Discuss: Is anybody else using either TOR or private mode Firefox having trouble accessing the story lists?


Is anybody else using either TOR or private mode Firefox having trouble accessing the story lists?

TheFurEffect · Jan 31, 2022

I either use private mode Firefox tabs or TOR to access the website and whenever I go to click on sorting stories by alphabetical order I can only access the first page of "a" and every other letter or page 2 of "a" gives me a 500 sever error screen. Same with sorting by date. Last updated works perfectly, oddly enough. Is this because of my choice of browser or is it an actual problem? I doubt many people here use TOR for this site, but if anyone else does, have you had a similar experience or am I just always unlucky?

RE: Is anybody else using either TOR or private mode Firefox having trouble accessing the story lists?

Heidegger · Jan 31, 2022

I tracked down the issue and fixed it. Let me know if you see any other bugs like this or if any listings are still not working correctly,

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