Bending Reality

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 30, 2010

Chapter 2

Chapter Description: Jim and his loved ones must face the fact that reality has been forever altered and they need to accept their fates.


Jim woke with a start, breathing heavily, beads of cold sweat tracing their way down his forehead. He’d had the stangest dream about his sister. She’d been in his room, except it was her room and then... and then... It was gone. Jim tried to recall the rest of the dream, but it all slipped away from him. Jim rolled on his side, pulling the fuzzy blue baby blanket over him and staring at the over-flowing toy chest in the corner. His thumb found it’s way into his mouth and he sucked, feeling that wonderful peaceful feeling wash over him anew. Jim wasn’t sure what he was going to do about his predicament. Even when Davy wasn’t performing these infantile behaviours in front of him, Jim found he was now compelled to continue them on his own. Once he adopted a childish trait, it stuck with him.

A yawn distracted Jim from his thoughts and he rolled back over to see Davy stretching and sitting up. Jim wasn’t sure how long they’d been out. The sun was definitely much lower in the sky now, but it hadn’t set yet. He reckoned it was close to seven. Davy peeled off the blanket but then dragged it behind him as he crawled on hands and knees over to the toys. Jim watched as Davy found a pacifier on the floor and popped it in his mouth, sucking away. As Jim stared he found that the shiny plastic toys began to glitter with allure, the need to play with them was overwhelming. Seeing no point in fighting the desire Jim began to crawl over but stopped when he felt a sense of fear and abandonment sweep over him. Turning around Jim grabbed the soft blanket back up and rubbed it against his cheek. He sighed audibly, the feelings of unease withering away. Jim proceeded to the toys, carrying his comfort blanket nuzzled under his arm.

As he stacked blocks next to Davy the little boy have his playmate an innocent toddler smile, offering Jim one of his larger blocks. Jim accepted the offer wordlessly, but a sense of brotherly love was filling him and so he scooped Davy into his arms and have him a big hug. The boy chortled up at his ’twin’ brother. Jim was just starting to actually feel comfortable here playing with his brother when Davy sat back on his bum and began to pat his crotch again, pulling at the lining of his diaper. Oh great, Jim thought, now the boy had gone and soiled himself or something. Or perhaps he was just wet again. But then Davy got hold of the tab on his right and ripped it open. A moment later he undid the second one and peeled away the diaper, leaving it discarded on the carpet. Davy smiled a toddler’s mischievious smile, sticking his tongue out slightly and running around the room with his hands in the air.

For a brief moment Jim was relieved that Davy hadn’t soiled his diaper after all and he had a chuckle at the tot’s lack of modesty. But then he felt it, the tightness around his waste, the uncomfortable grating of the plastic against his skin. The restlessness in his legs returned and Jim knew what was going on. He tried to fight the urges but now the diaper was beginnin to itch fiercely, his skin was crawling. Jim looked over at Davy again, the tot still prancing about with that drooly smile on his face and Jim couldn’t fight it. He ripped his diaper off and leapt to his feet. Jim couldn’t help but sigh at the relief of that dreadful itching, but he immediately felt ashamed. Jim toddled over to the toy chest and hid behind it as best he could. He tried not to look at Davy, feeling the urge to join the tyke in prancing about the room in all his naked glory growing within him. Maybe if mommy saw them naked she would make Davy put his diaper back on and then Jim could have his on again without discomfort.

Jim decided to swallow his pride for the moment and tottered into the kitchen, his feet squeaking on the sticky floor. He wanted to cover himself with both hands, but the insecurity of being nude made the urge to suck his thumb that much more irresistable and he was force to keep one hand jammed in his mouth while the other protected his manhood. He found mommy busily preparing dinner in the kitchen, pouring some rice into a pot. She heard his feet squeaking on the floor and turned to face him. "Well look who’s up and about. Have a nice little nappie-poo sweetie?"

Jim found himself unable to remove his thumb to speak, not that she’d have understood him anyway. Instead he gestured to his nakedness, hoping she would quickly rectify the situation. Mommy giggled at his display. "Well I see my little jaybird is back. Do you wanna help mommy make dinner sweetie?"

Jim shook his head in frustration. No he didn’t want to help with dinner, couldn’t she see he needed some clothes! But she ignored his negative response, placing a metal bowl with a wooden spoon in it, on the floor. "Now you be a good boy and make mommy some music while she cooks."

Jim scowled, this wasn’t at all what he expected. But instead of getting angry he found himself sitting on the floor. The need to be a good boy for mommy was a directive he could not resist. The floor was chilly under his bare bum. But he seemed to have lost the strength in his legs to stand. He grasped the metal bowl and the spoon. Mommy stared down at him expectantly, her eyes encouraging him. He banged the spoon around the pot, creating a cocophony of noise. Mommy smiled warmly down at him. "What a good boy! You’re my little Ringo Star buddy."

Her praise only made the need to continue even stronger and soon Jim was banging the spoon around the bowl with gusto. Mommy left the room a moment and then, to his horror, she returned with a camera. As she snapped photos of Jim sitting on the kitchen floor buck naked playing th drums with a wooden spoon and cooking bowl, Jim knew he was in hell. The photos only stopped when Davy toddled in to see what all the racket was.

Davy gazed in slack-jawed wonder at Jim then looked at mommy and announced, "Davy wan’ out! Wanna p’ay mawn-mower!"

"Okay, you two jaybirds go play lawn-mower while mommy finishes dinner," she directed, collecting the bowl and spoon from Jim.

Davy ran ahead the sliding backdoor, reaching up for the handle but unable to open it even on his tippy-toes. Jim wanted no part of this. The back yard was hardly private, several other houses had clear views of it. This was the last thing he wanted. But mommy had his hand and her strength seemed overpowering as though he really were a small boy. As she dragged him towards the door he pointed wildly at the discarded diapers. "Daiper!" he managed to screech.

"Yes dear, you took off your diaper, I can see that. Mommy loves her silly little jaybirds. Some day when you’re a big boy you won’t be able to get nekkid like this anymore, so enjoy it while you can."

With that mommy slid open the back door and Davy darted out into the yard, going straight to a brighly coloured toy lawn-mower. "Now be a good boy and play nice with your brother," she directed, heading back in the house.

Jim wanted to turn on his heel and follow her in, but her last words had sealed his fate. He needed to be a good boy and play with Davy, which meant playing outside. Jim stepped out into the yard and felt the warm breeze play across his nether regions, the grass caressing his soles. For a moment he considered just running inside and asking mommy for a suckle on her breasts. Then it would all be over and he could return out back to play "mawn-mowah" with Davy a happy naked toddler. But he only considered it for a moment. No, he had to put up with this for one more day, then his sister would set things right. His mind was all he had left at this point. He certainly didn’t have his dignity anymore.

Jim spent the time he had to be outside playing by the only tree, using it to shield him from the view of some of the other houses. Davy had no such qualms of course and played innocently with his toys. Then suddenly he paused, an odd expression on his face. A moment later a stream of pee shot out of him and wet the grass around him. Davy seemed unabashed by this display and skipped off as soon as he was done. Jim thought that was disgusting. It was then that he felt the wamrth spreading over his toes and realised with dismay that he was urinating on himself. Jim silently damned his sister for doing this to him.

After what seemed an eternity of playing in the dirt of the back yard mommy came out and called them in to eat. It was getting dark out as they headed inside. Mommy set them both into booster seats at the table. Jim found his food was already cut up and a sippy cup sat next to his plate. Davy tucked into his food straight away, eating with his fingers and getting a fair amount on his face. There was no silverware for Jim anyway, so he copied Davy, finding that his coordination seemed to have suddenly left him. He couldn’t help but get food smeared across his cheeks and in his hair and down his chest. By the end of the meal Jim was quite a sight to be seen, a young man sitting bare-assed in a booster seat, covered in food.

After dinner Jim was subjected to a bath in the same tub with Davy. And as the small boy splashed the water and chewed on his rubber ducky Jim was compelled to do likewise. The worst part was when mommy made him get on his hands and knees, his head right next to Davy’s, so she could scrub his dirty bum-bum. And of course, Jim realised to his chagrin, she wasn’t joking. It really was dirty from sitting in the dirt of the back yard without a diaper on.

After the bath mommy rediapered both boys and soon had both swaddled in comfy footie pj’s. Davy snuggled into mommy’s lap for nursing and Jim watched with disdain from the floor. He’d tried to sit on the couch but was shooed away, being told, "Couch is for big people, little boys sit on the floor."

Mommy offered her other boobie to Jim, but thankfully he was able to refuse this one behaviour and mommy made no fuss. Soon he and Davy were being tucked in to a toddler bed they apparently shared. Mommy pulled up the teddy-bear covers and read to them from Mother Goose. Then she placed a pacifier in each boy’s mouth and kissed them goodnight, turning on a night-light before going out. Davy cuddled his warm little body into Jim’s arms and drifted off to sleep. Feeling incredibly sleepy ever since the paci was put in his mouth Jim soon followed him.

The next morning flew by for Jim. Mommy woke him up and changed his diaper on the changing table, then got him dressed. Today he was in a t- shirt adorned with Cookie Monster’s smiling face and a pair of fireman red Osh Kosh short-alls. Davy wore a striped t-shirt and regular brown corduroy pants rolled up over his ankles. They ate breakfast in much the same manner as dinner save that this time mommy put bibs on over their clothes. Then it was off to Mommy & Me story time at the local library. Jim felt incredibly dumb sitting Indian style on the floor in the midst of a crowd of toddlers listening to Dr. Seuss and Winnie the Pooh stories while the adults cooed over all the cute little kids. Here he was this fully grown man surrounded by tots and nobody noticed. Jim gave thanks that due to the short attention spans of toddlers, the session wasn’t too long.

Finally mommy took them back to the mall. Jim was overjoyed, eagerly swinging his legs back and forth in his car seat this time, craning to get a glimpse of the mall. His salvation was at hand. The only down- side was that he’d soon have to pay that huge late fee. But he’d pay anything to escape this situation.

Mommy loaded the two boys in the double stroller again and pushed them back thru the car park to the mall. As the stores went by Jim looked all about for Miriam. Where the hell was she? He was anxious to be out of this blasted stroller. As they passed Abercrombie and Gap he saw people like him, well like he used to be, doing their shopping. Young adults spending money, sipping Starbucks latte’s and chatting about music and politics. That was where he belonged, not stuck in a pushchair diapered with his bare feet swinging aimlessly about.

At last they entered the food-court. Jim was sure this was it. Any moment things would be set right. And then he caught sight of a familiar face, not his sister, but his mom, his real mom. What was she doing here? She was walking back from the McDonalds, looking around for someone. Jim tried to get her attention but she looked past him. Then she spotted whoever she was looking for and headed towards a table. Jim followed her line of sight and spotted his dad getting up from a table and waving to his mom. And then he spotted it, Miriam’s blonde hair. She was sitting at the table with dad, her back to Jim.

Mommy stopped the stroller, having arrived at the bench from the day before. Wasting no time Jim unstrapped himself and climbed out of the stroller. "Hold your horses there mister. You sit right here while I get your brother out," mommy directed, seating Jim on the bench.

As soon as her back was turned though, Jim hopped off the bench and raced over into the food-court. For once he was glad that his bare feet made no noise on the mall floor and mommy didn’t immediately notice his escape. Once he reached the tables he dropped to all fours. Nobody would notice a creeping toddler and mommy wouldn’t be able to see him. Jim scooted across the food-court stealthily. Finally he had a clear view of his parents and Miriam. His mom and dad were just getting up to throw away their rubbish, leaving Miriam alone at the table. Now was his chance. But as Jim closed in he got a better look at his sister. She had on some kind of bright pink t-shirt, a colour she never wore. Her hair seemed to be in some kind of odd cut, but it was hard to tell from behind. She wore calf-length jean capris which she hadn’t worn in a couple years but weren’t that out of the ordinary. But what Jim most noticed were her bare feet. She was swinging her legs back and forth and from Jim’s vantage point he got a clear view of her dirty black soles as they swept across the linoleum. Jim got a lump in his throat immediately. Was his sister now in the same situation as him? Had someone taken the perfume bottle from her?

Jim reached Miriam’s side and grabbed her hand. "Miriam, you gotta undo what you did!" he ordered.

Miriam turned to Jim with surprise and Jim could now see that her hair was done in pig-tails. She gaped at Jim and said "Who are you?"

"It’s me, Jim. Your big brother! Please, you have to remember me!" Jim pleaded.

Miriam smiled sweetly and giggled. "Nuh uh, you just a baby. I’m a big girl, I goin’ to pwe-school now."

It took all his effort not to scream out at the top of his lungs at her. "No Miriam, you’re way past pre-school, you should be in high school. Look at yourself, you’re a teen-ager!"

Miriam looked confused and said, "I’m not asposed ta talk to stwangers," chewing on her fingernails.

"Oh God Miriam what’s happened to you! Please tell me this is a joke."

"Wanna here a joke?!" Miriam asked, suddenly looking excited. "Knock- knock."

"No Miriam, no jokes. We gotta get outta here and find that shop..."

"What are you doing here little fella? Where’s your mommy?" his dad asked, interupting him with his reappearance.

"Dad, don’t you know who I am?"

His dad ignored him, looking around the food-court for someone who had lost a baby. "Dad, look at me, I’m your son! Miriam is my sister, she’s a teenager, she shouldn’t be dressed in a Barbie shirt and barefoot!"

"I don’ wanna wear icky old shoes!" a pouting Miriam interjected.

"You have to remember!" Jim continued.

But his dad ignored him still and a moment later Jim felt a firm hand on his shoulder. "Jesus Jimmy what are you doing?!" mommy gasped.

"Oh, is this your little guy?" his dad asked.

"Yes, I don’t know how he got away from me. One sec he was there and then..."

"Yep they do that to you," dad agreed. "Our little princess here used to run off on us too."

"Well sorry he bothered you."

"No problem."

With that Jim found himself being led away from his real family, Miriam sucking her thumb and swinging her dirty feet in the air, oblivious as her brother was dragged away. Soon they were back at the bench and mommy was thanking a security guard for watching Davy. Jim looked about for the shop, his only remaining hope. But he was devastated to find that where it had been was now a Starbucks. The shop was gone and the old man with it.

Mommy settled on the bench and began to undo the buttons on her blouse, revealing her huge breasts under a nursing bra. "Come here sweetie," she beckoned Davy.

The boy readily complied, climbing into her lap and latching on. Jim watched with a heavy heart. What was he going to do now? What was left for him in this atered reality? He could see his family leaving the food court and strolling out of the mall. Miriam ran ahead, the 17 year old skipping barefooted thru the mall, her pig-tails bouncing along as she spun and hopped about, smiling a little girl’s smile. Jim returned his gaze to his new mommy and his suckling brother. Was this his future now? If nothing changed all he had to look forward to was more time being forced to behave like a toddler, wetting himself and sucking his thumb and worst of all running around in the buff.

Perhaps the old shop-keep would come for him, would save him. Maybe he knew how to fix all this. Probably not. How long did Jim want to wait though. How many more days of psychological torture could he withstand? The real fear though, was the alternative. Did he really want to give up the last thing that made him who he was, the only thing that made him still a grown man, his mind? If he latched on right now there would be nothing left of the man named Jim. He’d be nothing but another silly baby boy like Davy, like Miriam, reduced to a barefoot tot. If there was any chance that he could be saved he had to hold out because once he gave in there would be no turning back, he might not even remember being a grown-up.

Three college kids walked past and the girls smiled and waved at Jim. "Oh what a cute little baby," one gushed.

Jim shuddered, the shame was too much. He had to face facts, there was no hope of a rescue, help was not on the way. He had to make a cold rational decision. Ironically it was a decision that meant he would be incapable of making a rational decision again for a long time. He took no pleasure in it, no comfort at all. But it was the only possible choice, faced with the alternative. As much as he hated himself for doing it, he moved closer to mommy. She saw the way he was looking at her bossom and she nodded. "That’s right sweetie. Momma has another boobie just for my Jimmy boy. C’mon honey, into momma’s arms."

Jim climbed onto the bench and laid down with his head in her lap. She guided his mouth to her nipple. He knew how crazy this would look, a man nursing on some woman’s breast in a mall, but the humiliation would soon be over. It was his only solace.

Warm creamy liquid squirted into his mouth and down his throat warming him from the inside out. Mommy rubbed his tummy as he swallowed. It tasted amazing, a cascade of flavour over his tongue and down to his tummy. For the first time Jim was not acutely aware of the fact that he was in public view dressed like a tot. For once the only thing on his mind was how warm and comfy he was. The warmth soon spread elsewhere as his bladder emptied into his diapee. Hot liquid surrounded his loins as more delicious milk filled his tum-tum.

Voices awoke Jim from his reverie. He opened his eyes and looked towards the sound, allowing the teat to slip from his mouth for the moment. A man in a uniform, perhaps a security guard Jim thought, was talking to mommy. He said things like "Against the rules," and "Outside," but Jim found oddly he could only recognize the odd word, most of it went over his head. Mommy was arguing back and the man looked apologetic. He looked down at him and Jim thought he should say something. He opened his mouth but no words came to him, he was drawing a total blank. He felt some of the nice creamy breast milk dribble down his chin and he stared slack-jawed at the man. Mommy ended his struggle for words by pushing his mouth back onto her teat. Jim forgot all about his verbal failings as the liquid filled his mouth again and his eyes rolled back in his head with ecstacy.

Time lost all meaning for Jim at that point. But eventually the teat ceased to give liquid and Jim found himself being pulled off it. Mommy was feeling him below his tummy, and saying things about him being a wet boy. She used a comforting tone that told him he had done something good, though he wasn’t sure what. Jim recalled he hadn’t wanted momma’s boobie before, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember why. He felt so absolutely lovely right now even if he wasn’t sure where he was or what mommy was saying to him. He caught most of the words but his mind couldn’t quite string them together properly. Some of the words were too big for him and made no sense at all.

Mommy undid the things on his chest that made ’pop’ noises. Then she took off his pants. He recognized the bright colour, but the name escaped him. It was on the tip of his tongue though. "Brue" maybe, or "Cleen" possibly. No, he just couldn’t quite recall the colour names. He know the name for the big puffy thingy though, that’s a diapee. Mommy takes that off and wipe down there. Big people going by smile at Jim and he smile back, he likes the attention. Some people giggle and point too! Mommy give Jim his feets to hold he swing them around and play. Mommy say "Hold still now," but Jim just wiggle more. Then mommy show Jim a pretty thingy that he reach and play with. It’s a fun thing, he chews on it and bangs it on the bench and before he knows it, he’s diapered again.

Ten minutes earlier this would have been Jim’s worst nightmare, but as it was Jim was perfectly content laying on the bench in just a t-shirt, his privates exposed to the world as his mommy slipped a new dry diaper under his bum, swinging his long legs about in the air and giggling like he’d just heard a hillarious joke. Soon he had a new diaper on and his short- alls buckled back up. Mommy put the two happy little tykes in their stroller and headed home. It had been a tiring day.


Two Weeks Later

The landscaping truck pulled up in front of the white Colonial house on Burnside Way. The driver checked the address on what appeared to be an invoice then popped out and headed the footpath, clip-board in hand. He brushed some dirt off the coveralls he wore then rang the doorbell and waited. He could hear the sound of children coming from the back yard. After a long minute, just as he was reaching over to ring again, the door swung open revealing a well endowed woman. She was blonde and in her thirties, wore no make-up and looked a bit run-down. There was no doubt she was a mom. "Kate Jugson?" he asked, looking at the clip-board.

"Yes, that’s me," she replied.

"I’m here to take a look at those hedges you want removed. Tillman & Sons Lanscaping."

"Right of course. I’m so sorry I forgot you were coming today, the place is a mess as usual."

"Can’t be worse than my place," he joked.

"You’re kind, but you haven’t seen yet. Sorry but I was up all night with one of my little ones."

"Children are a blessing and a curse."

"Ain’t that the truth! Well c’mon in then. Would you like anything to drink? Coffee?"

"No, no, I’m afraid I have a schedule to keep mam." "Well at last let me get you some lemonade while you work. I can mix it up in a jiff." "Well, if you insist." "I do. Now you go ahead, I’ll be out in a minute." "Okay, that’ll be fine. Just through there?" he asked, gesturing to the sliding door.

"Yep. Oh and I hope you don’t mind my two little jaybirds are out there."

"No problem mam."

"It’s just impossible to keep them in their diapers at that age."

"I know, I had a couple little rascals of my own a while back."

"Okay then," she said, ducking into the kitchen.

The landscaper headed thru the living room and out the sliding door. There were two people in the back yard. A small red-headed boy of about two was seated on a red plastic scooter designed to look like a tractor, pushing it with his feet. The other person was a young man of about college age. Like the toddler he too was completely naked, squatting at the edge of a puddle his tanned back hunched over as he splashed his hands in the stagnant water. His curly brown hair stuck up here and there but from the backside this was all the landscaper could see. Of course that was more than what most people saw when they looked at this young man. Most people saw a cute little toddler very similar to the other boy. But this landscaper was not most people.

The man put down his box of tools on the deck and walked across the yard to the boy. He kneeled down beside the boy and looked him over. His skin was splotched with flecks of grass, mud and dirt here and there. Mud oozed up between his toes and he wiggled them in the muck. There was a contented curious expression on his face as he looked over at the landscaper, who of course was not really a landscaper, and gazed at his face with wide eyes.

"Hello there Jim. Do you remember me?" the man inquired cheerily.

Jim continued to stare at the man wordlessly, no recognition in his eyes. "We did a bit of business a couple weeks ago. Some business involving a perfume bottle. Perhaps you recall now?"

Jim stuck his tongue out and licked his lips, a line of spittle making its way down his chin. He said nothing.

"I guess not then. Well you weren’t easy to find my friend. I had to go see your sister and get the information from her. My fault for completing my transaction with her without obtaining that information first of course. Very sorry about the wait. Maybe you remember her. Hold on," he said, reaching into his coverall pocket.

The shop-keeper drew a polaroid photo from his pocket, holding it before Jim. The photo showed Miriam standing in her living room wearing a shirt sleeveless party dress. Several little girls stood on either side of her dressed similarly. Miriam was absolutely beaming, holding a box with a Barbie doll in it. Several balloons with the number ’4’ on them are visible in the background.

"So you do remember Miriam, your only sister, don’t you?"

Jim gaped blankly at the picture, totally uncomprehending. Then he turned back to the water, splashing it with his hands and giggling to himself, not interested in the grown-up talk. The shop-keep stroked Jim’s arm to get his attention again. Jim blinked, a few new droplets of muddy water splashed on his face now. He looked back up at the man.

"Jim, your sister told me about the command she gave you regarding having your mommy’s breast milk..."

At this Jim’s eyes lit up. He smiled and said, "Jim-Jim momma’s tee- tee! Momma tee-tee!"

The man smiled and had a laugh. "Yes I can see that you’ve certainly had some tee-tee haven’t you. I can see your pee-pee there too and you certainly don’t seem to mind that. No, you had quite a lot of momma’s milk didn’t you boy?"

Jim smiled dumbly and nodded vigorously, drool dripping from his chin now. Jim dropped onto his butt in the mud, his legs laying bowed in front of him. The shop-keep brushed his hand thru Jim’s curly uncombed hair and watched as Jim giggled and stared up at the sky.

"Well down to business then my boy. I’m here to set things right. Since your sister took possession of the perfume it was she who owed the debt. You paid me for your use of it and more. So my boy I will be perfectly willing to put everything for you back to normal. You’ll be a grown-up again, and more than that you’ll be able to actually think and reason again. How does that sound?"

Jim blinked at the man and then pointed at the air behind his shoulder. "Birdie!" Jim announced, seeming quite proud of his ability to identify a bird.

"Yes Jim. Now all you have to do is tell me that you want things back the way the were. All you need to do Jim is tell me you want to be a man again, that you want to be big. And if not that’s fine too. I’ll leave you just the way you are, a big silly toddler with, it would seem, the mind of an 18 month old. You can spend the rest of your days toddling naked around your yard, having momma’s boobie and using diapers. So Jim, what will it be? Do you want to be big again?"

Jim cocked his head to the side looking vacantly at the shop-keeper, a long chain of saliva now hanging from his chin. Finally he smiled as though making a decision. "Lookit’ I do!" he exclaimed, grabbing his left foot with both hands and jamming his muddy wiggling toes in his mouth, giggling merrily.

The shop-keep gave Jim a knowing smile. "That’s what I thought," he said leaning over to the toe-sucking boy and tapping his forehead. "If you had anything left between your ears you wouldn’t be smiling right now my boy. But very clearly you don’t. You’re a perfectly happy little tyke and I have no doubt you will enjoy your days spent rolling in the mud and slurping your tootsies. So instead I have a different deal for you. I know you got my perfume to use on your girlfriend in the first place. So..."

The shop-keep pulled the perfume bottle out of his pocket and sprayed it twice in the air. He mumbled something barely audible and a cool breeze blew thru the yard. A moment later the back door of the house slid open again and a woman stepped out onto the deck. It was not, however, mommy. It was a woman about Jim’s age. She had short brown hair and shockingly blue eyes. She looked very confused to be where she was, looking all around wildly and stumbling. The thing that would really have attracted the neighbours’ attention though, was the fact that she was topless. He breasts weren’t huge or anything, but they were bouncing free. In fact the only thing she was wearing was a big white disposable diaper with Elmo designs on it.

"You see Jim I found Sharon last week and I decided to put her in pretty much the same situation you’ve been in. She’s been being cared for by her family since then, to the rest of the world she’s a 10-month old baby girl," the shop-keep explained to the still uncomprehending Jim.

Just then Sharon spotted the shop-keeper and Jim in the yard. Her eyes widened even further with shock and she raced across the yard towards them. She dropped to her knees in the grass beside them, her breasts jiggling as she landed. "Jim! Oh my God, they’ve done the same thing to you! Everyone thinks I’m a baby Jim, everyone! Please, for the love of God tell me you can see me for who I am!" Sharon shrieked.

Jim made no response, just looking frightened by the girl’s shrieks. It was only then that it seemed to sink in on Sharon that her boyrfriend was naked and had his toes in his mouth. A look of concern replaced the shear terror in her face. "Jim are you okay?" she asked, worried.

Jim removed his toes and replaced them with his thumb in his mouth, still staring warrily and wordlessly at Sharon. Now very frightened Sharon turned to the shop-keep. "What have you done to him!" she screamed.

"I didn’t do a thing to him Sharon. His sister put him in the same situation you’ve been in my dear."

"He isn’t in the same situation I’ve been in. Look at him! He’s playing in the mud, he was just sucking his fucking toes for God’s sake! Just look in his eyes and you can see Jim isn’t in there, he’s been turned into a moron."

"Calm yourself my dear. Jim did this to himself."

"What the hell do you mean by that. There is no way anyone would chose to do this. You’re saying he chose to have himself reduced to a slobbering baby."

"Actually Jim here is more on the level of a young toddler. But yes Jim chose it. He drank from his mommy’s breasts, he nursed and he knew the result would be the wiping of his intelligence and memory. I can’t tell you why he chose as he did, but it is done."

Sharon threw her arms around a very surprised Jim, rubbing his back and telling him it would be okay. "This is all very touching but we have one more matter of business. Jim is going to remain the way he is, nothing is going to change that. But he still has a choice. Either I can restore you, Sharon, to normal and Jim will go to live with you as your baby. Or you will join Jim here as his baby sister."

Sharon glared at the shop-keep. "You mean you expect me to go on living as I have for this last week if Jim choses that!"

"Oh goodness no. Jim would want you to be happy I’m sure. He’d want a real baby sister, so if he chooses you will be having the mental adjustment Jim has already undergone."

Sharon’s mouth dropped open. She watched as the shop-keep smiled his twisted smile and nodded. Then she turned frantically to Jim. "Sweetie, you remember me don’t you. You want to live with me, just tell the man that. I’ll take such good care of you, I will," she assured him.

The shop-keep addressed the glassy-eyed boy. "Jim you need to decide do you want Sharon to be mommy? If you do, you’ll go home with her now buddy. Or do you want Sharon to be little like you? Do you want Sharon to be a playmate and sister, a baby?"

Jim blinked, confused then pointed at the house, "Momma," she said simply.

"Yes Jim, but Sharon can be momma if you want."

Sharon nodded, "Yes Jim, say you want me to be momma, c’mon Jim!"

Jim looked Sharon over, and then stared long and hard at her breasts. They were a lot smaller than his current mommy’s. Jim pointed at the house again and smiled michieviously, "Tee-tee momma," he said. Then pointing at Sharon he giggled and said, "Bay-bee."

Sharon looked scandalized. "No Jim!" she yelled, then turning to the shop-keep continued, "he has no idea what he’s saying. He doesn’t have the ability to understand what he’s doing! Don’t you see that?"

The shop-keep shook his head. "Sorry dear but he’s made his decision."

Before Sharon could say another word the shop-keep sprayed the perfume in her face. She hadn’t even seen the bottle come out. In an instant Sharon went silent. "Sweetie you feel relaxed and calm now. You are going to go to your mommy in a moment and ask to have some milk. As her milk fills your tummy dear your brain is going to empty out. All your years of schooling will leak out your ears as you suckle. You will loose your words, numbers, everything. You will accept that you are Davy and Jimmy’s baby sister. I want you to look at Jimmy dear, look at him sitting here in the mud, look at his eyes, see how empty they are. As you suckle you will become just like this. When you are done you will be a blank-minded baby girl, you’ll have no modesty, no worries, you’ll be ready to play and have fun with your big brothers."

With that said the man sprayed in the air again and whispered something to the wind. As he finished Sharon looked alert again. "Please, I don’t want... I... I can’t," she stammered.

"Shush dear. Go to your mommy and this will all be over soon."

"But... my mind..."

The sliding door came open again just then and mommy stepped out onto the deck. Sharon looked at her and rose to her feet walking towards her as though in a trance. "Look at my baby girl walking around like a big girl!" mommy gushed. "Why you’re getting so big so fast!"

"Mommy I want milk," Sharon mumbled.

"C’mere honey. Mama’s baby needs her nummies doesn’t she?"

Jimmy stood and toddled towards the deck as Sharon climbed into mommy’s lap. The shop-keep and Jimmy both watched as mommy undid her blouse and revealed her breasts, easing the nipple towards Sharon. The girl seemed to fight it at the last moment moving her head this way and that to avoid it. In the end though the nipple brushed across her lips and Sharon couldn’t fight any longer. She took it in her mouth and began to suckle, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Even Davy looked up from chewing on dandelions to watch as Sharon has her first meal, the first of many. She swallowed and swallowed, her eyes rollin back and her feet twitching. The shop-keep wondered what it felt like to loose her most basic thinking abilities to go from confident, intelligent young woman to drooling infant in a matter of moments. The suckling slowed after a couple minutes. Sharon’s eyes were still open, but had gone from darting back and forth frantically, to staring fixed up at the sky.

Finally mommy set Sharon down on the deck. The young woman immediately settled on her hands and knees, breast milk coating her chin and dripping to the deck and on her hands. Her boobs hung freely, swaying as she shook her head about. The shop-keep wasn’t sure if she was trying to get the last contents of her brain together to focus or if she was trying to knock those last pesky adult thoughts out of her ears. The shop-keep walked over to her and she stared up at him and squinted as though trying to remember him. She no longer looked angry just dazed and out of it. "Come sweetie, lets play with your brothers," he sung to her, taking her hands and helping her to a tenuous stand.

Sharon toddled forward very unsteadily, taking jerky uncoordinated steps, raising her knees up high with each step and holding onto the shop-keep’s hands for balance. He led her over to where Jim was. She looked down in surprise as her bare feet sunk into the squishy mud, still shaking her head and gazing all about apparently trying to recognize something, to stir some memory. The shop-keep noticed as they got there that her diaper was hanging low between her legs, filled with pee, threatening to drop. He led her back down to hands and knees, "There we go darling, you’ll feel much better like this."

Sharon settled there looking right at Jim. The shop-keep went behind her and in an instant he had whisked away her wet diaper. Seeming surprised Sharon dropped back onto her bum and gazed down at all her exposed parts. SHe looked askance up at him and said, "Big?"

The shop-keep smiled and shook his head then Jim crawled over to her and said "Bay-bee," and smeered mud on her thigh.

Sharon gave her head one last shake and the shop-keep could almost see that last adult thought fade into the ether as Sharon’s big blue eyes went vacant, the confusion wiped away with everything else. Sharon looked back up at the shop-keep and gave him a million-dollar smile, sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry. Jimmy chortled at this and Sharon looked at him and began to drum her heels in the muddy ground, blowing cheerful spit-bubbles. Their mommy walked over, bringing the glass of lemonade she had promised to the shop-keep. "Here you go, you certainly seem to be good with kids, look at the way little Sharon is smiling at you."

"Well she sure is a happy little baby."

"They’re always happy after a little milk."

"Well I thank you for the lemonade, I’ll call you up about a date to actually take that shrub out."

"Thanks. See you."

The shop-keep took one last look at the kids as he left. Davy was back on his scooter while Jimmy had now taken to eating dandelions as well as a fair amount of dirt, his penis still swinging freely as he crept about in the grass. Sharon, who had been an intelligent woman until a minute ago, had now discovered the joy of mouthing her muddy toes, freed from the contraints of a working brain. It was funny to see Jimmy, who had chosen to turn his mind to mush, and Sharon, who’d had her mentallity forcibly erased, now side by side with big smiles on their faces playing at the grown-up’s feet.



End Chapter 2

Bending Reality

by: Bfboy | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 30, 2010


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