No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded

by: MaxPower | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 8, 2006

A woman helps a man who grants her her greatest wish.

Chapter 1
No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded

Chapter Description: A woman helps a man who grants her her greatest wish.

Cassandra, or Cassie as she was typically called, worked as a consultant for a marketing company. She had blonde hair that she liked to wear long, and everyone said she had a baby face. She disagreed as she was nearing thirty years old and was starting to see the signs of her age looking back at her from every mirror. She wasn’t unhappy with her work, but she seemed to be in a rut. Her romance life wasn’t anything spectacular and she didn’t have any children. Her life was mostly her work and she enjoyed a quite life at home during the week. The only time she ever went out was on the weekends, and even then her shy personality and low self-esteem generally kept her from meeting any guys that were worth her time. Despite her rut, Cassie tried to remain optimistic, but was beginning to give up. Little did Cassie know that her rut was about to change.

It started a normal day. Cassie went to work early in the morning and went home in the afternoon, just like she did every weekday. As she walked up to her apartment a strange sight caught her eyes. An old man in an electric wheel-chair was working his way up the hill Cassie lived on. She had seen the old man before, but never took notice of him previously. Today however, his electric wheel-chair seemed to be struggling up the hill. He certainly noticed, and seemed a distraught as the battery died and his chair came to a halt mid-incline. Cassie, who had watched the whole thing moved over to the old man to help.

“Excuse me sir, it looks like you need a little help,” Cassie said to the old man with a smile. His clothing looked very ragged, in fact it looked ancient. He had a short grey beard that looked pretty well-groomed.

“Yes, it seems my chair has run out of power,” the man smiled back at Cassie and introduced himself, “my name is Gary, by the way.”

“Gary, maybe I can help you get home. Where do you live?” Cassie looked at Gary as a breeze blew through her hair sending it cascading through the air behind her. Gary pointed to a building up the street that Cassie recognized. She saw the building everyday on her way to work. “Well, that’s just up the street, why don’t I just push you the rest of the way.” Gary nodded in agreement and Cassie began to push the wheel-chair up the hill.

Gary asked Cassie about her work and family. The two made small talk as the autumn wind began to pick up. She stopped for a second and tied her hair in a pony tail to keep the wind from messing it up. She reached the large apartment building in only a few minutes, but the hill had caused her to become short of breath. Gary opened up the door with his keycard and pointed Cassie to the elevator. She pushed him in and they rode up to the 4th floor. The corridor was dimly lit and seemed rather empty. It sent a chill down Cassie’s spine as she pushed Gary to apartment 16. He unlocked his apartment door and led Cassie in. Gary’s apartment was nicely decorated and had a warm feeling, nothing like the dim hallway that led to the apartment. Cassie pushed Gary to the charger for his chair and helped him into a regular wheel-chair. Gary looked at her and thanked her again.

“Cassie, I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me. I never would have made it home if it wasn’t for you.” Cassie began to speak, but Gary cut her off, “I know you don’t want anything, but I’m going to give you something anyway. Tonight, before you go to sleep, I want you to make a wish. Tomorrow when you wake up you’ll find that your wish has come true.” Cassie looked at Gary with a weirded-out look. Gary had seemed very nice, but now he was coming off as strange. “I know you think I’m pulling your leg, but I just want to re-pay you for your kindness.”

“Gary, I really appreciate it, but really, I’m okay. It was nice meeting you, but I have to go.” Cassie said as she quickly walked out of the apartment and back into the dim hallway. She shut the door behind her as she heard Gary shout to her. She just wanted to leave before Gary had the chance to say anything else. She figured her good deed was done and now she just wanted to go home. The walk home was chilly and the wind had picked up. Dusk had fallen and the sun was setting as the street lights flickered on. She reached her apartment and walked in escaping from the advancing cold.

Her apartment was clean and organized and felt very comfortable to her. She grabbed a TV dinner out of the freezer and warmed it up in her microwave. She tried to forget about Gary as she ate her food in front of the TV. By the time her movie was over she found herself very drowsy and headed to her bathroom to get ready for bed. She had another work day ahead of herself and was looking forward to a good night’s rest. As she began to brush her teeth she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. A small patch of wrinkles near her eye especially had caught her attention. She sighed and began to talk to herself, “Oh Cassie, you’re getting old. Oh how I wish I were young again...” She finished up her nightly routine and climbed into her bed. The blankets felt comfortably warm as a cool breeze blew in through her cracked bedroom window, and Cassie dozed off as the wind blew across her face.

Cassie woke up with a strange sensation. Her room was filled with warm sunlight which reflected off her brightly colored walls. She felt different somehow: less stressed, like a great burden had been lifted off her shoulders. She tried to stretch her arms and legs as she yawned, but she felt slight restraint. She looked down at herself and noticed that she wasn’t wearing her normal pajamas. Normally she wore just light pants and a tank-top to sleep, but she was now wearing what looked like a fleece sleeper. It seemed to hug her every curve but restrained her limbs slightly as she stretched. She also felt another strange sensation. Her waist seemed thicker than she remembered. She ran her hand down her side and heard a slight crinkle as her hand passed her hips. She was wearing a diaper, a thick diaper. The sleeper she was in bulged around her diaper, but stretched back to her side just above the hips. Her breasts also bulged from the front of the sleeper which further restrained her arms. She swayed herself out of bed and climbed to her feet which where closed on her sleeper. She tried to walk but realized that the diaper made it difficult. She felt like a toddler as she walked to a mirror to inspect herself. The image that stared back at her almost startled her. The face in the mirror looked much younger, with no signs of age. She looked like she was 18 again. Her blonde hair was thick, bright, and full of color. She ran her hand through it and a smile spread across her face.

She felt overwhelming joy as she looked at herself in the mirror and inspected her body. Her joy was suddenly interrupted as she felt a strange sensation. There was a growing feeling of warmth spreading in her diaper. She realized she was wetting her diaper with no control. At first she was frightened, but as the warmth began to spread she began to feel joy again. It started in her chest and it spread through her body. She felt a strange numbness in her limbs and her eyes began to close as a feeling of nausea began to consume her. Her arms and legs began to shorten and her body began to adjust. She felt her body becoming smaller. As her nausea passed she opened her eyes again.

She looked at herself again in the mirror. She was now no taller than four feet. Her clothing and diaper seemed to have become smaller too. Her face was much more childish in nature and her body contained no curves of the woman she was. The child that looked back at her must have been no older than 10 years old. She was still smiling as she examined herself again in the mirror. She felt more energetic, like new life was flowing through her. Cassie walked away from the mirror and waddled out into her living room. All her furniture seemed so much bigger to her now. She laughed as she climbed up on a couch and began to jump up and down. She could hear the crinkle of her diaper as she soared through the air, feeling happier than she had felt in years. After she was done jumping on the couch she went to the kitchen and climbed on a chair to get to the freezer. She pulled out some ice cream and began to eat it out of the carton. It was so good that she ate half the carton getting ice cream all over her smiling face.

With a full tummy little Cassie felt like watching cartoons and made her way back to the living room. As she made her way to the TV she felt another strange sensation. Her weight was beginning to feel like too much for her as she fell forward to her hands and knees. It felt like someone was pouring warm oatmeal in the back of her diaper as her limbs began to go numb again. A feeling of warmth spread through her body as it began to shrink again. She watched as the room seemed to grow in size all around her. The TV, which had been at about eye-level, was now towering over her. Her hair and skin grew softer and she could feel baby fat around her mid-section and face. When the numbness and warmth wore off she looked around her apartment. Everything was much larger now. She decided she must have been about one or two years old. A penny on the floor caught her attention and she tried to pick it up with her stubby fingers. She struggled at first, but eventually managed to get it. It was really shiny and Cassie had the uncontrollable urge to put it in her mouth. She couldn’t even describe the joy she experienced as she tasted the penny. Drool ran down her face as she spit it out and began to laugh uncontrollably. Cassie began to crawl around and look for other objects on the ground to play with when she heard her front door open.

A woman dressed in a white nurse’s outfit walked in to the apartment. Her soft brown hair was in a bun, and she looked like she was in her early thirties. The woman looked down at Cassie and smiled. “Aw, look at you! Gary was right. He knew you’d wish to be younger and he told me to come take care of you. My name is Carol and I’m going to be your mommy now.” She picked up Cassie who began to giggle. “My, my, my, you sure are a happy baby,” but then her face wrinkled up as she caught a smell of Cassie, “but you sure need a diaper change pretty badly.” She put Cassie on the floor and pulled out a diaper bag. Cassie kicked and giggled as Carol undid the snaps on her sleeping and changed her diaper. Carol applied baby powder to Cassie’s undeveloped private parts as the baby began to drool some more. She re-fastened the snaps on Cassie’s sleeper and held the baby in her arms.

The baby Cassie had never felt so good before. Carol smelled like baby powder and hummed to the baby. Cassie began to fall asleep in Carol’s arms as a wave of infantile rapture began to come over her. The nurse watched as the Cassie’s thumb moved into her mouth and she began to suck on it. Watching the baby gave Carol and idea and she sat on the couch. She unbuttoned her nurse’s jacket and removed it exposing a white satin nursing bra. She ran her finger over the edge of the bra and slowly opened the flap on it. After applying a little pressure to her nipple, a droplet of milk appeared and rolled down her breast causing her to smile. She picked up Cassie and removed her thumb from her mouth and moved her to her breast.

Little Cassie latched on to the breast and began to nurse. She remained asleep while she fed as babies do frequently. Carol watched as the baby swallowed her milk, knowing that each swallow took Cassie further and further away from her previous life. The baby wouldn’t even remember its name when it woke up. Cassie wouldn’t remember working as a consultant, and she wouldn’t remember the man that granted her greatest wish. As the baby finished her first meal, Carol let out a small moan. She knew that Cassie was her baby now. She planned to raise her as her own daughter with a man up the street named Gary to be her father.



End Chapter 1

No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded

by: MaxPower | Complete Story | Last updated Oct 8, 2006


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