Thanksgiving Reversal

by: | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 1, 2006

Family reunion, a vengeful sister and a scheming friend ... all mean trouble for spoiled Michael

Chapter 1
Thanksgiving Reversal

Chapter Description: Family reunion, a vengeful sister and a scheming friend ... all mean trouble for spoiled Michael

[size=4]A ton of odd shoes and jackets by the entrance. The dinning room, kitchen and living room were all alive with conversation. Michael sighed as he would have to put up with relatives yet again. Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years and the Fourth of July. These were the holidays he had come to dread. While it did mean he would have the day off from classes t mean that he had to put on a mask all day in front of relatives who he didn’t hate but really had no emotional connection to either. He sniffed the air, at least mom was cooking turkey with that seasoning he absolutely loved. As he turned the corner his little cousin’s friend bumped right into him.

“Ooffff! Hey! Watch where your going you little turd...”

“Hey! You can’t talk to me like that I’m gonna tell your mom!”

“Grow up!” Michael rolled his eyes and walked off.

“You’ll be sorry! You’l see! By the end of the day your gonna be the one in deep shit!”

She ran off with her ego bruised. No doubt she’d be talking with Nancy, Michael little cousin all night. Lisa was one of those bratty kids who usually got herself into trouble by putting her nose where it didn’t belong; in all fairness though Michael wasn’t much better and was a lot like her when he was sixteen. At twenty one he pondered why he even showed up to these things anymore. Then the thought of paying for tuition all alone hit him and he resigned himself to the night’s duties.

Nancy and Lisa were sitting atop the bed in Nancy’s room, cross legged and blowing bubble gum. Boy band posters lined the light pink walls. Numerous photos of friends and stuff were taped to her mirror barely leaving any room for her to get a good look at herself in it. Her mom always got angry at her for wearing those mini skirts, it simply wasn’t the proper thing for a young lady to do. Nancy was always indifferent to her mom’s opinion though, a lot like Michael. That was the only similarity they shared.

“Your brother is a total doofus Nancy, he bumped into me and was soo like rude!”

“At least you don’t like have to live with him ya know.”

“I mean I don’t know how you put up with him! He makes fun of you all the time, never helps around the house which means you have to pick up his slack AND your mom gives him a bigger allowance and he’s like twenty one already! That’s bullshit”

“I know but like what am I supposed to do about it? He’s older, stronger and taller than me, there no way I can get him to do anything” Nancy pouted and played with her friend’s hair frustrated with her situation.

“Look Nancers when my big brother did that to me I told mom and she sent away for these pills. Its been three months since my brother ?stabilized and he doesn’t really get in the way at home anymore, we deal with him when we want to or have to. So like we make the rules.”

The bottle said Youthies on the front as Lisa handed them over to Nancy who methodically went over all the fine print.

“Wicked! So what do they do?”

“They make it so that he’ll never screw with you again. Later if he’s good you can make him normal again but my mom likes my brother better the way he is now”

“Cool, well, ummm.... Like ok! What do we do?”

“Leave it to me, by the end of the night we’ll be eating at the grown up table and he’ll be lucky if he even gets to eat at the kid’s table!”

The smile on Lisa’s face was foreboding and almost had a tone of malevolence to it. The smile on Nancy’s face was simply one of relief that her problem would soon get fixed. The girls made their way to the kitchen to help Nancy’s mom set up the table.

Michael surfed the web as he looked back and forth at his wristwatch. He promised his mom that he’d be down to the dinning room just before dinner was served that way his relatives would “have the pleasure of seeing him” as she put it. An hour had passed since she had said that and his eyes were already a little tired and dry from looking up obscure topics on online encyclopedias; he didn’t usually like to read small print definitions and lengthy descriptions but anything to pass the time. He drank his pop and then laughed unexpectedly at something funny he was watching. The fizzy soda shot out of his nose and mouth unto the desk.

“Shit...” he mumbled “Mom!” he yelled.

No response. His mom was too busy making sure everyone was attended too and so was his sister when he called for her. He rolled his eyes and then took a sock from yesterday’s day at the gym and used it to wipe down the desk somewhat. He didn’t care someone would clean it up for him, some one always did; it was the only reason his room wasn’t a real mess more often. There was also the fact that either Nancy or his Mom had to clean his room just to find things he had taken from them. Michael wasn’t a thief, far from it, he was just really curious and often stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. Another one of his irritating features.

Nancy had enough of her brother’s slovenly attitude around the house. He neglected to do even the most basic tasks and wanted some kind of reward for taking the trash out once a month. She didn’t want to hurt her brother just teach him a lesson and if that lesson involved making her life easier than that was just a side advantage; or so she told herself as she slipped the tablet into her brother’s drink. It fizzed and dissolved to nothing within seconds, like it had never been there to begin with.

“So he won’t be able to like taste it or nothing right?”

“No, he’ll never know.”

Nancy and Lisa went about putting the table in preparation of the big turkey dinner to come. Lisa took the drink up to Michael’s room.

“Here’s your drink looser, your sister told me to get it for you but I swear I only did it for her cause she’s my friend. If you were my brother you’d learn to be less of a looser!”

“If I was your brother you’d live in a cardboard box outside and I’d get your room.” He grinned and took a sip of his freshly severed drink “Thank you, now leave please”

Lisa smiled as he took another swig and then made her way back down stairs to help Nancy. Ten minutes later she passed by his room again and saw the glass was completely empty. She took it down to the kitchen and thoroughly washed it in the sink. No one needed to know what had happened or for that matter how to do anything about it. Although she doubted anyone really would, except for Michael.

The washroom smelled awfully cleaner than usual, not to say that it wasn’t normally clean but today it was just extra tidy and had that special sparkle. Michael combed his hair in the mirror. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear he shut the door and went about his business. As he was about to take his shirt off he noticed something was wrong. His muscles weren’t as defined as they usually were. He had spent years at the gym trying to beef up with relative success. But something wasn’t right about the way he looked. It was as if he had just recently started working out again. Sure he had cut back on his diet and was doing more cardio but the muscle loss was noticeable. A cold sweat broke out on his brow.

“No fucking way... like no this isn’t right...”

He slowly put his shirt back on and without a doubt it felt roomier than normal. Peering closer into the mirror he noticed his stubble wasn’t even forming like usual and he had way more patches than when he woke up this morning.

“Man I hope I’m not sick or something... nah I don’t feel sick and I take ok care of myself.. no its something else.”

He paused for a moment as he looked down at his briefs, didn’t his bulge used to be bigger? No, he wouldn’t look, it was probably ok, just his mind playing tricks on him. He hoped. His appearance really had him startled and he began to question whether or not he should go down and have dinner with everyone else. He didn’t want them to laugh or poke fun. If there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate it was being made fun of. Looking back at his reflection in the mirror he doubted that he could even hold back. He didn’t look twenty one anymore he almost looked sixteen. The door popped open and Nancy stuck her head inside.

“Hey doofus... Mom says dinner well be ready soo and you shouldn’t keep everyone else waiting.”

“Yea yea... I’m coming, just make sure I don’t sit next to Aunt Catherine, her perfume reeks!”

“ Don’t worry brother wother.. Aunt Catherine would never let oyu sit next to her, I mean you might end up ruining her dress!” the image of a baby throwing his food around popped int Nancy’s head and made her laugh. Micahel just stared at her as she giggled.

“Your messed”

“Not as bad you’ll be.” She wandered off.

Youthies had been on the market for several years but they were only sold by prescription. The extra strength pills that Lisa had stolen from her grandmother’s medicine cabinet could take twenty years off a person in a short while. She assumed Michael to be twenty one. The effects were indefinite but a progression pill called an Oldie could be taken however those were far more expensive due to their ability to be used for darker purposes. Nancy only wanted to teach Michael a lesson but Lisa on the other hand only wanted to see Michael make a spectacle of himself. Which he no doubt would being the loud mouthed little snot he always had been.

Michael descended the stairs, his clothes were a bit loose on his dwindling frame. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was very wrong. The way that Nancy talked to him was out of the norm. Older aunts and uncles were busy chatting around the table with his parents while his cousins and their children were glued to the TV watching ?family friendly’ programming. He sat next to his eighteen year old cousin Harry. The two tended to get along but only because Michael dominated the conversation.

“Hey hair balls”

“Mike I prefer Harry, thank you very much. Wanna play Killgasm 2006 upstairs?”

“I guess I’m close to beating it anyways. At least the gore is wicked cool”

The two got up and left, making their way to Michael’s room. Harry grabbed a controller while Michael loaded up the game. His mother passed by the room with his Aunt Catherine. They paused outside his room and ominously both shook their heads in unison. A peek inside and they were watching their sons play that terrible shooting game. Catherine glared at her son

“Harry! Did you bring that game to this house!?”

“No mom its Mike’s. We were just...”

Michael’s mom, Carolyn, stared a hole right through him and put her hands o her hips.

“Michael! When did you buy that game!? Your not even old enough to be playing such things! Honestly!”

Carolyn turned off the TV and pulled the plug out of the wall effectively ending the boy’s gaming experience. Catherine turned to her son.

“Lets go, back down those stairs. You can play those games when you’re at home or with your high school friends but you are most certainly not be playing them with a young impressionable mind like Michael! He’s only fourteen and that game is rated M for mature!”

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head at Michael then looked back at his mom.

“But why can’t I just play it and Michael can leave?” he pouted.

Both Carolyn and Catherine paused for a moment, pondered and then looked at each other upon reaching a consensus. Carolyn turned to her son and grabbed him by the arm.

“Come along now Michael. Dinner is almost ready.”

With out much more fan fare Harry went back to his video game as Carolyn marched her youthening son down the stairs with aunt Catherine close behind blocking his escape. It wasn’t as if no one was realizing the changes taking place in Michael; they all knew. However the norm in these situations was to treat the regressee according to their physical age. This was often due to the psycho babble that psychologists put forth; in reality the mind was often the last thing to go and usually only in situations where growing back up was not an option.

Michael was literally swimming in his clothes by the time he neared the kitchen and his mother was fully aware. She stopped and sighed then let out a yell.

“Nancy! I need your help dear!”

As if on cue, and already knowing what it might pertain to, Nancy rounded the corner and smiled at her know younger brother. She was sixteen and he was fourteen, the tables had been turned. Her mother eased Michael towards her and she instinctively took his hand which he shook free of.

“Michael is going to need his old clothes from the attic but I can’t leave the turkey unattended or it’ll burn. Nancy go get your brother something appropriate to wear.”

“Ok mom”

Nancy smiled at her brother. By the way he just lost another three inches of height she assumed him to be no more than twelve. She had effectively reduced her brother to a tween; not even a teen but not quite a child, yet. Michael made little protest as he was led up stairs mainly because he wanted clothing that he wouldn’t have to struggle to keep up. Besides nothing he wore at twelve was too bad.

The attic was dusty and cobweb shadows lined the corners. Nancy pushed aside several boxes until she found what she was looking for. The box wasn’t all that large but the label on it was clear ?Michael, clothes, 1996’. She opened up the box and was taken aback by the bar of soap atop his clothes. A fresh scent, just in case they would be needed again? Nancy brushed the thought aside. She sighed after taking a look at the clothes; everything looked awfully plain and she didn’t want t send her brat of brother into the dinning hall looking so ... well ... plain. Looking back at her brother she saw him haunched over with stomach cramps; ah the youthies did hurt a bit as a side effect.

“Nancy my tummy hurts...” Michael whinnied in a very child like voice.

Rather than feel any sympathy for his plight she had to restrain herself from laughing. As he struggled to get up and make a move for the washroom his pants fell around his ankles. His now humongous adult shirt looked preposterous on his shrinking body. He went to move but tripped and tumbled forward past the hatch and down the fold out stairs. He lay sprawled on the carpet and as a cool breeze passed him over he could feel the cold air on his private region. His sister stood over him, pointed and begun to laugh. He hurried to cover his dignity, or what was left of it, with his overgrown t-shirt but the damage had been done. At six he simply wasn’t much of a man anymore and that meant he was small all over.

“Nancy please help me! I’m cold!”

“I can tell little guy ... lets get you into something warm and fitting.”

She took him by the hand and this time there was no struggle on his part, it simply wasn’t a feasible tactic. She went a little deeper into the attic and pulled out another box labeled ?Michael, clothes, 1991’. Yet another bar of soap atop the pile. This time the clothes were far more embarrassing to even look at. He blushed as he saw what awaited him. Without even saying a word Nancy pulled his shirt off leaving him naked but quickly put a green cotton shirt with a yellow duck patch on his torso. From there she slipped the tiny underoo briefs up his legs, his favorite child hood character on them. Finally she pulled light green corduroy pants up his legs. She ruffled his hair and took him back down the stairs. Michael feared going into the dinning hall with pure dread, Nancy on the other hand couldn’t wait to get in there and shw off her little brother. She had dressed him up and everything, like a doll.

The smell of roast turkey and cranberry sauce was heavy in the air as it drifted throughout the house. Dinner had just come out of the oven as both brother and sister saw their mother rush from the kitchen into the dinning hall with a large turkey on a platter. Michael whimpered and tugged on his sister’s hand and looked up at her for pitty.

“Please Nancy I don’t wanna!”

“You don’t wanna? Michael this isn’t about what you want.. finally this is about what I want! I’ve had to pick up your slack since I was ten!” she then began to imitate her mother “Nancy could you: do the dishes, feed the cat, rake the leaves, shovel the snow, put out the garbage... “ she paused and stared icy daggers at her brother “And the list goes on, so no Michael, from now on if your going to get waited on hand and foot it might as well be as a baby or something cause I’m...”

Before she could finish her tirade Micahel eye’s went wide and he yelped out in shock.

“A baby!? NO!”

Trina and Patty skipped past their cousins. Nancy and Michael were always fighting. Patty’s ears perked up and she giggled.

“Baby? Where?”

A cruel smile crossed Lisa’s face as she watched the ongoings from the balcony. From her little hiding spot she could take it all in like a movie, it was her entertainment for the night. Nancy let out a chuckle and shoved her ever smaller brother towards the two fifth grade girls. His children’s clothes were getting looser and looser as the girls seemed to loom over him. At four both of the girls looked like giants to him.

“Oh!” their faces lit up with the realization of what was going on. Michael had often called Patty “Flatty Patty” and he always threw Trina’s dolls out the window. It was pay back time. Patty lifted up Michael’s right arm and grabbed his non-existent bicep. Years of fitness training had made it large and impressive; minutes of Nancy and Lisa’s planning had rendered it thin like a little girl’s arms.

“Your arms are littler than mine now Mikey!” She giggled as her sister snuk around behind Michael and pulled the briefs he was struggling to keep up right down. All three girls broke out in laughter as Patty commented on the situation “Mom says me and Trina will be ready for real lady bras next year but by the looks of it the only thing your ready for is diapers!”

Nancy was enjoying every moment of it, she finally had her brother in the palm of her hand. Lisa and her camera phone caught everything from her balcony perch. Live video all being filmed right there. Lisa won both ways. If the side effects were temporary the blackmail money Michael would have to pay out or the favors he’d have to perform would keep him on a tight leash for years; if something went wrong and the changes were forever well this would always make a cool video to upload online nonetheless.

“I ... you... I don’t ...wanna....wwaaaahhhhhhh!” was all that came from the humiliated little two year old’s mouth as he further receded into what was left of his clothing. Trina picked up the naked baby for the world to see as she held him up above her head.

“For all those times you threw my dolls out the window you have to make up for it by being my doll now!”

Nancy agreed with the girls that many humiliating punishments were sure to follow however tonight was thanks giving and they all had a dinner to attend. First things first though the girls were right; Michael was unfit to go to dinner naked even as the two year old he now was. Aunt Catherine passed by the hall about to enter the kitchen when she saw her infantized nephew in her niece’s arms.

“Girls ... good for you! Even though you know I disapprove of that kinda thing I’ll make an exception for Mr.sour puss here...” she pinched his chubby cheeks.

Their mother nearly ran into aunt Catherine as she raced to the kitchen for some extra cutlery. The look on her face was one of adoration.

“My wittle baby boy! Oh mommy missed you so! ... ho yes she did!”

Carolyn turned to her daughter and whispered not wanting Michael to start crying.

“Your little cousins Kyle’s diapers are still left over from when he needed them last year and we babysat, I want Michael in his diaper and ready for dinner I’ve already cleaned up enough messes today I’m not about to clean the floor.”

Nancy nodded and the two older women and young girls raced off to the kitchen and back to the dinning hall. Everyone in the family was ready to eat, everyone with exception of Michael.

Nancy hoisted her now one year old baby brother unto the dusty old changing table in the attic. With the thick diapers she had found under the bathroom sink she proceeded to do the honors of being the first person to diaper him in over eighteen years.

At this point Michael was hardly In control of his mental faculties, it was all too surreal to be true and he just started to glide through it like some nightmare that was becoming his new reality.

“I always thought you were a baby Michael and now you can be one for real and maybe even fore ever”

Down his chubby body went on the cold hard plastic, eliciting goosebumps all over. A wet wipe glided over nether regions as Nancy began to charitably rain down baby powder on his front and and behind. Some Vaseline and rash cream later and he was all but ready for the final stage. The diaper, his diaper, the mark of his position. With the ease of an experienced babysitter Nancy grabbed his ankles and lifted his bottom into the air, she slid the diaper under neath him and laid him back down on the pillowy fabric. She lifted the front up and over his tummy, sealing away his babyhood out of reach. She lifted her baby brother up and rested him on her hip as she happily made her way to dinning hall.

The smell of roast turkey and other delights were fresh in the air. Nancy took Michael’s usual seat as Michael was now seated at his very own table, kinda like he requested earlier on. Although being the only diaper clad one year old at the dinner party was never in his plans. Carolyn turned her chair over and began to spoon feed Michael his mashed banana and small pre cut bits of chicken. Everyone feasted at the table and enjoyed themselves. The old children’s table had been stored away a year earlier as there were no longer any small children unworthy of eating at the adult table. Baby Michael was too little to eat at the children’s table anyways so Carolyn brought her son’s old high chair out of retirement. There were a lot of things Micael would hve to get used to. As everyone finished their slice of pumpkin pie a strange odor hit the air. Twenty three faces turned all at once and stared at baby Mikey and smiled. Carolyn peeked inside her little undergrad’s diaper and sighed.

“Well at least diapers are cheaper than tuition!”

Everyone had a good laugh and went home. A week would pass before Lisa would even remember her plan. But where had she misplaced her cell phone? A short distance away Trina uploaded the file unto her school’s computer and went into the movie making program. She dwelled on a title for her show and tell presentation. A few blocks down Michael slept in his crib as his mother tucked him in. He had yet to show any signs of re-aging and everyone including her was just fine with that. [/size]



End Chapter 1

Thanksgiving Reversal

by: Anonymous | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 1, 2006


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