, but Pam started first. “I’m done with you! Go down stairs! Get yer dam keys! Then leave. I don’t need to do this. I don’t care what happens to you guys! This could hurt my little girl.” She took a step away from the group and as she broke contact, slammed the door closed. She kept her eyes shut for several seconds. Waiting for herself to feel something. When nothing seemed to change she opened her eyes and looked down at her girl. “Why are you all wet?” Then she realized she was soaked as well. “What the hell is going on here?” She asked as she was surrounded by several people, some holding towels out to her.

Lynn was stunned. “She’s gone. She really left.”

“Not a problem. One less set of arms. Keep moving.” Liz said, anger evident in her tone.

In one mass they found a light switch and the entire basement flared into light. The search for the chute began in earnest. The basement was cut into several rooms, and it took time to search some of them. Finally, near a back wall, between two small windows they found a pile of clothes underneath a small metal chute. Liz found her wet pants easily, among other pieces of baby clothing. She separated them in disgust and pulled her keys out of her front right pocket. “Move! Time to go home and relax!”

They were going around the last room separating them from the exit when they heard the stairs creaking. Carol peaked around the corner and watched as a large woman in a suit stepped down onto the floor. She ducked her head back around the corner, and motioned for the rest of them to be quiet.

The sound of several steps echoed through the room, before the person finally spoke. “I’m Ruth Olsen, of child protective services. I don’t know what your side of the story is. But if what I’ve been told is true you better have a good excuse.” Everyone looked at Liz, she pointed back towards the chute room. And they shuffled back in near silence. “I can hear you moving. If you think you’re getting out of here there are two officers up stairs waiting for us. Now I don’t think anything I heard is worth getting arrested over. So why don’t you just come out and we can figure this out.” Again, eyes turned to Liz. They caught her rummaging around the pile of clothes for something. They turned back towards the woman as they heard her steps getting closer, “Please. We can talk about this. Why don’t you let the children come out and we can talk.”

Lynn couldn’t stand it. “You won’t understand, this isn’t normal!”

Ruth stopped, “It’s okay. I’ve heard everything. Everything will be okay. I’m here to help.”

Lynn felt someone poke her, then heard Liz whisper into her ear, “Put your arm around me like you’re holding me. Let her get close. I’ll take care of it.” She did as she was told, just in time for Ruth to come out from behind the wall and smile at her. She looked at Liz wondering what was about to happen, then back to Ruth. Sweat covered her face as she let the woman get closer and closer. Liz started talking, knowing she couldn’t understand her. “ That’s right closer... Closer... I?ve got something for you bitch.”

Ruth allowed herself to smile, sun light reflected off her teeth as she reached out to take the baby. As soon as she wrapped one of her hands around her, she lurched back quickly, pulling her free. The baby seemed heavier then normal in her arms but that didn’t matter to her. She had one of them free, she carefully cradled what she thought was a newborn. As she did she felt movement, then something fill her mouth. She reached up and pulled out a binky. She looked down at the infant in her arms, surprised. “How did you do that?”

Liz smiled through the beginning sensations of her regression. She had done it, Lynn would touch her, and take her away from here, she had won again. She took one last look at the woman and stuck her tongue out, wondering if she could even speak any longer. She was very surprised when the woman seemed to easily hold onto the pacifier, and continue to look down at her.

“I think we need to get baby away from this group of irresponsible women. It’s not safe to take you out in rain like that, or run you up and down the stairs all night.”

Liz felt confusion take over as she realized the woman was not changing. Then she finally saw the sunlight casting shadows and didn’t care any longer. She used all the strength she had to pop her body out of Ruth’s grip and stood up on her feet. She smiled back at her friends, and the book. “It’s okayyyy....” She said, even as she felt odd feelings of pleasure mix with the need to relieve herself.

Ruth was surprised that such a young child could stand already, then she realized that was silly, she wasn’t a baby. She was a grown woman. “Wait a.... Wha.. what’s going on?” She stuttered. She rubbed her temple with her hand, she had never felt such a bad headache in her life. She leaned against the wall for support. As she did she looked back at the group standing in front of her. “Why?” Was all she could think to say.

Samantha stepped closer, carefully letting go of the book. When she felt no different she walked closer to Ruth, “Look at me, what do you see?””

Ruth stared, “A young lady...” Sam felt herself relax, she let out a long deep breath of relief. But Ruth continued, “And a... a... toddler. What’s going on? What the hell did you do to me?”

The book dropped to the floor as Carol ran for the door. She saw the same things, and she didn’t care to wait around for something else to happen. She took the stairs four at a time, practically levitating up and out of the house. Leaving two very confused cops staring at her as she left her car behind, and ran down the street.

Lynn looked down at the book, then back at her friends. She tried to figure out what was happening. “But this should be fixed!” she finally spat out.

Liz smiled at her, feeling a natural high come on as she felt something warm run down her legs. She felt a fog return to her thoughts as she sat down and starting trying to get her hands free from the cloth covering them. “It fixed. I not baby.” She slurred around her thick tongue.

Ruth started to hyperventilate. “Tell me! Tell me what’s going on!” She yelled. Then she stopped. Looking at Lynn she took on a sorry tone, “Please. I think I’m going crazy.”

Lynn started to talk, “It’s magic.”

Then Samantha broke in. “Close your eyes if it helps.” She waited till Ruth closed her eyes to continue. “She’s right it’s magic. We kind of protect the city from bad magic. But no matter how much we try to stop it, every once in a while it kind of pops out and causes problems.” She stopped and looked down at her clothing. Knowing it was silly, and stupid looking on someone her age, but finding that she really liked wearing it at the same time. “Dam...” She looked back at Liz, now sucking on her hand while appearing to listen to everything so she was saying. “This time someone got a hold of a book they shouldn’t have, and we came here to get it back, and try to make sure it wasn’t going to cause any problems. We... Kind of got caught with our pants down this time.”

Ruth sneaked a peek at the person speaking, “So what happened? Why did you get dressed like that?”

“We didn’t. Whatever happened, only worked once you touched something that wasn’t yours and made you mentally whatever that object should be used by. Plus, others in the home saw you that way as well. I came in alone at first. I got caught upstairs. I tried to help fold some clothes. As soon as I realized there was a problem I tried to run. But it was to late.” She blushed as she thought back to her time as an adult toddler. “Then the rest of the team came in. They got caught as well. I think Sandy is upstairs enjoying the party. Liz here,” she pointed at her, “got the whammy and she was reduced to infancy.”

Ruth stopped her, “But what the hell happened when I got here? Why do I see you as both?”

Lynn continued this time. “It’s the end of the spell, or whatever. It should have ended with the breaking of dawn. For some reason it has stopped changing things, but it left the new personalities combined with the old ones.”

Ruth stared at Sam, “But she seems fine.”

“It was the book. I was still touching the book. As long as you were touching the book any mental changes were held back.”

“So she had the book the whole time? Or did she just never touch anything?” Ruth asked, motioning towards Lynn.

Sam shook her head, “No. Lynn changed. You just can’t see it. She was a.... Well, a nursemaid I guess. She got to stay adult.” She stepped towards Liz, and squatted down next to her, trying to help her get her other hand free, “Even though I was touching the book I still feel the baby inside. It’s a whisper instead of an overwhelming urge though. I think Liz has it a bit worse though, right Liz?”

Liz looked at her, and smiled. “I big girl. Member everything. But I feel good now.” Then she grimaced. Something else was there as well. Her face took on a look of terror as her older self broke free. “No! I’m not some kind of freak! She lunged for Sam, “Help me! I don’t want this! It’s so fucked up!” Sam started to calmly stroke her head trying to calm her down. Liz tried to fight it, “Noo! Stop! Not... Baby... Giwl....” As soon as it had come it had passed, and her mind was wrapped behind bright shapes and colors again. She went back to chewing on her hands, hoping that she was going to get a clean diaper soon.

Ruth’s hand was in front of her mouth in shock. She couldn’t believe what she had just saw. “We need to help her... We need to stop this right now!”

Lynn turned away, and gently picked up the problem book. She touched the outer cover, and felt the power inside, screaming for darkness. Ready to come out again. She talked without emotion. “I was always the slow one. The one that was picked last. The butt of her jokes.”

Sam stood and stared at her, “We can’t leave her like this.”

Lynn turned on them, she looked Ruth right in the face. “Remember the pacifier? That could be you right now... She was willing to do anything to get out of here.” Ruth’s head snapped down to the girl now happily slapping in her own puddle. “She told me she wanted out of this. She wanted to leave. Well she’s out now. Let her have her fun. I think we’ll be okay.” She lovingly stroked the book. “I think we’ve gone at this all wrong.” She could feel herself growing stronger. Her willpower, usually nil, grew and overwhelmed her self control. “No... I think we’re fine.... Now.” She said.

Liz stopped playing, in a dark corner of her mind she had been listening, anger and fear pushed her adult thoughts out again, “No! You bitch! I’ll kill you!” She pushed herself back to her feet, “I’ll rip your god dam lips off!” She screamed as her face went red with rage. Liz looked like she was about to run at Lynn, but she stopped and stood, the look of rage becoming something else.

Lynn looked down at the book. “You know Liz... I like your pj’s. You know what they are? That’s what a newborn wears. The long sleeves keep them from scratching themselves. And do you know what newborns are doing when their faces get red like that?” Growling noises started to come from Liz, she looked like she wanted to move but couldn’t. Lynn felt the power in the book growing. She felt it pulsing, and churning. She wondered how much it would let her do, then in a surge she knew. She looked up at Liz and grinned. “Now you do.”

Liz could move again, but she couldn’t. She felt something fall down the inside of her pajamas, landing with a splat in the footies. Her rage evaporated as wet plopping sounds came from inside her clothes. A whine escaped her lips as she felt runny stool pour out, coating her legs as it ran down. She could feel something else as well. Fear of heights. She needed to get to the floor. But as she knelt down that wasn’t enough, she lay down on her chest, getting as low as possible.

Liz looked at Samantha, “Roll her over.”

Sam balked, “But Lynn...” Her voice died off as she felt warmth around her waist and between her legs. She stuck her hands inside her shortalls, and felt what she thought was training pants.

“Roll her over. Or do you want diapers instead?”

Samantha didn’t comment. She gently rolled Liz over. Almost gagging on the smell.

Ruth had been slowly stepping away, she didn’t believe in magic, but something seriously wrong was happening here. As she stepped up onto the bottom step it creaked, she cringed at the sudden loud sound. Lynn didn’t even look away from Sam and Liz, “Where are you going? You’re not going to leave your baby here all messy are you? Sam, go get a new diaper, and some wipes for Lizzy, so her mommy can get her fixed up.”

Ruth’s body shook in spasms. She was fighting with everything she had. She looked down at Liz, then back at Sam. Just in time to see her eyes flash an odd yellow color. “What were we talking about again?” She asked confused.

“Your baby. She needs a new diaper. All that breast milk just went right through her. Is it okay if Sam goes and gabs the supplies while you start undressing her?” Lynn said.

“Of course! Thanks Sammy.” She walked to Liz and started unsnapping her clothes, happily humming as she did so. Sam ran up the steps, then started running towards the upstairs nursery, but stopped and looked at the exit.

“Fuck this!” She said as she ran towards it and freedom. She was almost to the door when one of the police officers stepped in front of it. She landed on him and beat at his chest with her hands. “Let me out! Let me out!”

The officer carefully grabbed her under her arms and pulled her off her feet, holding her away from him. “Easy girl. I don’t think you need to be going outside alone.” He set her down on the floor again. She turned back to him and sat up on her haunches, pawing at him with her hands.

“I want out! I want out! Gotta go! Go! OUT!” She felt overcome with excitement as she barked out the words. “Out oooouuutt! Rout! Owwwwwwwttt!! She howled. There was a popping sound, and she saw Lynn suddenly appear next to the man. She dropped down onto all fours, feeling herself lose control into her trainers. She crawled around and hid behind one of his legs.

“Couldn’t follow directions could you Sammie? You had something easy to do, and you couldn’t even do that. You just wanted to leave. Like some kind of spoiled puppy.” At the word puppy Samantha’s clothing vanished. Leaving her tinkling on the floor. “Bad girl! You should listen to your owner! Bad! Clean that up!”

Samantha knew there was something wrong, but at the same time she knew she had to listen. She turned around, smelled her small puddle, then began to lick it up.

The officer watched unconcerned. Then looked back at Lynn. He felt an urge to hug her, and lightly peck her on the cheek. “How ?bout doggy style tonight dear?”

Lynn smiled, tightening her grip on the book. “That sounds like the best thing I’ve heard all day! But why wait?” She asked and pointed towards the stairs. He smiled and took one of her hands in his. As they walked up the stairs Lynn looked down at Samantha, panting like a dog, and wiggling her tailless butt. She thought back to the mess in the basement, then remembered Pam. She started to think of what she was going to do to her for leaving them before. They came to the top of the stairs and a door that had refused to open before, inside she knew there was a ready bed. She looked over towards the nursery briefly. A new plan flowed from the book into her mind, she smiled as she pushed him into the bedroom and stepped back towards Pam, “But why wait....” She whispered....




End Chapter 1

Say What?

by: Long_Rifle | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 27, 2010


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