Spring Cleaning

by: kARth | Complete Story | Last updated May 14, 2008

Angela's mother sets her to work cleaning up her old room when she comes home from college for Spring Break. But what will happen when she rediscovers some of the treasures of her youth?


A Sea of Memories

Baby dolls sat among framed photographs; coloring books neighbored exotic perfume; lingerie cuddled up with gymnastics trophies, and pairs of shoes too small to fit were resting next to literature too hard to read. Much like her mother, she "didn't even know where to start".

Apr 26, 2008


Home from College

She bolted inside, confident that she would have a free day as soon as she handled the formalities with her mother. Certainly some of her friends would know some good parties going on tonight.

Apr 6, 2008


Pomp and Circumstance

As she examined herself in the mirror, its reflection showed an impossible shift in her appearance. She was becoming *younger*; yet she was completely oblivious to the fact, aside from a slight shivering sensation (which she assumed was a draft).

Apr 26, 2008


Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

"I can't believe I'm fourteen now! That's practically a woman. I've been a teenager for a whole year now, so I'm getting used to it, but it's still so exciting! I love these earrings, they really bring attention to my face. Maybe I can get Mom to let me wear makeup soon!"

Apr 26, 2008


"Kid Stuff"

Angela dwindled backwards through puberty, becoming 13, then 12. It caused her only a tickling feeling, and she giggled as she made conversation between her dolls. What had been a bra at 14 had become a training bra at 12, and at 11 vanished completely. Her retainer turned to braces, but those too quickly disappeared. She regained her eyesight and lost her glasses when she returned to the age of 10. Yet even more changes were in store for Angela.

Apr 28, 2008


The nine-year-old was suddenly eight, then seven. The years continued to melt away. Her hair pulled itself up from a short cut into precocious pigtails; her body traded height for shortness, and lankiness for pudginess. Baby fat became more and more prominent as Angie regressed. Her face began to lose its childlike qualities, taking on instead the characteristics of toddlerhood. She hit six years old, then fell back from first grade to kindergarten as she youthened to five. And the changes weren't stopping.

May 14, 2008


What Becomes of Angela

As Angie dreams, Angela stirs.

May 14, 2008

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