Messed Up

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 4, 2008

Inspired by Tainted Sins, Long Rifle, Oni and friends...

Chapter 1
The Whole Story

Chapter Description: All the chaps in one story

Chapter 1

There she was. A cute girl of about 17, with the biggest ego in the school. She was right most the time though, she was the most popular girl in school and any guy she wanted in the school was hers. Jennifer walked down the school liked she owned it, and the other students treated her that way. Steve watched as she strutted by his locker. She was a babe, but would need some work in order to be his. You see unknown to his classmates, Steve did run the school. Through mind control Steve had manipulated anyone he needed to, in order to gain total power. Jennifer was his next target.

Now people with strong wills needed weakening before they could be controlled. Most students in the school were followers, but Jennifer was a strong willed leader. So lately Steve had been weakening Jennifer’s conscience, unknown to her, and finally had her at the point he needed. It all started with simple things like making her drop her pencil when writing during class, and making her put up her hand for no reason at all. Then he moved it up to making her bend over while wearing skirts to touch her toes, during break in the halls, and finally he tried some instructions for later that evening. He made her forget to wear a bra to school one day. After she was ready he made her family weak, so he could get them out of the way when needed. Finally everything was set.

Chapter 2

Jennifer had stopped outside the girls washroom and was talking with some of her friends. It was the perfect time to act. In order to get all his commands in he would have to catch her when she was in one area for a long time.

Steve directed his thoughts at hers.

"Tomorrow morning at 5:30 am you will wet your bed. When you wake up and discover what you have done you will purposely poop yourself. You will then have the mind of a two year old and find the poop the most amazing thing you have ever seen. You will play with it, drawing on the walls, your body and even trying it to see what it tastes like. You will continue playing with it, ignoring everything else, until somebody comes into your room. You will then get incredibly horny and start masturbating, harder and more intense than you ever have before. Once you orgasm you will realize everything you have done, and even though you don’t know why you did it, you will have this small feeling at the back of your mind telling you it was the best thing you ever did."

With that he walked away.

The next day, when Jennifer didn’t show up to school because she was sick, Steve knew his plan had worked.

Chapter 3

Jennifer’s life went from perfect to plain confusing. She was sitting in the office of a phycologist at the hospital. Her mother had decided she should see a shrink after she walked in on her daughter playing with her shit and masturbating.

The shrink found nothing wrong with her though.

She was brought home and had to clean her room. Her comforter was ruined and her sheets needed washing so her mom pulled out one of her older sets.

Jennifer now slept in a pretty Barbie bedspread. About 5 pm that night she was home alone, when there was a knock at the door.

Chapter 4

Steve had to move quick, he had made her parents and younger brother drive out into the country and sleep there overnight in there car. Jennifer seemed really surprised to see Steve at the door, but was even more surprised when she noticed she was peeing her pants.

Steve was pleased to see his commands were immediate. Jennifers blue jeans darkened a couple shades as the pee spread down her leg, and up her butt.

There was no need to pretend now, Steve looked at the embarressed wet girl and smiled. "Lets go inside", he said.

Jennifer was dumbfounded as she led this boy she barely knew into her house. "Take off your pants Jennifer", Steve ordered. Jennifer sudenly felt anger rising up inside her. The nerve of this asshole, telling her to take off her pants, yet the next thing she knew, she was standing in only her panties. Her white cotton panties, with the little flower decal on them, were a dingy yellow now. "What the hell are you doing Steve?" Jennifer asked.

"Come here and don’t resist me, Jennifer." he answered. Jennifer walked over, feeling her damp legs rubbing uncomfortably together. Steve reached down and started to play with Jennifer. Meanwhile he started to prepare her for her new life.

"Do you like having to go to the washroom all the time, Jenny?" He asked. She moaned a no to him, as he knew she would. "Don’t you wish you never had to use the washroom again?" "Don’t you hate when you are in the car and you have to go, of if your camping and you gotta go?" "Do you like the feeling you are getting right now, do you feel good?" A moan signalled a yes. "From now on whenever you pee yourself you will feel as good as you do now, and when you poop yourself you will have an orgasm, but you will never show too much outward passion. Do you understand?... You may now cum Jenny." After letting her orgasm finish he continued. "When you go to sleep tonight you will forget I was ever here tonight Jenny! You will remember, and follow, all my instuctions, but you wont consciously remember them or fulfill them until I say the keywords, ’you little baby’."

Now to set everything in motion. Pulling out a pink pair of frilly panties, with ’Baby Gurl’ decaled onto them, he finished his instuctions. "Tommorrow you will where these panties to school, along with your most sexy skirt. During lunch you will come over to me with your friends and start bullying and mocking me. Do you understand?"

Now that she was programmed he stopped playing with her and decided to have some fun for him. Using his powers he commanded Jennifer come over to him.

Suddenly Jennifer felt incredible attraction to Steve, this guy was going to take away what seemed like the biggest nuisance ever, the washroom. She really hadn’t minded it, but Steve had shown her how much better it was to pee herself, instead of the washroom. Jennifer took Steve and started to kiss him passionatly. Slowly she moved down his body, and undid his fly. She guided his already hard penis out of his pants and started to suck on it. She would take it totally into her mouth, even though it triggered a gag reflex, and made sure her tongue was constantly moving all over it. She had done this before a couple times, but never with this enthusiasm. She suddenly felt him get his hardest, and knew he was about to cum. She had never swallowed a guys cum before but as he shot his into her mouth she could not help swallowing, and then licking him all nice and clean. His cum tasted better than anything she had tried before and want to taste it again. Suddenly though she noticed her wet panties were starting to smell and decided to change into new clothes.

Steve had never had that good of a blow job before, Jennifer had excited every part of him. Taking a moment to recover he then ordered Jennifer to change into fresh clothes, even though it looked like she was ready to give him another blow job.

Once she had changed, he ordered her to forget earlier that night and sit and watch TV, ignoring that he was even in the room. While she watched TV, he made her poop her pants, and watched her surprise, embarresment and disgust at her predictiment. It was the last time she would be disgusted like that though. Soon she would be excited every time she pooped herself. Before she changed though Steve made her do twenty situps, spreading the poop everywhere. He then watched her change into new clothes, and finally he went home, where he went though his plans for tommorrow one last time.

Chapter 5

Steve showed up late for school the next day, like usual, and walked down the halls putting his stuff in his locker. It was lunch soon, and Jenn would be coming quick. Jenn and her friends made a habit of mocking some of the less popular guys as they passed them, yet Steve was never been bugged before. He knew she would single him out today though.

He went out and sat by a tree near the back of the school where it was less visible. It might take her a while to find him, but he wouldn’t have to let everyone know his power. At about 12:22 Jenn turned the corner to the back of the school. Her friends looked a little worn out and bored following her around, but she was more popular then them and so they followed.

"This jerk looked at me wrong this morning girls", she stated upon arriving at Steve, who was sitting against the school. "Stand up sissy boy", she ordered. Steve smiled. She was wearing those black leather heel shoes, a short red skirt with a white shirt and red cartigan. She was so cute.

"Hello Jennifer", Steve said, in a half laugh at her. Obviously angered by his unrespectiful response she started to call him names and even kick dirt at him to raise a response. "You know Jennifer", Steve said as he stood up., "I know you act all big and tough, but you are really an insecure little girl arent you?"

Suddenly Jennifer started looking around nervously. Her friends laughed at him, and started to tell her he wasn’t worth it, when they noticed she looked scared of them.

"You are just like a little grade 7 girl just starting a new school", Steve continued, "You stuffed your bra pretty big little girl". Jennifer fantically looked at her breasts, then turned red, and started to explain why she had stuffed her bra, but Steve continued to talk. "Actually you act more like a little grade 3er. Your so embarressed you might pee your panties, wait a minute you are"

Jennifers friends stared in amazement as they saw hot urine running down their leaders legs and forming a puddle on the ground. Jennifer started to cry.

"You are even crying like a little baby, I don’t think you are in grade three, I think you are a baby girl. Why don’t you show your friends your pretty panties Little Jenny?" Jenny turned to her friends still sobbing, and showed them her pink ruffly panties. That’s when they started to laugh. Now to finish it he said his sercret words, "Jenny, you little baby" . Jennifers little self esteem finally couldn’t take it and she crumpled to the ground in the fetal position, over her own urine sucking her thumb. That was when humor turned to horror in her friends. This joke, or so they thought, wasn’t a joke after all. They watched their best friend, fill her pants with soft poop, and cry even harder. Looking up they found Steve, gone.

Chapter 6

Steve wasn’t mean enough to leave her a sobbing mess, he had subconsciencly told her to turn back to her own age in 2 minutes after he left. He also planted a bedwetting bug in all her friends minds. Within the next three days the 5 most popular girls in the school would all be bedwetters, and their leader would be totally diaper dependant.

About 2 hours later, during the break before the last class of the day Jennifer, now in tight jeans, and new shoes (obviously both one of her friends) approached Steve. "You won’t make me do anything I don’t want to", she stated. "I will not be your little slave, Steve. I remember what you did last night and I am not going to do what you say"

Steve was surprised by this resistance, but knew he had to break it. "Jennifer", he started, "I want you to go into the guys gym class, stand in the middle of the gym and pee your pants, but I am not telling you to, I just want you too. Now until you do what I asked you to, every girl you see in the halls you will lead into the washroom with you, making them come with you no matter what, and give them blow jobs, plus doing whatever else they want you too. You will not leave them till they cum. Remember if you are taken away and can’t complete your mission you will continue like this forever, so don’t get caught. Once you pee in the guys gym class you will go home and masturbate till I get there."

Chapter 7

As Steve walked down the hall to watch, Jenn thought of his orders. She was not going to pee her pants in the middle of their gym class. Jennifer knew she could fight these orders. She had never been lesbian, and was disgusted at the thought of it. Just to prove him wrong she looked straight at Heather, a girl in grade ten. She was semi-popular in her grade, and Jenn knew Heather would never let anything happen between them anyway. Yet no matter how she tried, the little grade 10er looked so good. Jenn walked over to her. ’I’m just going to say Hi’ , she thought, trying to rationalize her actions.

"Hello Heather, how are you?"

Now for Heather this was a pleasant surprise because a friendship with Jennifer gaurenteed popularity. "Hi Jenn what’s up?" she answered, trying to be cool.

"Would you come with me please?", Jenn asked. ’What am I doing?’ she thought in panic as they walked to the girls washroom. Entering she was relieved that at least there was noone in there. Heather seemed pleased to be going with her, and that paniced Jenn even more, until she remembered girls always went to the washroom together. Once in there though what would happen? Jenn didn’t know what they would talk about.

Heather was overcome by this opportunity to please Jennifer. Going to the washroom meant that she might be accepted as a new group member.

Jennifer looked at Heather and was overcome with lust. She walked over and took Heather in a hug. She started to passionatly kiss her neck. Now Heather wasn’t a lesbian, but for popularity she would let Jenn do anything. "Are you sure about this Jenn?" she asked in a weak voice. Without answering Jennifer just pushed her into the large wheelcare stall and started to pull Heathers cotton t-shirt over her head. Heather seemed really worried now, but Jenn didn’t care. When the shirt was over her head though Jenn noticed how small her breasts were. Heather still wore a training bra. The youngness of Heathers body seemed to only turned Jenn on more though. As Heather figitted, Jenn proceeded to take her training bra off and she started to play with one of her nipples with her hand and the other with her tongue. The little breasts stood erect and were the cutest thing Jenn had ever seen. After a minute or so of playing with them, Heather seemed more relaxed and was even pulling Jenn’s face tighter to her tiny chest. Jenn then started to undo Heathers pants, despite sever panic from the young girl. Jenn pulled down her tight jeans to reveal blue panties with a little bow on them that reminded her of when she was a preteen, although Heather was probably at least 15. With Heathers jeans around her ankles she proceeded to remove her panties and noticed that Heather’s vagina was still was bare as a baby’s. It was as if she was looking at a 12 year old girl. Heather looked so embarressed, but Jenn was more excited than ever, she was almost ready to cum herself. Slowly she explored the outside of her vagina with tongue and her little girl butt with her hands. Then she shoved her face into Heathers pussy. Rapidly playing with running her tongue over her clitoris, and g-spot, while pulling her tight with her two hands on her soft butt. Heathers hands now had found their way to her breasts and she was softly playing with them.

Only stopping for breaths of air, Jenn continued to eat Heather out until Heather had had three seperate orgasms. She finally stopped because her knees were hurting and Heather looked worn out. Heather just sat down on the tiolet, still in exstacy. After a couple more minutes passed, Heather realized she was still naked, and so started to get dressed. As Heather left Jenn could not resist grabbing Heather one last time and sticking her hands down Heathers pants, feeling her soft hairless vagina. Finally Heather pulled away and left. Jenn just sat there in disbelief.

As Steve saw Heather leave he implanted the thought in Heathers mind that she would go to Jenn’s house 10 pm that night. As a last minute add on he told Heather to bring some old panties and bra’s in a bag with her to Jenn’s.

Steve stood by and watched as Jenn took two more girls into the washroom with her, Linda, this fat ugly grade 12 girl, and Becky another grade 10 girl. Now the halls were mostly empty though and Jenn would be able to avoid girls if she wanted to try. After Becky left the washroom, Jenn came out staring at the ground. With an angry glance at Steve she started walking towards the boys gym class. She made it without seeing any other girls and Steve watched from the door as she walked to the center of the class, sent another angry look at Steve and started to try and pee herself. The gym class stopped to watch and the teacher was coming over to ask what she was doing when she started to grunt and strain to pee. She tried harder and finally a little wet spot formed at the front of her pants, which got bigger, and bigger until it started flowing down her legs onto the floor. Once it started she instictively reached her hands to her crotch, but couldn’t stop the flow of hot urine. Crying she ran out the door and headed for home, leaving a wet trail behind her.

Before he left Steve made the boys get down and lick up the pee on the ground, while the teacher masturbated in the corner. He then had them all line up and implanted a very submissive quality in all them. "You will all look for someone that will rule over you sexually. It doesn’t matter if they are boy or girl. You need somebody who will be dominant over you, and you will do anything they ask you to, whenever they ask you too."

Chapter 8

Steve headed over to Jenn’s house and found her masturbating in her bedroom. She was lying on her bed in only her bra as her pink panties were thown out after she peed a pooped them..

Subconsciencely making her tell the truth he questioned her about her day.

"Did you enjoy today Heather?" he asked

"I loved giving blow jobs, expecially to Heather and Becky, but Linda was gross. And it was sort of exciting peeing myself in the gym class, but I didn’t like you embarressing me in front of my friends." She answered, surprised at her own forthcoming

"Are you still horny Jennifer?"

"Yes, I am since I never got to cum, since you walked in on me"

Steve knew she wanted to have that orgasm, and he wanted to help her. With his hardon throbbing against his pants, he reached down and let it out. Ripping off her bra he started to kiss and play with her breasts. He then started to penetrate her and she moaned for him to stop, which soon developed into screaming for more. When the were done having sex, Jenn just laid there, satisfied it seemed.

Chapter 9

A half hour later Steve drove Jenn over to the nearest medical supply center and had Jenn ask for them to size her for adult diapers and plastic pants. When they left the store Jenn was wearing a disposible diaper, and pink plastic rumba pants. She also had yellow, blue red, purple, and green rumba pants, but pink was Steve’s choice for her that day.

When they got back to her house her family was home, so they sneaked in the back, and went upstairs. Jenn had already wet her new diapers, and kept reaching down in disbelief of what she was wearing and her actions. At first she had hated Steve but now, with some help from Steve’s programming she was starting to like him. She now wanted to wear diapers, and wetting them was so much better than having to go to the washroom all the time.

Steve was about ready to go home for the night when Jennifer’s 15 year old brother Jonathan walked into the room.

"Who the hell is this Jenn", he asked in a disrescpetful tone. "Since when do you bring guys home?"

Jenn was obviously embarressed at her predictiment. Her brother would now tell her parents, and worse he had seen her sitting cross-legger on her bed in pink rumba pants and a diaper.

Jenn look like she was about to cry when Steve stood up.

"What’s your name kid?"

"Jonathan", he replied. Shocked that he replied at all.

"You think your sister looks a little wierd. Take off your clothes and look in the mirror."

The smart-assed kids face suddenly dropped as he found himself turning towards the mirror and taking of his clothing. Yet when he was naked he saw nothing wrong with himself. Steve started to concentrate his thoughts at Jonathans body, telling it to change. Suddenly Jonathan noticed his quite large penis was not so large anymore, and it seemed to be getting smaller. In panic he turned to Steve and demanded to know what was happening. Steve simply smiled as Jonathan’s penis became the size of a 7 years old boys. His little balls clung close to his body, and his penis was hairless and no bigger than 1 1/2 inches. His body even changed to become more little boy like, or rather girl-like.

Steve called this little boy over and had him start to give him a blow job. As he sucked Steve’s big penis, his little penis got erect at a full 2 inches. When Steve cummed, Jonathan licked him nice and clean, just like his sister had formerly.

Heather showed up right at 10 pm, with her bag of goodies. Jonathan fit into them perfectly, and Heather even went home and brought back a nice frilly dress for him.

Steve proceeded to make Jonathan try on all of Heathers new underwear, and wear his pretty new dress to the corner store to buy a slupree. When he returned, Steve made Jonathan give Heather a blow job to thank her for his new clothes. That was when Steve first saw the naked body of Heather, and fell in love with it. He commanded her to come over to his house the next day. Steve then gave Jonathan his new orders.

"Jonathan, you shall remember everything about your old life, and choose to despise or love your new life. You will now answer to Jessica and always wear clothes similar to what you are wearing now, or little girl like. You will be a sissy and wet your bed everynight. You will be bi-sexual, that is attracted to boys and girls alike, and will do whatever your mate wants. You will go to the public schools and use the girls washroom. You will always sit, never stand and you will be a big flirt. You will be scared of many things, like tough boys beating you up, sports and outdoor challenges. You will have accidents whenever you get excited but won’t choose to wear diapers, because they are for babies. Do you understand, Jessica?"

"Yes I do." Jonathan/Jessica stated.

"Now tell me who and what you are."

"I am a sissy bedwetting girl who will do whatever you say and hate doing athletic things." Jessica stated, down cast.

Chapter 10

The next day Heather skipped school and came to Steve’s house. He explained everything to her, and gave her the option to lead with him, or walk away. If she lead with him, she would be his girlfriend, and sex toy, but she would also get anybody he would let her have, and all the popularty and success she longed for. If she walked away Steve would still make her his sex toy, but she didn’t have to know that.

Heather choose to lead with him though. Her first job was to dress as a maid and serve him all day. This was to test her loyalty. Not only did she serve him well, but she even gave him periodical blow jobs throughout the day. Steve was exstatic at her, and that afternoon he took her into his bedroom to have sex.

Entering he took her and went to the bed. Taking her shirt off he started to kiss her profusily. Her little breasts were erect again, and as Steve pulled her training bra over his head he fell in love with her little breasts. Steve sucked on them, and played with them even after their sex was over.

Chapter 11

That day things went relatively normal at school, since nobody noticed Jenn’s diapers, and Jessica stayed home sick.

That night was a big sleepover at Jenns. Steve sent her parents out for the night again, and had Jenn invite all her girlfriends and Heather over. Even Jessica seemed excited. To finalize everything, Steve made everyone, but Heather, forget anything he said or did to them ever, well consciencly at least. He then made them ignore him completly, and just watched the festivities. Jennifer was a little embarressed that everyone knew she was wearing diapers. Her friends all seemed to accept her though, since Steve told them too, and the night seemed cool. Steve enjoyed watching them change into their nighties in front of him. The fun part was when they played truth or dare. Jessica was dared to streak down the street, and the girls locked him outside for about five minutes, where a bunch of the neighbour kids saw him. When Jenn’s friends saw his little penis they laughed harder than ever and once he ws let back in the girls started to play with him and make him do all kinds of embarressing things. Two of the girls took him aside and dressed him up as a baby girl and forced him to suckle on her breast. They then made him give each of them a blow job and they played with his little pee-pee. The next morning all of Jenn’s friends were embarressed to find themselves sopping wet. Little Jessica had wet his panties too. Only Heather had stayed dry.

Heather had really impressed Steve, and he decided she would reign with him. Steve released her from all programming. He then made her ready to be the leader of these girls. Making them all submissive to her, and himself, Steve left the party and headed home.


The next day was Friday, and everyone showed up to school. Except of course Jonathan, but this new cute girl, Jessica started coming, she was a cousin of Jonathan and moved in with the family, as Jonathan moved out east. Jessica’s cute little voice, and flirty attitude soon had the hearts of most the grade 10 boys. A bunch of the boys, that took gym, were especially submissive and servant like to her. Heather soon took over as most popular girl in school. The grade 10er now tells Jenn and her friends what to do, what could make her more popular than that. This new kid Steve suddenly seemed to appear too. Heather just suddenly was dating this grade 12 boy nobody ever noticed before. He was a little wierd, but hey no one seemed to not like him. Jenn admitted to being by-sexual and had a relationship with Mellissa, one of the bedwetting friends, and Kyle, a sissy Gym boy. Linda and Becky started a lesbian relationship together, after both coming about with their stories about Jenn. When Jessica wet her pants in the hall one day, three boys knelt down to lick it up, and Mr. Smyth, the phys ed teacher, got fired for masturbating in the hallway. Jessica lost some populatity, but started dating a grade 12 boy, and soon he came out to be bi-sexual too.

See how mind control screws up peoples lives.

Heather and Steve lived happily ever after... And the parents, well they just accepted everything as normal, and gave Jessica the Barbie Bedspread.



End Chapter 1

Messed Up

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Apr 4, 2008


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