Too much tv is bad 4 you

by: Andie | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2009

Chapter 5

Chapter Description: How it works and what happens when there is a snaffoo with the regression.

A beautiful Saturday morning began as the sun’s light poured through Andrea’s bedroom window.

The young lady tossed and turned in her bed. As she opened her eyes she felt a bit confused. Looking around the room, it wasn’t quite as she remembered it. The 16 year old threw her covers off and sat up on the edge of her bed, looking around as a sense of fear overtook her. Where was she!? How had she gotten here?! This definitely wasn’t the room she had fallen asleep in last night. Yet it seemed strangely familiar at the same time. She remembered turning on the tv in her old room and roaming through until she settled on watching... Hannah Montana? Something weird was going on. Andrea ran out the door and down the stairs into the kitchen. There she found her mom and dad sitting down to breakfast. Nancy looked up and greeted what she thought to be her 16 year old daughter by the looks of her.

What she didn’t know was that Andrea should have been only 12 but the regression wasn’t complete due to her falling asleep. The tv could only affect an active mind and body. When she fell asleep her body wasnt changed and her mind not altered, leaving her with a 16 year old daughter in a 12 year olds room!

Andrea screamed that there was something wrong in her room, everything was replaced by kiddie things! She thought it was a joke pulled by her parents and she yelled at them so loud the whole neighborhood might as well have heard.

Nancy calmly walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a small bottle and syringe. She walked behind Andrea and bent over...

Andrea was still screaming about how this was a cruel joke and paid no attention to what was happening behind her. She just wanted everything back to normal this very instant! Just as Andrea was about to scream her next sentence she jumped in the air and screamed in pain! Something had pricked her. She spun around to face her mom who was kneeling down on the floor. Nancy looked up and apologized. Mr Sweetz, the family pet had scratched Andrea while Nancy was trying to give him his hairball medicine.

This set Andrea off on another tangent. Apparently the regression had had no effect on her rudeness. She was still as disrespectful now as she had been at the age of 19.

No problem though, the tv could solve this if they could just get her back in front of it. Andrea sat down at the table as Hunter brought her some toast with jelly. After a few bites she put it down and got up to go get a drink. Hunter came up to the sink just as Andrea seemingly fainted. He caught her and picked her up, smiling at Nancy. You could tell this was a team effort because Hunter, right before he served it, sprinkled a fast acting drug onto the toast to make Andrea pass out. Happy with the results, Hunter carried Andrea up to her room, Nancy following close behind.

They tucked her into bed and then turned on the tv! Hunter and Nancy without looking at the tv themselves, hurried from the room.

While Andrea slept the tv played a station that didnt cater to the tween audience anymore. No this station catered to a much younger level of intelligence. The station in question...

Toon Disney!

Sure enough, the glow illuminated from the tv and the room began to change.........



End Chapter 5

Too much tv is bad 4 you

by: Andie | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 27, 2009


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