Megan's New Life

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 19, 2005

Chapter 2
The transformation

Megan’s mom woke later for diner. When Megan stood up, her pants fell to the ground, her panties were hanging off her hips and her shirt and bra felt bigger then they had been. Megan pulled off her clothes so that she could stusy her self in her full size mirror. She started with her hips and waist. They were definitely smaller then they were that morning. Megan looked at her stomach and relized that she had gotten skinnier. Megan then looked at her chest. What she saw made her gasp. Her breast had been reduced a full cup size. She then looked at her face and realized that she acne. It had been at least two years scince she had an out break. Megan’s mom knocked on the door again. Megan said, "I will be down in a minute, mom." She realized that she would have to find something to wear that would fit her now slightly deminised body. She opened her closet to find wshat she was looking for. In the back of her closet was a shirt that had belonged to her brother. No one knew she had it. It had always been to big for her, but she knew it was the only thing she had that would stay on her. She pulled it out and slipped it over her head. She pulled her arms through and let go of the hem. She was not shocked that the end of the tee shirt came to her knees. Megan opened her dresser and found her favorite pair of panties. She hessitated for a moment because she had not been able to wear that pair of underwear in over a year. Then she remembered that she was getting smaller. She stepped into the underwear and pulled them into place. She was shocked to discover that they were a perfect fit. She inhaled and said to herself, "Might as well get this over with." She opened her door and walked down stairs to the dining room.

Megan’s mom was shocked by the appearence of her daughter wearing a shirt that came down to her knees. To make matters worse, she didn’t have any pants on at all. Megan’s mom said, "Where did you get that shirt? And why don’t you have any pants on?"

Megan said, "I not wearing any pants because none of my pants fit me any more. This shirt belonged to Kevin. He gave it to me before he left. It is the only thing I have that will cover me. None of my clothes fit. This may be hard to belive, but I am getting smaller, actually it is more like younger. It is a long story. You probably won’t belive me. I’m still not sure if I believe it."

Her mom said, "How can you possibly be getting younger. That is not medically possible. People don’t just start aging backwards. If you are trying to lose wait for some reason or another, just tell me. I’ll understand."

Megan replied, "See, I told you. You don’t believe me. Sara and Ryan tested their science project on me. It is suppose to make the test subject, in this case me, younger.Sara said that it worked on her cat, but they needed human test subjects before the project was due."

Her mother said, "What like a youth seroum or something? Don’t be crazy. There is no way that something like that could work. Now that is enough of this crazy talk. Eat your diner before it gets cold." Megan and her mother ate diner in complete silence.

When she finished eating, Megan stood up and went to her room. She looked at the mirror. She noticed that she had shrunk two inches during diner. She realized that she would be in her early to mid teens by the time she went to bed. This thought scared the living daylighs out of her. She did not want to go through puberty in reverse. The idea of having to grow up a second time, left Megan completely speechless. She did not know there was a camera in the bear sitting on her desk.

Sara sat at her computer watching Megan grow younger by the minute. She already knew that the liquid would make a person younger. she didn’t know just how young Megan would get as a result. Sara said to herself, "Ryan, you are genuos. Testing the formula on Megan was a great idea." Sara’s phone rang. She answered it. She said, "Hello...Oh, hi, Ryan...I waas just thinking about you.....Yes....I’m watching her now...It won’t be long now...I’ll talk to you tommorrow...Okay. Bye." She hung up the phone and watched as Megan gave into the unavoidable. Megan went to bed. Sara fell asleep at her desk.

The next morning, Megan got up and looked at her relfectiopn in the mirror. She saw a girl no older then ten staring back at her. She screamed. Her mother came running into the room. Megan was upset that her former boyfriend had done this to her. Her mother was shocked to find a ten year old Megan standing there looking into the mirror. Megan began to cry. Her mother tried to comfort her.

Sara woke up and looked at her screen. A wicked smile came acroos her face. She picked up her phone and called Ryan. When Ryan answered his phone, she said, "Hey, it’s Sara....Megan looks like she is about nine or ten or so...This means that it works...We are so getting an A...Well, I’ll call you later...See you tonight...Bye." Everything was going acording to Sara’s plan.

Megan’s mom tried to confort her, but nothing worked. She realized that none of Megan’s clothes would fit her in her pressent condition. She said, "Megan, I’m going to go buy you some clothes. I think I can still remember what size you were when you were ten. I’ll be back later."



End Chapter 2

Megan's New Life

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Oct 19, 2005


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