
by: | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 25, 2007

Thomas's parents decide they want to be younger, but they cant have an 18 year old son.

Complete Story

Chapter Description: I tend to write stories in a week or so, I'm a casual writer. I hope you enjoy this one. I wasnt quite sure what direction to take it so it is unfinished.

I finished getting ready for school and then tore off the old month of my calendar, revealing November. About halfway down on the 14th was "TOMMY’S BIRTHDAY" written in bright curly letters with hearts and flowers, swirly marks and other things. I sighed at the sight of this. One more year down the drain. My name is Thomas Elaine. The year is 2015. I am 14 years old. On November 14th however, I will not be 15, but 13. Let me explain. you see, I was born in 1993. I know these numbers don’t add up, because 4 years ago, I was 18. In 2009 you see a company named Ergason invented a new drug known as Menathin, a veritable age regression drug. In 2011 in Laird vs. Menathin, a supreme court judge ruled that so long as a child is physically under the age of 19, their parents have the legal right and authority to treat them with whatever drug they please so long as it does not harm them. This case was about the very same thing thats happening to me.

On the night before my 18th birthday, I was enjoying a dinner prepared by my mother. Roast, Macaroni and cheese, rice and other things, my favorites. I was chowing down on them when I noticed that both my parents had a great deal of interest in the plate they had prepared for me, and seemed to have uncontrollable smiles on their faces. Eventually I had to ask. "what?" I said bluntly. They looked at each other then back to me. "Your father and I.." my mother started. "We’ve decided that we want to be younger." My father interrupted, being more to the point than my mother. "So.. we went to the doctor and got a re-me." (Thats what the pop-culture referred to it as, re-me a simple short name for Regressive Menathin.) I continued eating and shrugged. "Thats cool" I said with my mouth half full. "Wont it look weird tho having a son thats 18?" With that their smiles got even bigger. "Well.. honey, we decided we want you to get younger too." My mother said.. making me stop chewing what was in my mouth and dropping my fork on the plate with food still on it. "What? why?.. no.. no way" I said getting rather upset about the notion. "now honey it wont be that bad, you can be our little boy again." My mother said. "Mom! are you listening to me? I’ll be 18 tomorrow! I don’t want to have to go through all this again!" (talking about school) "No honey they have special schools for that." My mother said, trying to reason with me on such an absurd notion.

"Well, you’ve already taken a 10 year dosage in that food you just ate, you’re under 18 so you still have to do what we tell you." Suddenly I felt sick. "WHAT?!" I yelled out, pushing the plate almost off the other side of the table. "Tomorrow you’ll be 16 again and we can sell your car. You’ll start in a special re-me school right after Christmas." My father continued. "No.. theres no way.. I.. I’ve got to get out of here!" I started to walk to the door. "you wont get far. In a few years you’ll be too young to drive and if the cops find you they’ll bring you back here." My father said, always being the blunt voice of facts. I sighed heavily, realizing there was nothing I could do at this point.

Now, for the record, when a lot of people got on this drug they thought it’d be an instant transformation, or that it would occur gradually over a period of time. The reality is, you remain unchanged until your birthday, and then change all at once. You know.. like in those monster movies you used to watch where you can visibly see the man change into the monster? Yea.. its like that.

so over the last few years I’ve watched as my muscle mass diminishes, my body hair thin out and disappear all together in some areas and worst of all my manhood shrink as I slowly back my way through puberty. I almost cried when my parents sold my car.. telling the new owners "hes moved on to other things." I’ve kept up with my friends as best I can. Since I should be 22 at this point we don’t really have anything in common anymore. They’ve graduated from college already and have jobs, one of them is actually getting married soon.

"Honey you need to get down here or you’ll miss your bus!" My mother calls up the stairs snapping me out of my.. oh whats the word... monologue? Mental conditions change with age, mostly maturity, but studies have shown in younger people (like myself) that regression will further decrease mental.. aptitude.. I think is the word they used. So I head down the stairs and out the door with my bag and run onto the bus.

School is another thing. they have special schools for re-mes like me. Its an interesting situation really. People in my class of 14 year olds are anything from mentally 35 down to mentally 14. The classes are held in a privately funded school and the curriculum basically just covers busy work to keep our minds off of our fate. I have a few "friends" I guess you could call them. Our birthdays are fairly close together so its easy to keep up with each other once we’re moved down a grade. I sit down on the bus next to

Jim, one of my friends in this whole mess. "Hows it goin?" he says immediately. "Not too good.. My birthday is this month." "Man, you always get down when your birthday comes around..." "And you don’t?" "hrmm.. good point. Mines still a month away though!" he said with a beam.

Time passed normally for the next few weeks. Every day was seemingly the same. I took the liberty for the past few years of photographing myself before the full length mirror on my closet door with my digital camera to document to myself if no one else who I was and where I had been. It was the night before my birthday, and tonight was no different. I stripped down, stood before the mirror and snapped a epic. I then transferred it to my computer and reviewed the pictures. What they revealed was a muscular healthy 17 year old about to become a man, then a slightly less muscular 16 year old holding a set of car keys, to remind me of what else I had lost at that age. To a rather flat chested almost hairless chested 15 year old, to a scrawny 14 year old with no facial hair, no chest hair and hardly any pubic hair. "Honey put on your bathrobe and come down here please!" My mother called energetically from downstairs. She knew what I was doing and had opted to just let me wear my bathrobe as I change. I did as she asked, donning the bathrobe I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where they had, like every year, a birthday cake with a year lower than what I was. 13 in big red letters on the small round white cake.

"Go on! cut it!" my mother said energetically. "Mom do I have to?" I said with a rather whiny tone. "yes, you have to! for me please?" My mother said. I cut the cake with a sigh as my father snapped a picture with his own camera. They went through the usual ceremony, buying me clothes again since they knew in a few hours my clothes would be too small. I thanked them and tried to be as polite as possible about it, but my heart just wasn’t in it. "Almost time!" my mother said looking up at the clock on the wall. I started to feel that sick feeling that I always felt when this was happening. Suddenly, I felt my body beginning to change. What hair was left on my legs receded away as I felt my pubic hair inside the robe do the same. I stood up from the table just in time to find that I was growing shorter and smaller as the arms of my bathrobe became cavernous as my arms shrank into it. The robe went from just below my knee to nearly dragging on the floor as I shrank. I had a considerable growth spurt when puberty started for me, which was 14. The now huge sheet of a bathrobe fell fro my shoulders and onto the floor leaving me nude before my parents. Embarrassed I clamored to pick it up my father took another picture and my mother went on and on about how "cute" I was getting.

A few hours later I returned to my room with a new pair of pajamas and other clothes. I looked at my pre-pubescent body in the mirror and sighed. I had lost so much. I went to bed at the usual time, not much I could do at this point, then started the next day at school for 13 year olds. I could tell there was a big difference here already. The girls still had breasts but they were much smaller and I wasn’t getting aroused hardly at all anymore. During my 15 grade year I was reminded of just how horny teenagers get. Class was boring as usual, busy work and other things to keep our minds off of our bodies.

As the years past I continued to grow younger and younger until the day of my 8th birthday. I was excited. I was playing with legos again and watching cartoons at this point. Wasn’t very good at spelling but I still remembered to use that camera. Looking at the pictures I found it so hard to believe that those had ever been me. There was just no way I was that big strong grown up in the pictures. I remembered very clearly that my mom had told me they set me up for a 10 year dosage. So I was looking forward to growing up again.

Mom called me down for the cake as usual, this time having a 7 on it. I was confused. "Mom, I thought you said you gave me a 10 year dosage when I was 18?" My mom smiled and hugged dad and said "We did honey, but just last night we gave you another 7 years. You’re going to be our little baby again!"

To be continued? Dunno...



End Chapter 1


by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 25, 2007


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