Rock-Back Shack

by: Trash Raider | Complete Story | Last updated May 20, 2007

Richard and Dennis planned to take some time off from work and spend some time in a resort in the mountains, but they found themselves spending a night in a strange abandoned cottage instead.

Chapter 1
Rock-Back Shack

Chapter Description: Richard and Dennis planned to take some time off from work and spend some time in a resort in the mountains, but they found themselves spending a night in a strange abandoned cottage instead.

[size=4]Rock-Back Shack[/size]

[size=2]Written by Trash Raider.

Year of production: 2007, April 25th- May

Type: Drama, side-story to the Magical Girl-story "E2A".

Rating: PG 13

Age regression-key: Female pre-schooler- kindergartner; model physical.

Stage of completeness: Beta-phase, 80%[/size]


Richard had to focus on keeping the car on track by driving slowly on the snow, the road upside the snow-clad mountain was treacherous. Next to him, Dennis, his girlfriend was reading a book unaware of the danger.

Trees they passed where at brink of forfeiting to the snow’s heavy pressure, so he also had to watch out for falling trees.

"Instead of reading, could you at least try reading the map for a change, Dennis?", Richard said while tapping on the steering-wheel. Dennis looked up with a puzzled look, and a moment later flipping over a page in the book revealing the map marked with a red a circle and a small text saying ’Henry’s Tourist Cottages, a resort among tourists across France’.

"We should be there soon, silly.", Dennis said and flipped back to the page she was reading, "Only a couple snow-filled miles before we start our vacation. Just drive left on the up-coming crossroad, Richard... Do you think we will see more snow-rabbits along the way?"

Richard was pretty sure she had never looked outside since he started the car back in Grenoble when she opened that book, he left the question unanswered.

It was a good thing that the afternoon sun went behind clouds, otherwise the snow would have blinded him for sure. Richard continued to drive, he had to reject further self-reflection until they had gotten to the resort.


The weather had changed along with the passing of time, a light blizzard came with the night.

It became worse since he had to use the full headlights when it became darker.

A white snow-tunnel knocked him surprised. Richard turned the wheel without thinking, the car responded by touching the ditch on the right side.

“... What?s happening?”, Dennis said.

Before Richard responded, both wheels went into the ditch. A tree appeared in front of them. The car crashed into the pine.


It was called a Citroen, but now the engine was demolished. Doors were broken, like the windshields.

Richard woke up and crawled out from a snow pile he landed in. He felt stiff when he came to his senses.

“Dennis? Dennis!?”, Richard shouted.

He jumped to his feet and looked around, no sign of her but the book laid open in the snow. It flipped page after page. Richard picked up the book. It wasn’t until now he felt how cold it was outside. Where could she be? Sure, the crash was hard but Dennis should have answered by now if she was half as lucky with the landing.

Richard searched the immediate area, called her name. Broken car parts were turned over, he even dug in some snow piles. No result, only a heavy guilt.

Dang! They were only suppose to take a break from work to catch up with some free-time. What was he suppose to do now? Richard removed some snow from the wrecked seat leaning on a pine.

“This wasn’t planned, not all. What am I suppose to say to her parents? No, don?t think like that right now, Richard. Be rational like usual, and don?t jump to conclusions! Dennis is bound to be somewhere around here, the snow is shallow enough to spot a body .”

Richard sat up from the seat and resumed the search. He decided to search a bit further from the previous area. The snow had become knee-deep. There wasn’t a sign of Dennis, though he found the exhaust-pipe poking up in the snow. How it found its way over here was strange enough, but if a car part had flown to this point, it wasn’t impossible if...

Richard felt something warm for a change tapping on his shoulder. He turned around, his heart skipped a bit before hugging. “Dennis! Where have you been? I was looking for you and...”

Dennis held two fingers on her lips.

“I knew you where had been, laying there like a sleeping baby in the snow. You were kind of cute.”, Dennis said. She giggled a bit before continuing. “It looks like we made it for the night. I found a cottage we could stay in until tomorrow.”

He released his grip on her and took a few steps back.

“But why didn’t you wake me up? I could have frozen to death laying there! Least to say worried about you, if anything happened...”

Dennis giggled again and shook her head. “ Richard, Richard this really makes me wonder who had been in the French army. No, silly. Being covered properly in snow keeps you warm for some time. ”

Richard started to chuckle, he felt a bit guilty now. She had thought of things beforehand of him, being rational and all. “Where is it? The cottage.”, Richard said.

“It would be that way”, Dennis said. She pointed behind her back, “But I didn’t see anyone living there...”


They wandered through the snow. Richard could barely feel Dennis’ hand even when he held it tight.

True to her words the cottage was truly abandoned, hidden behind pines.

Boards nailed on the windows, planks barricaded the door. Roof parts had been torn off after years of decay, Richard felt the stairs were murky when he stepped on them. Hopefully the roof held for one night...

“I hope no one would mind if we slept here for one night.”, Richard said. He tried to remove a plank with no success. Dennis muffled a laugh, he grinned in return.

Richard decided to look around the cottage for a suiting "key". On the backside he could see planks holding something together, probably once a toilette. Looking at the backside of the construction Richard found a wooden box, he discovered it was filled with tools. Most had rusted after misuse, while others were unaffected by time and corrosion.

Richard returned back to the front door, armed a with a short pole meant for barking trees. He bent the planks and tore them over. Dennis clapped her hands.

“Good, now let?s get inside, Richard.”, Dennis said patting him on the shoulder when she passed by. Richard followed and closed the door behind him.


If the outside was mistreated, the inside was spared in most aspects. Stuffy smell bombarding Richard’s nostrils and overwhelmed him, while Dennis didn’t seem disprove from her looks.

The interior was consisting of two rooms on the bottom floor. A small, simple kitchen with an iron-oven heated by logs. They were placed beside the iron-oven in a casket, accompioned matchbox stood. A table stood a bit from the oven with three chairs, and a dusty table cloth on it.

Further inside, the second and larger room sported a long table decorated with three dolls standing on top of it. Two sofas made of wood, one each side.

A cupboard stood behind one of the sofas. It contained extra sheets, A large box resembling a barn, plates, glasses and sets of fork, knives, spoons, you name it. Most things were of modern present design, despite the cottage told otherwise.

Dennis took a log from the casket and inspected it before she opened the iron-oven.

“Hey, we can?t just...”. Richard said.

Dennis lit the oven before she seemed to notice he was talking to her.

“It is pretty cold here, don?t you think Richard? I am sure no one can complain when two people are helpless in a blizzard.” Dennis smiled and proceeded with inserting more logs into the iron-oven, while Richard was staring at her.


Since they had more or less made themselves at home, Richard decided they might as well see the second floor.

It wasn’t divided into two rooms like on the bottom floor, instead a large bedroom. From the looks, three people had slept here previously. A big wooden bed with a red blanket for the adults to share and a small bed with squared patterns in green and orange for a kid. Even if dust covered the floor with a thick layer, you guess that carpets were under it at places being higher then others.

Dennis stayed on the bottom floor waiting for the heat to build up. He himself decided to look a bit more and perhaps find out something about the previous owners. Had they abandoned the cottage? Possible, but it was pretty stable even when it wasn’t cared for quite some time, disregard the collected amount of dust.

The cottage was pretty much self-supporting. The water could be melted from snow, but he couldn’t spot any food anywhere. There were little of interest on the second floor after an inspection, besides a cupboard standing against the left from the bed.

The cupboard contained what he had predicted from its size; Clothes wrapped up in neat piles in each box. One for a man, the other for a woman and finally one for a child. Most of the clothes for the kid indicated it was meant for a girl.

Judging by the fabrics and fashions, he deducted that they were possibly from the fifties or earlier. The little girl’s amount of boxes seemed to dominate the cupboard. Richard noticed The man had only preserved one good-looking suit, barely used.

“What a waste, it looks almost like new... Hey what?s that smell?”, Richard said. He took a sniff, it reminded him of weenies. Another sniff brought carrots and potatoes. Richard was certain they didn’t bring any food from the wreckage.


Upon returning to the kitchen Richard discovered the table decorated with two plates, forks, knives and a pair of candles. No visible dust in sight. Dennis was holding a frying-pan on the oven.

“You came, Richard. I was just ready with dinner. Isn?t it cosy eating sausages us alone in a cottage while snow falls outside?”, Dennis said without turning around to see who it was.

Richard saw that she had taken off the jacket... as well her shoes. Why? The cottage was as dirty as it could be even with shoes on.

It reminded him, he should take off the jacket himself. Richard walked up behind her when she turned around almost hitting him with the hot pan.

“Shouldn’t you be sitting already?”, Dennis said. She looked at him with concern as if he had done something wrong.

“Where did you get that food from, Dennis? As far as my memory serves me, none of us brang any food.”, Richard said.

“There were cans in the cellar,, silly. It was good that there were a can-opener besides the canned groceries.”, Dennis said before continuing after looking down at a spot on the floor beneath the table.

He haven’t looked at that spot before...

“But I couldn’t find anything to drink in the cupboards...”, Dennis said. “But, that?s alright.”

Dennis giggled a bit and served the sausages on the plates along with the carrots and potatoes. Richard was really concerned when he sat down staring at the brown little sausages. From what he had gathered earlier, no one have sat their foot here for about twenty years.


While Dennis was eating dinner happily, her tablemate haven’t even nibbled on a weenie, least to say the carrots. Richard looked at the fork, when he noticed Dennis was looking at him again with those concerned eyes again.

“Aren?t you hungry, Richard... Or are you playing a game without telling me?”, Dennis said.

She plucked up a carrot from Richard’s plate and held it in front of him over the table. “Say ahh...”

He brushed off the offer with a glare. Dennis put down the fork, sporting a disappointed face.

“Oh, come on Richard. You broke our little cosy moment.”, Dennis said.

“Did you look for the date on the cans, Dennis?”, Richard said.


Dennis didn’t say when he asked during the dinner. She finished eating in an unusual short time, and left upstairs. Richard was hesitant to anything, but he felt obliged to eat to make up with her later. The weenies didn’t seem like they would make him sick, Dennis was as healthy as she looked.

It took some time before Richard took a nibble at one weenie.

“Fresh!?”, Richard said.

He cleared the plate, but stowed the canned carrots under the carpet.


Dennis laid on the big bed when Richard came up, from the looks of it she had dusted it. She was reading a book leaned on a box to support it.

“...I am sorry.”, Richard said.

Dennis didn’t seem like she had noticed he was there, and tried apologizing again. Book-pages fluttered after being turned over.

Richard felt bad, could she have taken it that bad? Should he have accepted the offer before, and played along the silly game... perhaps not with what happened before they got here.

Dennis patted on the bed, she still didn’t take the eyes from the book.

“... Sit.”, Dennis said.

Richard wasn’t sure about obeying the order, Dennis’ voice didn’t reveal her intentions.

“Sit.”, Dennis said again.

He sat down on the bedside. “I-I am sorry for that thing-”, Richard said, he was crossing his hands.

“It?s lovely.”


Dennis looked up at him, her left hand was holding a page in the book.

“The book. They had taken many clips and put them in this clip book.”

“Listen Dennis, I said I was-”

“That little girl looked cute in that dress with the sunset behind the trees, we should buy one of those when we return back home. It would surely make our future daughter look so sweet when the time is right...”, Dennis said.

“ Dennis, are you listening? I said I shouldn’t have done that before-”

Before he could finish the sentence, Dennis flipped over and showed him the book, and the pages she was reading.

“Look on these, Richard. The photographer was good.”

There were six pictures arranged two large ones on the left page and four smaller on the right page. Most of the pictures had an older man and a older woman with a child, probably around seven or eight years old, in various positions. In some the child was running around in circles, while in others it held hands with the parents.

The clip book also served as a short diary on the backsides with numbers under, along with dates on each occasion the photos were taken and the reason why they were taken.

Dennis index-finger was resting on the upper left picture, he could clearly see it was a little girl with a bright smile in that dress she of spoke of before.

Richard was getting irritating on her interrupting him when he was trying to tell he was sorry.

“Listen, I said I was sorry! You don?t have to-“

Her fingers covered his lips. Dennis put the book down and smiled at Richard.

“We should take it easy and don’t make a big fuzz about silly things. This is just became a part of the vacation; and it was meant for relaxing.” Dennis said.

She put the box in front of Richard. “Open it.”


The box was crafted in brown wood with a rosette enveloped around it, functioning as what looked like a make-shift lock. The whole box resembled a barn when he thought about it.

Richard was sceptical at looking inside the box when he didn’t know what it contained, and since Dennis was hitting on it with her fingers made it harder. Dennis’ hand grew tired of playing around on the rosette and opened it.

Inside the box was a board, along with pieces, a dice, a strange spare dice and in a pocket; three wooden dolls wrapped in a small bag possibly for protecting them. The barn-box had other pockets as well, but they seemed unimportant for a game like this one.

“It looks like an interesting board game, why won?t we try playing it before bed?”, Dennis said.

She started take out the material when Richard put his hand on hers. Richard had grown tired of trying the gentle approach, if she was trying to ignore him he might as well confront her.

“Dennis, where did you find those cans?”

“We have to move the board to the table in the living room downstairs. It would have been more cosy in the bed, though the game seems to take more time then most of the others. Not to say its size.”, Dennis said.

“Dennis?”, Richard said.

“... Under a board close to the table. Richard, you should sometimes stop worry about details. Overanalyse is your work, not your life, silly.”


She had been telling the truth, Richard found a small basement in the kitchen. It consisted of several pieces nailed together to look like the rest of the floor, though it was heavy to remove. On the shelves cans were labelled after meat, greeneries and root fruits.

Beverages were powder or... did he just imagine it? An alcohol-box hidden beneath fake boxes? Possibly hidden in case the little girl was getting curious... When he thought about it, he might need something drink after everything.


When Richard went up he spotted Dennis had organised the board game and its material on the table in the living room, along with lit candles.

She seemed to be studying the board without noticing he entered the room. Richard wasn’t surprised, this was one of the few moments when Dennis paid full attention to anything.

This was one of the things Richard found appealing about her, and at the same time not. It was her lack of interest that prevented her from advancing from the position as a product-designer at their company. Dennis could have been the chief of her department just like he was the leading marketing-analyser in his.

Richard had berated her at times for that, but Dennis seemed to enjoy her position. She had many moments proving that:

?To improve the engine?s overall performance... a lighter colour perhaps? Or should I just add a bypass on the train’s circuits? Might put a ribbon on it for the flavour, you like that, right Choomeister??

Richard poured up a few drops bourbon in a glass he found in one of the boxes made especially for special occasions. The drink was well-preserved, spite the rest of the house. He made a short pause after swallowing to feel the taste going down his throat.


After closing the trapdoor Richard realised that she was serious about playing that board game, even when he told her not to before going down to find the cellar. Dennis had installed the board and put up the pieces on top of it, along with three dolls looking like mascots.

Dennis didn’t seem to notice he was there, looking exciting to reveal how play the game as she was examining each piece with care.

One of the dolls were smaller then the other, Richard realised that it was possible to remove the arms and legs by a simple twist. The head was a different story. If you touched it, the head popped off with little provocation. Richard didn’t expect this and jumped back a bit the first time.

He was sure this could be a fun toy if they changed some features after the vacation, at work when he did what was possible with the dolls.

“I know how it works now, Richard.”


“The board game, dear.”, Dennis said. She had that dreamy look again, her eyes turned to the doll in Richard’s hands.

“The dolls are fascinating... they are neat.”, Dennis said. She took one doll and patted it on the head. “Shall we play dress-up dolls, Richard?”

Richard caught himself aware of what he was doing. He felt ashamed for acting so childish. The only thing he really wanted to do now was going to bed and wait out the blizzard.

Yet Richard wasn’t getting off that easy when Dennis woke up from her fascination with the toys. She grabbed him when he was going up the stairs with the bourbon-glass still in hand.

“Where are you going? We were going to play the game and you are sleepy already. Have you started to relax now Richard? That?s good when you are up late on nights for instance.”, Dennis said.

Looking at her smiling made it hard for Richard to sneak to bed like that. Dennis dragged him to the table and offered him a seat.

She rounded up the pieces and pointed at each.

“Which do you want play as? The red frog is cute, but offers little aesthetic taste. While the brown bull is harshly made, but looks proud. The green baby-seal looks adorable...” Dennis continued to present each and every of the fifteen pieces until she finally stopped sighed, “I have a hard time to choose between them, Richard. I think I will take the baby-seal. It looks so cute with that look on its face. I hope the others aren?t too offended.”

Richard was unsure what to pick, her feelings towards the pieces were too deep to him. And it didn’t make it any easier when she looked concerned when he eyed them. Richard felt forced to change his decisions multiple of times and ended up with picking a yellow housecat. It was pretty fat...A “fat cat”.

It wasn’t until now he realized how detailed each piece was. The fat cat’s face truly resembled a persian, not that it made the critter more beautiful in any way possible. The question was how they were made; few craftsmen in France could make anything like this, less from one piece.

“I am so happy, you prefer the kitten after all.”, Dennis said. She picked up the rest of the pieces and put them inside the box. Richard didn’t listen much to her explanations regarding how to play the board game, she started to float on occasions as the rules were set up. He was thinking back about what Dennis said about cats.

“... And so is it, even though they could have made the final requirements for victory comprehensible. I would have suggested something more amusing and easy to understand, like how ?Drahmas Wagon’ was initially going to be. Don?t you agree, Richard? Richard?”

“... Sure, that would have worked.”, Richard said.

They started to decide who was going to be first by rolling the dice. Highest number started, unfortunately for Richard he was the lucky dog. Ironic, but he couldn’t let her down when she was laughing for his sake.


Richard had a hard time his fat cat to get ahead of Dennis? baby-seal, but Dennis was helping him out by telling him how to catch up using the side-roads here and there.

The board game got more entertaining then he initially thought. They had a good time. Dennis without realized it, pushed off the little doll from the table when she had to reach for her piece across the table to move it. The doll’s head popped off and rolled under the table.

“You can think over your move Richard. I’m thirsty; I think I will go to the basement for something to drink. Do you want something too if I can find something, Richard?”

He shook his head and pointed at the few drops of Bourbon left in the glass. “This is enough for me.”

Dennis nodded and went under ground. When she came back, Richard was reading the clip book. Dennis in lack of a fitting glass took a zip right from the bottle.

Richard looked up, noticing what she was drinking.

"Peach vodka?", Richard said.

Dennis nodded. "It possess a nice scent when you drink it."

He decided not to ask what she meant by that, and asked her to roll the dice so they could get to bed earlier.

The game also offered many different traps and quizzes, some were helpful while others just were meant to make the player pull his hair when they sorted out the cryptic commands.

Richard started to enjoy this unexpected mini-semester with Dennis even if he had to put his mind from the other issues. He couldn’t let a baby-seal defeat his fat cat!


Both had reached the final area, but they were stuck. Dennis looked disappointed at the board and then on her baby-seal.

"I’m sorry, baby-seal. It seems like we can’t win this... The rules doesn’t tell what happens if both players enters the final area within one turn." Dennis looked down, and then on Richard.

"We can’t finish it, Richard."

"It’s ok..."

Dennis shook her head. "No, it isn’t. I have to think it over. We have to finish it, Richard. It was so close..."

She went up from her sofa and took another zip from the bottle. Richard decided to flip over the clip book again in hopes of finding something explaining about the family in it.

New pictures, similar explanation for each one. The only thing Richard could deduce was that the parents, who ever they were, cherished their daughter. Perhaps even more then required when he spotted the picture on the last page...

Richard looked up from the clip book to see how things went for Dennis. She was walking back-and-forth, still drinking on that peach vodka in zips. It was an enigma to him that she wasn’t drunk yet, he felt intoxicated by just smelling that thing. It was true as some said. That beverage was a one of a kind appealing only to certain people.

"We can go to sleep now, Dennis. You will figure it out tomorrow for sure.”, Richard said.

Dennis didn’t seem to have noticed his offer, as she looked like she was still in deep thoughts. But there was something about her; he had a hard time grasping what it was.

Her shirtsleeves seemed to almost cover her thumbs, but her pants seemed to have grown saggy over the short time they were in the cottage. Richard brushed it off and went back to flip over a few pages in the clip book. But he kept a close eye on her.

"... But if we did that instead it might be possible to resolve the lock. Yet that means I have to... poor baby-seal.", Dennis said.

Her voice sounded awkward, it must have been the alcohol kicking in. But she wasn’t starting to talk thickly like he did after drinking. Dennis was pretty short in comparison with him, one head shorter, but when the bookshelf behind was roughly higher then her...

Richard had to scratch his eyes when Dennis’ jeans slid down. He dropped the glass when her underwear followed the pants. Dennis didn’t seem to notice when she was talking to herself, the bottle still in a steady grip. She only tied a knot on the panties without thinking any further about it to keep them up. Dennis drank the peach vodka, the clothes grew larger... Or was it the opposite? She grew smaller? It wasn’t until Richard closed the book he knew his eyes were telling the truth, while observing her. She was shrinking!


Richard turned over the chair when he tried to get to her. He knocked the bottle off her hand when he took her arm. It was a horrifying look watching. Dennis arm grew short and thinner in his grasp. Her body followed the procedure. The torso grew inwards, making her bosom vanish. Legs and hips became short and chubby respective.

Richard was frozen solid, the eyes registered his girlfriend was nothing like a few moments ago, but the brain refuted the fact: Dennis stood in her shirt, now a size mistaken for a ridiculously large nightshirt, bathing in a pool of her other clothes.

The little girl giggled.

"Richard, you are acting funny."

Richard snapped back to reality. Who’s acting funny? Dennis seemed to have not noticed, but he sure did. His girlfriend had shrunk to kid-size in no time. And she was just joking about it, him being funny like this was something normal! He had to work this out somehow, things like this doesn’t happen without a logical explanation. Self-combustion was one thing, but "instant-shrink"?

“Come here jolly folks, yeh should try this drink. One zip and you get rid of some fat. Take ten and you could date your children’s baby-sitter. For an extra franc, you can get a full spare bottle. Drink that and the baby-sitter will be able to baby-sit you instead of your kids.

Note, nappies are not included in the kit in case of overindulging.”

That would be one thing if it was for commercial use, but this was definitely not funny. The bottle had stopped rolling and leaned against a table leg. Richard’s brain worked overtime to find a solution. He looked at the vodka bottle she had used, and then on his glass on the table.

What if this happened to him? He has been drinking that Bourbon for quite some time now. No one could try getting help in the resort if both were pint-size. Richard could visualize the notice in the local paper:

“Two kids found frozen to death in an abandon cottage, parents still missing!”

"Your hand is bigger then mine, Richard. Much bigger. Why haven’t I noticed that before?", little Dennis said holding her hand to his free hand. She giggled again.

Richard looked down at her, smiling with that bright face. Dennis seemed to have a lost a tooth at that time, he had forgotten that day. Pretty funny event, but he didn’t have the time right now.

There must be a way to fix this up. Richard realized he still hold her small hand, it felt soft like a child’s, he dropped her hand. That warm feeling, it was not good if he distracted himself from the goal.

"We will always be together no matter what happens, right?", little Dennis said and hugged him. Her sleeves being overlarge made it look like she was trying to hug her father’s waist in a costume.

Dennis eyes seemed to have an innocent glimt behind her hair covering her face, yet hinting something when she looked up. Richard couldn’t panic and give up when she still acted like herself.

The car was broken, but they could try walk to the resort tomorrow when the blizzard had calmed down. It didn’t matter if he had to plow the whole way back. He could call for help when they got there, but explaining this to his future-step parents wasn’t comforting...

"Hi, Mrs. Olaire. You see, I like your daughter very much, but it wouldn’t work out right now. We have to wait another, should we say twenty years, before the marriage? But don’t worry; she’s still cute as a button."

Richard could picture the woman’s reaction. Comical or not she would faint on the spot after realizing it wasn’t a grandchild resembling her daughter, standing on the porch. Her husband comes and tries to wake up his wife stuttering something Dennis. One look at the daughter, now a kid, and he joins her on the doorstep.

Richard thought about avoiding that until they had fixed this... mess. But then again they are much more worrying then his parents if Dennis didn’t call them once in a while. Mixed thoughts hit his mind.

The girl looked around on the floor and spotted her bottle on the floor. Dennis left the clothe pile and walked towards it to pick up the bottle. She was about to heave it with both hands when Richard grabbed it.

"Richard, what are you doing? I wasn’t finished with that. Can I please have it back?", little Dennis said.

She tried to reach for it, but Richard held the bottle higher. There was no way he would let her drink anymore. He had to wait in case something happened to himself as well. This was already bad enough, if Dennis had finished the bottle... The thought haunted him. ’Baby-Dennis’ was just plain ugly to think about. He couldn’t let her suffer more then now.

Richard walked over to the front door, little Dennis tailed him with some difficulty. He opened the door and poured the last contents in the peach vodka-bottle outside. The bottle was then tossed and landed in the snow. Dennis shielded herself from the cold blowing in behind his legs watching with a puzzled look on his actions.

"Why are you wasting it?", little Dennis said.

Richard didn’t answer until he closed the door, it had become cold enough the little time the door was opened.

"Trust me; you don’t want to drink anymore."

"But I was still thirsty..."

He patted her head and lifted her up.

"We can drink something tomorrow at the resort, Dennis."

Dennis looked at him as they went up stairs, and smiled.


Richard undressed himself, keeping the pants on. Dennis was sitting on the adult bed in her "nightshirt". So far he haven’t felt anything strange about himself. Nothing seems to have become two sizes bigger for him. That was a good sign, but it was still disheartening. And he just couldn’t understand why this happen to her and not him instead? Richard felt he could sue the manufactory, but what good would that do?

Dennis would still have to return to school again without a cure. It wasn’t right, damn this vacation! They shouldn’t have gone to this mountain in the first place. She must hiding her own feelings about this, he knew it. Dennis wasn’t the person to worry others. He could picture the horror being an adult trapped inside a child’s body. Take him instead! Why not make a pact with the devil if he had to, if only Dennis became normal again...

"We have to finish the game...", Dennis said. She had started to kick her legs in tandem, watching Richard sunken in thoughts.

"No, that can wait.", Richard said.

Dennis shook her head. "I know how to finish it. The rules were not intended to be applied to the final zone."

"Go to sleep, Dennis. Please."

Richard didn’t listen; he went to the other side of the bed and opened the red blanket. The little girl was still sitting on the bed.

"We have to-"

"... Go to sleep."

"Are you listening?"

"Sleep, now..."

Dennis looked at him for a moment before she crawled under the blanket. Richard blew out the candle.



Richard slept uneasy that night. How could things end up like this? At least he had disposed of the culprit. And tomorrow they could get moving to the resort at last. All would work out...

He turned around to get a find a better position when he felt something heavy fell off his stomach. Richard heard a sigh. He fumbled to lit the candle again. Richard spotted Dennis laid next to him, looking at him with a confused look.

"Richard... have you grown shy? We have done this many times before and you have never acted like this before.", Dennis said and looked down at the blanket.

Richard kept his distance from her when she crawled back to him. It felt awkward somehow when she did that. Sure, but then again it wasn’t an adult and a seven year old snuggling in the bed before her “condition”.

He liked Dennis very much even though she didn’t keep her marbles all the time. This wouldn’t work. He can’t sleep next to a child with an adult’s mind. What if she tried to get close to him again and he did something in the sleep?

The thought was unpleasant, but there was a solution even if Richard didn’t like it at first. Richard sat up and grabbed Dennis under her arms. And went toward the child’s bed.

"What are you doing? Have you reconsidered to finish the board game, now. ", Dennis said. She was looking at him until he sat her down on the bed.

"Just go to sleep, Dennis...", Richard said. He tucked her in the bed. Dennis grabbed his hand. Richard shook it off. He went to the adult bed to sleep again when a he heard a thumping.

"Bed! Now!", Richard said.

The little girl looked at him for a second and then jumped back into the child’s bed.

"Sorry Dennis. I will make this up with you somehow when this is over...", Richard whispered and blew out the candle.


Dennis woke up and yawned. She was still thirsty. Little Dennis stretched her arms because they felt stiff. It was still dark in the room, but she could see some in the dark without waking up Richard. The girl crawled down the bed to avoid waking him up.

Dennis went over to her boyfriend sleeping in the big bed. She was uncertain why he had acted so funny earlier. Little Dennis rolled up the sleeves on her shirt. She had to ask Richard to take her to a shop when they returned home. The shirt was many sizes bigger then she could recall.

Dennis looked at the sleeping man. He looked cute. She had to stand on her toes to reach him. His unshaved cheek tickled when she kissed him on the cheek. It felt funny. Richard must have done something to his face as well.

It was large like the rest of him; more then she could recall when they left home. Perhaps he was playing a game of some sort. He have never shouted at her before, nor lifted her with ease. She could play along if it made him happy, and to discover what game it was.

Richard was a strict man following set rules. That would explain why he hasn’t told her anything about this game. She wanted to kiss her boyfriend on the mouth, but found it hard to reach him. The throat reminded her that she was still thirsty.


Dennis went down the stairs. She noted they were a bit different from yesterday when she walked up after dinner. This cottage was comfortable without a modern touch. If they did some adjustments, adding a larger cellar along with improved exterior, this cottage could work as their holiday cottage. She had to ask him later about the idea.

She went over to the kitchen; the oven was still giving off some heat. The only place with something to drink was in the cellar. Little Dennis struggled to open the trapdoor. It was heavy. She couldn’t lift it.

Discouraged, she went to the living room with the board game. She sat on the sofa. The pieces were as they left them before, both in the final area.

"Richard will be in a better mood to finish the game tomorrow. I knew how to finish the game without thinking... Dennis said and giggled a bit before realizing she was still thirsty.

Little Dennis spotted her pants laying on the floor with the underwear and socks in it. It looked silly, she have to put them on tomorrow. Dennis looked at the door and then on the baby-seal piece.

"You are thirsty too, right?", little Dennis said. She was about to pick up the animal when she spotted something familiar next to the game board.

A bottle labeled ’Peach Vodka’ stood on the table with a few drops in it. Little Dennis looked at it before she grabbed it. The bottle was heavy for her to carry. It was also still cold.

"Looks like the bottle didn’t like the snow either.", Dennis said. She giggled a bit. Little Dennis shook it a bit. The drops followed the motion. She swung the bottle with her hands to drink the vodka.

"Hm, funny... It doesn’t taste like before. Perhaps the low temperature have affected the aroma.", Dennis said and took another mouthful.

The little girl put the bottle back on the table. It didn’t quench her thirst. Dennis was still thirsty. She decided to have another try on the trapdoor again when the room was illuminated by a blue light. Little Dennis looked around to spot the light source. It came from the empty bottle. The inside was smoking and bubbling. Fluid came from the gas, and refilled the bottle somewhat. The light disappeared afterwards.

Dennis clapped her hands.

"Amusing, this means I don’t have go to the basement now. Thank you."

She drank the peach vodka; once it was empty the bottle refilled itself over again. Dennis drank some more and put the bottle on the table.

"That’s enough. Now I am just sleepy...", Dennis said and wiped her mouth with the sleeve.

The bottle glow a bit and disappeared. Little Dennis clapped her hands and jumped down from the sofa and proceeded against the stairs. Dennis tripped on her shirt and fell flat on the floor.

"This is getting cumbersome...", Dennis said. She giggled a bit while touching the area she hurt in the fall.


It was a hard time walking up the stairs, her shirt made her fall over again if she didn’t crawl. Once up on the second floor, Dennis noted that the shirt reached down over her toes. She removed the heavy shirt and tossed it along with the misfitting bra to the floor she had kept under. Dennis climbed up to the adult’s bed. It was cosy under the blanket. She moved over to Richard for some warmth.

He was still sleeping. She hugged him a couple of times. Richard had been holding her at a distance. But he was acting warm now, despite she was closer to him then usual when her bosom usually made the short distance between them. Little Dennis moved away when Richard changed position towards her. She looked at him and crawled closer.

Whatever Richard was planning, he was good at it. Dennis closed her mouth and went over to his lips.

"Goodnight...", Dennis whispered and kissed him.

She blinked for a second, it wasn’t the same thing, Dennis couldn’t cover his lips like she used to. The smell was different. But it was replaced with a reassuring feeling. Richard still did really like her despite being so grumpy...


Dennis fell asleep next to Richard and woke up hours later now fully rested. The sun started to rise and the blizzard seemed to have stopped. She giggled. He was still asleep. Dennis crawled over and kissed him on the cheek before jumping down the bed. Still cute, she noted

It seemed like the bed was taller. She recalled Richard was playing a game of some sort, but didn’t tell her about the rules. Dennis decided she could make breakfast, but first she needed to get dressed.

She walked down the stairs, it took a long time and longer when she went up with the clothe pile in her arms.

Dennis opened the clothe-cupboard and searched through the boxes. She had seen a pocket mirror yesterday.

It was in a box for the woman living here before. Dennis walked over to the chair where Richard had left his shirt. She noted it seemed to be cold, he haven’t taken off his pants since last night. Little Dennis put the pocket mirror on the chair. Adjusting it a bit she spotted a girl not more then five years old in brown hair covering part of her face in it.

"Hi, little girl. How do you do? I’m Dennis Olaire.", Dennis said.

She waved at the girl, and she waved back. Dennis giggled. It looked funny. The little girl did the same things like her. It was cute. Dennis wondered why such a sweetheart didn’t have a hairclip or two in her hair.

"Are you shy? It’s okay. We can be friends if you want to.", Dennis said. She smiled, and the girl returned the favor. The little girl seem to have lost a few teeth, it made her look even cuter when she smiled.

"I have to get dressed and make breakfast now, but don’t go. You can have some too if you like."

The mirror-girl shook her head, still smiling. Dennis brought her clothes over to the mirror and unbuttoned the shirt she left beside the bed. Little Dennis put it on in the front of the mirror. She looked into the pocket mirror. The shirt still fitted her. The mirror-girl seem to have her own shirt too, way too large size for a little girl like her.

"I have to roll up the sleeves before I button it.", Dennis said. She giggled a bit.

The mirror-girl didn’t join in on the giggle and looked down and shook her head. She produced a small green dress with frills in her right hand. Mirror-girl pointed at it like she wanted Dennis to wear one too.

"But that seem not to fit me.", Dennis said.

The mirror-girl nodded. Dennis turned her attention to her right hand and found a green dress with frills in it. Dennis looked on it for a moment before deciding to put it on.

"Look! It fits.", Dennis said as she twirled around in front of the mirror, "Looks like tags can be deceiving sometimes." The girl in the pocket mirror nodded and smiled even happier then before.

Dennis picked up her panties, which still had that knot she did, from the clothe pile and put them on.

They slid down to the floor when she let go. "My underwear don’t want to stay in place. I wonder if they didn’t like what I did to them yesterday...", Dennis said. She looked back at the girl in the mirror. Dennis put her hand over mouth. "It seems like they are upset too, don’t you think little girl?", Dennis said.

The mirror-girl was staring at her own large underwear residing on her ankles. She had a sad look on her face. Dennis pulled up her panties and undone the knot. She grabbed a larger part of to make a knot closer to her waist. This time they stayed on. Dennis looked back at the pocket mirror.

"Look, I only had to do some adjustments. Should I help you, little girl?", Dennis said.

Mirror-girl shook her smiled, showing her own underwear sitting perfect under her dress as well.

Dennis closed her hands and curtsied her new friend before heading towards the stairs. When Dennis left downstairs, the mirror-girl waved at her. A woman with brown hair covering her face stood beside her and waved as well.


Richard woke up sweaty and with a big headache to support it that morning. He had a nightmare about laying naked in bed with a pre-pubescent girl.

She had brown hair covering her eyes, tears were flowing down the cheeks. He was hitting on her, penetrating her. The little girl screamed in fear and pain.

He just laughed it off. She was chained to the bed, unable to escape. He could do whatever he desired with the pre-schooler. She was in his private domain now...

Richard shrugged, glad that Dennis had slept in the other bed. If he had done anything to harm her... No matter if it was a nightmare or not, that would be repulsive. He could shoot himself if that ever happened to Dennis in her current condition.

He put on his clothes while trying to forget the dream. Richard felt a small bump in his jacket pocket.

"How could I have forgotten... I was going to give this to Dennis once we had installed ourselves in the resort.", Richard said.

Richard thought that engagement-rings were more of a middle hand. This wedding ring was his testimony of how much he liked her. He was going to surprise her with it, even if she more likely thought it was a simple gift.

Dennis never paid attention to details. But the things that have happened ever since they hit this mountain... He had work this out after breakfast.

Dennis haven’t said a word, probably still sleeping in her bed.

Richard felt the guilt lurking deep inside him again. A smell of something getting cooked hit his nostrils.

"What? Sausages, but it shouldn’t be...", Richard said looked to the childbed for support. Dennis wasn’t sleeping there.

He decided to go downstairs to the kitchen. Dennis was standing on a chair, cooking weenies on a frying pan. She was smiling while turning them around.

She seemed to have no headache like him. It felt somehow unfair, since Dennis had swept almost a full bottle of vodka yesterday, while he had only drank three or four glasses with Bourbon. And that she was kid made it feel even worse.

The way she looked, despite the smaller stature, she was of full energy in that dress... Dress? Since when did she start wearing a dress in the winter, and with frills?

"You are a sleepyhead, Richard. Breakfast is ready.", Dennis said and muffled a giggle with the fork.

She turned around on the chair to bend over and put the weenies on the plates residing on the table. Dennis jumped down and started to move the chair over to the table.

"No, it can’t be... ", Richard mumbled. He felt the cold from yesterday when they paused from the board game, returning. She was... smaller then before. How could this happen, he knew he had thrown out the culprit in the cold snow.

While Richard was checking himself for any possible symptoms, the little girl was struggling to climb up the chair.

"Sit down, Richard! We have to eat before finishing the game.", Dennis said and pointed at the potatoes, peas, and a pair of weenies on the plates.

"I was considering getting something to drink, but I couldn’t pull up the trapdoor...", Dennis said.

She picked up the fork and knife.

"Have a seat.", Dennis said and started to cut a weenie even if she had to keep her hands close to the handles.

Richard was looking at her in silence. It didn’t add together, he couldn’t find out how Dennis could have "grown" even smaller. If she claimed that the trapdoor was too heavy for her... he was uncertain if this included before the second time she changed.

Richard sat down in front of Dennis. She was getting messy from using the fork and knife, like a kid... He hoped it was only mistakes from getting used to the different body.

"Dennis...?", Richard said.

The little girl took a potatoeslice before noticing he was talking to her, chewing on it while answerering. "Yes, Richard. What is it?", Dennis said.

She put down the fork and knife eyed between Richard and his plate.

"Did I do to little ? I can make more if you like to, Richard."

"It is not that. But how could you, you became... smaller?", Richard said.

Dennis looked at him a few seconds before she started to giggle.

"You’re so funny Richard. Is that flattery? Now eat before it gets cold."

Richard poked at the weenie while he was thinking how rephrase what he was trying to say. Dennis continued to eat, piercing each and every pea on her fork.

"Wait... she said she was thirsty yesterday.", Richard muttered.

"Dennis are you not thirsty anymore? You said you were thirsty when we went to our beds."

Little Dennis nodded. "Yes, but not anymore. The bottle you threw out yesterday didn’t like the cold outside, and came back when I went downstairs last night."

Richard let those last words sink in. He looked at his girlfriend, who was beaming with a smile. "Don’t tell me you went out, in the cold snow, in a blizzard, to fetch a bottle of vodka! ", Richard said.

Little Dennis closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I said the bottle came in by itself. Why are you yelling at me? You should eat your breakfast, if you are hungry." She reached over and tried to push Richard’s plate towards him.

Richard decided he had the facts clear now. Dennis had to have somehow opened the door, plew through the snow, and brought back the bottle.

So far it matched, but Richard still had one piece in this puzzle that didn’t fit: The vodka bottle was empty. Dennis would be very cold in her feet when she got it. She would then realise and recall how her boyfriend had poured out the contents in the evening.

And finally decided to scoup in snow in the bottle to drink that instead. She return inside, cold, pull logs to the iron oven and lit up. The snow filled bottle would melt its contents, and presto! Water mixed with almost no alcohol, ready to drink...

Even that sounded farfetched. Dennis couldn’t be that desperate to drink something by following that procedure, especially when it made her lose weight and mass to an age not even ready for first class at school.

But that was the only logic option. She was to weak to open the trapdoor, couldn’t find anything to drink on the inside, because he had drank up the only other option; Bourbon.

Richard decided to eat, so far he haven’t shrunk, when Dennis pleaded him to. After that they had to get away from this place.


Little Dennis climbed down the chair when they were finished eating. She tugged at Richard’s leg, who currently was in deep thoughts.

"Did you like it? Can we finish the board game before I show you a new friend I made last night, Richard?", Dennis said.

"You did what? There can’t possibly be anyone here except for us. If you can’t recall, we crashed despite driving slow. No sane person would try climb this mountain at a later time without being lucky. Not to say it was even colder then when we came here."

Dennis looked at him with big eyes a moment before she started to giggle. "She was here, silly. A little girl in a green dress with frills just like the one I put on...", Dennis said and paused, looking towards the board game in the other room, "She was very shy and didn’t tell her name. I think she would be less shy if she had a hairclip in her hair."

It had happened, behind those adult-like words was his girlfriend revealing a little girl’s imagination. He knew Dennis was referring to herself, but this was more like a substitute if psychology was involved. Dennis was aware of what have happened to herself now, but by putting the issue on something she could comprehend; An imaginary-friend...


Dennis giggled, Richard was very convincing about this new game. He would understand better if he saw the little girl in the mirror. But, then he could attempt to add another rule that she haven’t figured out yet.

Still it was good Richard didn’t think of work all the time now. He could maybe make the little mirror-girl talk after the introduction.

They were going to the resort later, but not without finishing the board game first.

"Come. I will introduce both of you.", Dennis said and hurried to the stairs. Richard grabbed her as she was using the stair rail to get up the first steps, and held her in his grip on the way up.

It was funny how he could grab and lift her so easy. Richard have done it a couple of times now, he must have been working out in secret on his office, little Dennis thought.

Once they reached the attic he let her down. Dennis hurried over to the pocket mirror and grabbed it. "She’s shy, but I will make an attempt to introduce you.", Dennis said.

She opened the pocket mirror and looked inside. It was strange, Dennis only saw herself, a smiling woman in a green dress with frills and brown hair, looking back. Dennis looked up at Richard who was towering over her when she closed the pocket mirror.

"She is not here, Richard. Maybe she will come back later when she isn’t shy.", Dennis said.

Richard nodded, "It seems so...", he grabbed her hand. "We have to go now, finally starting our vacation back at the resort."

Dennis held the pocket mirror in her other hand while they walked down the stairs. She was uncertain about it, Richard must have added another rule without telling her about it again. Was he pretending that Dennis was lying about the mirror-girl?


Richard was now certain about some issues: She was starting to act as young as she looked. The thirst was quenched last night by imagination. That would explain how she could "open" the barred door without waking him up; Imagination.

Richard put on his jacket and removed the bar on the front door. Little Dennis was jumping up and down tugging on his jacket when he opened the door.

"The game! You promised we were going to finish the board game, Richard.", Dennis said.

"Will it take long? I have to fetch your jacket before we go.", Richard said.

He would like to get away from this place before something else happened. If she was starting to think like a child even more, keeping a promise was something he could break without feeling any guilt.

Dennis was standing there, still holding in his jacket, thinking hard judging from the way she was closing her eyes.

"I believe it takes... Replaying from before we went into the final area... No time at all.", Dennis said.

She smiled and tried to pull his hand to make him come with her.

Richard sighed and followed while thinking, this was the final thing they would do in this cottage...


Richard sat down in the sofa, Dennis crawled up on his lap and started to point out what they had to do. They moved the pieces, Richard’s fat cat and Dennis baby-seal, back to the square before entering where the lock occurred to resolve it.

"Good! Now, roll the big dice, Richard. We have to decide which one will be granted to pass into the final area."

Richard picked up the dice, she is definitely losing it, he thought. The dice they had used yesterday was still as small as it was then. He cast the die, it rolled around on the board and hit a five.

Little Dennis rocked back and forth, giggling on his lap.

"No silly, that’s why we couldn’t finish the game before. Open the box again and take out the funny-looking dice instead."

Richard did as she said, even though he hesitated. Inside the barn-shaped box was the "funny-looking dice" laying alone inside a side pocket.

He couldn’t believe what his girlfriend was trying to tell, how could any decent man think of using a dice shaped like a polygon? Richard have never seen a dice like this one; twenty sides instead of the common six. What good would that do, more then making the odds of getting a perfect roll skewed.

"Now you have to make it stand on one of the pointy sides, and spin it.", Dennis said.

This was getting ridiculous he could as well roll it instead. Richard tossed it up in the air above the game board.

"No...", said Dennis and jumped up and grabbed the dice before it hit the board. She turned around looking at Richard, concerned.

"You can’t do it like that, Richard. You must spin it, not toss!"

"Does it really matter? You only have to get the highest number, Dennis."

"Yes it does, Richard. You don’t want to be a rule breaker, right?"

Little Dennis sat down again on his lap and adjusted into a comfortable position. Richard put the weird-looking dice on a pointy-end and spun it. The dice went around a bit on the board before tipping over and revealing number twenty.

If someone asked him, they could as well have used four or five normal dices instead of having to use something like that twisted dice. Richard can’t recall any game where anyone could use a polygonal dice without being considered a cheater.

Dennis clapped her hands. "Looks like you won the lock, Richard. Now roll the other dice."

Richard shook his head and picked up the other dice, looking at his girlfriend in case she wanted him to "spin" this one too. Dennis didn’t object and he rolled the dice.

It stopped at "two", he moved the cat over two spaces before stopping:

"You spotted the gardener, move forward three spaces to escape before he sees you."

Richard couldn’t see the fun in those notes, except it allowed him to get further. The fat cat skipped three spaces.

"Now it is my turn.", Dennis said. She jumped down and stood on her toes to reach the table. It seemed like she had to feel on the "funny-dice" before spinning it.

The dice spun a very short time in comparison when Richard did it, landing on number six.

"Looks like you have to be alone in there for now, yellow cat. But don’t worry, we will come soon when I get a dividable number with five...", Dennis said and resumed her spot on Richard’s lap.

Richard came far before Dennis hit a four. But, by that time he was only one roll away from finally going away from this place.

He have grown to hate it after the time they have spent here. When all this is over he might return and burn this wretched place to cinder.

Dennis seemed to be blissfully unaware of what have happened, she still enjoyed this game despite what have happened. Would she ever understand? He hoped she would when they fixed her condition. By that time he could give her the gift residing inside his pocket.

"Looks like you will win, Richard.", little Dennis said.

"You can roll the dice, Dennis. I will win no matter what you roll." , Richard said.

Dennis shook her head. "It is considered cheating, you know that Richard. I don’t want to break the rules, trivial or not."

Richard sighed, rolled the six-sided dice and moved to the goal, still having two moves in reserve.

"Look! You did it, Richard. ... This requires an additional reward.", Dennis said. She stood up and kissed him on the cheek. "The other is in the barn.", Dennis said and pointed.

Richard picked up a small leather bag from the box, it was locked with a tight knot. He ripped it up and opened the bag.

It looked like the contents were candy in a colored wrapper, almost overflowing. Dennis was looking at them, her eyes were filled with curiosity. Richard had a bad feeling about what was going to happened. He grabbed for the bag, but she was quicker and snatched a green wrapper.

"Dennis! Put that down!" , Richard said. He grabbed her arm and forced Dennis to drop it in his hand. Richard was breathing heavily.

"You said... you don’t break any rules... Only the winner can take from the bag, right?"

Richard put the wrapper inside the leather bag and tied it back together again, as little Dennis was sobbing on the floor. Richard packed the board game back together while leaving her for herself,

’It was only for her own good’, he muttered.


Why did he shout at me again? I didn’t do anything wrong. I told him yesterday that one of the rules said that the other players must pick something from the "treasure chest", the bag, and give it to the winner as a mutual gift. This was the sign they accepted the defeat and later celebrated together.

Dennis was happy they could complete a fun board game like this, but it was unsatisfying when her boyfriend was still upset, despite the victory.

Was that he was still hungry and refused to eat her simple breakfast? Dennis was aware that her cooking left much to desire, she have to learn it someday if it makes Richard happy again.

Was all this part of his game? Richard was a better role-player then she thought. That she could sit on his lap was something different. Dennis felt it was safe, like he would protect her from any harm.

Perhaps Richard was combining various aspects from medieval fairytales in his game, but when she kissed him like the rules should be, Richard was hesitating. Was he a humble knight, perhaps?

She could feel the tears were soaking the nice dress with frills, the little girl would be sad if she returned it in this condition. Dennis recalled they had to do that before going. She wiped her eyes.

"Richard? We have to see if the mirror-girl is in, now."

"Only once, and then we will head out from this place direct, okay?", Richard said.

Dennis nodded and opened the pocket mirror. She saw herself in the green dress, looking bigger sitting on Richard’s lap then she could remember.

Dennis pointed at the reflection. "Look! There she is. Right next to me."


Richard sighed and looked inside the pocket mirror. He saw himself dressed with his shirt and tie, Dennis sitting on his lap in her green dress. The Dennis in the mirror looked back at him with a smiling face, like she did on his lap. The next second she sported small sharp-looking eyes.

"... M... E... A... N...", the Dennis in the mirror mimed with her lips. Richard looked back at Dennis.

"What do you mean I am "mean"?! I have done you nothing!", Richard said.

Little looked up at him, she was almost crying again.

"Why are you saying something like that Richard...? I would never say something like that about you. Never."

Richard was sick of this child’s game, he grabbed the pocket mirror and threw it into the wall. It snapped in two on the hinge, the mirror glass cracked when the pocket mirror hit the floor.

Richard took little Dennis and put on his jacket on her. It didn’t matter if she looked like a dress-up doll, he was done with this cottage.

"What are you doing? Why did you-", Dennis said while he shut the zipper. She tried to move around but tripped towards Richard’s legs.

"We are going...", Richard said. He could leave her real clothes where ever they were. They didn’t fit now, and the extra package would only slow them down more.

He lifted up his girlfriend against his right axle, with her face looking on the back, and went to the door. Richard removed the bar and pressed down the handle.

It didn’t move one bit. He tried once again, now with force.

The handle almost broke, but at least the door opened. Snow as long the eyes could see, it seemed like the blizzard have calmed down quite a bit.

Richard could feel the cold air enveloping him, he would probably catch a cold big as Lyon before they reached the resort. A march like this after years, it is almost like being in the French army’s winter-survival.

"...Keep your head down in the warm jacket, Dennis.", Richard said and pushed her head down. A good thing was that she at least had stopped crying for the moment.

Richard took the first steps on the porch. It crunched under his shoes.

He jumped down over the stairs and started running in the snow.


They plew through the deep snow. Richard was holding her in his arms, on the axle. He seemed to have trouble breathing. Dennis offered him to take the very large jacket instead. He dismissed it, poor Richard keeping this game up.

Everything had happened so fast, why Richard had been so upset about the girl, or why he had yelled at her, or even why they hurried from the cottage.

It was very confusing to Dennis, they were going to see if they could rent that cottage later. And the mirror-girl... she wasn’t shy this time.

Why did he react like that? It can’t be that her boyfriend have developed a fear over young children in a short time. That wouldn’t compute at all, not if they were going to have children one day.

Richard was in good condition, she could confirm it to any of her friends at the company. He had been going through the snow in a long time now without taking one break. Red face like a fresh tomato, snow mixed in his blonde hair like flour.

Richard looked like a cute doll from a small and new toy company. Dennis giggled at the thought how it looked like in her mind.

His jacket was warm and large on her body, but how it fits different on Richard was an anomaly to her. Thoughts went to how snow could change the perspective after longer exposure, though Dennis concluded that it must be a size that fits everybody perfect.

It had started to snow more intensely. The sun was rising to mid, but the little heat it provided thwarted more then it helped. Reflecting sunrays made it hard for Richard to see. He held her closer as they barged through more pine twigs.

Dennis felt he wasn’t mad at her now. It felt cosy when he held her so close, but that round thing in the front pocket was started to sting her in the chest. It was funny how Richard have started to have something in his pockets that wasn’t pencils.

It could be a franc... lucky franc? Though its thickness told it couldn’t be a coin, perhaps a ring of some sort. Dennis didn’t think anymore about it, Richard could tell by himself if it concerned her.

Her boyfriend was starting to stagger and breathed even worse, but he continued towards their destination. It would be better if he rested and let her walk instead.

Richard must be very strong when he could walk such a distance with a woman in his arms, down a snow clad mountain in the wild, instead of taking the longer but safer way down the road.

Dennis looked up at Richard, despite he was at occasion forcing her head down the warm but stuffy jacket when she poked up.

She giggled, he could sign up to be a ... They call it... "steel man"-competition? If Richard had planned everything up to the car accident, he was good at improvisation, unlike on meetings when he couldn’t even say one sentence without the paper.

Richard wobbled again and felt into the snow with Dennis flying a bit further, the powder scattered to give place to both.

Dennis looked up from the snow and tried to get over to Richard, who lay facedown in the snow. She felt the cold now, since she had only a dress under the jacket.

"This game isn’t fun anymore, Richard. Not when somebody gets hurts. I choose to forfeit. Richard? Richard?", little Dennis said.



It snowed, the flakes covered the couple. Dennis was still trying to make contact with her exhausted boyfriend.

"... Will we always be together, Richard? Richard?", Dennis said.

She was trying to push on him for response.

He couldn’t hear her. The cold had made him loose the little feeling he had while still being warm during the "march". And the winds getting more intensive made things worse.

Could they have made it a bit further if he didn’t forget to bring her jacket?

Richard took the hand shaking him and dragged her to him. She haven’t tried to continue by herself, even she tried her little frame would be buried soon enough away from him.

Could it be that she still had some of her old mind left after all, she isn’t fully a kid? He hugged little Dennis, and forced her legs to retract into the jacket to shield her from some of the cold.

"We will make it somehow, I promise...", Richard said almost inaudible.

Why did he have to trip over what ever it was under the snow? The leg, it hurts awfully lot. Just some resting and they could continue, he would rise, pick up Dennis laying isolated in the snow with him, and go on...

The snow felt comfortable despite Richard had lost feeling for good. He felt his mind slipped away. They had to make it somehow. If he had made it this far, failure was an unknown word to him.

Richard recalled something, he had kept that gift in the jacket Dennis wore now. The wedding ring so close yet so far away. If she had just known what he had planned at the resort in the beginning...

It was funny, Richard could swear he heard a song of some sort. A lullaby perhaps? Was it the snow angels singing for them...

The End.


"Only dimwits and kids could enjoy something foul as peach vodka.", Sarah noticing "Dimfeather’s" peculiar large stock of mentioned beverage.

- Sarah Pearson, currently a demoted and regressed mercenary, age 10. Lives with her target, adult male age 34, including his baby sister estimated age 6 and a female celestian ak.a "Dimfeather" age 19, in an apartment year 2180.

From "Resurrection DollZ".



End Chapter 1

Rock-Back Shack

by: Trash Raider | Complete Story | Last updated May 20, 2007


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