Discuss: Old archive


Old archive

Sean Reeves · Jan 11, 2024

For some reason, I can’t access the old archive. I want to know if everyone else is having the same problem?

RE: Old archive

Sean Reeves · Jan 11, 2024

I hope they fix it

RE: Old archive

vended · Feb 6, 2024

Any news on it, Heidegger ? I think we wouldn't mind losing the old one if we could have access to our favorite stories list on the new, but without it, losing access to the old archive is quite the bummer. I hope you can fix it.

RE: Old archive

Heidegger · Feb 20, 2024

Sadly, the software has reached the end of its life. I can't get it to run anymore. In somewhat better news, I have all of the databases and files from it backed up so if there is a story on there that is missing from the new site, let me know. I will look into if there is any way to make the favorites from the old site work on the new one. It might take a while, but as soon as I figure out if it is possible, I will let you all know.

RE: Old archive

Sebtomato · Feb 24, 2024

Thank you Heidegger for doing what you can. I like how this site has become a safe place for writers posting their multi-part blockbusters :) I've tried to like Discord, and commend anyone for making a contribution to AR but ararchive is more my speed.

RE: Old archive

vended · Feb 26, 2024

Thanks Heidegger. I'm glad you backed it up, and I sure hope you will be able to implement favorites.

RE: Old archive

BBoy · Jul 8, 2024

Is there anyway of getting the old ARAchive Images section back? I'd love to go through the old PixChic collection.

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