Kira’s worst nightmare

by: kira | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 7, 2007

her nightmare in the form of a small object.

Chapter 1
Kira’s worst nightmare

Kira’s worst nightmare

The day started with the sound of an alarm clock going off Kira turned over and looked at the cursed thing, for she knew she had to get up. Once she got out of bed she went to the bathroom and took a shower, she then got dress and started down the hall. She heard her brother Alex in the bathroom and she noticed that the door was still cracked open; her brother was in the shower just as she reached in and took his clothes. After Alex was out of the shower he couldn’t find his clothes and just as he grabbed a towel Kira open the door and there was a white flash, Alex turned to his sister with her camera in her hands but while he couldn’t see from the flash there was a second one. Kira laughed as she then ran down the steps with Alex racing after her, their parents were in the kitchen when Kira came in with the photos Alex reached to grab them but couldn’t.

Finally after the five minutes of fighting their dad had enough and their mom took the pictures from Kira, Alex was happy when she did. Kira looked and said fine let the baby have the pictures as she then got her a doughnut and went to go out the door until her dad said she wasn’t leaving the house dressed that way. Kira looked at her parents and said oh well and she opened the door and got in her car and drove to school, her parents couldn’t believe the way their daughter acted.

When Kira arrived at school she went to her locker and dropped her stuff off, while she was doing this her friend Selphie came over to talk. The two girls talked until the school’s QB Dave Thomson was coming down the hall, all the girls in school liked him just as he was coming down the hall Jeff was coming from the other end right when they got to were Kira was Dave stuck his leg out and tripped him. Everyone in the hall laughed except Kira and Selphie, Mina came to where Jeff was and helped him get his stuff, while they were doing this Leana; Dave’s girlfriend came by kicking more of Jeff’s stuff away from him.

Kira had enough and walked over to leana and the two argued at each other, minutes later the two girls were fighting each other until a teacher broke it up and took them to the office. When they saw the principle he let leana go while he gave Kira detention, after school was over when Kira got home her parents heard what happened at school and grounded her for the next two days. The next day Kira got an invitation to a pool party, her parents decided to let her go. When the day came Kira came down the stairs dressed in a skimpy bathing suit, when she was getting ready to leave her parents wanted her to meet someone.

When she walked in the room there was a man with glasses on talking to her parents, the man introduced himself as Dr. Benson. Kira said hello and was getting ready to leave the room when her mother asked what it was she was wearing, Kira said her new bathing suit. After she said that her mother told her to go change she then looked at her mother and said no, then Benson interrupted by saying she should as she’s told. Kira looked at him and said she didn’t have to listen to him; he than held up a black crystal and said that it could change anything on anybody including what they were wearing, to their age, and even there mind. Kira looked at him and said that’s nice as she left the room and walked out the door and drove off.

After Kira left the house Benson than handed the crystal to Kira’s mother and asked her to close her eyes while she held the crystal to think back to a time when her daughter was in more appropriate clothing as she did the crystal began to glow. Kira arrived at Dave’s house and got out of her car, once she started up the sidewalk she could fill her bathing suit get tight on her and it felt as though as it was riding up on her she started to get it out of her crack as she kept on walking. Once she got to the door she could see her reflection on the glass on the door, she saw that her two piece bikini had changed into a one piece bathing suit that was light purple with a pink ruffle around the middle and on the middle of it was a picture of Barbie on the front.

Her hair was put back into a pony tail and her sandals were pink with Barbie’s face on them, she decide to turn away and run but just as she did the door opened with Dave on the other side of it. Once he saw her he couldn’t help but laugh, Kira’s face was a bright red then Dave asked what’s with the outfit I know the school girl look is in but I didn’t realize they meant preschool.

Kira couldn’t think of anything to say but saying that her mother made her wear it just as she did when she was little, Dave looked at her and said well I didn’t think you were the type to let mommy dress you. Kira was about to cry as she said that she was going to leave, when Dave heard this he said that she couldn’t go yet as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside. Dave said for everyone to come see what Kira was wearing, minutes later all the people that was invited came in the room and just started laughing.

Once everyone had their laugh they went back to what they were doing, when Kira made it to the pool leana came running to her and told her she couldn’t get in yet. When Kira turned around leana took two pink water wings before Kira could get away leana had already put them on her, after being tortured some more Kira was finally able to get in the pool. Kira couldn’t wait for the stupid party to be over she was sitting at the shallow end looking around when all of a sudden something felt warm, she looked down to see what it was and was shocked to see that she was peeing in the pool she tried to stop but it wouldn’t. minutes later mike yelled to Dave saying that Kira peed in the pool, she got out and went to get her things so she could leave when leana saw the spot on Kira’s swim suit and said looks like someone needed a waterproof diaper on. Kira was too upset to put up with leana so she got in her car and drove home.

When kira got home she went to the back door trying to sneak into the house, when started up the stairs to go to her room there was a white flash followed by the sound of laughter. When kira was able to see again she saw her parents and her brother Alex with a camera in his hands, her mother asked Kira how the pool party was and Kira said you tell me as she took the towel off her shoulders. She was soon shocked to see that she was dressed in the same swim suit that she had on when she left.

Kira’s dad then said that should teach her to do as they say even though she was 18, and that if she didn’t than she would go back to being Daddy’s sweet little girl....whether you like it or not. Kira looked at her dad and walk past her family to her room; she then went to the bathroom and took a shower. Kira had a hard time getting to sleep because all she could think about was what happened to her, when she was woken up from her alarm clock. She got out of bed and ran to her mirror to make sure nothing was done to her while she was asleep; the reflection was that of her normal self.

Kira got dressed and thought well if they want their little princess back than ill play their little game until I get my hands on that crystal then they’ll be sorry, she had an evil grin on her face. She went to the kitchen where her family was and acted as like the little angel they wanted, she fixed herself a bowel of cereal. She saw that her brother had his pictures of her in her Barbie swim suit; he then put them into his book bag. Kira looked at her dad that was reading the paper with the crystal sitting on his lap, that’s when she couldn’t take it anymore so she reached across and snatched the crystal from him.

She then jumped from the table holding the crystal saying that she had their new play toy; she then imagined what her parents would look like back in diapers. She watch her parents but nothing happened instead she felt her panties feel like they were getting tighter for some reason, she also noticed that they started to bulge out in the front and the back noticeable for anyone that was around her. When she went to move she heard the sound of plastic and she found out that she couldn’t move her legs together for her new panties were pushing them apart, she couldn’t believe it the stupid crystal reversed her thought against her. She dropped the crystal and went running through the house as best as she could and looked in the mirror, she was about to cry when she saw that her panties had changed into a diaper with Winnie the pooh on the front of it.

Minutes later she felt it get a little warm and when she looked down see saw that she had peed in the diaper, her mother could tell by the dark spot on the skirt from her school uniform. When kira had seen her skirt with the dark spot on it she began to cry, her brother looked at her and laughed. Then her dad looked at him and said that unless he wants the same problem then to stop laughing, Alex at that point left the room. Kira’s mother than took her upstairs and got her cleaned up, kira was happy to have the cursed thing off until her mother used the crystal to change another pair of her panties into another diaper. Kira then tried to block out what her mom was doing to her, after her mom was finished they went back downstairs to get ready to leave the house. Kira begged and pleaded with her parents to let her stay at home today, but then her dad said that her teachers already know about everything and that she was going no matter what.

When kira arrived at school she tried to pull her skirt down a little to hide what she was wearing everything was going good until Leana came up behind her and pulled her skirt down in front of everyone that was in the hall, she tried to hurry and pull them up but when she was finally able to she could hear everyone laughing at her. Even the people that weren’t there heard about it, they started coming up to her asking her if baby wanted her bottle and does the little baby need a diaper change. Kira could not wait until the day was over, before school was over Dave came up to kira and started making fun of her until Jeff couldn’t take it anymore and he turned around and punched Dave in the face. After he realized what he had done he knew he was going to get it because after Dave got hit most of his friends were going to get even, so he took off down the hall thinking he got away until he ran into the principle.

When the two of them were in the office Dave was only asked if he was ok while Jeff was suspended for three days, before school was over kira was in her last class when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She asked the teacher if she could go then she raced down the hall to the bathroom but when she got there, she couldn’t get the tapes on the diaper undone then she tried as hard as she could but it was too late she was going in the diaper as its what was its purpose. She then began to cry, she didn’t know what she was going to do, she looked to see that school was about over. So she thought she could sneak out of the bathroom to her locker and out of the building before anyone would have the chance to see her. She opened the door and made it to her locker but just as she was shutting her locker to leave the bell rang, she tried to hurry but her book bag was caught on something, she pulled to get it loose and then all the doors in the hall opened and people came rushing out.

Leena looked and saw kira and with her big mouth said for everyone to look at kira, everyone in the hall all then looked and then started laughing but what really got them going was when Leena went to kira and lifted her skirt up for everybody to see the sagging diaper. After what seemed like forever kira finally made it out and in her car and drove home, she then took a shower and locker herself in her room. She cried herself to sleep that night and when she woke up her clothes were back to normal.

The started with her parents saying they were going to take a small vacation just the two of them, and that her brother was going to a friend’s house. Kira thought the weekend would be great until her parents said that for the way she had been acting they hired a couple babysitters for her, she was afraid to ask who it was when the doorbell rang. Kira’s mother opened the door and there at the door was Leena and her two lackeys Tina, Kellie. Kira’s mother said her daughter was upstairs then her husband game to her with the suitcases and before they left he looked at Leena and said ’You all look like responsible young ladies, so I expect that your justice will be fair and reasonable.’ As he gave them the black crystal.

When kira came downstairs there stood the three people she hated in her house, she went to tell them to leave until Tina said that they were her babysitters. Kira couldn’t believe it she thought it was a nightmare until Kellie pinched her to show it was real, Leena then started a conversation with kira which than turned into an argument. Just then the argument was over and Kira thought she had won, until she saw an evil grin on Leena’s face. Leena then held out her hand that had the thing that kira hated most that cursed black crystal, Leena said what’s wrong now looks like I have the upper hand this time.

Leena looked back at her friends and asked them what they should do first, but to them they still didn’t quite understand. Leena asked the two girls if they remembered what Kira used to look like back in sixth grade, and how she hadn’t hit puberty yet with a flat chest. Oh and who could forget her braces she had and the glasses she wore then, they looked at kira and as they were watching kira began to get smaller not only in size but her boobs started getting smaller. Kira than was shocked to notice that her teeth had braces on them again and than in her hands were her old glasses, not only did her body change back to when she was eleven but her hair and clothes changed as well.

The three girls began to laugh then Tina said for Leena to do something else to her, Leena than said that she intended to do more and that this was only the beginning. Tina took kira by the hand and showed her to a mirror so she could see what she looked like, but that only made kira get really mad. Kira was getting ready to hit Leena until she said that kira always had to rebel against people, but lets see how you do trying to rebel while you are wetting your pampers. Kira looked and noticed that the crystal started to glow and with in minutes later she looked down to see her panties change color and start to get wider, a minute later her black pair of panties had turned to white with tapes on the sides and baby Disney characters on the front of them. Kellie than started laughing because the designs on the front started to fade, that’s when kira looked down and noticed that she couldn’t keep herself from wetting the diaper.

Tina looked and said “ah looks like the baby needs to be changed” they took kira up to her room and then Leena used the crystal to change her room to a nursery with a crib, changing table, rocking chair and on the nightstand appeared to be a baby monitor. Kira tried to fight them but it was no use the three girls had her on the table, with in a matter of moments her clothes that she had on were taken off. While Tina and Kellie held her Leena started to undo the tapes on the diaper, Kira than started screaming until Tina put a pacifier in her mouth. The girls then had the wet diaper off her and were cleaning her up when the doorbell rang.

Leena thought someone would noticed kira the way she was so she took the crystal and thought of an image of what kira looked like at the age of two, while kira was still on the changing table she could tell that she was getting smaller. Before she could wiggle to get off to run she was already the age of five, and getting younger she tried to run to the door to warn the person but before she got close she fell to the floor. She then started crying because she could feel her adult teeth going back in her mouth and being replaced with her baby teeth, Kellie came to the two year old and picked her up and put a pacifier in her mouth.

Tina opened the door and was shocked to see Jeff on the other side of it as he was surprised to see her, Jeff then saw Kellie with a baby in her arms. Jeff decided to asks whose baby it was and Leena replied by saying “what you don’t recognize your friend”, she then said well this is where she lives. Jeff was then shocked when Kellie said that it was Kira at that point he decided to leave but before he could turn around Tina locked the door, Kellie put Kira down in a playpen then she pushed Jeff back into a chair where then Tina took duct tape and taped his hands and feet behind the back of the chair while Kellie held him down. Leena said don’t worry you’ll get to be with your friend after we do the same thing to you, Jeff then said that there was no way they were going to do anything.

Kellie said that she always wondered what Jeff looked like when he was little, Tina brought a chair in the room and sat down and put Kira on her lap so she would watch the whole thing. The two girls couldn’t think of what to do to him first until Leena had and idea so she closed her eyes and then the crystal started to glow, after she opened her eyes the two girls wanted to know what she did. Leena told them they would have to wait and see, Jeff then had the urge to go to the bathroom and he asked if they would untie him. After he said that the two girls knew what Leena had done so they untied him because they thought they would have a lot more fun watching him, right before he was getting close to the bathroom Tina said she had an idea so Leena gave her the crystal and minutes later Jeff fell to the floor. The three started laughing when he was crawling the rest of the way but right when he reached the door he couldn’t hold it any longer and he started to wet his pants, this made the girls laugh even harder.

Kellie then walked up to him and said “uh oh looks like we had a little accident” before laughing again, Tina than took the crystal and Jeff then looked at himself to notice that he was getting smaller. Leena said sorry sweet heart but your not just smaller but also younger, he was now the age of five the girls then said that it smells like some one needs a bath, just then Tina said well I don’t think its just him. The girls then looked at Kira and noticed that she had gone to the bathroom in the diaper, Kira couldn’t believe that she had just done that and that she was sitting in it. She then began to cry the girls then took some of Alex’s clothes and put them on Jeff, they then put some close on Kira without changing her. The girls looked at the two of them and said that they had to get some supplies, so they took Jeff and Kira and put them in Leena’s vehicle.

They stopped at the wal-mart and put the two kids in a buggy and they then went to the baby section and got some diapers and a pack of pull-ups, and baby formula and other things. Before they left they had to get some baby shampoo, baby oil, baby powder, head-to-toe baby wash. They were about to leave the store when they saw Dave and some of the other people from the pool party, Dave asked whose kids they were babysitting and Leena just said oh just a friends but their parents won’t mind if we have a party tomorrow night. All the people with Dave said ok just to let them know the time and the place, after they got back to Kira’s house they took the two to the nursery room while Tina was getting the bath tub ready. Once the tub was ready they undressed Kira without having much trouble but when they tried to undress Jeff he put up a fight, they got the pants and underwear off of him at the same time but when they went to get his shirt he wouldn’t let go until Tina started tickling him. Once the got it off of him they laughed at the size of his manhood but then they put him in the tub, and Kira in the tub at the same time.

After they were done they got the two out of the tub and tried them both off, they then took them to the nursery room where Kellie and Leena put Kira on the changing table to put a clean diaper on her while Tina was trying to get Jeff dressed. Tina gave one of the pull-ups to him to put it on but he threw it back at her she then told him to put it on or else, he told her no! So after fighting with it for a couple minutes Tina had enough so she picked him up and put him over her lap and spanked him until he was crying, after she set him on the floor he took the training pants and put it on. It was getting late so they put Kira in her crib and Jeff in a toddler bed, and put on a night light and shut the door half way. Kira and Jeff couldn’t believe what had happened they tried to stay up but before long they were both out of it, the next day the sun was shinning through the window in on Kira’s face waking her up. Jeff soon after woke up but he felt different some how then the three girls came in the room, Kellie got Kira out of the crib while Leena and Tina were trying to get Jeff out of the bed. Once the two girls got the blanket off of him they noticed that he had wet not only himself but the bed too, Tina said “oh looks like he’s not old enough for training pants”.

Leena then said “yeah looks like it” Kellie looked at them and said that it looks like he is too big for the diapers they got, so Tina got the crystal and Jeff then saw that he was getting younger again. He was now the same age as Kira so they made the toddler bed disappear and made another crib appear using the crystal; they then took some of Alex’s clothes and made them smaller so they can put them on Jeff. After they had the two dressed they took them to the kitchen and made to high chairs appear, they put the two in them and fed them baby formula from bottles even though the girls knew that they could give them baby food they just thought they would have more fun this way.

Tina told the other to girls that she had a plan on how to get the rest of Jeff and Kira’s friends; she took Kira’s cell phone and sent a message to Selphie and Mina to come by so they could talk about things. About one o clock the doorbell rang; Kellie put the two toddlers in the playpen as Leena opened the door to see Selphie and Mina. The two girls couldn’t figure out what Leena and her two lackeys where doing there, Tina told the girls that they were babysitting and that’s when Mina and Selphie both went to the playpen. Mina picked Jeff up while Selphie picked Kira up the two toddlers tried to warn them but the girls just laughed because they thought it was their imagination, until Kellie said what you don’t recognize your two friends. The two girls turned around not understanding what she was talking about, they then put the two toddlers back in the playpen. Tina had the crystal in her hands and was thinking of what to do first, Leena whispered something to Tina than she had a wicked grin so she used the crystal to put all three girls in there school uniforms.

Minutes later there was a bright flash and once it disappeared both Selphie and Mina were in their school uniforms, then the crystal began to glow again and after the crystal returned to normal both of the girls could feel something different happening to them. They felt like their legs were being push further apart for some reason, once it stopped the three girls started laughing because Tina imagined the two girls’ panties turning into diapers.

Kellie asked the two girls what it felt like to be back in diapers, just as she said this Mina lifted her skirt and sure enough her panties had turned into a white disposable baby diaper with baby Sesame Street characters on it. Selphie tried to take the diaper off but it was fixed to where they wouldn’t come off unless they need to be changed, the door bell rang again but this time it was all the people the three girls had told that they were going to have a party.

Tina walked over to the door and opened it letting all the people get a good view of Selphie and Mina in diapers, Dave said I had a feeling they weren’t old enough to be out of diapers as he said this everyone started laughing. Tina and Kellie than took the two girls and the two toddler into the nursery while Leena was talking to the guests, minutes later the two girls came back out with the toddlers in footed pjs and the other to girls in small enough dress to where everyone could see that they were in diapers. Minutes later Mina had to use the bathroom really bad so she tried as hard as she could to remove the diaper but it wouldn’t come undone then Tina told everybody that it looked like little Mina has to use the bathroom. The room got quiet and everybody started watching Mina to see what she would do, then Mina couldn’t hold it any longer and she started to relieve herself in the diaper. After she was done everybody could tell what she had done from the way the diaper was sagging, they all started laughing again until Selphie had the same problem but worse. She couldn’t manage to keep it from happening and all she could do was squat there as her bowels released into the diaper, the guests couldn’t stand it any longer from all the laughter. The three girls told their guests that they would be back as they took the two sleeping toddlers and the other two girls to the nursery, Kellie put the two toddlers in their cribs as Leena and Tina managed to put Mina on the changing table.

They had put a safety harness on Selphie so she couldn’t get away from them while they were changing Mina, after the two girls were changed and put in night gowns the three girls put them in one bed in the same room and they turned the light off and put a night light on for them as they left the room. Selphie and Mina couldn’t believe what they just went through, they thought they some how had to get that crystal and reverse what was done not only to them but Jeff and Kira as well. After all the guests were gone the other three girls went to sleep, when morning came Selphie and Mina screamed and the three girls came running in the room. Selphie and Mina were both now the age of six year olds, then Leena began to laugh for she had heard the two talking about trying to get the crystal so she made them younger. The three girls then told the two girls and toddlers that they were going to go to a pool party that Dave was having, but they had to go to wal-mart first to get swim suits and other things.

When they arrived at Dave’s, Selphie had on a one piece Little Mermaid swim suit, and Mina had on a one piece swim suit with Tinkerbell on it. They all got in the pool and everyone was having a good time except Selphie and Mina, they thought if they were going to get the crystal they had to get it and now. So they used Jeff and Kira to cause a distraction while the two girls looked for the crystal, Selphie noticed it on a table but just as she went to grab it Leena picked it up first. Selphie was afraid to see what Leena might do to her but right when Leena got an idea Mina tackled her and knocked the crystal out of her hands, then Kellie picked it up and used it to take away Mina’s walking ability away.

Mina then fell to the ground unable to stand up without falling; Kellie then told her that that’s what she gets for trying to get the crystal. While no one was watching Jeff fell in the deep end of the pool causing everyone to look even Kellie, while she wasn’t watching Selphie knocked her down and grabbed the crystal just as Tina got Jeff out of the pool.

Selphie then used the crystal and within minuets they were all back at Kira’s house the three girls then started to feel a little strange, when they looked at each other their swim suits were sliding off of them like the suits were too big now. They then knew what was happening they were getting younger by the minuet while everybody else was getting older; when it was all done everyone was back to their normal ages except for the three girls who were now one year olds but with their adult minds. The three girls begged them to change them back and that they were sorry but then Kira took the crystal and the crystal began to glow again, after it stopped she took it and threw it as hard as she could on the pavement and smashed it into a million pieces. Leena asked her what she did and she said all she did was imagine the three girls to be one year olds, Leena couldn’t figure it out then Mina said not for them to just be the age of one year olds but to also have the mind and ability of one year olds. When Kellie then tried to say something only baby talk came out of her mouth, Tina started to cry then Selphie told her not to worry that their parents and everybody never new they were older then the age they were now.

Kira then said to the three of them that all three of them get to start life over then the three started crying, Jeff told them that all that was done to them even to Kira from the start was erased from everyone’s minds even Kira’s parents so to everybody except the people in the room never heard of the black crystal. Just then the door opened and Kira’s parents came in the house and asked them how the babysitting job was going, after the three girls parents came and got their daughters everybody else was leaving but just as Jeff went to leave Kira pulled him back inside and kissed him for she felt the same way he did about her.



End Chapter 1

Kira’s worst nightmare

by: kira | Complete Story | Last updated Sep 7, 2007


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