jessica's diaper days

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 12, 2008

Chapter 5
the escape (3:00 A.M.)

Chapter Description: they are getting out

As we got out of the crib we all pull the diaper bag becouse they new the needed it.As they got to the fron lawn they saw a carnival trucks go by and saw one saw AR gypsie. we followed the trucks in tell i relized that they she get someone to help and she new who. they crawled all the way to here friend Marill’s house. when they got there they took there blanket and rapped it around their selfs and rand the door bell. Marill answered the door and was in shock to see 3 babys and her door. She picked them up and brought them inside and saw jessica’s neckless and started to freak out as she relized the baby even looked like her. they all woke and Anthony’s mom spoke a few words and Marill fainted. she woke up an hous later staring at the babies. she spoke again and barly explianed that they have to take them to the carnival that just came to town but still she did not under stand. She thought she was dreaming and even pinched her self to see but no luck she did not wake up. She then put new diapers on all of them and told them to explain again but still no luck she then brought to her room becouse the knew her parents would wake up.she then got a basket from her closet rapped them back up and started walking to her parents room. "i’m sorry but i dont know if i’m going crazy or not so i’m bring you to my parents. But befor she walked in she over heard her parents saying somethig about the town turning their kids into babies. She stopped in her tracks and ran into her room. She put the babies down and started talking to herself. She then heard one of the babies say carnival.



End Chapter 5

jessica's diaper days

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 12, 2008


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