
by: Long_Rifle | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 6, 2009

Another OLD one. But not as bad as the worst. I wanted to have a person react to a glimpse of their possible future so I wrote this. No happy ending. Female Mental AR

Chapter 1

Chapter Description: Female mental regression.

Kidnapped. By: Long_Rifle

This is another older one. But not as old as some. I was apparently starting to learn about structure... It’s pretty short, but better then nothing, enjoy:

Kathy had been walking home, when a van had slowly pulled up next to her. She turned her head to look, and that was the last thing she remembered. ?Now she

had awoken in a darkened room. ?She slowly sat up and tried to figure out where she was. ?It wasn’t her room, and it wasn’t any room that she had ever been

in. ?She could smell something in the air, a perfume. She slowly moved her legs, and heard plastic crinkle. ?

Kathy rubbed the mattress under her and realized it had a plastic cover on it. She moved towards the edge of the bed and felt something stopping her from getting out. ?There were rails around it. ?She gently shook the bars and found them to be solid. ?She was about to stand up when she heard a key enter a door lock. She sat back down as an older woman entered and turned on a light in the room.

The lady smiled, “Hello Kathy, nice to see you’re awake. ?I hope you’re feeling well. ?I would like to get started as soon as possible.”

Kathy looked up at the woman she wanted to know where she was but she felt worried about want the woman was talking about, “Started?”

The woman’s smile grew, wider as she came forward to check on her charge. “Yes... Started, I know you would love to know why you are here. ?And since I really don’t have the time to explain everything, I’ll let a friend of yours do it for me.”

Kathy sat bolt upright, maybe now she would be let go. But as she watched, the woman left the room and she heard nothing for several minutes. ?Just as she started to feel more terrified she heard shuffling coming from the hallway. ?Then she saw a face round the corner and felt better. ?It was a friend from her high school, Kathy was going to say hi, and ask her why she was crawling when her friend recognized her and smiled. Something about the smile bothered Kathy. ?It seemed odd coming from a person with a 4.0 grade point average. ?But the smile was nothing compared to what she was wearing; it looked like a onesie for babies.

“Sara, what’s going on? ?Why are you dressed like that?” ?But she didn’t get the answer that she was expecting.

Sara squealed out “ Caty!”, and quickly crawled to the side of her bed.

The terror Kathy felt multiplied, “Please stop acting so weird, what’s going on? ?Why are we here?” ?But as she waited for an answer she realized Sara didn’t seem to understand her. ?She was just smiling and slapping the side of the bed. ?Kathy watched as Sara started to drool, then she smelt something, Sara must have farted. ?But it got worse. ?Sara sat down on her butt and Kathy saw her underwear sticking out of the side of the onesie, she looked at it a little harder and saw it wasn’t panties, it was a disposable diaper. ?

Kathy scooted back as far as she could in her bed, she was now really scared. Something here was very wrong. Her almost genius friend was drooling and wearing a very messy diaper, and they were both locked in a strange house. Worse, Kathy had seen Sara only two days ago and she had been normal, whatever had happened, was very quick.

The woman returned, and now her smile seemed to be evil. “I see your friend has told you her side of the story. ?And I think I know a little lady that needs her diaper changed.” ?At that Sara looked up at her and giggled.

“Here honey, suck on this while I finish up with little Caty.” ?She reached down and carefully stuck a pacifier in Sara’s mouth.

Kathy cowered against the back wall, “Please lady, don’t hurt us. Please let us go!” But Kathy stopped trying to talk, the smell from Sara’s diaper was

really bad. ?She pulled her shirt up and tried to use it to filter the air, before she got sick. ?

This made the woman laugh. “Awww, you think that smells bad? ?Don’t worry,

soon you won’t mind it. ?Does that make you feel better?”

Kathy moved her mouth to speak but no sound would come out, she was terrified. ?She didn’t want to be here, and she didn’t want to turn out like Sara.

“I see you have the point now, you know most of the story, let me do a quick recap. ?I am paid by a rather large company to find special little girls for rich

families. ?They have very specific tastes, so I have to go from city to city finding girls like little Sara and you." The woman worked as she talked, opening several

containers and mixing chemicals together. "It’s not enough to get actual special needs children. They apparently don’t look good enough for them. ?But I’m not here to pass judgment on them. ?I’m here to get teen girls and get paid. ?So anyway I take a few weeks, watch the local schools and pick who I want."

Kathy looked around the room, wondering if she could get past the nut and get Sara out of her house. ?She wasn’t paying attention as the lady palmed some of the mystery powder and walked closer to Kathy’s crib. Through it all she never stopped talking.

"Then I send pics to the company and they approve the targets. They send agents to follow and record the girls. ?Gives the new parents something to laugh about later I suppose."

Kathy turned to face the woman and make a smart ass comment, just as a cloud of powder was blown into her face. She threw herself back towards the wall again, but she still managed to breathe in a lot. She sneezed several times and rubbed her face with the back of her hands, "This crap smells like baby powder. What are you doing bitch?"

’’I guess you could call that baby powder. ?But it’s my own special blend." The old lady giggled as she finished.

Kathy felt her heart beat increase then she felt something else. ?She looked at Sara and wondered if she could fit in her diaper. ?At that thought she put her hands to her head surprised. ?“What am I thinking?”

The woman mocked her, sounding concerned, "I bet I know what my little baby is thinking."

Kathy looked up to see a new disposable diaper being waved

at her. Her face screwed up in anger, "Get that thing away from me! ?I no need di-peess!" ?She shut her mouth in shock. ?Why had she said that? "I mean dipooos!" ?

The woman smiled as Kathy’s face grew even redder. "Are you sure? ?You don’t want to wet your crib do you?" ? She dropped the diaper in Kathy’s lap and laughed as she started to put all her chemicals away.

Kathy couldn’t help but pick up the diaper. ?She unfolded it, caressed it with her hands. ?She really wanted to wear it. ?She started to cry as she

unsnapped the onesie at her crotch. "Why me no stop?" she wailed as the last snap opened.

Kathy looked up to see her tormentor bending over the crib railing and looking at her. "That ’baby powder’ of mine is pretty strong ain’t it? ?First time I tested it I was pissing my pants for a week. ?I still wet the bed, but at least I’m dry during the day now."

Kathy was having a hard time taping the diaper in place. ?She was actually happy when the woman started to help her. "Let me help honey." ?With her doing it the diaper was quickly taped in place. She patted Kathy’s bottom and asked if she was a happy


"I nooo ?gabee!" she angrily yelled. ?She felt spit run down her cheek a little. ?She wanted to wipe it off, but she was busy rubbing the front of her diaper.

"Aww, aren’t you a little cutie. ?You like that wet diaper? ?Nice and warm now isn’t it?"

Kathy shook her head in denial, then looked down at the front of her diaper. ?It was bulging and discolored. “Shit!” She thought, I pissed myself and didn’t even know it!“ Suddenly she felt dizzy. ?She closed her eyes to try and clear her head. But it got worse. She was trying to stand when she finally passed out and dropped on her side in the crib.

Sara had been watching, she didn’t know exactly what was going on in her regressed mental state. ?But she was happy to have a friend with her. ?When she saw Kathy drop she became worried. ?She crawled up towards her nanny, and tugged on her shirt to get her attention.

"Caty k?" she softly asked.

"Yes honey, she’s just adjusting."

Sara dropped back to the floor on her butt and looked back at the crib, "Caty baby now? ?She pway wif me?" ?

"Awww, that’s so precious." She reached down and picked her up, setting her on her hip and carried her over to the crib. ?They both looked down as Kathy started

to wake up. ?She rolled over onto her back and blinked her eyes as she started to get her bearings.

Kathy slowly opened her eyes, she had been having a really weird dream. ?About diapers, and a strange woman trying to turn her into a baby. ?She yawned, but when she went to stretch her arms they hit something beside her. ?She slowly turned her head to look, bars. Her bed was surrounded by bars. Kathy was instantly awake. ?Her hands shot to her well diapered crotch. ?She tried to sit up but her muscles won’t work right. ?She grabbed her legs and struggled to pull herself up. ?Nothing happened, but when she set her legs back down something squished against her backside in her diaper. She was still trying to get up when a shadow caused her to look up. ?The smiling face of Sara and the mystery woman greeted her.

Kathy said the only thing that came to her head. "Poop."

The woman laughed, "Yes. ?You pooped. ?Right in your diaper. ?Just like a baby. ?I told you the smell would not bother you much longer." ?Kathy went to flip her off, but as soon as her hand came up she brought it up to her face and

started to suck on her thumb. The woman seemed to feel her pain, "Don’t worry honey it’s almost over for you."

Sara saw the look of worry cross Kathy’s face and asked if she was ok.

The woman playfully pinched her nose, "She’s fine, just a dirty diaper, like yours. Do you want it changed?"

Sara nodded her head and was carried over to a table. The woman strapped her down and started to change her diaper.

Sara looked towards the crib again, she started to fidget, "Caty pway wif me?"

The woman looked over and saw that Kathy was intently watching her. "Well Sara... Little Kathy is too young to play with you. ?I don’t want you to accidentally hurt her." ?

The diaper change was over fairly quickly and Sara was being carried back towards the crib. ?The conversation was continued crib side, but now the lady was looking into Kathy’s eyes as she spoke. ?"See little miss stinky pants here

isn’t like you."

Sara looked confused, "No baby?"

"Oh, she’s a big baby all right," at that Kathy blushed again. "But instead being a real big baby. ?She’s only gonna act like one." ?She could see that Sara was confused, but she was saying this for Kathy’s benefit anyway. She playfully tapped Sara on the nose, making her smile. ?"See your head is empty, all those nasty big girl thoughts of yours are gone. Leaving a beautiful baby girl behind. Little Kathy here will just feel compelled to act like a baby." ?Sara not really

comprehending, started to clap and smile. ?Kathy could see that she was starting to drool again. ?The woman continued, "I don’t know why her new parents wanted her like that, maybe for the humiliation. ?I don’t know."

Kathy tried to say something, but all that came from her mouth was the gurgling of a very small baby. ?She could feel spit bubbling out of her mouth, she tried to wipe it away but her hands wouldn’t work quite right. ?One ended up in her hair, twirling it around her fingers. ?And the other was jammed in her mouth

being sucked on. She was frantically trying to get her hands under control when her head felt to heavy and it flopped over to one side. ?Several seconds later she heard a buzzer ding.

The woman set Sara down, "It looks like we’re finished here."

Sara started to clap again. ?"Yayyyy!!!!"

The woman inspected Kathy’s eyes then got out a video recorder. ?After

setting it up she started the last procedure she had to do before she could get her money. She spoke clearly towards the camera, "As you can see

I have the two girls you asked for. ?Sara, a teen girl. ?With the mind of a 20 month old. ?And Kathy, a teen that still has her mind, but it’s trapped behind

the personality of an infant. ?I don’t think she will be able to last long in this state. But it’s what you ordered." She walked the camera up towards Sara who playfully slapped at it. ?And then she hung over the crib, getting a close up of Kathy’s eyes. ?Eyes that burned with intelligence. ?And wanted nothing more than to go home.

But all she got was a clean diaper. ?




End Chapter 1


by: Long_Rifle | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 6, 2009


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