Well Wishes

by: Benji | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 3, 2013

Chapter 5
Boyhood Prolonged

Chapter Description: After another setback to his plan for returning to adulthood, Shane gets to spend more time with Robbie and Jon. That's a plus, right?

Waking from a sound sleep the next morning, Shane is confused to find the ceiling so close until he remembered going to bed the previous night in the top bunk in a bunk-bed in his new friend’s room.

As he rested for a few more moments, staring at the ceiling only a few feet from his face, he remembered being told that he had to take the top bunk. He had worried all night he’d fall out!

He rolled over and looked over the edge of the top bunk. To his surprise, he found Robbie already awake and dressed.

When Robbie noticed him, he immediately placed a finger over his mouth.

"Dad’s asleep. He really does NOT like noise in the morning."

Shane remembered more now, especially about his unexpected discovery that Robbie’s dad is another employee at his own workplace. He sat up in his bunk and saw that Robbie had thoughtfully laid out some clothes for him in the chair in front of a desk placed at the second-floor room’s window.

"Still wanna go to the park?" Robbie asked. He’s carrying around a glass of milk and has a white mustache on his upper lip.

Shane nodded. "Yeah, we should," he said. He felt a smile form on his face as he thought back on the fun time they had had yesterday evening.

"We can go play, do the slides and tag and....well, afterwards, you know..."

"What?" Robbie asked. He finished the glass of milk and put the empty glass on his desk.

"We just need to make sure we take a couple of dimes and make a wish, you know," Shane said. "We’ll have some more fun, but then you have to make me big again."

A grin formed on Robbie’s face as he patted his pocket. "Already got them."

"Oh." Shane hadn’t expected to confront reality so quickly. After he had gotten over the shock of finding himself a kid again, most everything had been great fun.

Some things, like finding himself smaller than his teenage neighbor and much smaller than Robbie’s dad, had been odd and disconcerting but at the same time arousing and intoxicating.

"Cool," Shane said flatly.

His stomach rumbled. "Hey, can I have some milk, too?"

"Get dressed," Robbie instructed. "I’ll go get your milk."

After Robbie left the room, Shane tossed back the covers and climbed to the floor of his friend’s bedroom. He retrieved the clothes Shane had chosen for him. They include a pair of tight-whitey boy’s briefs, as well as an obviously borrowed pair of Robbie’s shorts and a T-shirt bearing the likeness of a blue platypus that looked somewhat familiar.

He had finished pulling on the clothes just as Robbie returned with another full glass of milk.

Shane accepted the glass, but he slopped some of the milk over the rim of the glass. As he struggled to get a grasp on the glass, he needed to use both hands.

"You like milk, too, eh?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah," Shane said, grinning at his new friend and wearing his own milk mustache. He could feel it on my lip, but he didn’t care. Since his adventure will end as soon as they get back to the park, he may as well enjoy the remaining time of being a kid while it lasts.

"Ready to go?"

He nodded. "Sure."

"Let’s go," he whispered.

Following his friend’s lead, he sneaked downstairs behind Robbie. Or, it felt like sneaking, because Robbie insisted they tiptoe past his father’s room.

As they maintained their code of silence, a creak in the old, wooden floorboards under Robbie’s foot made them freeze right outside the open door to his dad’s room.

Shane couldn’t help himself. He peeked into the big room for a look at Robbie’s dad sleeping in the king-sized bed. As he did, he felt another exhilarating rush of that hero worship.

Suddenly, Steve groaned and rolled over. The covers slid free and showed the big, bulky man’s bare shoulder and upper back.

"Oh god," Shane thought silently. "It’ll be weird to see him on Monday."

His thoughts are interrupted by a tug on his arm. "C’mon," Robbie urged in a whisper.

Shane took one last look into the shadowy room, seeing Steve with his face buried in the pillow.

He found that he realized he was very much going to miss Steve being taller than him.

Another tug at his arm convinced him, reluctantly, to continue making his way with Robbie out of the house.

Once they are outside on the front porch, Shane looked at his friend and burst out with a challenge to race to the park. More than anything, he just want to push his young body. He just wants to run.

Robbie agreed, and both boys set out at a fast pace toward the park.

Shane felt great, and he soon left Robbie far behind. In almost no time, he pulled within view of the park. He let out a loud "whoop" as he closed in on victory.

Then, his progress ground to a halt as he encountered an unexpected obstacle. Overnight, someone has erected a four-foot fence of construction wire around the playground area.

As he stood frozen to the spot, looking around the scene, he noticed bulldozers and several burly construction workers inside the fenced playground.

"Hey!" Shane called out in a loud, piping voice. "What’s going on?"

Robbie caught up to him. "What’s going on?" The boy whispered.

Shane pushed his fingers through the chain link fence.

"Hey!" Robbie exclaimed. "A fence!"

Some of the big guys were dismantling the swings.

Shane peeked through and tried to see what’s going on.

"What are they doing to the park?" Shane cried out.

Robbie shrugged.

"But we gotta get in there!" Shane exclaimed. "That’s where we made the wish!"

He wandered along the fence, searching for an entry point.

"I don’t see a gate or anything," Robbie told him.

Finally, Shane saw an opening in the fence. He ducked inside and managed to cover about half the distance between the fence and the playground before a giant mitt clamped on his shoulder, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"Hey, kid! You can’t be in here!"

Shane turned to face a big guy. No, not just big, but huge, even bigger than Steve.

He stared up at the guy, dumbfounded. "But... I gotta... I need to make a wish."

"Kid, you gotta have a helmet to be in here."

Playfully, the huge guy took off his own hardhat and placed it on Shane’s head.

Shane, confused and perplexed, tried to look up, but the big helmet slid down and covered his eyes.

"See? It don’t fit you very well," the big guy teased, scooping his helmet off Shane’s head.

With his helmet back on his head, the huge construction worker escorted him back outside the fenced area.

"But...but... I need to make a wish. It’ll only take a second! Please!"

"Kid, see that guy over there," the guy told him. "He’s the foreman, and he’s one mean...um...guy."


The huge man crossed his arms over his massive chest and stared down at him. He kept his body in place to block the gap in the fence.

"You need to scoot," the man said. He punctuated his statement by reaching behind Shane’s back and whacking him on the seat of his shorts.

Shane turned to Robbie. His heart has started racing.

He hoped for some action from his friend, but Robbie only fiddled with his pocket.

"Please," he said again. "It’ll only take a second, mister. Please? We got the coins right here."

"No," Robbie said in a low voice. "We don’t."

"Huh?" Shane jerked his head back toward his friend. "What do you mean?"

"I wore my pants with the hole in the pocket."

"You did what?" His voice raised sharply, making him sound very much like a shrieking kid. "What happen’d to ’em?"

The big construction worker, ignoring everything, has almost walked Shane outside the fence.

Shane tried to look past him, but he realized that trying to get past the muscle-bound worker would be like trying to scale a brick wall.

He made one last attempt to reason with the man, when something really unexpected happened. The man swooped him off his feet.

Shane’s legs kicked helplessly as he felt the big man’s hands holding him beneath his armpits.

In one swift movement, the man then planted him down on the other side of the wall.

"That’s it!" The man said gruffly. "Now, scoot! Both of you! Vamoose!"

Robbie didn’t wait to be told again. He raced away, not even waiting for Shane.

Admitting defeat, Shane turned and walked away. He saw Robbie sulking near a large tree.

He raced toward his friend. "What are we gonna do, Robbie?"

Robbie looked back toward the busy activity inside the fence. "We have to do what they say," he said. "They’re grown-ups, and we’re just kids."

"But I can’t stay like this!"

"Well, they can’t work forever..."

Shane smiled. "You’re right!"

"Let’s just go to your home," Robbie suggested. "We can come back later."

He glanced back toward the enclosed playground. It’s probably 11 in the morning. They’ll probably work until 5 or so.

"Well, OK, but we’ll come back later, right?"

"Sure...and I will let you bring the dimes," Robbie said. "I can’t believe I wore the pants with the hole in the pocket. That’s how I lost my laser-light pointer."

"Oh, I have one of those! At my house!" Shane said. Then, his grin widened. "I should go get it for you - you can have it!

"Well, OK..." Robbie said, but he sounded uncertain.

"It’s not too far from here," Shane told him.

"Yeah, sounds good. I’d like to see your place."

Glad for a chance to be the leader, Shane smiled. "Just follow me."

They take a round-about way to Shane’s home. They are both easily distracted by things along the way, including a large bullfrog at a small pond.

Although the shock of being denied access to the all-important wishing well had rattled Shane for a few moments, he found that he can be easily distracted, with so many cool things to see. He’s not used to seeing the neighborhood like this.

"Check this out!" Robbie exclaimed. He chased after the frog, which leaped from the muddy bank of the pond into deeper water.

Neither Shane or Wade want to wade out, and the sun’s getting much hotter now.

Robbie dared Shane to go in after the elusive amphibian.

"Why don’t you?" Shane countered.

"I said it first," Robbie said, as if that settled the argument.

"Oh, I get it," Shane said. Then, with a sly smile, he asked, "Are you chicken?"

"No!" Robbie insisted.

He frowned. "Oh, OK," Shane said.

Shane watched, impressed Robbie fell for his taunt.

Shane removed his shoes and stepped into the pond. He felt the mud squish between his toes. Turning back toward Robbie, he said, "See? It’s not so bad."

Robbie, finding a fallen log part way into the pond, used it to get out a little farther.

"That’s cheating," Shane said.

Trying to balance, Robbie retorted, "It’s not...."

He didn’t finish his statement. He slipped and fell forward, landing face-first into the algae-covered pond, causing a huge splash that also had the effect of thoroughly soaking his friend.

He scrambled to his feet, spluttering and wiping the green slime off his face. He looked quite unhappy, but then his face went white.

"Help," he said, as he seemed to sink into the water. "Shane! I think I’m stuck."

Shane lifted his feet out of the mud and took a few tentative steps closer to Robbie, who kept struggling. He knew better than to get too close. They could both end up stuck.

He stretched out his hand, but could not quite reach his friend.

"Hurry!" Robbie urged.

The water got colder and the mud squished and sucked down his bare feet.

"Please," Robbie cried. "It might be quicksand."

Shane froze. "Really?"

"Shane! Help!"

Robbie remained too far to reach. Shane sucked it up and waded in deeper.

The squishy mud oozed between his toes, but he didn’t sink.

"All right, Robbie, just listen to me," he said. "I am going to reach and pull you out. OK?"

"Please, hurry..."

He reached out his hand, and their fingers connected. He felt Robbie’s strong grasp.

"All right..."

Suddenly, with jubilant glee, Robbie screamed, "Gotcha!"

Unexpectedly, Shane felt Robbie pull him forward, and he landed in the icky pond water.

While his friend is still spitting out water and wiping his face, Robbie stood and walked to the edge of the pond, revealing the extent of his deceit. Before he even got out, Robbie started giggling.

A thoroughly soaked Shane felt his face grow hot.

"No fair, you big faker!" He yelled at the other boy.

"Got you back!"

"I knew there wasn’t any real quicksand," Shane mumbled as he emerged from the pond, trying to save face.

He picked up his borrowed shoes and faced the prospect of walking back home in clothing now sopping wet.

Every now and then, Robbie still giggled, delighted at his trick on his new friend.

The giggles proved infectious, and he laughed harder when he compared their footprints in the mud at the edge of the pond. For the most part, the imprints of their small feet looked almost identical.

"Hey, Robbie. It’s kinda weird that we’re the same size, isn’t it?"

The other boy shrugged. "I guess so..."

Shane grew frustrated, trying to explain to the boy. "I mean, when I was nine before, I was a lot bigger. But now, I am so small. Much smaller than I remember being as a real boy."

"You were?’

"Yes," Shane said fervently. "I was never this small. "I was big like your dad must’ve been when he was a kid."

"Oh, yeah," Robbie said. "He always says that my brother is like he was at that age."

"But it doesn’t make sense!" Shane said, refusing to let go of the topic.

"Must have been more of the wish. If you had been bigger than me, you might not have wanted to be my friend."

Robbie trudged away from the pond, and Shane hurried to keep up.

"That’s so stupid, dude," Shane said. He punched Robbie’s shoulder. "I woulda still been your friend!"

"Oow!" Robbie said.

"That didn’t hurt!" Shane exclaimed. "Big faker."

They both giggled as they left the park. Shane’s worries about the delay in growing back to normal were almost forgotten. He didn’t even mind having to wear clothes that still dripped pond water.

They soon reached his house. They walked up the sidewalk through the front yard and almost reached the front door.

"Oh, there’s my little helper!" Jon’s loud voice took them by surprise.

Shane stopped so quickly that Robbie bumped into him.

"And, look at this," Jon continued. "You brought more help!"

Shane had forgotten about Jon.

Robbie hung back, intimidated by the huge, shirtless 17-year-old teenager.

"Oh, hey," Shane said, feeling hot in the face again. "Jon."

The teenager gave a quick survey of the two boys. "What happened to the two of you?"

Shane couldn’t take his eyes off Jon, who was wearing loose cargo shorts, the waistband riding high over his beltless waist. In Shane’s eyes, at least, he certainly didn’t look anything like he had looked before the wish.

"I knocked, but looks like your uncle’s not home...again!"

Shane only caught the last of the comment. He forced his gaze to lower down to his own bare feet.

"Oh, right - he... ummm... - he said he had to work today," Shane said, trying to think quickly. "That’s why I was staying over with my friend, Robbie."

"Well, you two can’t go inside looking like that!" Jon said. "Follow me..."

Jon headed into the backyard, and Shane followed, although he bristled somewhat with the teenager giving him orders about whether he could go into his own home. But, knowing he can’t object too strongly, he chose to follow. He beckoned at Robbie, who fell in line along with him.

He had forgotten about Jon, and he admitted he didn’t mind spending more time getting to know the teenager from a different perspective.

"Yeah, I am glad I remembered to come home," Shane thought to himself, but suddenly, his daydreaming got a cold awakening.

Jon directed the garden hose on the nine-year-old boy.

"AIGHGHGHGGHGHGHH!" Shane shrieked.

Jon didn’t falter in the least. He turned the hose and began spraying down Robbie, too.

"Now, hold still...god, you all must have been mud-wrestling," Jon said.

"We....we went wading in the pond down at the park," Shane explained in a sheepish manner.

"Wading," Jon said and grinned. "Yeah, I see."

Shane looked at Robbie, and a little telepathy passed between them. Robbie ducked forward and grabbed the hose from Jon’s hand, and quickly turned the tables.

Shane dashed forward, took charge of the hose from Robbie, and helped him spray Jon.

After his initial surprise, which he took with good humor, Jon smoothly regained the upper hand. He easily tackled Shane, sweeping the boy off his feet and turned the hose, still in Shane’s hand, back onto the kid.

He wrapped his bare arms around Shane, who responded by yelling to Robbie for help.

"Hey, bet you’d like to spray ol’ Seamus, right?" Jon asked.

"Who’s Seamus?" Robbie responded.

Feet kicking in the air, trying to wriggle free, Shane again called for help. "I’m Seamus," he yelled, trying to preserve the little white lie he had told the teenager.

Jon kicked the hose to Robbie, still holding on tight to the kid he assumed to be his next-door-neighbor’s nephew.

Jon kept his hold on the small boy and let Robbie spray him thoroughly with the hose.

"Stop," Shane spluttered. "Stop."

Finally, the deluge stopped. Jon had turned off the hose.

Jon laughed and fell onto the grass, and rested there. Of course, he pulled Shane down, too.

"Ooof!" Shane grunted as he landed on the grass next to the wet, half-naked muscular teenager.

Jon laughed, but eventually he let go of his grip on Shane, who got to his feet and stood next to Robbie, who joined him at staring down at Jon.

The handsome teenager gazed up at them and grinned. "Well, now you two are squeaky clean, at least."

"Yeah, and wet!" Shane shouted with boyish spirit.

"Well, go in and change. Then, get back out here and start pulling weeds." The teenager jumped back to his feet, where he stretched and flexed his muscles.

Size seemed to have an hypnotic effect on Shane, who could not look away. There’s Robbie’s dad, the security guard, and Jon! They are both so amazing when he compared his new size to them.

"This is so cool," he said aloud.

"What is?" Jon asked, looking amused.

"Just you...I mean, getting to help you."

Jon reached down and mussed Shane’s damp hair. "You’re a good kid."

He walked with Robbie into the house, but before he could open the door, he realized something important.

"I don’t have any clothes that will fit us," he told Robbie.

"And peel off those wet clothes," Jon ordered. "I don’t want your uncle jumping on my case for letting you all drip over everything."

"We will," Shane promised.

Jon looked skeptical and stepped forward.

"Take them off now," he ordered. "Leave them on the deck in the back and let the sun dry them out."

Robbie complied as instructed, except for his underpants. When Shane saw his friend looking so awkward and scrawny, he sighed and pushed down his cargo shirts and then removed the T-shirt.

Jon scooped up their clothing and handed the wet garments to Shane.

"Now, you two get changed and you can lend me a hand."

As he left, he slapped Shane’s butt through the soaked briefs.

"C’mon, Shane," Robbie whispered. "Unlock the door and let us in."

Fortunately, Jon didn’t hear Robbie call him Shane.

He unlooped the key necklace over his head and unlocked the door.

Their bare feet slapped over the floors as they walked through the house to the deck in the backyard. Shane, as instructed, started hanging the wet clothes on the railing.

"Don’t you know how to do laundry?" Robbie asked.

Shane brightened at once. "Oh - yah!  We can do that!"

"Where’s the washer and dryer?"

Shane, surprised, had to think for a moment. "Oh, it’s this way," he said, and pointed down the hallway to the utility room.

He realized that Robbie’s a very self-reliant kid. Must come from having to fend for himself a lot with his father working nights

"Well, we don’t need to wash them," Robbie said with a giggle. He opened the dryer and put their clothes inside.

"I guess we should dry these underpants, too," he said, although he obviously didn’t want to remove them.

Shane saw some folded towels on a shelf. He walked over to grab two towels, but he needed to stretch on tiptoe to reach them.

"Here," he said, handing a towel to Robbie.

They both stripped off their underpants, which joined their other clothes in the dryer. With the huge, fluffy towels wrapped around their skinny waists, they walked back into the living room.

"You have a cool house!"

Shane pulled his towel tighter and joined Robbie on the big leather sofa.

Shane felt bothered by the nagging thought that he is wrapped in a too-big towel, having dripped all over the floor. Surely, he reasoned, some big guy is going to come out and yell at them.

"Can we watch some TV?"

Shane grabbed the remote, but when he looked at it, he could not remember the right settings. He stared at the plastic device, and again felt really strange.

"It feels really weird to be here," he whispered to Robbie.


He shrugged, and then he focused on the remote again.

"We have one like it at home," Robbie said, and took control of the device. He quickly turned on the TV and began surfing through channels.

"Who is Jon?" Robbie asked as he kept zapping through the channels.

"Oh, he’s the kid next door - he mows my lawn and stuff," Shane said.


"Yes," Shane said.

"My brother and I have to mow the lawn," Robbie said.

Shane grinned as he remembered an important fact. "I gave him his first afterschool job - back when he wasn’t much older than us," he explained.

"You got any games?" Robbie asked, having learned all he needed to know about Jon.

"Not really," he said.

"It’s all right, we can watch TV then. You have a huge TV!"

"Yes, it’s pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah. I guess having a TV like this might be worth being a grown-up."

"Can’t you find anything to watch?" Shane asked. He’s started to feel antsy.

He climbed on the couch and jumped a little on the upholstery.

"So," he said. "This is where I live - it’s got a kitchen..." He pointed toward the kitchen as he jumped again. "And two bedrooms..." He twisted and pointed down the hallway. "And this big living room, and a garage and all that stuff..."

"Doesn’t look very fun," Robbie said. "I can’t believe you don’t have any games."

"I can get some," he said confidently.

"I don’t know. They’re expensive. I only get one on my birthdays and at Christmas."


"But I guess you can spend time with your neighbor, Jon," Robbie said. "He seemed nice."

"Uh, well, not really," he said. "I don’t get to spend time with him - he just mows the lawn."

"So, you’re not friends with him?"

It struck him then how he had never really paid any attention to Jon. He kept jumping, his body working to shed excess energy.

"No, not friends, not really."

Suddenly, in mid-leap, his towel fell off.

Robbie giggled, getting a good look at Shane’s privates and his bare butt.

Shane felt embarrassed, and the red glow suffused his cheeks as he grabbed quickly for his towel.

He sat back down, mortified at what had just happened.

"Jon seems to like you now," Robbie said.

"I dunno - I guess he does, but not really," he said. "He thinks I’m really a little kid."

"You are a little kid," Robbie reminded him.

"Well, yes, but I told you," Shane said. "I was bigger before. You know, the first time I was a kid."

Robbie reasoned it out. "Yeah, when you were a grownup, Jon was just some teenager," he said aloud. "And now he isn’t going to want to spend time with a little boy."

Somehow, Robbie’s comment disappointed him. "I guess you’re right," he said.

"He’s probably like my brother," Robbie said. "He says I’m just a little kid, and he never likes to spend time with me."

"Yeah," Shane said. "But you’ve got other friends, right Robbie?"

"Nah, not really."

"Faker!" Shane shouted. "I bet you have lots of friends!"

"I’m not a faker."

"So, you really don’t have a lot of friends?"

"So?" Robbie asked. "Doesn’t matter to me."

Shane shrugged. When he thought about it, looking around his big guy home, he realized that he doesn’t have that many friends. He hardly ever sees his brother, and he’s managed to lose touch with most of his college friends. At the workplace, everyone’s just a co-worker, not friends.

Suddenly, no warning, Robbie lunged at him and pinned him to the sofa cushions.

"Hey!" He protested.

Wrestling, they rolled off the sofa and onto the floor. He still ended up beneath the slightly larger boy, and although he tried to push Robbie off, it appeared that all his wrestling moves have melted away with the rest of his size.

With ridiculous ease, he pinned him. "Wow, you’re really bad at wrestling," Robbie said, giggling.

Shane tried to wiggle out, but Robbie wrestled kept him pinned.

Finally, he did remember a couple of moves, but they’re pretty well matched in weight and strength.

Suddenly, Robbie’s weight is removed. Before Shane can react, two strong arms reached down and hoisted him off the floor.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed as he realized Jon has grabbed him and is holding him with his feet dangling just off the floor.

However, he stopped kicking when he felt the towel start to loosen.

"Couple of goof-offs, eh?" Jon asked playfully.

"Hey! Put me down!" Shane cried, afraid he will lose his towel again. Being exposed in front of this big teenager would be totally humiliating.

Instead, Jon lifted him even higher.

"What do you weigh? 90 pounds?" Jon asked.

He can feel the towel inching away from his waist. "Jon, please, put me down."

Jon laughed, and returned the boy to the floor.

"I just came in for a drink of water," he said. He turned and walked to the kitchen.

Robbie and Shane followed him. Shane, in particular, watched as Jon leaned back against the sink after removing a bottled water from the fridge.

His chest looked damp and glistening.

"So..." Shane started, but he felt himself go dumb and tongue-tied again. "Umm, we’re drying our clothes."

"Yeah...thanks to me," Robbie piped up. "Since he doesn’t know how to do laundry."

To Shane’s dismay, Jon grinned. "Well, he just knows enough to let someone else do it."

"Shut up, Robbie - I do so!"

Jon stretched and flexed again. Shane admired the flow of the teenager’s muscles.

"Anyway, I suppose your uncle WILL be home, eventually?" Jon asked. "I mean, I know he will pay me, but I have some big plans for the weekend..."

"Uh - yah," Shane said. "He will be home, but not for a while..."


"He said he has to work really late," Shane said, but then got mesmerized when Jon flexed his biceps

"Well, he’s got to check on you, right?" Jon said, and he winked down. He saw how Shane watched his every move, and he enjoyed the boy’s ill-disguised admiration.

"Oh, yeah, he does," Shane said. "I mean, he does check. In fact, we just saw him this morning, he made breakfast and oatmeal and all sorts of stuff."

Robbie gasped, but then stopped himself before he corrected his friend.

Jon raised an eyebrow. "That so?" The teenager stretched his arms over his head, making his abs flex, too. "I thought you said you spent the night at Robbie’s house?"

Robbie rolled his eyes.

Shane felt that his tongue was too big for his mouth as he stared at Jon’s naked upper body. It hadn’t dawned on him that the 17-year-old might be a bit of an exhibitionist.

Jon, subtly noting Shane’s reactions, kept showing off, noticing the little boy’s rapt attention.

He flexed his biceps. "Want to feel?"

He dropped onto one knee.

Shane felt his much-reduced manhood spring to life in the folds of the large, fluffy towel. Before he could answer, he heard the shrill buzzer as the dryer announced it had finished drying the wet clothes.

Jon, with a smirk, got back to his feet. "Maybe later, little dude. You two get dressed and we’ll get your uncle’s yard in fine shape."

As the muscular teenager walked out of the house, Shane stood, transfixed, with a hidden hard-on beneath the towel.

"C’mon," Robbie said. "Let’s get changed."

"Uh...umm... you go ahead," Shane said. "I need a moment."



End Chapter 5

Well Wishes

by: Benji | Complete Story | Last updated Jan 3, 2013


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