Sisters Birthday Wish

by: hello | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 15, 2009

Chapter 2
Sisters Birthday Wish

Chapter Description: A mean Brother gets what he deserves.

He was snapped back to reality when he heard his mother scream up the stairs that he better come down to sing happy birthday to his sister. Excitedly he gathered the balloons into a wal-mart bag, and made his way down the steps, careful to keep the bag hidden behind him. When he approached the kitchen he saw all the girls and his mother singing happy birthday to his sister, who was smiling as she sat in the middle of the table. Cindy was beaming as her friends and her mom were singing happy birthday to her, she couldn’t believe how well today had gone and best of all no pranks. However as she was looking across the room she saw her brother making his way towards the group hiding something behind his back, and that was when Cindy realized that something was not right. Then she spotted one of the colored balloons in the bag, and she knew he was going to ruin her special day. But before he did she thought she would at least make a birthday wish, as her mom and friends were telling her to.

As Cindy closed her eyes she wished with all her might that her brother would never be mean to her again. As Cindy blew out the candles, and her friends cheered, Jeff was just getting ready to throw the first water balloon when suddenly he had a terrible pain in his stomach. Without warning the water balloon in his had vanished, along with the bag he was holding. The pain he was feeling caused him to double over, what was happening he thought. And then the just like it began the pain left. Surprised Jeff stood back up when he noticed that Cindy was staring at him smiling. Then he noticed that table and Cindy’s friends all getting taller, or rather he was getting smaller. He put his hand out in front of his face and watched as they shrank with the rest of him. Ple..ease ... no why... is ...this happing..., he sobbed. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the ground. His shrinking was not the only change though his brown hair was growing longer past his shoulders, he nails were gaining a pinkish glow, as if they were polished, and then he felt the sensation as his boyhood slowly retracted into himself. He shot a hand down there to confirm what he feared gone was his boyhood, and there in its place was nothing but his new found girlhood. He didn’t have long desperately he crawled out of his not overgrown clothes, he was now about the size of a toddler. Cindy....stopp.. th..os...he cried.

By now Cindy had worked her way to where her once big brother was. He was nothing more than a toddler sized baby girl, smiling she bent down until her face was inches for his. Now what would I do that for my sweet baby SISTER. Upon hearing this Jeff’s transformation intensified, he continued to shrink, his newly found long hair quickly receding into her head, until all that was left was just wisps of hair, her limbs began to flail involuntarily as her muscle tone evaporated. gu...gah gaa.. wahhhh! The transformation now complete Cindy stared down at her once older brother, now he was nothing but a little baby girl. A smile spread across her face as she realized that the entire transformation had been unnoticed by her mom and friends they were cutting the cake as if nothing had happened. Gleefully she bent down to the squirming infant and picked her up.



End Chapter 2

Sisters Birthday Wish

by: hello | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 15, 2009


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