High Road

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 10, 2009

Completed: 7/10 Chapters. Total Word Count: 17289. The story of Inspector LaCrone, once a detective prodigy, who has returned to service after vacationing in his private villa. Mystery, intrigue, and close calls ensue.


Need More Info

LaCrone begins the case, but things get interesting sooner than he expected. Meaning he never expected it to get interesting at all.

Feb 4, 2009


LaCrone gets a taste of his case, a taste of some metal, and a taste of the carpet.

Feb 6, 2009


Fit for Purpose

Peter LaCrone struggles with his own psyche, but comes out better for his trouble.

Feb 8, 2009


Failure Testing

Inspector LaCrone watches a movie. On a side note, he also almost gets killed, investigates three suspects, wastes some time, and drinks coffee.

Feb 10, 2009


Right First Time

A revelation at the local coffee shop leads LaCrone to question his future.

Mar 8, 2009


Further Review

LaCrone makes new friends, gets an offer from a criminal and a cop (different people), and uses a fake license. Hilarity ensues*. Note: This chapter jumps around a bit chronologically. Bear that in mind. *Hilarity does not actually ensue.

Apr 5, 2009


Cannot Reproduce

Read LaCrone's diary and North's mind. Author's Note: Apologies for the late and meager update. More will come now that my schedule is freer.

Jun 10, 2009

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