Lara's Little Detour

by: Oni | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 4, 2005

Lara Croft meets treachery as well as the bottom of a pool of youth. For all of those who got frustrated whenever dear Lara died on them.

Chapter 1
Lara's Little Detour

"Lara’s Little Detour"

by Dark Oni

Disclaimer: Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider universe are copyrights of Eidos Interactive and Core Design.

Lara Croft was not a happy camper. As she crawled through the small crevice of rock she reflected on the events that had caused her distress.

It was bad enough her fianc?, Trevor Hawkins, had left her almost a week ago. Unfortunately, the ’Dear John’ letter wasn’t the only thing she’d found. She’d noticed that Trevor had used her computer the day before and upon checking it had found information leading to Mexico. Trevor had discovered an Aztec pyramid deep in the jungle and was planning to raid it.

Lara, furious at the betrayal of her trust, had immediately left for Mexico with blood in her eyes. She’d actually loved the bastard and this was how he’d repaid her. It was doubly infuriating that since she’d just turned thirty five, he may have been one of her last chances at happiness. Many men admired her body but few appreciated the mind underneath. Of those, Trevor had stayed the longest and then he’d done this.

Lara halted her ruminations as she heard voices from up ahead. Making her way towards the light at the end of the passage she squeezed headfirst through the narrow opening. She remembered how much she hated crawling. Her knees and back hurt but it had been worth it to sneak into the temple without being noticed. As she made her way out of the tunnel and onto a ledge she looked down at a small campsite, next to a small pool.

She first picked out the two armed guards watching over the entrance to the chamber. Their weapons were slung on their backs and they both seemed to be quite bored with their duties. Lara then noticed the object of her hunt. Trevor was bent over the campfire, roasting marshmallows. As Lara pulled the M-16 off of her back she noticed the final member of Trevor’s party. Sitting on a box was a Hispanic woman who looked to be in her early twenties. Her long black hair flowed down her shoulders to the middle of her back and her breasts looked to be only a little smaller than Lara’s. What took Lara by surprise was the fact that the woman was looking into a compact and applying makeup!

Even more rage flowed through Lara. "She’s in a sacred archeological site and she’s playing with her makeup? He left me for that spoiled little brat?!” she thought to herself. As she watched, Trevor walked towards the woman, gave her a marshmallow and then a long passionate kiss.

She tried to calm herself down as she slid forward for a clean shot at the guards. Something in the back of her mind said that all of this was too easy but she ignored it. The only decision she had to make was whether to let Trevor live.

As she made her way to the edge she felt her boot slip easily against the rock. She tried to grab onto something but instead felt her entire body slip. As she went over the edge, losing her M-16 along the way, she realized that the rock had been coated with something. They’d covered themselves well after all. Fortunately, she realized she was falling towards the pool.

Lara hit the water with a splash and immediately swam towards the shore. As she raised her torso out of the water she pulled her twin Uzi’s from their holsters and pointed them at the nearest guard. He’d managed to get his machine gun unsung and so she fired one of the Uzi’s. As the bullets shredded the man’s gun arm he screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Pointing her weapons at the other guard she noticed he hadn’t been as observant of her arrival and his gun was still on his back.

"Drop it and back away.” she said with her aristocratic English accent and then repeated the words in Spanish when the man didn’t seem to understand. After he’d done so she walked out of the water, trying to ignore the squish of her wet boots and how her shirt now clung to her ample chest. Even though things had worked out the fall was still embarrassing.

Keeping an Uzi on Trevor and his companion she picked up each of the guard’s weapons and threw them far into the pool. Herding the other three near the fallen guard, she finally felt safe enough to start some small talk.

Smiling she said, "Hello Trevor, you didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye you naughty boy. Who’s your friend?"

The woman drew her chin up, Lara noticed she was about the same height as herself, and answered in an indignant tone, "I am Maria Isadora Sanchez. This is my father’s expedition and he will not be happy with this. Not happy at all."

"Well, isn’t that just too bad? Sanchez, huh? As in Miguel Sanchez, drug and weapons smuggler? I’m sure the Mexican government will love to hear about this."

"Actually no.", the woman answered with a grim smile. "My father is Enrique Sanchez. Chairman of the board of the largest cosmetics company in Brazil."

Lara suddenly looked confused. "Cosmetics? Then why the hell are you interested in Aztec artifacts?"

"Artifacts?” the woman said, lightly laughing. Turning to Trevor she added, "You were right my dear, she really did believe the bait you left."

Lara felt annoyance in addition to a strange tingling on her skin. The water must be stagnant, she thought, and her without a shower within a hundred miles. "Then what the hell ARE you doing here?"

Somewhat condescendingly Maria answered, "Silly girl, my father found this cavern and pool decades ago and we have used a little of the water in our products ever since. We also own this land. You’re trespassing. Didn’t you even bother to check that before you came after Trevor?"

"Silly girl?” Lara thought angrily. "I’m at least ten years older than this little brat." Lara’s thoughts were interrupted by Trevor’s voice.

"Of course not my dear, Lara’s a woman of action. I knew she’d be so furious at me she’d blindly chase me to the ends of the earth."

Lara looked at Trevor incredulously, "You mean you had this planned? All along?" As Trevor nodded she felt a sadness take her. He’d never loved her.

Despite her depression there was still something nagging at the back of her mind. "What did you mean by products?” she asked.

"We use the pool to make people look younger, of course." Smiling widely she added, "What else would you do with the Fountain of Youth?"

Lara stared at Maria in shock, hoping desperately that the woman was joking. Most people wouldn’t have taken Maria’s comment seriously but Mrs. Croft’s little girl had seen enough strange things in her time to believe the Fountain of Youth WAS possible.

Maria ignored Lara’s expression, turned to Trevor and said, "You’ll notice, my dear, that once the water has had time to soak in the effects occur rather rapidly."

Lara pointed the Uzi’s right at the couple, frightened that they felt heavier. "Hey, don’t ignore me. I’m still in charge here!" Lara’s heart leapt into her throat as she noticed her voice had gotten higher with each word. She could also tell Maria looked a bit taller than her now.

"Why of course you are. As long as that nasty pair of weapons doesn’t become too heavy. But then, you’ve already taken a load off of another pair haven’t you?"

Lara followed Maria’s gaze to her chest. Her breasts, her once huge breasts, were now less than half their previous size and rode high on her chest. The sleeveless white shirt that had always been pulled tightly over them now hung on her body. The nipples of her now perky breasts were peeking over the collar of her shirt and she could now feel the air hitting them. What truly frightened Lara was that she could actually see them continuing to shrink?

Trevor gaped at what he saw. He had never seen anything like this before and was amazed at the skinny teenager that had replaced the fearsome image of Lara Croft. Her shorts were also hanging precariously on her hips and her boots were starting to look too large for her frame. When Lara’s gaze met his he saw something few had ever seen on the face of Lara Croft. Fear. Her face looked fresher too. Her nose had gotten smaller and her thinning features made her look like a young girl. Lara seemed to be in her mid teens and was dwindling rapidly.

As Lara’s mind raced for options she noticed her three captives seeming to grow. As her head tilted upwards she could feel the Uzi’s getting heavier, their tips dropping towards the ground. She then felt her wet shorts and underwear drop as well and could feel the damp bottom of her shirt sliding down her legs. She was running out of time. Quickly she made the decision that if she was going to go ’down’ she was at least going to take Trevor with her.

Dropping one of the Uzi’s to the ground she placed both hands on the grip of the remaining one. She had trouble getting her much smaller hands and fingers around it but just managed. With the last of her strength she lifted the muzzle and desperately squeezed on the now very taunt trigger.

Trevor had continued to be amazed by Lara’s transformation. Her face began to take on a more childish appearance. Her lips got thinner and the upper one began to form a very cute peak. As she lost height he could clearly see her now revealed breasts retreating back into her body until all that was left were two pink nipples. That’s when her shorts fell to the ground and Trevor noticed that Lara’s head barely came to his stomach. She looked to be about eight or nine but her shirt soon covered her knees as she continued to get smaller. That’s when he saw Lara drop one Uzi and raise the other. Knowing what she was up to he dived for cover, pulling Maria down with him.

With Trevor in her sights Lara squeezed as hard as she could. Unfortunately for her, it took a second or two to get the trigger to cooperate. By the time the Uzi fired Trevor had left its line of sight. Even worse for Lara, she hadn’t taken into account how much smaller she now was. The Uzi had only fired a small burst when the force of the backfire hit Lara like the kick of a mule. She flew back, leaving her shorts and boots behind on the ground and skidding a short distance on the back of her shirt.

Still dazed, Lara looked at herself. The first thing that shocked her was that her view was no longer obstructed by her chest. In fact, her stomach was actually sticking out farther now. The skidding had also caused her gown of a shirt to be pulled down her body. Her chest and shoulders were now completely revealed and all that was there was a pair of small pink nipples. Her thick socks had clung to her feet but were more than halfway off and basically useless as was the pair of white panties around her ankles.

Somehow, she’d managed to keep hold of the Uzi but it wasn’t much use to her now. In fact, it was huge and she doubted if she could lift it at all. Suddenly she noticed a pair of boots step in front of her. Looking up, Lara could see the smiling face of Maria shining down upon her. The now gigantic figure bent over and gingerly took the weapon from Lara’s tiny hands.

"Sorry to take away your toys chica, but children really shouldn’t play with guns.” Maria said, then started laughing.

Lara was losing it. She had to get away. Scrambling to her feet she started to run for the tunnel but promptly tripped on the panties around her ankles and fell flat on her face.

She heard more laughter behind her. Trevor and the healthy guard had joined Maria in mocking her. Her humiliation and pain combined to make Lara want to cry but she bravely held it back. She’d find a way out of this. She had too.

Kicking off her panties and socks Lara picked herself up again, pulled up her shirt and ran barefoot for the entrance, the hem of the shirt well below her knees.

The laughing increased and Maria shouted to her, "Where are you going little Lara. There’s at least fifty miles of jungle out there before civilization and you can’t possibly drive one of our trucks. You’re unarmed, you’re practically naked and you’re now about five years old. Forget this silly nonsense and come back to the fire where we can explain everything to you."

Lara stopped when she heard that. Looking at the dark corridor ahead of her she knew Maria was right. They’d tricked her and now they’d trapped her. She was completely embarrassed at how she’d literally ’slipped up’. All because she had been too intent on revenge to think everything through. As Lara returned to the fire, she sincerely hoped, for her sake, that she could figure some way out of this mess.

Halfway back Lara could see the victorious Maria smiling heartily and she visibly cringed. She could feel her now gigantic ponytail bouncing against the back of her calves. She was grateful, at least, that her hair hadn’t grown back into her body. With the way she tied it up it would have been very painful. Being a bit curious Lara reached a hand down to her crotch. When her hand returned with a clump of dark hair she knew the roots down there had become too immature to keep a hold on the strands. She suddenly felt very small.

Discomfort added to the experience. The cavern floor felt cold beneath her wet feet and the rough rock cut into her soles painfully. Her shirt was still soaked and her much smaller body, with much less body heat, was freezing. Lara knew that even if she somehow managed to escape she’d never survive the jungle as a child. Little Lara Croft had no choice but to walk back into the hands of her captors. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so helpless.

The now huge Maria gently patted a crate which Lara climbed unto. Lara swung her legs towards the fire to warm herself as her feet dangled high off the ground and her bare little behind met the cold wood of the crate. Lara steeled herself in anticipation for what they would do to her. She expected to be mocked or to be beaten. What they actually did shocked her. They completely ignored her.

Trevor and the second guard had lifted the injured guard to his feet and sat him on a nearby crate. Maria had gone to the Fountain’s edge and was filling a canteen. None of them had even checked to see if she was still there. "And why would they?” Lara thought, feeling insignificant. "I’m definitely not a danger to them or a threat to run. I’m just a little girl." Lara’s despair was broken by Maria’s voice.

"It really wasn’t nice what you did to Jose, little one. He WAS told to stand down if you fell in the Fountain but it’s still just terrible what you did to his arm. Don’t worry though; we can make things all better." With that Maria lifted the water filled canteen to Jose’s lips and the injured guard took a few gulps.

Maria then screwed the cap back on the canteen and walked with Trevor towards Lara while the healthy guard stayed with Jose. Lara noticed that guard now had her Uzi’s.

Trevor sat down across from Lara, still marveling at this little girl he’d once shared a bed with. Of course, then she’d been an adult with a very mature and attractive body. Now she was a child and an adorable one at that. Lara glared defiantly back at her former fianc? and was able to throw some anger into her high pitched voice. "You don’t really expect to get away with this do you Trevor? Questions will be asked. I will be missed."

Trevor and Maria both laughed before Trevor answered her. "What you haven’t taken into account Lara is that while someone can trace your trip here nobody knows why you came. We had your phones bugged and your computer monitored. We know you didn’t tell anyone what I’d done. Can’t say I blame you, it is awfully embarrassing to have your fianc? up and leave you. Or maybe you just didn’t want anyone suspicious about what you were going to do to me." Trevor said. Lara felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized she couldn’t bluff her way out of this.

Maria picked up where Trevor had left off. "So, all your friends know is that you and your fianc? both traveled to Mexico. It shouldn’t be too hard to convince them that you wanted to get married privately and decided to elope to Mexico on the spur of the moment."

Trevor carried the conversation along as if it had been rehearsed and spoke in a sad voice. "That’s when Lara found out about those Aztec ruins. She just had to explore them, even on her honeymoon. I was there when she lost her grip, and fell, screaming into the darkness of a very deep crevice." Even to Lara, Trevor sounded very convincing as he started to weep.

Feeling a chill run up her spine that had nothing to do with her damp shirt, Lara responded in a weak voice. "It-it’ll never work. You’ll need proof."

Maria leaned her face very close to Lara’s and whispered, "My family has great influence over this area of Mexico. It wasn’t very difficult to get a signed marriage license, death certificate or police report with witnesses." Maria could see little Lara’s face turn white so she continued. "So, the grieving husband returns to England to run his new estate alone."

Lara felt her fear almost overwhelm her but she strived to overcome it. With great difficulty she managed to ask, "How long have you had this planned?"

Maria straightened up and with a look of respect on her face, answered Lara’s question, "For a little over a year. My father and I have long been impressed with you explorations and reputation. We’ve done a bit of exploration ourselves as you can see and my father has long wanted to get a good look at the artifacts you’ve collected. We also knew that eventually our paths would cross anyway and that you would have to be dealt with. We thought it best to lure you into a trap, to draw the least amount of attention to us. You have many friends, and if you had simply been murdered at least one of them would have exposed us." As she spoke Maria had reached down beside her sleeping bag and grabbed a blanket. She then placed the blanket over the shivering girl’s shoulders.

Lara was thankful for the warmth the blanket provided and was surprised at Maria’s kindness. She listened as Maria continued, "So my beloved Trevor was chosen to meet and get close to you. Things worked out better than we expected when he asked you to marry him and you said yes. I suppose that biological clock of yours had been ticking quite loudly." Maria leaned over again and tickled Lara on her small nose. "You don’t have to worry about that anymore sweetie. In a month Trevor will claim your estate and about six months after that he’ll marry me. Then everything you own will be mine."

Lara was in anguish. They’d read her like a book, toyed with her emotions and set her up beautifully. It infuriated her to think of these criminals stealing her home and every artifact she’d worked so hard to acquire while all she could do was helplessly watch. Lara’s thoughts were interrupted as Maria changed subjects.

"Good, the water has started to work on Jose. You’ll find this quite interesting Lara. The water of the Fountain does not just make one younger."

For a moment, Lara forgot her humiliation as she stared incredulously at the wounded guards arm. Miraculously the man’s arm wasn’t bleeding despite the multiple wounds Lara’s Uzi had opened on it. It didn’t look torn up anymore either. Instead the muscle had seemingly knitted itself back together. As Lara watched, she could see the skin slowly grow back until it fully covered the arm again. Jose flexed his arm gingerly, seeming to test it. He looked fresher too, Lara noted. He’d lost a few years.

Maria shouted to them "If you two are feeling well enough please start taking the crates out to the trucks. We no longer need to wait here." The guards quickly complied, picking up the first crate and leaving the three of them alone.

"That’s incredible.” Lara finally said.

"I have always found it to be so.", Maria said. "A small amount of the water, when ingested, can heal almost any wound. Of course, there’s a limit to how much you’d want to use it, as you well know.” Maria said.

The statement caused Lara’s attention to return to her plight. Taking a deep breath she spoke and even in her high pitched voice her strength was evident. "So, what happens now?"

"Now you die.” Trevor said coldly as he pulled a pistol from his jacket pocket and slowly pointed it at Lara’s head. "Any last words honeybunch?"

Lara simply shook in her seat as an overwhelming fear took her. She’s always expected to have a chance when she’d played out scenes like this in her mind’s eye but she knew there was nothing she could do. The gun would stay in Trevor’s hand no matter what she did and even if she ran he could shoot her down like a rabbit. All the years of her life flashed by as she stared into the barrel of that pistol. She was frightened but mostly she was sad. "It shouldn’t end like this.” she thought as her emotions became too much for even her to control. Still, despite the turmoil inside of her the only external evidence was the face of a very frightened little girl with a single tear rolling down one cheek.

Lara’s gaze was so intent on the pistol that she didn’t notice Trevor was looking at Maria. The gun wasn’t loaded. Maria had only wanted Lara to think she was going to die so she could savor the little girl’s reaction. Her attention was riveted to Lara. She was impressed with the girl’s control and Maria felt a growing respect for her captive.

Maria had looked forward to having children but her marriage to Trevor had been postponed by the mission. She had contemplated keeping Lara for herself and now decided that she would. "Besides.", she thought. "It will be so much fun to break that wonderful spirit."

Playing the illusion out Maria placed her hand on the muzzle of Trevor’s pistol and shook her head. "No. I want to keep her."

Lara felt a bit indignant; it was as if she were being referred to as a stray puppy. She kept quiet however as she felt this was her only chance of surviving.

"But your father’s orders...” Trevor began to protest.

"My father isn’t here.” Maria said with conviction. "I decide her fate and I want her as my own."

A smile played on Trevor’s lips as he played his part. "You mean ... you want her to be our little girl."

"Exactly, my love.” Maria responded.

"What makes you think she’ll go along with it?” Trevor asked.

"She has little choice.” Maria shot back. Finally turning to Lara, Maria asked, "Well, how about it chica? Would you like to be my baby?"

Lara was mortified at the idea but felt it was a better option than death. Cautiously she squeaked, "I can live with it." Inwardly, Lara was hoping this would give her more chances to get out of this mess.

"Then it’s settled.” Maria said, as Trevor returned the pistol to his jacket. "But first, a few adjustments need to be made." Maria pulled a pocket knife from her vest and brought it close to Lara’s head. At first Lara flinched but she held her ground, considering a knife to be much less a threat than a gun.

After a bit of effort, Maria was able to cut Lara’s ponytail away at the base of her neck and held the long strands of hair gingerly in front of Lara’s face. "Much better." Maria quipped. "No child of mine should have hair that long."

Lara knew her hair hadn’t been much of a sacrifice but she suddenly felt very naked. The last evidence of her adult existence had been cut away. Lara tried to remain calm despite the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that threatened to engulf her. The object Maria pulled from her backpack didn’t help Lara’s struggle. It was a baby’s bottle.

Lara’s initial surprise gave way to terror as Maria calmly poured the Fountain’s water from the canteen into the open bottle. As Maria screwed the nipple on Lara interrupted in a small voice. "Wh-what are you doing?"

In a very happy voice Maria replied, "I’m going to feed my baby. I think you’re going to look so cute in diapers."

Frantically Lara tried to change Maria’s mind. As a five year-old she might somehow have a chance to convince somebody who she was or at least get a message out, but as a baby she would be totally helpless. "Are you sure about that? What if I get too young?"

Maria smiled condescendingly and said, "Don’t worry little one. This has been done before. When the Fountain’s water is exposed to the skin the limit of regression is about four or five years. You were drenched. Ingestion of the water can regress an individual to early or late infancy but it has never gone further than that."

"Do you know how the water does this?” Lara asked, partially to buy some time but also because she was interested.

Maria indulged her. "Some kind of radiation under the ground interacts with the unique minerals in the water here. Over the years we’ve been able to isolate these properties but we’ve been unable to reproduce them. Hence the necessity to periodically refill our supplies." Maria spoke like a scientist and Lara suspected she was much older than her body showed. Holding the bottle near her face Maria continued, "Enough questions for now little Lara. It’s time for your bottle."

Lara felt a pit of fear in her stomach as Maria’s arms reached for her. There was no way she was going to go without a fight. Hopping down from the crate Lara ran as fast as her little legs would carry her. Her destination was the pool. Lara figured that since swimming in the water couldn’t make her any younger than she was now she could at least go someplace her captors couldn’t follow. If she was lucky there might even be a passage under the surface for her to escape through.

An instant before she reached the water however, Lara felt two powerful hands reach under her arms and lift her into the air. She immediately started kicking and flailing at her captor but she could only hit air. With her last attempt at escape thwarted Lara lost the thread of control she had been maintaining. She began screaming at the top of her lungs in protest of the indignity she was going through. "You can’t do this! I’m Lara Croft! I’ll get you for this! I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll get you!"

Maria sighed as she held the struggling Lara at arm’s length and carried her back to the campfire. Instead of being angered by Lara’s outburst she was quite amused. The loss of control was the first step in peeling away the layers of Lara’s adulthood. Mockingly Maria said, "Such big words from such a little girl. Perhaps little Lara needs to be put in her place." As Maria sat down she placed the squirming girl facedown across her lap and held her in place. She then pulled up the bottom of Lara’s shirt and revealed the child’s small pink behind.

Lara understood her position, in more ways than one. Still she screamed, "Don’t you dare! I’ll...."

(SMACK!) Maria hit her bare hand against those little cheeks with most, but not all of her strength. "You’ll what little one.” Maria said calmly.

"Noooo!” Lara cried, tears coming to her eyes as she continued to kick uselessly.

(SMACK!) Maria struck again. A bit harder this time. "Will you hurt me?” Maria asked? Again she hit a little harder. (SMACK!) "Perhaps you will shoot me.", she continued. Even harder she struck. (SMACK!) "After all, violence solves so much for you." (SMACK!) Maria’s blows were now at full strength. "But look where you are now." (SMACK!) "The mighty Lara Croft..." (SMACK!) "having her bare bottom spanked..." (SMACK!) "like the naughty girl you are." (SMACK!) "And by your fianc?’s young mistress no less." (SMACK!) "Awfully pathetic I’d say." (SMACK!) "Well, I’ve always said..." (SMACK!) "when things don’t work out..." (SMACK!) "it’s time to start over." (SMACK!) "Are you ready to start over Lara?" (SMACK!) With each blow Lara’s crying had gotten louder but instead of an answer to her question, Maria felt a warm trickling sensation on her leg. With a start, she realized the terrified child had peed all over her shorts.

Instead of getting angry Maria laughed and said, "I’ll take that as a yes. Looks like the great Lara Croft has had another ’accident.’ Don’t worry baby, mommy will get you all cleaned up in a minute, but now to finish." With that Maria administered ten more quick sharp blows to Lara’s now very red butt. The child’s cries, which had turned to whimpers when Maria had stopped spanking, reached a new crescendo in agony.

Maria then placed Lara back on the crate, seating her on her now sore behind. As the crying child, her faced scrunched up miserably, squirmed against the pain, Maria firmly kept her seated and relished the power.

Lara was hysterical. She’d tried to control herself while on Maria’s lap but it had proven impossible. The pain had been incredible and the embarrassment had been worse. She’d struggled as hard as she could but hadn’t even budged Maria’s grip. Desperation had given way to frustration and her emotions had exploded. Her bladder had as well, she knew, and she was humiliated by the experience. Now her tortured ass burned unbearably against her own urine and her best efforts were unable to relieve the pain. Still crying heavily, she looked pleadingly into Maria’s smiling face and whimpered "Stop it. Please, stop it."

"Only you can stop it Lara.” Maria replied and placed the baby bottle in Lara’s little hands. "I want you to make the choice."

"No. Please. Not this.” Lara whined.

Maria ignored her. "It hurts, doesn’t it? The water will make the pain go away. I promise. Come, do as mommy says."

"But I don’t wanna be a baby.” the child spoke through her tears.

"You’ve already shown you are one, silly girl.” Maria commented while laughing and indicating her wet shorts. "Now suck on your ba-ba like a good little girl."

Lara hesitated, still trying to hang on to her adult dignity. "No.", she answered, weakly but firmly.

Maria’s tone immediately became harsher. "I told you to drink from that bottle little girl. Now drink before mommy gets angry."

Lara lashed back. "No. You’re not my mummy! You’re just a big meanie! Leave me alone!” she shouted as she started to cry loudly again.

Maria reached out and grabbed the top of Lara’s hair eliciting a cry of pain from the little girl. Very calmly Maria said, "Your choice little one. But if you do not drink that water I will spank your little bottom until it blisters and then swat it a hundred times more. You know I am not bluffing."

A suddenly silent Lara looked into the deadly serious eyes of her assailant and saw no mercy. Very slowly she raised the nipple to her lips and started sucking. Maria then released her hair and patted the top of Lara’s head. "Good baby. I knew you’d come around." As Lara drank from the bottle Maria continued her talking. "You know chica; I think you’ll be much happier as a baby. It seems to me you’ve been a big kid for a long time anyway. Running off on adventure after adventure and never having a meaningful relationship. It’s no surprise you fell so easily for Trevor."

Lara was angry at what she heard but didn’t dare respond. She’d lost this round and only hoped she’d have another chance. She also realized that as much as she hated it, she’d be doing a lot of crawling in the near future. As Maria’s speech continued Lara felt a tingling sensation coming from deep within her body and knew the water was taking effect. Slowly but surely the bottle she held seemed to be getting bigger as did the nipple in her mouth. The already huge shirt she still wore grew as well and the vast image of Maria seemed to enlarge.

Maria stopped talking as she saw Lara start to shrink. Her skinny arms and legs started to retreat into her body and her face seemed to get chubbier. Her bare feet rose further from the floor and the shirt she wore completely lost it’s purchase on her body and crumpled around her seated waist. Maria reached a hand over and helped the toddler hold the bottle in place. As Lara continued to shrink Maria reached her other hand under the girl’s bottom, which was now healed, and lifted her up, cradling the baby in her arms. Maria looked down on her new baby girl as she fed her. Lara’s regression stopped at about a year of age and Maria gently removed the empty bottle from her new daughter’s lips. Baby Lara immediately started to cry and Maria rocked her soothingly.

Within the next fifteen minutes Maria completely cleaned up her new baby and had her in a fresh diaper. Lara hadn’t liked being diapered and had drummed the little heels of her chubby feet against the crate’s top. Maria had been quite amused at the spectacle and had responded by tickling little Lara’s tummy until the baby giggled. There was no doubt as to who was in charge now.

As her people loaded the last of the water into the trucks Maria held a sleeping little Lara close to her chest, a pacifier in the baby’s mouth. "She will be raised properly.” Maria thought. "And her strength will serve the family well." Struggle as she might Maria knew that within a couple of months Lara’s mind would regress as well and after that she would only have flashes of memory while growing up. With her new mommy and daddy treating her with love as she grows, Maria knew Lara’s loyalty would never waver. Maria bent her head close to her baby and whispered, "It seems your life has taken a slight detour my little one." Maria smiled brightly at Trevor as he helped her into the truck’s cab and thought happily about the future they would share.

The End?

Copyright Dark Oni. 1998.



End Chapter 1

Lara's Little Detour

by: Oni | Complete Story | Last updated Jul 4, 2005


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