Revenge gone wrong

by: | Story In Progress | Last updated Apr 10, 2007

A scorned boyfriend's attempt at a vengeful malicious prank backfires. (Unfinished)

Chapter 1
The beginning and the end.

Hey folks!

I was commissioned to write this story in six parts, but I wasn’t even paid for the first section so I never continued it. But I wanted to post what I wrote and invite anyone to add to it if you feel you’d like to, I’m too lazy to further it myself, plus I have the attention span of a goldfish which makes it hard to follow through...thanks anyway! Here you go, hope you enjoy.

18-year-old John Sarkens had just been dumped by his girlfriend.

And he was seething in anger.

John began muttering to himself as he trudged down the street, ignoring the startled stares of the people he passed.

“Too young for her, yeah right! She’s barely a year older than me!” His musings as he turned the corner onto the main street of the town he lived in became increasingly loud.

“I know the real reason she broke up with me...its that new guy! What’s his name? Mike something...whatever...she’s had her eye on him since he-“ John stopped.

There they were! Just as he suspected! His girlf- his ex girlfriend Sarah Lansing, and the new guy, Mike...something. His name didn’t matter. They were standing arm in arm, peering through a window at the music store.

John ducked behind a parked car and tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“It just came out, supposed to be the band’s best stuff yet!” Sarah’s voice had just the smallest hint of excitement; she was trying to play herself off as cool and mature for the older Mike.

It made John sick to his stomach.

Mike was going to buy the CD, John knew. The sap was already reaching into his pocket. Suddenly he was patting his jeans with his hands, and he moaned.

“I forgot my wallet at home.” He turned to her, smiling ever so slightly, and kissed her briefly on the lips. “Come with me to get it,” he whispered, “and then I’ll buy the disc for you. Of course, there’s always the chance that we might get distracted by the bedroom before we come back.”

Sarah giggled. John almost wretched. They’d already had sex! John and Sarah had never had sex...not so much as a hand job! It was all he could do not to jump out and yell as he watched them walk away. As they turned the corner John’s anger began to fade. He stood up and looked moodily at the CD they had been discussing.

Figures. He had introduced her to the band. She wouldn’t be this excited if it wasn’t for him. Hell, she wouldn’t even know...

Even know...

That sign hadn’t been there a few seconds ago, John was sure.

The CD was supported on a wire stand, alone in the display window.

Or it had been a second ago...

Now a plain white poster board with black lettering stood next to it. John hadn’t seen anyone put it there, but it was there now. And what was more interesting was the advertisement on the sign.

Even more fun with music!

Looking for a practical joke to play on someone this spring? Maybe a prank on your fellow classmates? Or a little revenge for a prank done to you? Talis Enterprises proudly presents the most effective subliminal messaging CD to date! Any CD in the store can be encoded with our hypnotic messaging almost instantly, and costs nothing extra beyond the regular price of the product! Just look at what you can make your friends do with our messages:

Bark like a dog

Loose intelligence slowly (or quickly, paces very on selection)

Act like a cat

Bray like a donkey

Drool uncontrollably

The list went on and on, John begin to break into a wide grin. Now he could get them back! Now he would have his revenge for her backstabbing and disloyalty! Hmm...dogs were loyal, maybe he should make her bark for no! He peered at the list. Make her a lesbian! Heh, see how much she enjoys sex with Mike after...

It was the last option on the list, almost obscured by the bottom of the window, but he saw it, and he knew it was perfect.

Act like a baby

This was it! She said he was too young for her...well; see how easy it is for her to say that when she was meekly asking for a diaper change. Almost laughing out loud John went inside the store.

Sarah was fully dressed again as Mike finished doing up his pants and reached for his shirt. The doorbell rang, and Sarah went to answer it. She opened the door, but no one was there. Instead there was a CD on the doorstep. Her eyes widened with delight. It was the one she wanted! Mike, that wonderful stud, must have ordered it while they were here at the house. She’d never heard of a music store delivering, but whatever. Maybe they made a special instance.

Happily Sarah put the CD in the main stereo of Mikes small but comfortable house. She closed her eyes and swayed to the music, soft but jazzy, classical but fast. Mike was all of a sudden standing beside her, also swaying with the music. They moved to the couch, where she rested comfortably against Mike’s shoulder.

Almost before she knew it, the disc was over. The stereo automatically shut off with the end of the CD, and Sarah shifted into a proper sitting position. Mike blinked. Then he smiled at her. “That was some good music.” He said. Sarah nodded and stretched. She felt like she’d been sitting there for hours. “Well,” said Mike, “How about some dinner?” Sarah nodded, and Mike moved off to the kitchen.

Outside the house, peering through the window, John’s heart sank. Why weren’t they crawling? Why weren’t they babbling like babies, wetting themselves, sucking thumbs? John snuck away from the house, and raced back to the music store. They damn well better be ready to give him a refund.

Back at the house, Sarah had come completely out of her reverie, and had turned on the

TV, but there wasn’t anything really interesting on.

John burst into the music store, and marched straight to the counter. The lady behind it had black hair, piercing green eyes, and appeared to be in her mid twenties. Her voice was light but not cheery, as she asked, “Can I help you?”

“Damn right you can help me!” John almost shouted. “You used the hypno crap as a plug to get people to buy your CDs!”

Sarah had stopped on a channel, waiting for the commercials to end. She looked interestedly at the ad for the latest Barbie doll, she hadn’t played with Barbies in several years, but this one had a certain amount of appeal...

The woman smiled patiently at John. “Sir, I have to ask you to calm down for a moment. Take a deep breath. Listen to the music. Do you like it? New band.”

“What? Oh, yes, I suppose.” John hadn’t even noticed the music being played through the store. It had no lyrics, but the solid rock beat was very entertaining. “No listen, I want.... uh...” the music seemed to be getting louder. John was finding it hard to concentrate. “I want a refund.” He said, his voice starting to fade slightly as he continued to listen to the music. “The CD didn’t do anything to the person who listened to it.”

The commercial ended, Sarah watched interestedly at the brightly colored cartoon that came on.

“Now, sir, I’m sure there’s an explanation.” The woman said smoothly. Her voice was calming John, and he found himself agreeing with here. There was no way this lady did anything wrong! She was so nice!

Sarah let the smallest giggle escape her lips as she watched the silly antics of fuzzy critters on the screen. No wonder they made channels that played cartoons all day! This was what entertainment should be, not that silly news garbage.

“Tell me, sir, what messaging did you make?” The woman asked, leaning forward slightly. John felt slightly intimidated by this woman for some reason, but he gathered up his strength and said, “The baby one.”

The woman nodded. “Well, sir, the reason you didn’t see results is that the regression messaging is time released, adding childhood traits little by little. But more to the point is why you picked the regression option. You like the idea of teens and adults acting like babies, don’t you?” John was nodding. He didn’t know why, because he was fairly certain that he didn’t like...didn’t like...whatever it was she said.

“Or perhaps you find yourself wanting to be a baby, is that it?” John definitely knew that one was wrong! But again he was nodding his agreement. On second thought, what was so wrong about being a baby anyway?

“You were going to use the CD on yourself later on, weren’t you?” John blinked. How had she known that? He hadn’t even known it a few seconds ago, but knew it made sense.

“Of course, you’ll get instant results. You don’t even need the disc. All you need is someone to tell you what to do.” Well, he did like to help people by doing what they wanted...yes; he could see himself acting like a baby if someone told him to...

“I’ll help you out, John. Suck your thumb.” He didn’t ask how she knew his name, didn’t wonder as to the purpose of sucking, he simply did so, feeling a wave of peace wash over him and fill him with warmth as he sucked contentedly and loudly in front of the lady.

“Good boy, Johnny. It feels nice to suck, doesn’t it? Helps you forget all about your worries and cares, about that nasty potty...about the boring things you learned in school...”

Johnny giggled from behind his thumb. Him good boy! Johnny not need stupid school or dumb potty! Johnny had diaper for... He stopped, pushing his free hand onto his crotch. He not have diaper on! Johnny needed diaper! He might make mess if he didn’t!

The woman smiled warmly at him as he repeatedly pressed between his legs, hoping for a diaper to appear there. He looked shyly up at her. “Johnny need diapey.” He said, blushing furiously. He’d learn the potty soon, he promised himself.

The woman broke into a huge grin, and pulled out a large, thick, white, disposable diaper, and beckoned John to take her hand as she led him around the counter into a back room. Once inside her stripped him of all his clothes, and Johnny didn’t even protest. He kept sucking his thumb and waited expectantly for the diaper she was holding.

Soon he be diapied again, and he no worry about pee pee no more! The! His Mommy! Strapped the diaper into place, and as soon as it was secure, the final bits of knowledge on “holding it in” disappeared from Johnny’s memory, and he quickly began flooding the diaper, giggling all the while. His Mommy smiled down at him, standing him up to his full height. He thought it was funny that he was taller than his Mommy.

“Now this is what you expected to happen to your victims, isn’t it, John? Instant change. The message wasn’t meant to do that, its makes it more embarrassing. When the time comes, I’ll make sure you’ll be adult enough to appreciate what’s happening.”

Johnny wasn’t listening. He had just discovered how fun it was to poke at his wet diaper.

Sarah jumped when she heard the crash from the kitchen. A sickening smell assaulted her nose as she ran in, to find Mike on his knees, tears in his eyes. As she looked him over for cuts or bruises, she noticed a definite sag at the back of his pants, and realized what the smell now was. “I, I had an accident.” He whispered meekly. He looked at her for a moment, his eyes growing wide. “You too!” he said with relief. Sarah gasped, and reached behind her to grasp the back of her jeans.

A foreboding squish answered her touch.



End Chapter 1

Revenge gone wrong

by: Anonymous | Story In Progress | Last updated Apr 10, 2007


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