Hardware Upgrade

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 19, 2005

Chapter 3
the conclusion

the conclusion

"Isn’t Becky good with computers Matt," Chelsea asked.

"I think she’s really, really good with them," Jackie said, laughing. I was starting to feel very, very self conscious and insecure around these three girls.

"Look at how thin he is," Chelsea said.

"And shorter too, its amazing. But he’s still really cute," said Becky.

"But...but what are you all talking about, " I said, but I knew what had happened. Becky used the program and made me their age. I looked at her. She was much closer to my height now and we were nearly eye level. "Were you using my computer Becky?"

"Um...yes Matt, it was supposed to be a surprise...do you like it? she asked, smiling.

"What number to you enter," I asked.

"5," she said. That would make me 15. Won’t Karen be surprised.

"I better undo this before mom gets home," I said, and the girls giggled. I realized my mistake. "Er, Karen, I ...I mean." Jackie approached me.

"Not yet, Matt, please. Can’t you stay like this for a little bit," she said, putting her arms around me. "Its ok to kiss me now, Matt," she said, kissing me, and hugging my tightly. My shorts felt more than a little loose, and Jackie....well, she was very exciting. She sat me down on the sofa and kissed me more, while the other girls watched, giggling.

"I think they make a very cute couple," Becky said.

"Hey, cut it out you two," Chelsea said. "Lets think of something we can all do together like...a midnight swim." That sounded like fun to me, and we all changed into our suits and went out to the pool. We swam around, and played tag. I kissed Jackie in the pool, it was so much fun...I completely forgot the time. Chelsea swam up to us. "I know what would be fun," she said, and took off her top. "Skinny dipping!" she exclaimed, throwing her top onto the deck. She dove under the water and before I knew what she was doing she had my too big anyway trunks pulled off, and threw them onto the deck. I turned beet red as Jackie gasped.

"Why you..." what a brat! Jeez, I couldn’t even get out of the water to get my trunks. I swam after Chelsea.

"You can’t catch me...."she was shouting...but I did catch her and grabbed her, and with her struggling it was hard because she is a strong girl but I managed to pull off her bottoms and threw them out of the pool.

"There, see how you like it!" I said, and laughed. She splashed me in the face and I dunked her head under. Before I knew it, the other girls had their suits off too and we all played around for a while. That was when Karen came home.

"Just what in the hell is all this," she fumed. "Matthew! Front and center!"

"But Karen," I started.

"Now!" she ordered. I slowly got out of the pool and walked up to her, trying to hide my nakedness. She was taller than me now. I looked up into her eyes, shivering.

"Just what is the meaning of this young man," she fumed. "I apparently can’t trust you at all, can I? Girls, get out of the pool this instant! Get dressed and go to sleep."

"But mom, we were just..." Chelsea said.

"Now young lady. You too Becky," she said, turning to me. "I knew you were immature Matthew, but now I guess I really know how immature you are," she said, looking at my naked, shivering body.

"But Karen, look I can explain..." I said.

"I’m not really interested in your excuses Matthew," Karen said.

"I know this looks bad but even so, you aren’t being fair Karen." I said.

"I think you should go to your room young man. I’ll clean up out here," she said, starting to collect the clothes and towels.

"But its not my fault," I whined.

"Yes it is. It most certainly is your fault," she said. "You were in charge. I left you in charge while I was gone, so this is your fault. Ok?"

"But Becky..." I started to say.

"Don’t go blaming your little sister for this Matthew. She’s only 12. You were supposed to look out for her and I find her running around naked...playing with a naked ...boy!"

"You’re treating me like a child, it isn’t fair," I pouted.

"Take a look at yourself Matthew. You ARE a child. I’m a pediatrician, aren’t I? I know what a child looks like," she said looking down at me, "and I know how a child acts. And guess what? I also know how a child should be treated. So you do as you are told before I get really mad. Go to your room now! And your sisters’ room is off limits."

"But mom," I said, slipping. I really felt like she was my mom. I didn’t have a wife anymore. She became my mother. And she knew it.

"Do as you’re told or there will be hell to pay," she spat. And I stomped off to my room. I sat down at my computer and lit a cigarette. This was intolerable. What started off as fun really degenerated into a nightmare. Some of being 15 was fun certainly...making out with cute teenage girls, that is a good time. But mom was a pain in the ass, I didn’t want to go on as a teenager. I wanted my life back. I turned on my computer and opened NuYu. I opened my file. "Time to grow up," I thought. I pulled down the editing taskbar and was about to flip the Undo switch when mom walked in.

"Just what do you think you’re doing," she asked, gesturing at the cigarette. "Put it out."

"Um, I...I was going to undo the changes and ..." I started to say.

"That’s not what I’m talking about. You are too young to smoke, Matthew, put it out now," she said. I did as I was told.

"Look mom...I mean Karen...I think you’re getting too carried away with all this. I’m going to reverse the changes and become my normal age again," I said.

"I think that’s a good idea Matthew. You really are a handful as a teen," she said, softening.

"Remember...when I was older, you thought it would be fun to...to be my first one..." I blushed.

"Yes, I remember. But that was a fantasy...a fun fantasy...but this, this is reality. And it just wouldn’t be right. You’re 15 years old Matthew, and I don’t feel like I can make love to a child...to my son...to my little boy," she said, fixing my hair. "Go on, fix yourself. Then we can ’do it,’ and pretend...if we want to," she said, kissing me on the cheek.

I flipped on the undo switch. Nothing happened. I did it again. Still nothing. "Uh oh," I said.

"I thought you said you could reverse it," Mom asked.

"I thought I could too!" I exclaimed. I tried it again. Nothing. I logged on to the NuYu website, and went to the FAQ section. There was a reference to the Undo switch. "This feature is only available in the retail version," it said.

"Didn’t you read that before you used it? Very irresponsible Matthew," mom said.

"Uh...yeah, I guess...but we can just pay for it, then it ought to work," I said.

"Its an expensive program Matthew. Ok, I guess we have no choice," she said, smiling. "But this is going to come out of your allowance." We entered mom’s credit card number and activated the program. It still wouldn’t undo. I was still 15.

"Um...it is only a beta program. I guess they still have a few bugs to get out," I said.

Karen was silent for a moment, thinking. "I guess you’re stuck Matthew. Why don’t you get ready for bed while I think this through," she said, dismissing me.

I went upstairs to our room. It was weird sharing a room with my mother, I really need my own space. I took off my swim trunks and put on some boxers and an oversized tee shirt and got into bed. After a while, mom came in.

"I was thinking, Matthew. I guess we have to learn to adjust to our new situation. I know, 15 is an awkward age, and I think that if we can’t make you older, well...the thing is, I don’t feel like I can trust you when I’m at work. And I don’t think you are a good influence on the girls. Really, Chelsea is very mature and responsible, at least she was until she had a big brother. But you were not the kind of guidance she needed. I was thinking that she may be the kind of guidance you need.

"What do you mean mom," I asked, not knowing what she was getting at.

Mom smiled at me. "Just a sec," she said, and she went to the girls’ room. She opened the door and she and Chelsea came in. I though she looked really pretty in her nightie...it was so short I could see her panties. I sort of stared at her. Chelsea looked at me oddly, smiling.

"Hiya shrimp," she said with a smirk.

"Who are you calling shrimp," I said indignantly.

"You," she said.

"Listen Chelsea, I..." I started to say and stood up. Chelsea was at least 2 inches taller than me. I didn’t know what to say...to my big sister.

"I think its you who has to listen to me Matthew," Chelsea said.

"Mommy," I started to say.

"She’s right Matthew, she’s your big sister now. You two run along," she said, shooing us from the room.

"C’mon Matthew, lets show Becky how cute you are now!" She dragged me down the hall to her room. She was stronger than I was now, and I couldn’t stop her. We went into her room, and Becky and Jackie looked up and broke into laughter.

"Awwwww, he’s so cuuuuute!" Jackie said, approaching me. She was taller than Chelsea, and a lot taller than I was now. "How old are you little boy?"

I looked down. "I dunno," I said. She smiled.

"Well, I bet you’ll be really cute when you grow up," she said softly.

"Mom said he’s 12," Chelsea said.

"My age," Becky said. She was a little taller than I was too. I sat down on the bed next to her. "Maybe a little younger, cuz I’m almost 13," she added. She put her arm around me. She smelled so nice, like strawberries. I looked into her eyes, she smiled at me. Jackie and Chelsea giggled, and left to get a soda. I was left alone in the room with Becky, and I know she’s my sister an all but I felt like really attracted to her. I mean she was wearing her nightie and I could almost see her boobs. I blushed.

"I’ll tell you a secret Matthew...I never kissed a boy before. Did you ever kiss a girl?" she asked.

"Um...n...no," I answered. She leaned over and kissed me, on the lips. We kissed for a while, an she stuck her tongue in my mouth! She took my hand and put it on her little boob, it felt so soft under her nightie.

"I’ll show you mine if you show me yours," she said, making to pull down her panties.

"But...but what if mommy came in..." I said.

"Is little Matthew afraid?" Becky said. "Wow, you really are just a little boy..."

"I am not!" I responded.

"I think you are!" Becky said playfully.

"Am not!" I said.

"Sure you are! And mommy said you were 12! More like 11, I bet," she said smiling.

"I am not 11," I said in a suddenly higher voice.

"Sure you are," she said, pulling me to my feet. She was taller than before. "You are my 11 year old...little brother," she laughed. "Are you sure you don’t want to see mine...little boy..." she started pulling down her panties. "Just show me yours," she said.

"No...you’re trying to get me in trouble!" I said, scared.

"Awwww, poor little baby...scared of girls. I must have been wrong to think you were 11....when you’re really only 10," she said, again seeming a little taller. I started to whimper. "Don’t worry little boy, I won’t make you kiss my anymore. I know little boys think girls are ’yucky’. I did sorta think that.

"Stop...stop pickin on me or...or.." I stammered.

"Or you’ll what, tell mommy?" she said taunting me. "You are really acting like a baby," I was getting scared again. "You just keep getting smaller. As soon as I think I know how old you are....you slip back a little more...don’t you.." she said, smiling. "Want to hear a funny story? Once there was a man who wanted to be a little boy so badly he turned into one...until his wife became his mommy and his little daughters became his big sisters. Even his 12 year old daughter seemed grown up to him...when he was 9..."

"Stop it!" I said, crying. "I...I want..my....mommy.."

"Can you do me a favor Matthew? Just one favor and maybe you won’t get any smaller?" Becky asked.

"W...what," I sniffed, between tears. My boxers, now way too big for me, fell to the floor.

"Poor little boy...well, you showed me yours," she took off her panties. "I want you to put these on," she said, handing them to me.

"But those are girls undies!" I said. I was just too grossed out by it. Yucky girl panties. Eeeewwww!

"I thought you were more mature than that Matthew, but I warned you. Now, think really hard sweetie...how old are you?" she asked.

"9," I said.

"Mommy said you were only 6 and sometimes you wet the bed...and its bedtime for you, little man," she said. Mommy came into the room and I rushed into her arms. She hugged me against her boob.

"M...mommy," I cried.

"Like I said, Matthew, you were a handful when you were 15. You’ll be easier to take care of now. And your big sister’s will help me. Luckily, tomorrow’s Saturday. But on Monday I’ll have to find a sitter for you while I’m at work and the girls are in school. It will be a lot easier when you’re in school too, but that won’t be until the fall. Maybe I can ask Missy to mind you...you’ll like that, won’t you?" mommy said softly.

"I don’t need a babysitter!" I protested. Mommy lifted up my huge shirt in response exposing my tiny bald penis. Becky giggled, and I turned red.

"Most 6 year olds do need a babysitter when mommy is out Matthew, don’t they" she said sweetly. "You are only 6, aren’t you?"

I looked down, ashamed. "Yes mommy," I said. I saw Chelsea and Jackie return with their sodas, exchange a glance and start laughing.

"And you’ll mind me now, right? You’ll be a good little boy for mommy...or you may become an even littler boy....maybe 4...or even 2," she said.

"I’ll be good, I promise," I said. "Mommy....I...can’t I sleep with you, I’m....scared," I said, almost crying. The girls giggled again.

"ohhh, you really are just a little boy now, aren’t you?" she said, kissing me. "You can sleep with mommy tonight, but tomorrow we make you your own room. Deal?" she said, hugging me.

"Deal," I said, hugging her back.

"But Matthew, there is one thing if you want to sleep in my bed with me. You know how little boys can have accidents....well, I don’t have a liner under the sheet, so you will have to wear these," she said handing me my training pants. "They really are just like big boy pants after all, aren’t they?"

"Yes mommy," I said, putting them on, and climbing into the bed. Chelsea and Becky and even Jackie kissed me goodnight and when mommy got into the bed I snuggled aginst her and fell asleep in her arms.

The next morning I got up and mommy made breakfast. She gave me some of Becky’s old clothes to wear that didn’t look too girly until she could get me stuff that fit. I had fun playing with Chelsea and Becky when mommy had to go out. Jackie came over and she was so nice to me and said that mommy said maybe sometime she could babysit me if Chelsea was busy. Sometimes I kind of have funny dreams where I’m bigger or older, and I don’t really understand them and when I wake up I’m me again, and everything’s back to normal. I love my mommy and my big sisters but sometimes its like they treat me like a baby and when I tell them that they all smile to each other and say maybe someday when I get up in the morning I’ll really be a baby and they all start laughing...and I start laughing too ...even though I’m not sure why.

the end



End Chapter 3

Hardware Upgrade

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 19, 2005


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