Being Mom and Dad

by: LJM | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 31, 2008

When Halloween arrived, what better way to get a last minute Halloween is to dress up as your mom and dad. When both John and Kathy sneaked into their parents room to put on their clothes, the results were a whole lot different then expected.

Chapter 1
Being Mom and Dad

Chapter Description: When Halloween arrived, what better way to get a last minute Halloween is to dress up as your mom and dad. When both John and Kathy sneaked into their parents room to put on their clothes, the results were a whole lot different then expected.

Being Mom and Dad

By LuisJM

Today is that time of year again. Halloween has come and everyone was getting ready for parties and trick or treating. Within every house in state, children young and old were getting their costumes on to either get candy or go to a haunted house to get scared. But in one house down in a town in Nebraska, things a little different for two kids.

“Now you’re dad and I are going to the store to get a few things before we begin our trick or treating. Are you two going to behave while we’re away?” asked the mom, wanting to make sure that the kids would be on their best behavior. Those two kids are 5-year-old Kathy and 6-year-old John.

Kathy has a bit of a curious side for someone as little. And who could blame her on that? Being the smallest of the family, she had always looked at the world in a different perspective. She stood two and a half feet and has some baby fat left over from the time she was a baby. Her arms and legs were both short and pudgy and her stomach had a slight bulge. Her face was completely adorable with chubby cheeks, and button nose, and large light green sparkling eyes. Her hair was of a bright yellow color and short, with two pigtails sticking out of each side of her face. And when she smiles, she show off a perfect row of pearly white baby teeth with a few gaps here and there. But what makes her so special is that she is always lovely and kind to anyone she sees. Probably getting that from her mother’s side of the family.

Now John is a whole different story. Being a year older then his sister, he always thinks he’s a big man. But the reality is that he’s only a little kid acting like he’s a man. He stood at almost three feet, a couple of inches taller then Kathy, and had an almost scrawny build. But there were still signs of baby fat left on his body so he hadn’t left his toddle hood stages yet. His face, on the other hand, didn’t resemble much as a baby, but as a little boy. His cheeks were about to loose what’s left of his chubbiness, his nose looked a little longer then his sister’s, and his eyes were light blue that sparkles in the sunlight. His teeth were baby teeth like Kathy’s, but he had one missing in the canine area. Probably because that face that he lost his tooth in an accident at the school playground. And he had messy light brown hair that his mother always combs to make it look right. Now John, or Johnny as his friends would call him, is always a bit of a brat with Kathy around. But to Kathy, she always looks up to him cause he’s the older brother. So in the end, John always watches over his sister no matter what happens.

As the two listened to their mother’s orders and both nodded in agreement. “Sure thing mom,” answered Johnny, “We’ll be on our best behavior.” All Kathy could do was to smile and show off her baby teeth. To that end, their mother smiled a warm smile and patted their heads. “Good...” she said, “Now be nice to each other while we’re away. And don’t get into any trouble.” The two children just smiled and said at the same time, “Yes mom!” Soon as they said that, their mom kissed them on the forehead and closed the door before she headed to the car.

Once the door closed, both kids ran into the living room and took a peak at the window to see their mom and dad leaving the garage road and drive down the street to get a few necessities for tonight. Once they vanished out of their sights, Johnny looked at his sister and had a deep smile on his face. “All right, mom and dad are gone, let’s get our costumes ready.” Johnny said, “They’ll be in for a real surprised.” Katie looked at her big brother and nodded with glee. Soon enough, the two headed upstairs and got ready for their trick or treating shenanigans. But it wasn’t their room they were getting dressed at. Instead, it’s someplace a little different.


Upstairs, the two made to their parent’s room, about to get ready for Halloween. But the costumes they’re getting are somewhat different then last year. Every year, the kids always dress up in the usual costumes, such as monsters, superheroes, and other clothes. But due to an economic crisis and their family is trying to keep things financial, the kids decided to mix things up a bit. They thought it would be a great idea to become their parents. They believed that in order to go trick or treating without buying any costumes, they thought that dressing up in their mom’s and dad’s clothes would be a wise choice. But the problem is that their parents would find out about this and would protest against it. So Johnny, being the clever one of the siblings, lied to them that they would create their own costumes to save both time and money. And oddly enough, they believed that. So the only way to get dressed in mom and dad’s clothes is to wait for them to leave. And what better way to leave is on Halloween when they go buy some candy for other Trick or Treaters. This gave them the opening they needed to try out their clothes and see if they fit.

Johnny was at his father’s closet to find the appropriate outfit for his costume while Kathy looked through her mother’s walk in closet to find the perfect dress for her. “Okay...” mumbled Johnny, “What to wear?” He was rummaging through the clothes that would be good on him when his sister popped in and said, “Big brother?” Johnny stopped what he was doing and turned to look at his sister. “Yes Kathy.” he said feeling a little bummed, “What is it?” “Explain to me again why are we doing this?” she asked with a questionable look on her face. Johnny, having to explain this the hundredth time before, tolled his eyes around, sighed, and said, “Because it’s a good idea to try something completely different for Halloween. Do you want mom and dad waste all their money on buying on costumes when we’re having money trouble as of yet?” “No...” Kathy answered back, “But I don’t like lying to mom and dad about us making costumes, when you know we aren’t.” That made Johnny blinked a couple of times and couldn’t believe what he just heard. “Lied?!” he frantically said, “You’re not lying to your parents about this. What you’re really doing is bending the truth.” “That’s still lying.” Kathy said back, pointing the obvious. Johnny lowered his head and shook it, realizing that it’s still true. “Yes but still...” he said again, trying to give some reason into why they’re doing it. “We can’t let them know what we’re really doing. If they find out about us putting on their clothes, we’ll be grounded forever! And I know you don’t want to be grounded now do you?” Kathy thought about it for a moment and got scared of being of being grounded for the rest of her life. So she took a deep gulp and answered back in a hush voice, “No...”. “Good, now hurry up! We have to pick our costumes and put them on before mom and dad comes back.” Said Johnny, as the two went back and searched for the clothes necessary for them.

After a few minutes, they founded the clothes they’ve been looking for. Johnny grabbed a white buttoned long sleeve shirt, a long sleeve dark brown jacket, a pair of dress pants that matched the color of the jacket, white boxer briefs, light brown socks, a pair of dark brown shoes, and a black tie. Kathy was able to get a black dress that would go down to the thighs, black lace panties, black strapless bra, long brown, see-though pantyhose, a pair of black 3 inch heels and a couple of bracelets, watch, and a necklace for her accessories. She even got some make up for her face to make her look like her mother’s. The other thing they got for themselves in common are the wedding rings that their mom and dad had on their wedding day. Looking at all of it, Both Johnny and Kathy smiled at what they got and was beginning to get ready to get dressed.

“All right...” said Johnny, rubbing his hands together, “This is good enough. Now all we have to do is put them on and tighten them enough to make them fit us.” “That sounds cool.” Kathy said back, “But can we put them on in private?” Johnny turned his head to his little sister and asked, “Why?” Kathy turned to see her brother and answered, “Cause I don’t want to see your boy parts. And I know you don’t want to see my girl parts.” Johnny thought about that and realized that it would be disturbing seeing his sister completely naked in front of him. So he pointed to her and said back, “Good point. Let’s get these clothes to our rooms and get dressed there. When we’re done, we’ll come out and see how we look.” Kathy nodded at the plan as the two grabbed their stuff and left their parent’s rooms. Once they were at the hallway, they enter their personal room, closed the door, and locked it so that they would have their privacy.


In Kathy’s room, Kathy put the clothes and her bed and looked at them for a minute. She thought it would be a great idea becoming her mom for Halloween, but this is a little far off. She knew the clothes she’s looking at won’t fit her at all, but decided to wing it and put them on anyways. She then lifted her head up and sighed and said, “I don’t know why I’m doing this anyways. I should’ve been a Barbie Princess for Halloween.” And that was pretty obvious. Because everywhere in her room was nothing but Barbie’s. Barbie wallpaper, Barbie bed, Barbie toys, Barbie posters, heck mostly everything it comprised of her favorite character. Even on Halloween, she always gets dressed in a different Barbie costume inspired by one of the movies she saw. But since this was his brother’s idea, she has to follow it or he would be upset. So she started anyways.

First she took off her pink T-shirt with a Barbie logo and a picture of Barbie in the front, her white Capri shorts, white sneakers with pink flower drawings in the heel area, socks, and her Barbie style underwear. Soon after she was finished with that, she took a good look at the mirror to observe herself. She was indeed a little kid, that goes with the height pretty well, but her body makes her a little more like a baby then a little girl. Her body was half pudgy and her stomach was a little round. Not to mention her chest is a whole lot flat and had two little dots then resembled her nipples and her lower region was hairless and completely childish. Her mom always talks about growing up and having changes in her body. Meaning that if Kathy grows up, she would be just like her mother, beautiful. She always pictures herself being as old as mom and wondered what it would be like to be a woman of her age. She looks back at the clothes she got and thought it was a good idea after all. “Oh well...” she said with a bit of calm in her voice, “Might as well try it out. It’s a good opportunity for me to be a real grownup for one night.”

Kathy approached the bed and picked up the first thing she has to put on, a pair of black silky lace panties. Kathy thought it was a little too weird for her taste. For one thing, unlike her child panties, her mother’s look a little too adult and shows a little too much skin. Another thing is that they were too big to fit her small hips. Judging by the size of it, she doesn’t think it would hold up for long. But she took a deep breath and said, “Oh well... Here goes nothing.”

She slipped the panties up her childish legs and moved them up to her hips. To her surprise, they were too big for her period. The gaps between them and her hips were about five to six inches wide. She thought it would be best if she tie the gaps so that it would be an exact fit. But before she was able to do that, Kathy felt a slight dizziness in her head. She then place her hand on the rail of the bed while her other hand hangs on to her mother’s panties so that way they won’t fall. “Whoa...” she said feeling a little off for the moment, “I’m not feeling to good...” Suddenly, she started to feel hot flashes within her body, like a billion firecrackers exploding in one blow. That’s when something fascinating is happening to her. She was beginning to grow.


Meanwhile, in Johnny’s room, Johnny had his father’s clothes all resting on his bed as he stares at them. “Oh yeah...” he said, feeling quite proud of himself, “This is the best thing that I ever done for Halloween.” Ever since October came, he’d been planning this since. All he needed to do was to wait until Halloween comes, have mom and dad leave for a while to get a few things, go to their room and grab some of dad’s clothes, and put them on as his costume. So far, his plan is going off without a hitch. All he needed to do is to force his little sister into this and make sure she doesn’t tell mom or dad about it. And even if they were found out, he would tell them that this was all Kathy’s fault. That girl would get what’s coming to her, even if it wasn’t her fault to begin with.

To that end, he started taking off his Power Rangers T-Shirt, his light brown shorts, stylish sneakers that kids dig, his pair of socks, and his Old Navy white underwear to begin his dress up. After he did that, he took a good look in the mirror to see his naked self. So far not much of him isn’t a baby anymore, sides the fact that he had little baby fat on his arms and legs and a small patch on his stomach. He just looked at his skinny frame complete with a small penis that was hanging limply with no hairs to speak of. Johnny’s dad always told them that growing up is an experience. Sometimes he told him that one day, he might be interested in girls in a different way. Johnny detests that and thought girls would be disgusting. The reason why he wants to grow up is to be strong and handsome like his pops. And in order to do something like that, he has to dress up the part. And that’s where he is now, getting ready to dress up as his dad for Halloween.

He turned back to his bed where all of his father’s clothes were and approached them. The first thing he picked up was his father boxer brief. Now they look completely different from what Johnny wears. For example, his father’s underwear looks like incredibly short shorts instead of the usual almost triangular shape. Plus his dad’s briefs are too big compared to his hip size. But he decided to do it anyways since he waited for this moment to come. So he took a deep breath and said to himself, “All right... Let the transformation begin.”

Johnny slowly slipped them through his feet and slid them up his legs. When he was done with that, he turned back to the mirror to see how they look on him. And to his surprise, they look incredibly big on him. The gaps her inches wider then he expect and if he let go of them, it would fall to the ground. But Johnny thought that if he puts the pant on and tightens the belt, they wouldn’t fall to begin with. Just as he was going to put on the next thing, he felt some kind of headache, pounding on his head. He quickly sat on his bed and placed his hands on his head, feeling the pain. “Ow...” he said, feeling it all the way to his brain, “What’s happening to my head?” Soon as he said that, he felt completely warm in his body. Almost like a heat wave struck him like a ton of bricks. In a matter of seconds, his body is going through the same this Kathy is. And like he said before, his transformation is beginning.


Back at Kathy’s room, she was experiencing hot flashes and what not. It was almost like she was going through an oven and couldn’t get out of it. But just as soon as she felt this type of torment, it suddenly disappeared without a trace. She slowly lifted herself up for a moment and wondered what just happened. “That was weird...” she said, not knowing her voice sounded a little too strange for her. It still sounded childish, but it was a bit lower then before. When she walked into her mirror, not only was her voice was different, but her body is too.

Starring at the reflection wasn’t a 5-year-old Kathy, but a 7-year-old girl that looked like her older version. Her height consistently grew, making her almost three feet in length and all the baby fat that she had gradually vanished without a trace. The only fat she had was her round cheeks, which looked gradually flatter then last time. If she would’ve opened her mouth, she could’ve seen a few missing baby teeth in there, being replace with gaps where her adult teeth would grow. Ask for her hair, it was growing a little longer, with her pigtails looking a little fuller.

At first, she would’ve panicked and scream out at the top of her lungs, but for some strange reason it all felt completely normal for her. The reason why is because not only that her body was growing, but also her mind. Already, her grade school education moved up to two grades and she moved up to math and basic reading. But so far, her mind still thinking about being her own mother for Halloween. In fact, the panties she’s been wearing was almost an exact fit on her hips, even if the gaps between them are just a couple of inches away.

“Hmm... Not bad.” she said, feeling more confident then before, “But I don’t think the panties would fit me much. Oh well, at least they fit perfectly, almost.” Kathy went back to the bed and decided what to do next. At first, she was going to put on the pantyhose, but she realized her mother always painted her toenails before putting on her pantyhose. So she thought it would be best to paint not only her toenails, but her fingernails as well. So she sat on her bed and took and bottle of red nail polish she took from her parents room. She opened the bottle that had the brush attached to the bottom part of the lid and already had enough red paint on it. She then gently strokes the brush on the nails, being careful not to mess up her bed. She had always see her mom painted her nails ever so correctly, she just hope she knows how to do it like her. Kathy started with the toes, then when she finished with that, painted the nails of her fingers. Though her nails were short and stubby, she was able to paint them correctly. After two minutes of stroking them, all of her nails were of a brightly colored red. Looking at her nails, she smiled in accomplishment and said, “Well, at least my nails look pretty.” Suddenly, Kathy felt another hot flash and was getting dizzy once more. She had no idea where they are all coming from. That’s when she felt a sickening feeling within her body. What was really happening was that her body was once again growing.


Back in Johnny’s room, Johnny was feeling the same pain as his sister. But that too vanished as soon as it started. At first Johnny did expect that feeling when he put on his father’s briefs, but thought it was best to forget about it. He then got off the bed and takes a good look at the mirror to see himself in those briefs. When he took a good look at himself in the mirror, there was something completely different about him. In fact, he just like Kathy, he had grown older, two year of it actually.

He is now an 8-yea-old boy with his height all of way up to a good 3-inches. What very little of his baby fat was gone and he was now a skinny kid with no muscle mass. His hair grew a little and become messier then before. His face all of its babyness and was a shape of a little boy with flat cheeks and a longer nose. In his mind, everything appeared to be natural. Another thing, like Kathy, his brain also progressed to the point he was in 9th grade. But his goals remain the same, and that is to put on his father’s clothes for Halloween. “Wow...” he said with his voice sounding a little lower then normal, “This underwear really fits me.” Indeed, the boxers briefs now fit comfortably around his hips, but the gaps were a few inches shorter then normal. So they are still baggy on him. “Well, mostly...”

He headed back to the bed and see what would he put on next. What he found was a pair of his father’s light brown socks. When he saw that, he decided to put them on next so that way he could move on to the pants next. Johnny sat on his bed and picked up the socks so that they could slip them through his feet. They were a little long and wrinkly, but it was because his feet were too small for them. Soon after he put them on, Johnny felt the same pain as before only this time it was much stronger. He suddenly clenched onto his stomach and feeling massive cramps from within. Once again, he started to grow up.


To Kathy’s room, and her change continued on. She couldn’t take it anymore, as she hugged her own stomach and rolled around to let the pain go away. But for the second time, it went away so fast she didn’t know what transpired to her. Not knowing what just happened as she sat up on the bed and observed her nail color to see if it wasn’t smeared and stain. Luckily for her, Kathy’s nail color was still intact and it wasn’t ruined at all. What she didn’t know was that her nails dried up completely as she was growing. Not only that, but her fingernails grew a few centimeters long to match that of a big girl. And speaking of being a big girl, her body grew through her childhood and enter kidhood.

Unlike the last change, her body now aged three years, making her at least ten-years-old. Her height sprouted up like a weed, making her almost three and a half feet with an incredibly skinny body. Her arms and legs grew long and thin, with no traces of baby fat at all. Even her mother’s panties were beginning to feel a little snug on her boyish hips, with a mere two inches between the gaps. Her face went into another change as well. Her cheeks were completely flat, her nose grew longer and her lips were beginning to look a little puffy. The freckles on her face were beginning to fade away as her hair grew a little longer, making the pigtails look more lustier then before. Her mind grew once more as she passed through one grade after another in school. And since her body and mind grew, so had her confidence. When she was five, she was a bit hesitant in putting on her mother’s clothes. But now, she felt truly comfortable in wearing them. Observing her nail color, Kathy was quite pleased at her work. “Gotta admit, the color on my nails make them look real pretty.” Said Kathy, completely unaware that her voice belonged to that of a girl then a child. “Now on to the next part.”

And the next part Kathy’s talking about are the pantyhose she was about to put on right after she painted both her toenails and fingernails. She picked them up and could tell they were long for her legs, which were half their size. “Let’s see if these fit my legs.” Kathy slidded the pantyhose through one leg and then through the other. When she was finished with that, she got up and took another look at the mirror. To her surprise, the pantyhose were a little long and wrinkly on her. “Man, these pantyhose are a little too baggy for me.” She said feeling a little disappointed about it, “Oh well... Guess I better make do with what I got.” Just as soon as she said that, she felt yet another sharp pain within her body, followed by a major hot flash. This time, the sudden feeling was much stronger then the first two. She bent down to the floor and lied there until it would soon pass. When that happened, her body moved up to the double digits.


Back to Johnny, his progression stopped the same time his sister’s was beginning. He doesn’t understand where all that pain and heat is coming from. But since it goes away so quick, he just set that aside. Once that was gone, he got off from his bed and took a look at himself with both the underwear and socks. What he saw was a totally different person.

Just like Kathy, he age three years of his life away too. This makes him 11-years-old and counting. His body was really tall and lean, almost reaching up to four feet. He was beginning to show signs of muscle mass appearing on his arms and legs, as little pricks of hair grew on them. His face was incredibly boyish, with a thick jaw structure, a big wide nose, and fading freckles. His hair grew a little longer, but it did something completely different. It rearranged itself and got a little shorter, making it look like he just had a hair cut. The briefs he was wearing was almost an exact fit with and inch or two gaps between it and his hips while his sock started to get more comfortable. In Johnny’s head, his knowledge seems to be advancing as he now knows multiplication, division, and academic reading. Also, his idea of dressing up as his father for Halloween was now less and less important. He now wanted to see if his father’s clothes would fit him. “So far so good.” He said, totally unaware that his Adams apple in his throat was getting bigger, making his voice sound lower. “I seem to be getting the hang of this. Now for the pants.”

Johnny made his way back to his bed and got his father’s pair of pants. Once he observed it he could tell that they were too big for his short legs. But at least he’s glad that he has a belt to help tighten the pants. He carefully slipped them through his legs and holds them up with both of his hands. Soon as he’s done, he looked at the mirror and realized they were really too big for him. Chuckling to himself, he was about get the belt to tighten the pants. But again, he felt the next wave of pain and flashes. He slowly fell to the floor and felt complete agony through out his body. At the same time, his body grew up once more.


At the same time, Kathy’s change stopped the moment Johnny’s began. She had no idea how these sudden flashes keep appearing and disappearing every time she puts on an article of clothing. But she thought it was for the best, since it disappears the second it starts. Of course what really happened was that her body grew at an alarming rate. When the changes were complete, she slowly got up and took another look in the mirror. What she saw was a completely different person. Instead of a child about to begin grade school, it was a blossoming teen on the way to Junior High.

Kathy now aged four years of her life, making her now 14-years-old. Her height doubled over time as she now stands an almost four feet in length. Her body was still skinny, but that all soon changed as puberty is beginning to take effect on her. Her once flat chest expanded when her nipples started to grow and pushed out, followed by the fleshy mounds around them. Now she had a set of A-cup breasts. Her hips then started to expand, making them a couple of inches wide, making them the beginning of her hourglass figure as the mid section of her stomach started to get curvy. This sudden expansion made the elastic on both her mother’s panties and pantyhose stretch and fit properly, leaving no gaps what so ever. Her arms and legs grew down to match her new body and were beginning to show signs of feminine muscles growing on her thighs, calves, shoulders, and arms. This growth left her pantyhose to be more fit and less wrinkly. Her hands and feet were getting daintier as her fingers nails grew a few more centimeters.

Kathy’s face was also making another changed as it went from being childish to adult. Her skull structure was rearranging itself, transcending from a round to an oval. Her nose has gotten a little longer and appeared to be thinning, looking more grown up by the second. The freckles on her face were getting lesser and lesser, leaving only a few left on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes have gotten a little smaller, loosing its innocent childish looks as their iris color grew lighter and shinier. Her lips had gotten puffier as the teeth inside her mouth went from baby teeth and full adult ones. Her hair grew a little longer once more, but there was something completely different about it. Just like her brother’s, her hair was making it’s own metamorphosis. First, her blonde color grew darker, making it look like a dirty blonde. Then her pigtails vanished, letting her hair cascaded downward to her lower neck area. Finally, her hair lifted itself up and tied itself, making it into a ponytail style teenagers use.

Lastly, her mind grew to match the rest of her. Now that she had the body of a junior high girl, she must now have the brain of one. Kathy’s education doubled as she was now learning advance math and reading skills in a flash. Plus new memories were created, making old ones to disappear. Of example, when she was five, she was forced by her brother to put on their mom’s and dad’s clothes for Halloween and keep it a secret until it was time to show them. This time it was completely different. In her mind, Kathy’s going trick or treating for the last time and wanted to have a costume she would remember as her last. That’s when she asked her mother about borrowing her clothes to be just like her. Her mom agreed but under one condition, she wants her dress and other items returned when she’s finished and for them to be in good condition.

Gazing at the mirror, the blossoming teen couldn’t help but to feel all giddy about it. “This is totally cool!” Kathy said with a voice much lower and mature, “This is going to be the best Halloween ever.” She turned around from behind and felt a little disappointed at the fact that her rear was too flat for the back end of her pantyhose. “Still, I would’ve appreciate it if my rear was a little plumper from behind. Oh well, maybe another time.” She look back on her bed to see the rest of the clothing she has to put on and said, “Now that I got through with the bottom part, let’s move on to the top.”

Kathy approached the bed and picked up the strapless bra to get a good look at it. From what she could tell is that the size of the cups were a definite C and her’s were budding A’s. She always wore a training bra ever since her breasts grew and would keep them on until they continue to grow. Kathy thought it would be impossible to put them on with her small assets, but thought she would stuff them in crumbled tissue to make them a good fit. So putting that aside, she fastened the bra around her chest and tightens it. Though she had a hard time putting the straps together, she managed to get on anyways. When she was done putting the bra on, she look at the mirror to see what she looks like. Too her surprise, she discovered that the bra was pretty big on her. She was going to get her tissues to make the bra fit perfectly. But before she did that, she felt yet another pain and hot flash. She placed her hands on her head and bent down a little, feeling this torture. But again, her body was growing through her teen years.


Ask for Johnny, his changes stopped when Kathy’s began. For some reason, he couldn’t take these flashed and pains anymore. They were getting so annoying every time he puts one part of his father’s clothes. He’ll figure it out sooner then later as he stood up and looked at his mirror. Again, his body aged to four years just like Kathy, becoming a 15-year-old teenager in a matter of seconds.

His height was now over four feet and his body frame was gaining more muscles then before. His arms and legs were beginning to develop some tone as his chest expanded and were showing signs of pecks forming. Hair on his arms and legs thickened and grew while body hair appeared on his torso and chest. His waist expanded to make his pants a perfect fit, but even without the belt it looked like they were going to fall down. Johnny’s face was too switched from the childish face to a grownup one. His structure broadens and reshapes to look like that of a teenager. His nose went both longer and wider moment-by-moment as his eyes got smaller to loose its immature looks. All of his baby teeth was soon gone, being replaced with stronger adult teeth. Though his freckles faded, a few pimples started to form on his forehead and there were evidence of peach fuzz growing on her chin. His hair grew down once more and had gotten more rugged. His mind was racing through his education just like her sister as memories began to rearrange themselves. Once, he and his sister were going to put on their parent’s clothes without permission. But now he’s putting on his father’s clothes under his permission. Not only that, he has to take his sister around for her last Trick or Treating and he has to take her around for no reason. He would’ve gone to the party in his friends house and dance with this girl he has a crush on a few weeks ago.

He turned around a couple of times to admire his profile and smirked at his physique. “That’s right boy. You look good with those pants on.” Said Johnny with his Adams apple growing lumpier to make his voice sound like that of a teenager. Though he liked how good his father’s pants felt, he was ashamed at the fact that they look a little big on him still. He look back at his bed and spotted the belt that might fit him better and smiled a little more. “But hey, If I’m ever going to be able to walk without them falling, I might need something to hold them together.” He headed back to his bed to took the belt off of it. He then looped it around the pants and buckled it together at the front, tightening it in the process. After making it a proper fit, he looked down, smiled, and said, “There, much better.” But that’s when another flash and pain occurred. Johnny held on to his bed and tried to fight over the pain as his body grew yet again.


Back at Kathy’s room, Kathy’s change stopped once again. She didn’t understand why these changes were happening so quickly, or why they appeared so sudden. Kathy then decided to leave that behind and see how her mother’s bra fit. When she stood up and look at the mirror, her body raced down through her teen years.

Within a matter of seconds, her body had aged five years, making her 20-years-old and went from being a junior high student to a college freshman. She grew a couple of more inches while her body matures and gain some feminine attributes. Her breasts doubled in size, becoming a C cup and now properly fits the bra she just put on. Her hips expanded further as his stomach became completely curvy. Accompanying the ride was her butt, as it began to grew out, expanding both the panties and the pantyhose to the limit. Her arms and legs grew once more and muscle fat developed on them. This made her pantyhose fit perfectly with no wrinkles around them. Both her hands and feet grew much daintier and more feminine ever moment. Her finger nails grew a couple of more centimeters with the red nail color she put on became more noticeable each second.

Her face had now reached towards young adulthood with what’s left of her childish innocence faded completely. Her head was now completely oval and there was no chubbiness anywhere on her cheeks. Her nose was completely thin and long, looking more elegant then before. The remaining freckles on her face were washed away completely, but a few pimples continued to spread left and right. But they too faded while she aged, replacing it with smooth beautiful skin. Her lips were completely pouty and kissable while her eyes were small and exquisite. Her hair grew down from her ponytail and then made another change. The ponytail began to unravel and fall loose, now making her hair cascade all the way down to her mid back. The color of her hair got much darker as red strands began weaving into her hair.

While her body grew her brain continued with it. As she aged through her teen years, all of her education advance through both Junior High and High School. Everything from reading, writing, math, history, and social study has become so familiar to her. Even new words begin to appear in her vocabulary, including cuss words. This also made new memories arise and old ones forgotten. For some strange reason, she never had a brother before in her life. Her mind was changing so much; she didn’t know what was happening. From what she could understand is that she had always been an only child and tends to be such a busy bee at a young age. She also think that the clothes she was wearing wasn’t her mother’s, but her own. Not only that, but she thinks she’s going on a date with her boyfriend on Halloween night to see a scary movie.

Posing in front of the mirror, she felt completely pleased as her looks with a lovely smile on her face. “Mm Hm girl, you certainly got a damn figure.” Kathy said with a much lower and sultry voice. “My date on Halloween is going to be the best date ever.” She headed do her bed and saw the rest of her clothing and picked up the black dress that would go down her thighs. “Nothing says a Halloween date then a black sexy dress.” She said as she slipped the dress through her legs and arranged it around her body. After zipping the back and adjusting the straps, she returned to the mirror and got another look at herself. But once she got to the mirror, another wave of pain and heat spread through her body, making another growth process.


In Johnny’s room, his changed was soon finished after Kathie’s growth began. He doesn’t understand why this keeps happening to him. It’s almost like every time he puts on a piece of clothing, both pain and heat spread throughout his body and makes him feel completely sick. Brushing the previous change aside, he walked to the mirror and looked at himself. Indeed there was a change, but it was completely different then before.

For example, he didn’t age six years or so, he had aged 2 years. He was now 17-year-old who gained a few inches in height. He had also developed some muscles on his body as his gluts, chest, arms, and legs were gaining mature fat. There were also signs of his stomach forming what appeared to be six pack abs. The hair on his arms, legs, chest, and stomach had gotten much thicker and more manly. Even his face had no signs of his once childish looks. The skull was broaden and thick, his nose grew big and wide, and peach fuzz developed and spread around his face, making what looked to be like a small beard. His hair grew a little long and was magically tied up in an incredibly short ponytail some young men use. His mind advance once more as education he won’t learn when he’s a little older came into his head. Even driving education went by him so fast, he didn’t felt that coming. What else he didn’t felt coming was his memories changing. Suddenly, he no longer had a sister to begin with, let alone a young one. From what he could understand, her sister was someone else and he was the only child of the family. Also, he has reason to believe that the clothes he both got on and on the bed weren’t his father’s clothes, but now his.

Once the changes stop, Johnny felt his pants feel incredibly uncomfortable. He guessed that his belt was adjusted wrong, which at the fact that he tightens it before he felt another hot flash. So after readjusting the belt again, he look down at his bed and spotted the top half of his clothes. He then picked up a white long sleeve buttoned shirt and examines it. “Well, better finish up dressing.” He said in a much lower teenage voice, “I don’t want to catch a cold half dressed.” He slipped it on his body and buttoned the front pretty well. Once he finished, the next growth took place as he held on to his bed when the pain the heat took control of his body.


As his body grew, Kathy’s body stopped growing. When it was done, she looked at the mirror to see herself in the dress. Once more she aged to make the dress fit perfectly on her body. Only just like her former brother, she aged two years, making her twenty-two and was in the middle of her college years.

Though her body grew a few inches, her body expanded to outline the dress pretty well. Her breasts grew once again, making them now CC while her hips and butt expanded again to create the same dimensions as her boobs. This of course made her waits incredibly curvy, thus giving them a sexy hourglass figure. Her arms and legs were completely plumped and long, making them sleek and juicy. Though her hands and feet remained small and her fingers were still slim, her fingernails grew a few centimeters longer. And since not much has changed on her face since it completely matured, her hair grew a little longer, making it go closer to her lower back and darkened with more red strands spreading through her dark blonde color. Again, her mind slowly grew through her college education as new memories appeared and old ones disappeared. But still, the one about going on a date with her boyfriend is still intact, only this time it was going to be their seventh.

As Kathy, or Katharine since she’s now an adult, looked at every aspect of her dress, she felt completely comfortable with what she was wearing. “Gotta admit, this dress that I picked makes me look completely sexy.” she said in a mature tone. She then walked to her bed with her hips gyrating back and forth and sat on it. She then picked up the 3-inch heel shoes and slowly slipped them on and said, “Now for the feminine touch.” Once she slipped them into her feet and strapped them up, another wave of heat and pain escalated, making her body much mature then ever.


In Johnny’s room, he transformation stopped in a matter of seconds. He took a breather and wondered where all of these strange urges came from. But if he looked into the mirror he would’ve seen his body aging once more. Only this time, he had aged three years and making him a college freshman.

His height grew a few more inches while the rest of his 20-year-old body gained more muscle. Since he can’t tell from the way his body is completely covered, there was evidence that his chest, legs, arms, and back were bulging and tightening his clothes a little. Even the six-pack abs on his stomach was getting more detailed and hard. Plus his body hair was getting much thicker and spread everywhere throughout his body. Even his facial hair grew and was pretty much covered most of his face, making his beard more noticeable at the moment. And since his face was still mature, his ponytail hair grew a little longer and shinier. Once his body reached college age, his brain all the education up to college. Again, his memories were arranged to match his body. In his mind, he was going on a date with his girlfriend on Halloween and had everything all planned out. A romantic dinner, a stroll through the park, and horror movie to watch, everything is set. All he needs is to dress up properly and it will all work out. And what better choice of clothes to use is a suit fit for a man.

When the pain went away, he moved on to the tie and wrapped it around his neckline. Once he got it tucked underneath the neckline and tied it up to make it a perfect fit, another growth took place followed by both pain and heat.


Katherine’s change soon stopped after she put on her high heel shoes and nothing much has changed in and out of her body as of late. Though her body grew three years, her twenty five-year-old body remained the same. But her hair got darker as more strands spread, leaving her with more red strands and less blonde. Not only that, her brain started to age and rearrange. Now she is on the last year of college and was getting ready for her night out in Halloween with her fianc?. In her head, Katherine’s boyfriend proposed to her for marriage, and like every woman that knew their loved ones for so long agreed to it. Now for Halloween, they were going to go someplace truly romantic and she want to make her outfit look just right.

After putting on her shoes, she picked up a few bracelets and placed them on her left wrist. She then picked up a watch, which was her mother’s and attached it on her right. Lastly, she took the necklace, with was a white pearl one, and placed it around her neck. When she was done with all of her accessories, and got off the bed once more and headed to the mirror. But just as she was about to head to the mirror, she sat back down again and felt a stomach ache along with a sudden heat wave. What Katharine didn’t know was that another growth was taking place.


Meantime, Johnny, or John now, progression haulted for a moment. So far he aged around 3 years, as his body was the same with the exception of his muscles growing a little more. And since not much has changed in his 23-year-old body, his face was completely different. His beard was completely gone, like he shaved it just now. Also, his hair’s ponytail unraveled and it shortened once more. His brain traveled through his college years, but the memories of his date with his girlfriend is still intact, except it’s their fifth date.

When John finished with the tie, he took the black jacket suit off the bed and put it on. When he was done with that, he headed to the mirror and wanted to see how he looked. But once more, he has the get support with his bedpost as the pain returned and the next part of his growth started.


With Katharine, her growth was stopped in an instant. When it was finished, she got off the bed and headed to the mirror to see herself. When she did that, she loved how she looks. But when she did that, her body matured and grew old.

She was now twenty-eight, gaining four more years and becoming more sexy. Since she could now longer gain some height, her body expanded to match her age. Her breasts grew some more, now making them D-cups. Though her hips couldn’t extend further, her but expanded and sharpened to a shape of a heart. Her hair was completely red with no blonde color in sight, but another change took place. Her long, flowing, shining hair lifted itself up and twist and turn at the top of her head. Once it done, her hair now had a perfectly done perm. Her mind left college and entered her job, which for some strange reason a housewife. Also her memories changed again. She had reason to believe that she was getting ready for the dinner invitation with her soon to be husband, family, and friends. Her wedding’s tomorrow and she wants to make a big impression when she heads to the party.

“Damn sugar, you certainly have such big jugs.” Katharine said with a much mature and smooth voice. She observes ever profile of her body and loved what she was wearing. “I’m going to be the talk of the party when I come.” But when she took a closer look, she realized she almost forgot something. “But still...” she said feeling a bit worried, “My face is starting to loose its battle on youth.”

And that’s no lie. As her body grew, age was beginning to take away the youths of her time. Not much was evident, but there were signs of wrinkles forming round her eyes and mouth. She was worried that if she grew older, her looks will start to fade away. She looked back at the small makeup package left on the bed and sighed or herself, saying, “Oh well, better cover my face up then. Don’t want anyone to notice my face.”

She went back to the bed and picked up the makeup kit. Katharine then approached the vanity mirror at the corner of her room and opened up the kit to begin applying her makeup. First she applied some powder to cover the wrinkles, then add some light purple eye shadow, next some light red blush on her cheeks and finally some red lipstick to add the finishing woman’s touch. As she was done, she took another look at the mirror and admired her looks. “There, that’s much better.” But before she could get up, she lowered her head and rubbed it, feeling another wave and pain.


Back with John, his pain vanished as he got off the bed and was getting tired of these sudden waves. When he’s done, he headed back to the mirror to observe himself. What he saw was a full grown man of twenty-seven.

Not much has changed in his height, but his muscle tone strengthens and toughens up underneath all of his clothes. His face and hair was still the same, but his brain grew as he passed college years behind and entered his job years, which was business executive. His memories changed once more and thought he was going to a dinner invitation before the wedding. In his head, he remembered giving her love a wedding ring and proposed to her. Once she said yes, their lives had changed forever, now tomorrow was their wedding and he has to be on his best behavior.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he was impressed by his suit he picked out. “That’s right John,” he said in a very mature tone, “you look pretty good tonight.” He then looked down and noticed he forgot his shoes. “Oh yeah, I completely forgot about my shoes.” He ran to the bed and got his shoes off of it. John sat on the bed, slipped the shoes into his feet, and tied them up. He sighed in relief knowing that he can’t go out without his shoes. Before he could get off the head, he immediately laid down and squirmed in agony as the pain returned and he continued to grow.


Back to Katherine, her changes stopped after she finished applying some makeup. “Whoa... That felt strange.” She said, with a voice much more mature then normal. So far her body grew and she was now 30-years-old. Though with no mature developments, her body was getting a little more plumper as a little weight was added. Underneath all of her makeup, the wrinkles on her face increased, but all the makeup she put on covered it nicely. Somewhere in her hair, gray strands were beginning to appear, but that was all covered underneath the rest. And her memories were changing again; making her think she had two kids and was getting ready for her anniversary.

Katherine left the vanity mirror and headed to her bed to get one last thing. “And now for the finishing touch...” she said as she picked a wedding ring, or to the case her wedding ring. She slipped it in her finger and admired it for a few good seconds, that’s when the last change took place.


John’s change on the other hand completely stopped as he slowly got off the bed and tired to understand why all of this keeps happening to him. These sudden pain and heat waves spreading throughout his body is getting really tiresome. While he was pondering this, his body grew once again.

This 31-year-old body remained the same with all the muscle a little soft and the face not so different then before. But his hair looked like it was thinning, as baldness was beginning to take place. His mind grew and changed as he was now a married man with two kids and he too was getting ready for his anniversary with his wife. He looked down at his wedding ring resting on the bed and picked it up. Once he slipped it in his finger, the last change took place.


Back to Katharine for the last time, her final growth was long gone. She went to the mirror to take a real good look at herself through the mirror. What she saw was really splendid.

She was now thirty-five with a body that could make any woman feel completely jealous. The shape of her body molded so well with the black dress she has on as her long succulent legs got her noticeable attention. Her D cup breasts were bouncing proudly and though they appear to be soft and a little saggy, she liked how they look. Her face was a complete saint, even with the winkles on her and her hair was shiny and elegant, with the white strands that were covered well with the rest of her hair. She posed every which way to get a real good angle at herself. “That’s right Katharine, you’re going to be the toast of the town.” She said to herself feeling more confident then ever.

As she was looking at herself in the mirror, she realized something ain’t right. She looked away from the mirror and noticed that she was in a different room. “Wait a second... Why am I doing in my daughter’s room?” Said Katharine, scratching her head to figure. What she didn’t know was that it was her room. But with both the body and mind changes, she totally forgot about where she was until now. So to that end, she left her ?daughter’s’ room and headed back to the hallway.


Meanwhile, John’s changes were finally complete as he took a look at his mirror. He gotta admit, he looked pretty good, being that his body was 36 years of age. The suit he got was a real fit as his body molded to it like it was putty. Though his body was showing signs of age with a few flabby muscles and a pout out stomach slowly appearing underneath his six-pack abs, he looked pretty good. His face was chiseled like a rock as his hair was thinning and falling some more, making him look a little bit bald. But still, he liked how he is and enjoyed every minute of it. “Not bad Johnny boy.” He said with a deep manly voice, “Can’t wait for the kids to trick or treat.”

Once he went away to the mirror, he noticed that he was in someone else’s room, though it was still his until he put on some clothes. “Odd... Since when did I stumble into my son’s room?” Pondering this, he left the room to enter the hallway.


At the same time, both Katharine and John left their rooms and stared at each other, face to face. Upon starring, they realized who each other are. “John.” said Kathie. “Katharine.” said John. That two immediately embraced each other in a hug, then for some strange reason, the two started to kiss each other in the lips. The reason why is because once they were brother and sister. But soon after they put on their parents clothes, they immediately became husband and wife.

Once they were done kissing, the two looked at each other and was a little confused. “Honey,” said Katherine, “do you have any idea why are we at our kids rooms.” John shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know. But all that matters is that we’re ready to go out. C’mon, let’s go.” With that said, the two headed to the front door and was about to leave. But before they did that, the door opened itself and coming into it was their mother and father, only they didn’t know who they are. The two couples stared at each other for a few seconds until they said, “Who are you?”

The End

Happy Halloween



End Chapter 1

Being Mom and Dad

by: LJM | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 31, 2008


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