Power Struggle

by: Mr. D | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 12, 2022

Chapter 3
The Next Assignment

Chapter Description: Having not been paid for his previous job, Frank gets an intimidating new client.

Frank stared at his empty whisky bottle. He didn’t know whether he should keep pursuing Hacker. On the one hand, he wasn’t contracted to do so, but on the other hand, she did not seem like somebody who should be left unchecked, especially given that she’d easily dispatched a top tier hero. The problem was that he had nearly no incentive to stop Hacker, but he was getting too old for this anyway.

Even if he wanted to proceed, it wasn’t as if he had any evidence against the therapist. If she could forge documents for Cassandra, she could no doubt forget them for herself.

Closing his eyes, Frank rested his head on the table. He needed more clients! It was a wonder he could stay in business. Hearing movement at his office door, Frank bolted upright and ensured the empty whisky was out of sight.

To Frank’s surprise and horror, the figure that emerged through his door was none other than Sam the therapist herself. She was holding a carseat which no doubt held the former hero, Gusto. “Hello, Frank,” she greeted him warmly.

It took Frank several moments to realized he was staring, he closed his gaping mouth then greeted, “Well, hello, Sam! And who is this you brought in with you?”

Oh, just my son, Carter. I’m out running some errands today...anyway, I have a request.”

Sure, how can I help you?” Frank hoped he didn’t seem too suspicious.

I’m actually looking for this person,” Sam replied, handing a photo to Frank.

Frank’s jaw dropped upon seeing that it was Ricky, Billy’s brother. With nothing to say on the matter, all Frank could do was nod silently.

I know you’re not really a bounty hunter, but if you could bring him over to my office, I can make it worth your while.”

Frank’s eyes darted to the sleeping Gusto. True to her word, Hacker had indeed given him blonde hair and probably blue eyes. He’d hate to think of what she could do to him.

Ah...okay, maybe this once I can make an exception.” Frank avoided eye contact.

Happy to hear that,” Sam deposited a few hundred dollars on Frank’s desk before turning to leave, “that reminds me, did you ever finish the case you were working on the other day? What was his name again...oh, Billy! Yes, did you ever find Billy?”

...no,” Frank lied, trying to sound convincing, “searched high and low, but the man’s just gone. Needless to say my client wasn’t too pleased with that result.”

Ha,” Sam laughed, “I sure wouldn’t be.” she set Gusto’s carseat on Frank’s desk, rocking it back and forth. “I do believe that you can find this person for me by this time tomorrow,” she looked into his eyes, “and when you do there’s more,” she nodded toward the money, “once the job is complete.”

Frank threw his head down once she left his office. He had no idea what she wanted with Ricky, but since Ricky hadn’t paid him for his last job, he couldn’t very well refuse, in spite of the fact that he just didn’t want to get involved. As he stared longingly at the door, he noticed a small object on the floor.

Upon inspecting the object, he found that it was a taser. Had Sam left this here for him? He didn’t feel comfortable trying to contact her, but he knew that Ricky wouldn’t exactly be very cooperative and his deadline for this assignment was, in fact, tomorrow.

Guess I don’t really have a choice,” Frank said to himself.


Hours later Frank found himself in a back room of a run down bar. Ricky was joined by several men who were all playing cards. The amateur detective kept himself concealed using his superpower.

Hey, you guys wouldn’t happen to know any hero’s would you?” Ricky laughed nervously.

What would you need a hero for,” one of the other guys laughed, “seriously doubt you could afford one.”

Ricky gulped, “Hehe, just have business with a certain someone which could end up getting a little nasty.”

So you need a thug or a body guard?”

Eh...body guard, but maybe higher grade...” Ricky nervously scratched his head.

Pay your tab and I can send someone you’re way” the other guy said, “otherwise you should actually get good at playing cards.”

Ricky burst out laughing, earning everyone’s glare. “Oh, sorry,” he took a breathe, “need to go use the men’s room really quick.”

Don’t go far,” one of the other guys said, “you’re still playing.”

Frank tailed Ricky to the men’s restroom. He watched as the man grabbed the sink, staring himself in the mirror. “Oh god, what am I gonna-”

Frank zapped him before he could finish his monologue. Extending unobservable to cover the unconscious man on the floor, Frank whispered, “Looks like you’re in for a rough night.”

It was hard to drag Ricky’s unconscious body out of the diner, but Frank managed it. The other guys at the table were aware of Ricky’s absence, however, and were on alert.

Frank managed to deposit Ricky in his trunk, after which he ended the effect of his power. Frank promptly returned to his office.


Ricky was still unconscious as Frank dragged him inside. Sam had been kind enough to leave him some “I’m taking a hostage” supplies while he was out.

He bound and blindfolded his captive, he considered gagging him, but was unsure whether that was necessary. It was several hours before Ricky finally woke up.

Where am I? Who’s there?”

Seems like you’re a pretty popular guy,” Frank replied.

I know I’ve heard your voice before. Where are we?”

Can’t tell you that.” Frank was starting to wish he had gagged him.

If it’s about the money, I can get it next week.”

Who else do you owe money to?” Frank sighed.

Who are you?” Ricky gasped, “Am I in deep shit?”

Really deep,” Frank nodded, “I probably would have just settled my debts.”

Heh, until a few days ago, I could.” Ricky laughed, “You probably won’t believe this, but he was kidnapped, turned into a baby...a baby! And now I can’t pay anyone.”

You need your brother to bail you out of everything?” Frank wasn’t amused, but it seemed like he’d at least get answers, “Do you know who did it?”

I don’t...” Ricky muttered, “He’s been hanging out with this woman, who I suspect has everything to do with it, but it’s too late. I don’t know anyone who can change him back, and even if I did, we’re wanted for petty crimes. Most agencies with that kind of tech are with the government, so we’d get arrested for sure.”

Of course Frank already knew all that, and was a little pissed that that tiny little tidbit of information about them had been omitted during his commission, but he continued to listen. “Sounds like you have it rough.”

What’s going to happen to me?” Ricky’s voice was shaky.

For now it’s lights out,” Frank served more volts to his captive. He decided that this time the gag was in order.


It was early the next morning when Frank arrived at Sam’s office. Entering through the door, he saw Gusto perched in his usual carseat by her side.

Why hello, Frank,” Sam greeted him enthusiastically, “Good news, I trust?”

Yes, I found the person you requested.” Frank affirmed.

Alright, well, let me close up shop for the day and I’ll meet you at this address.” she handed Frank a business card which had a handwritten address on the back.

I’ll see you there, then,” Frank nodded.

One more thing,” Sam said quickly.


Thanks, this means a lot.”

Sure thing,” Frank said, a little confused.

Frank headed back out to his car, hearing yelling coming from the trunk.

He slammed it, “Shut up!” he said.

As Frank drove to the address, he recognized it instantly as the warehouse he had witnessed the demise of Gusto’s hero career. Heaving a deep breathe, he reminded himself that he was doing this for the money.

Sam wasn’t far behind, as she exited her car, Frank popped his trunk, revealing his captive.

Good work,” Sam gave Frank a few stacks of moneyIt’s been a pleasure and I hope we can do business again in the future.”

As Frank took the money, it slowly dawned on him that perhaps he was now a villain. “Sure thing!” Frank blinked, offering a smile.

After removing Ricky from his trunk, Frank moved his car back to the same lot he’d parked at the other day. As if compelled by some unknown force, he activated his power and left his vehicle, heading back toward the warehouse.

Sam had removed Ricky’s gag and blindfold, but his hands were still bound.

...’ve been pretty cooperative so far.” Frank could hear Sam patronize her captive as he approached.

My brother’s gone, and now my life is in shambles,” Ricky murmured, “looks like this is it for me.”

Oh, don’t be so down on yourself, I’m sure things will get better.”

If you’re going to do something to me, just do it, already.”

We’re still waiting for someone, after they get here we can start sorting things out,” Sam replied, pausing as she heard crying from her car. “One moment.”

Frank watched Sam tend to Gusto in her back seat, after she had achieved her objective, she emerged from her vehicle with the baby Gusto.

Heh, babies...” she laughed, “they take so much care and attention.”

Both Frank and Ricky watched Sam as she nonchalantly bounced Gusto as if she were just some mom who had brought her kid to a social event.

...alright, that’s them,” Sam nodded at the car that drove up. Frank recognized Cassandra and Billy as they emerged from the car. He did not recognize the other woman, however, Ricky’s look of shock at seeing her certainly suggested that he did.

Cassandra waved mockingly at Ricky, as did the other woman.

Alright, let’s get introductions out of the way...Ricky, this is Nicole,” she gestured toward the brunette whom Frank hadn’t met, “and this is Shannon,” she gestured toward the one Frank thought was Cassandra, “...and that little one Shannon’s holding is your baby brother, Billy.” the three women laughed.

Ricky, a few nights ago you said some very bad things to Nicole, she’s willing to forgive you, but you need to learn some manners, which is why we’re all here right now.” Sam said gently, as if she were hosting a therapy session instead of a kidnapping.

Alright, point taken,” Ricky grunted, “Now can you turn my brother back and let us go?”

The three ladies burst into laughter again, “That ship has sailed, sweety,” Nicole patronized, pinching his cheek mockingly, “You’re in desperate need of a lesson in manners, which my wife and I are more than willing to oblige, it just won’t be short and sweet is all.”

Ricky’s eyes widened, “You mean you’re going to turn me into a-”

A baby,” Shannon beamed as she finished his sentence, “We’ve been looking to adopt for so long, but it’s just so hard to adopt babies! We’re grateful to you and your brother, really.

Frank was bewildered. Shannon really had him convinced that she was looking out for Billy, not trying to re-raise him from the get-go. He followed the group inside the warehouse.

Should have taken my brother when that detective found him!” Ricky gasped.

Oh?” Sam asked, looking at Shannon.

We can compensate for additional services,” Nicole quickly answered. “None of this ever happened, as agreed.”

You have no idea,” Sam gave a sarcastic laugh, “Still, deal’s a deal.” She deposited Gusto in a carseat she happened to have in that area of the warehouse.

Frank observed that she had probably made preparations for this last night. Back in his younger days, he might have been able to turn this around, but all he could do was watch again as the events unfolded.

What’s going to happen to me?” Ricky trembled.

Well, little Ricky, Mommy Shannon and Mommy Nicole are going to look after you and your baby brother now, but first, Auntie Sam has to hack into reality to delete all your time that occurred shortly after your birth, which yes, will turn you back into an adorable little baby which this kind lesbian couple paid Auntie Sam a lot of money for.” Sam replied in a mock-baby voice. “Look on the bright side, you and your brother get to be twins!”

Wh-hhy us?” Ricky stammered.

You were very rude to me the other night at the bar,” Nicole explained, “Using that kind of language in front of my wife. It’s very fortunate that this came up during Shannon’s therapy sessions with Sam, along with our wish to adopt a baby, or I wouldn’t be as forgiving. No worries, though, we will make sure this time around you and your brother know what not to say to a married woman.”

Frank cursed himself for not bringing any sort of recording device, which he could now afford, thanks to this job which he had just performed, and had ironically made this event possible. All he could do was watch as the couple looked on in excitement, Sam typed feverishly into her laptop, and Ricky struggled as his time started to reverse.

No! No! NOOOooo!” Ricky protested. The captive grew smaller and higher pitched over the next few minutes. What felt like seconds later, Frank could hear high pitched wailing from the newly minted baby Ricky.

Oh, my gosh, he’s so adorable!” Nicole swooned as Sam made sure to integrate the finishing touches, implementing Nicole’s features into his face.

Frank witnessed Nicole pick up Ricky, diaper, then clothe him. Ricky wouldn’t stop wailing. “He doesn’t remember anything, does he?” she asked Sam.

If he does remember anything, it won’t be much,” Sam explained, “I’ve deleted all his life after his birth from reality. It might take a little while for his brain to align with his new reality, but with the brain of a baby, that shouldn’t take long at all.” The couple laughed.

Shannon, quick word?” Sam asked as Nicole cooed at her new bundle of joy, calming him down.

Shannon nodded and the two retreated to a corner.

Looks like you got a detective involved with my work...”

I didn’t mean to! It was Ricky who sent him my way-” she was silenced by Sam.

I get it, we didn’t expect Frank to get involved, but now he is,” Sam explained, “and he knows too much. The guy struck me as super reclusive, but it would be very unfortunate if he’s told anyone else.”

We’re paying you extra for this-”

Yes, yes you are, but as the saying goes, loose lips sink ships.”

You’re not going to turn me into a-”

Oh, no. Relax. Just going to take the last week off of you.” Sam patted her shoulder, “One week younger!”

I won’t remember anything from last week?” Shannon asked.

It’s for the best,” Sam replied, “Not even the villain underworld knows about this aspect of my abilities.” Sam lightly typed into her laptop, Shannon seemed a little dazed afterwards, but as Sam was not removing a lot from her, she recovered as if from a dizzy spell. After Nicole paid Sam for her work, the same was done to her.

The couple thanked Sam before leaving with their new twins.

Looks like I have a detective to find.” Sam breathed as the ladies left the warehouse, Frank decided this was the time to leave.

Knowing that Hacker had the resources to find him wherever he went, Frank returned to his office, as fitting a place as any for him to meet his end. Perhaps Sam would be merciful and just erase the last few days from him, or even turning him into a baby wouldn’t be the end of the world, granted it would suck. She could outright kill him too, but at this point Frank was resigned to his fate. As his office door opened, Frank remained silent.

I heard you actually had found Billy,” Sam said, “while I’m pissed you lied about that, I will give you that I find that fairly impressive, which leads me to believe you actually do have a superpower...”

Frank slowly put his hands up as Sam got out her laptop, “I swear I haven’t told anyone. Are you going to kill me?”

Pfft, if I wanted to do that, that’s what guns are for,” Sam replied, “I might be on the wrong side of the law, but I don’t actually want to hurt anyone, I just don’t believe superpowers should be as restricted as they currently are. Ricky and Billy got what was coming to them,” she sighed, typing on her keyboard, “I made a couple women very happy, plus erased their memories that they’re just raising recycled lowlifes, and got richer from it. If anything, everyone came out on top.”

You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Frank said in a defeated tone, “What are you going to do to me?”

Well, my intent for now is to strike the information you have about me from your memory, but I actually want to hear the story of Frank the Detective,’ Sam stated, “I see here that you call your power unobservable, but from all the data I have on it, it seems rather impressive for a stealth-based superpower. Do you know how it works?”

Frank shook his head, “I just use it to avoid detection, I can apply it to other people, and objects, but that’s my limit.”

Sam nodded, “Let’s start with the day you came to my office. I take it Ricky sent you?”

Yes,” Frank affirmed, “Ricky commissioned me. I doubt he knows about my power though.”

Knew,” Sam corrected him, “Ricky is now a baby too. The boys will be raised by fine parents who have their best interests in mind.” Sam returned to her interrogation, “How did you find out what happened to Billy?”

Frank sighed, there was no point in lying, “I followed you,” he confessed, “I saw your battle with Gusto.”

Sam’s eyes widened, “So you know that Carter-”

Isn’t actually your son, yes. I know who ‘Carter’ really is.” Frank breathed. “I also saw what happened with Ricky, stuck around for that.”

Sam stared at Frank, “You haven’t told anyone?” she questioned, “I won’t kill you, but i need to know.”

Frank hesitated, he wasn’t about to give up Kevin. “No, I haven’t,” he lied.

Sam massaged her temples, “Why haven’t you told anyone? Isn’t it your legal obligation?”

My career wouldn’t have survived,” Frank explained, “I’m barely making it as it is.”

Sam’s eyes darted back and forth. “Well, guess you pass. I just can’t let you know what you know.”

What’s that supposed-” Frank was cut off as electricity surged through his body.



End Chapter 3

Power Struggle

by: Mr. D | Story In Progress | Last updated Feb 12, 2022


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