Who saved Who?

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 28, 2023

A Little is reluctantly adopted by two loving parents, Autism and ADHD lead to an especially……challenging child that despite the difficulty is surprisingly not as upset about “losing” adulthood as most of his other padded brethren are.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Adoptive Mother Nature Calls

Chapter Description: The “parents” receive the call to duty, or lack thereof…… story will have ABDL themes with dubcon regression, BDSM and Hypnosis in later chapters.

The following is a DiaperDimension novel, I did not create this, I discovered from PersonAlias stories who discovered it from the original creator PrincessPottyPants. It is an ABDL stories with elements of dubcon, if this is not to your fancy…….it’s interesting you even found it!

This is my first time posting writing part excited part nervous part……hungry.

This is a story of fiction (hopefully duh)

Who saved Who?

Chapter 1

          Imogen and Richard had registered with the “Little Rescuers” when they found out she was infertile, they mourned together for almost a week before coming to the conclusion that this didn’t change that they wanted someone to love and care for, to protect.

“How long do you think we’ll have to wait?” Ritchie says, trying to balance being positive with being realistic.

“Oh Honey, there’s just no telling, all we can do is wait and hope” she responded


“…..but why is it taking so long?!” Imogen was practically in tears, embracing Ritchie tightly in their kitchen. Partway through cooking dinner she felt it all come crashing down on her, sudden waves of sadness at having no one else to cook for.

A few months after Imogen’s diagnosis and registering with their chosen adoption office, Ritchie had a couple of his pals come over and help him pack the baby stuff away. Completely confident in their ability to have children, they had preemptively bought a fair bit of furniture, toys and decor. They took everything that wasn’t confined to the nursery and placed it in the nursery, by the end the nursery felt more like a storage unit than a nursery, filled with unopened boxes and repackaged items.

At the time they were hopeful but now that 14 months had passed it was starting to seem like a pipe dream, Ritchie embraced his wife holding her as she cried with tears of his own welling. “ I know sweetie, we just have to believe it wi…..” 

Carry on my wayward son,

There’ll be peace when you are done……

The couple had frozen listening to the song they had set for their adoption agent.

Ritchie parted from his wife and looked at her “you don’t thi……”

“ANSWER IT! ANSWER IT!” Imogen practically shrieked at him, her still tear streaked face a mask of focus and determination

….your wear head to rest *

“Hello, this is Mr. Varon”

Imogen watched her husbands face intently as his mouth widened into an ear to ear smile.

That could only mean one thing she thought as she gasped and said “Is it time?”

Ritchie could only nod, listening to details the agent was providing.

“Thank you so much Rachel, you don’t know how much this means to us. When should we pick him up?”

Imogen held her hands to her mouth to contain the squeals of excitement, a boy! She had wanted a boy more than anything, many of the clothing she bought was themed for a boy. She could hardly contain her excitement!

“That sounds perfect, my email or Imogen’s will be fine, we’ll see you tomorrow, thanks again.” Ritchie pulled the phone away from his ear as the line clicked, signaling the call ending.

For a moment they just stared at each other in disbelief before embracing again, mimicking their previous position with tears of joy replacing those of sadness.

They held each other tightly until Imogen’s laptop chimed on the counter at the same time Ritchie’s phone did. “Looks like she sent his file over” he got out, clearing his throat and sniffing his nose.

Imogen released him to open her laptop and pulled up her email, “what time are we picking him up?” She asked in mild disbelief as she opened the newest email.

“The Little Rescuers daycare he’s staying at opens at 7 and we need to be there by 10 at the latest”

The email contained the same pickup instructions followed by a pdf attachment simply labeled Felix.

They spent a few minutes reading the provided information, entranced with their new baby


“Alright” Imogen said, shifting into planning mode “I’ll finish cooking dinner and put in an order for groceries to be delivered tomorrow evening, we can go out to eat for our first meal together, while I do that you can go start getting the nursery ready”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to go out with him on the first day? Many Little have a hard time adjusting to change”

“I know honey, but we can take him to that new place Slice of Life, they have private rooms for each table, we’ll have privacy”

“Alrighty then” Ritchie responds with an enormous smile “I’ll go start on the nursery” as Ritchie walks down the hall to the nursery opposite their bathroom he pulls out his phone and pulls open MetaAmazon (Get it? Amazon for Amazons!) and started getting a few extra surprises for his wife and for their new little boy.

Ritchie climbs the grand staircase of their two story house, three if you count the attic, the babies’ nursery is on the second floor, The staircase ended and Ritchie turned right heading towards theirs’ and the babies’ bedrooms. He reached the end of the hall and had to slip his phone back into his pocket, he felt this occasion deserved some dramatics. He placed both hands on each handle of the double door entry to the nursery, he opened the doors into the room, rooms really, that they hadn’t been in for months at least (sometimes they would go in their and imagine their Little one. 

The ‘Nursery’ was made up of what used to be the three rooms opposite Imogen and Richards’ bedroom. The doors opened into what used to be the middle room, it could be called the sleeping area as it was where the crib was located, straight across from the door (easy to find in the dark), to the left was a changing table and French doors leading into the nurseries’ bathroom. To the right was a wide open arch leading to the nurseries’ sitting room.

It was a fun-filled Curious George themed place. We decorated it with bright and playful colors, adorable stuffed animals and cartoon artwork, this nursery is sure to please our Little one. The walls adorned with scenes of George's adventures, and the shelves lined with books, at least a hundred filling a full wall of the sitting room. A cozy crib with monkey print sheets is the centerpiece of the sleeping area, and a comfortable glider chair provides the perfect spot for story time in bottle feeding in the sitting room.

He looked around at the boxes filling the whole place, coming out of the bathroom door and continuing all the way through to the sitting room.

There’s a lot of work to get started. But first, now that we know our Littles’ birthday I can get some things. He thought as he sat down pulling his phone back out he started adding things to his cart for one day delivery.


“There is something we need to tell you that we didnt include in his file” Rachel told them once they had sat down in her office.

“Oh?”“Oh?” Imogen and Ritchie said almost at the same time. They would have started worrying but that workers tone did not indicate it would be anything concerning, so why didnt they include it in the file?

“Yes” She replied with a kind smile “We wanted to be able to fully explain in person. As you know almost all of our adoptees are those who come to us voluntarily to make sure that when their Maturosis presents, although I tell you a good three quarters of them think their Maturosis never will, it's just some relative or friend forcing them to ensure their future. By coming to us we can ensure that when, it mean if their Maturosis represents that we can bring them here into our care and find an appropriate parent or parents based on needs and personality tests, also preventing many vindictive Amazons to adopt LIttles.”

She took a deep breath before continuing “This being said, we do have companies and a few government departments that require any Littles for their own benefit to register with us if they would like to work there” 

Ritchie and Imogen gave each other a worried look, part of why they had chosen this agency is they were known for finding Littles who voluntarily made safe measures in case they had Maturosis present.

“I see you know where I am going with this, but rest assured he was still matched with you by personality quiz, which takes into account unwillingness to accept Maturosis and the parents abilities to stand firm and reinforce what Littles needs to know”

“So” Ritchie started, gathering his thoughts “If he is within the parameters set by our own personality quizzes why wasn’t this included in his file?” It seemed to him it didnt matter as much if their baby was made to safeguard his future instead of seeking it out himself, it just meant their Little may have been saved by someone less…..pleasant.

“Well since Felix was a US Sailor..”

“He was?” Imogen said in surprise, not many Littles entered the military.

“Yes he did IT on (US Aircraft Carrier Name), he was there for two years until the incident occurred, but we will get to that in a moment, first I want to cover the unique aspect of this case. Felix was offered optional bonus incentives in his contract, in exchange for increased salary he agreed that if his Maturosis presented before he was 25 that he would allow the LittleTech division of the Navy to inject him with experimental manures.”

Imogen and Ritchie were speechless, nanites were generally used in medical procedures and in some cases elective medical procedures but that was it.

“He is fine isnt he?” Ritchie asked quickly.

“Of course” Rachel said with another warm smile, “we would have warned you if he was not alright, he is in perfect health. No these new nanites are meant to improve a Littles day to day life, not to mention the parents” she said with eyebrow waggle, “the nanites only served two overall purposes, hair manipulation, a purely cosmetic addition, and its main purpose consisting of almost uncountable micro procedures, you see to put it simply the nanites eliminate the need for bowel movements entirely”

Richard laughed for a moment before realizing he was the only one.

“Are you serious?” Imogen asked in shock, one of their only agreed negatives of having a baby was messy diapers, would they really not have to do that.

“Absolutely, to summarize the how, the nanites help break down all foods into liquid absorbables whiles still retaining full nutrients, of course this means many nanites are dedicated to colon and bowel health, as bowel movements obviously play an important role in human funciton. In effect he will urinate 50% more than normal with the added liquid absorption, but the most you will have to deal with is wet diapers. You will also need to install a charging pad under his crib so that the nanites can be charged, they have a month long supply and will give ample warning when they need it be charged, but this way as long as he sleeps in his crib at least once a month they will stay powered.

“Amazing,, our lives just got easier and I am now at least 10% more excited, what does hair control entail?”

“Oh of course, almost slipped my mind, also an experimental set of programmed nanites, with a special control tablet that will also be used to check the health and status of the bathroom bots as we have started calling them, it will allow you to control exactly where there is hair on Felix’s body, how long it is, what color, texture and…..basically everything” She finished up.

“Wonderful, I might still take him to the salon to show him off to the girlfriends and socialize, but now his hair will always look perfect, or as perfect as we want it to” she had a large smile on her face as she pictured her new baby with various hair styles and colors, mostly short but a couple slightly longer.

“So if that concludes the special notes on our case, can we meet our son?” The eager new mother asks.

“Yes, but I do want to warn you that while his results indicated he would do so well as a single child with doting parents to help him accept his Maturosis, the flip side of that is he has for lack of a better word regressed the past couple days he has been here in our care, being around other Littles is causing upset due to cognitive dissonance telling him he should be adult while reality and everyone around him is reminding him his Maturosis has presented.”

“Regressed can mean many things, would you mind elaborating and don’t hold back he’s our son now” Richard responded after taking a moment to process the implications of the situation Felix had found himself in.

Rachel’s smile faded a bit “Well he has been called a terror by one of the Nannies on duty”.

“A terror? My, what did he do?” His father asked.

“Let me tell you the story real quick and we’ll go meet your baby”


End Chapter 1 

Comments appreciated, especially those correcting grammar or syntax errors.




End Chapter 1

Who saved Who?

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Aug 28, 2023


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