Hide & Seek

by: Bfboy and Sebtomato | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 2, 2011

John's girlfriend has an overpowering maternal instinct. A collaboration between Bfboy and Sebtomato. The story is Completed. The Final Chapters 10 & 11 are now up.


Good Morning

John wakes up to find something is very wrong with his bedroom and his body.

Jan 13, 2009


Finger Painting

John is having a lovely morning at nursery but shouldn't he be at work?

Jan 14, 2009


Something's Rotten in the State of England

John puts all his trust in Abbie, but who is in on his regression?

Jan 14, 2009


It's a long flight from London to Auckland, but surely a plane is the safest place they could be...

Jan 16, 2009


Trouble in the Other Land Down Under

They've made it all the way to the other side of the world. But not everything has gone according to plan.

Jan 18, 2009


A Slice of Kiwiana

John faces life as a little boy in a foreign land, wondering how long they can continue to evade their pursuers.

Jan 19, 2009


Playing Dress-Up

Abbie goes shopping and makes a new acquaintance.

Jan 25, 2009


Home Sweet Home

John is home alone after school, but is the house as empty as it seems?

Jan 22, 2009


Squeaky Clean

Valerie is back and she's brought a certain teddy bear with her.

Jan 25, 2009


With Friends Like These...

With Abbie apparently back in her right state of mind perhaps she and John will finally escape from Valerie.

Jan 27, 2009


Flying the Friendly Skies

John is heading home after a tiring journey to the other side of the world.

Jan 27, 2009

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