Endless Summer

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated May 30, 2007

Uncle John is in for more than he thought when his nephews come to vist for the summer.

Chapter 1
Part I

Chapter Description: Uncle John is in for more than he thought when his nephews come to vist for the summer.

Endless Summer Part I

Tyler and Steven got of the plain to spend the summer with Uncle John. Mom and dad worked long hours. It worked out well with Uncle John being a teacher at the local Middle school on the beach. They had been doing this trip for the last couple of years, and always looked forward to the beach thing.

Uncle John was the surfer type in his late twenties and about six foot, tan with brown hair. As Steven and Tyler exited the plain they ran to Uncle John, look how big you guys have gotten he exclaimed rubbing the top of there heads. Steven would be eleven in a couple of days, he looked like his older brother who had just turned thirteen last week, except for being two inches shorter at five four. They both had blonde hair and a athletic builds from competing for the local swim team.

On the trip home The boys told them how school was going, and how Tyler liked a girl in his class. But this all stopped as soon as they walked into the house. Steven and Tyler both through on their trunks, grabbed the surf boards and out of the house.

The next couple of weeks went by well. Most of the time the boys were surfing. Other times Tyler was sneaking on the computer exploring the sites his Uncle had visited, mostly with young girls. Tyler thought it was cool that his Uncle had these sites, but was surprise that some of the girls looked close to his own age! He knew they were far from legal, but this did not seem to bother him. Also, to his surprise he found a site under favorites, after opening it, he saw a bunch of stories about age regression.

What do you know, Tyler thought as he read the shrinking stories. Uncle John must miss being a kid, strangely this kind of excited him as he looked down seeing he soccer shorts tented. Quickly, he got off the sites and figured he better keep this secrete.



End Chapter 1

Endless Summer

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated May 30, 2007


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