
by: babiedboi | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 28, 2017

Here's a short story that was written by Little Trip based off a long age regression chat we had late one evening. Imagine if every time you had an orgasm (at the hypnotic suggestion of your therapist) you mentally regress further and further. There have been so few M/m regression stories lately...I hope you'll enjoy it!

Chapter 1

Chapter Description: Here's a short story that was written for me by Little Trip in 2013 based off a long age regression chat we had late one winter evening. Imagine if every time you had an orgasm (at the hypnotic suggestion of your therapist) you mentally regress further and further. There have been so few M/m regression stories lately...I hope you'll enjoy it!

I wish I could just get this over with. This whole damn thing is such a joke. A guy yells once at a whiny little pissant intern that can’t ever do anything right and all of a sudden he’s got to go to “stress relief therapy.” Fucking quacks try and pretend like this isn’t all bullshit and people actually buy it. My first session was a week ago and we didn’t do a goddamn thing the entire time. He put me under – which I’m still pissed about, since I definitely did not give him my permission to do that – and by the time I woke up the whole hour had already gone by. I’d like nothing more than to tell this fraud just what I think of him and his “craft”, but the mucky-mucks upstairs made it very clear that I’d lose my job – the one I spent the better part of a decade clawing my way up to – if I didn’t complete the course.

            So I’m sitting on “Doctor” Logan’s couch and he’s giving me that big stupid smile of his as he asks me how my week’s been and how I’ve been managing my stress. I put on the bullshit grin I practiced on the way over and tell him that everything’s been going great, that I think I’ve made some real progress, that I might not have to do all these sessions after all. He chuckles a little and says that I might be right – which even I’m surprised at, since I thought I might’ve laid it on a little thick – and that, if I show significant progress today, that he’d be happy to tell my boss that I don’t need to finish the rest of the course. All of a sudden Logan’s seeming like a pretty alright guy. Still a quack, sure, but a reasonable one at least.

            He takes a seat on the couch next to me and I shift away a little when he does so. I kinda figured that he had a bit of a fruity vibe, which I really couldn’t care less about – but if he makes any moves on me I’ll punch him right between his squinty little eyes. I’d lose my job a hundred times over before I let some queer hypnotist feel me up. But all he’s doing is talking to me very softly and quietly, so low I can barely hear it, and as he goes on about what a successful client I am and how impressed he is at my progress I just feel myself kinda melt into the couch. My head is starting to feel kinda foggy and I just sorta grow sluggish all over, like I’ve had just enough to drink to get buzzed but not enough to be totally wasted. I’m feeling warm and good all over and so when the doctor asks me if I ever masturbate I just bust out laughing.

            Sure I do, I tell the guy as I give him a sidelong grin. What guy doesn’t? He kinda chuckles and nods and says that he has to ask because it’s a way of relieving stress that a lot of people don’t even think about. That the rush of endorphins contributes to a sense of well-being and blah blah blah whatever. I’m only half-listening but when he touches my shoulder I snap to attention – and I realize that I’m stiffer than I’ve ever been. I know that what I should do is sock the guy and book it right out of there, but I’m feeling so good and I’m suddenly so goddamn horny that I just sit there like a hormonal teenager, blushing at the tent in my pants as I squirm in my seat.

            My cheeks only burn hotter when he takes notice of my predicament, when he smiles at me and says that I should feel free to relieve myself if the pressure is making me uncomfortable. That it’s all part of the therapy process. That I have nothing to be embarrassed about. And God help me if I don’t unzip my pants and fish out my cock right in front of him, if I don’t wrap my fist around it and start flogging away. The last thing I want to do is give this pervert a show but I’m so fucking horny that I’m going to bust in my pants if I don’t take care of business – so that’s exactly what I do. After a half-dozen strokes or so I just explode, clutching at the couch cushions and throwing my head back as I cum all over myself, thick hot ribbons splashing over my shirt, shooting and shooting and shooting until the last stores of my balls are dribbling onto the fly of my pants.

            I gotta tell ya, that rush of morphines or whatever the doctor was talking about is the real deal. That might’ve been the best cum I ever had and suddenly I’m feeling pretty damn good. But then the doctor speaks up and points out what a mess I made when I came. I don’t really say anything ‘cause I’m kinda embarrassed that I couldn’t control myself, that it wasn’t even ten seconds after I started before I blew – I don’t get a whole lot of privacy at home, so when my parents finally leave me alone for a while I try and make the moment last as long as I can, y’know? The doctor says not to worry about it, that he’s got some spare clothes that I can change into – and that, while he gets them, I should get out of what I’m wearing. I’m not super thrilled about being naked in front of another guy – even if he is a doctor – but I can’t ride home with my clothes all sticky and I don’t even know how I got into this dorky outfit in the first place.

            When he comes back I’m standing in the middle off the room with my hands over my dick, just kinda looking at the ground and trying to pretend that I don’t care about being naked. He laughs a little and that just makes me feel even more embarrassed, but what really gets me burning is when he steps up beside me and brushes my hands away to see that I’m hard again. I want to shout that it just does that all the time now, that I don’t even know why it happens, that you can’t tell anyone or they’ll call me a queer and a homo, but he cuts me off before I can even open my mouth by telling me that it’s perfectly normal for a boy my age to get frequent erections and that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I hate when adults talk down to you like that but he just keeps on going and not letting me say anything, and anything I would’ve said disappears when he reaches down and takes hold of my cock.

            I kinda gasp and moan without even meaning to and try to pull away but it’s like my body won’t let me – like it’s more concerned with how good it feels for another person to be jacking me off, even if that person is another guy. He says something about it being important to masturbate regularly, something about how it makes for a healthier prostate but I don’t give a fuck about any of that. All I care about is the way it feels when I push my cock up into his hand, when he strokes me all the way down to my balls, when I bite my lip and curl my toes and start shooting in long glistening arcs all over his carpet. My knees feel weak and almost give out but somehow I stay upright until I’m done, until I open my eyes to see the doctor smiling at me as he tells me what a good job I did.

            I blush and smile as I look at all the stickies I made, giggling at the way my pee-pee went pyoopyoopyoo! and shot all over the floor. There’s a big mess on his carpet but the doctor doesn’t even seem mad – he just ruffles my hair and tells me what a good boy I am and that just makes me smile more and makes me feel happy all over. He brings out some clothes and asks me if I need any help getting into them and I tell him that only babies can’t dress themselves. He laughs and says he’s sorry and lets me put on the clothes by myself, undies and shorts and a t-shirt with a triceratops – my favorite! – on the front. There’s no socks and that’s good ‘cause I like when I can go barefoot. The carpet tickles my toes and makes me giggle and the doctor says we have to go now ‘cause there’s someone very special he wants me to meet.

            When we get to the doctor’s house there’s a man waiting in the living room and I’m a little scared but then he smiles at me and shakes my hand like I’m a grown up and I don’t feel scared anymore. The doctor asks me if I want to take a bath and I say no ‘cause I’ve already had a bath today but then he says it’s a bubble bath with toys and I say okay. He asks if it’s okay if the new man gives me my bath and I say okay ‘cause he’s really nice and he holds my hand and takes me into the bathroom. The new man gets the water going and pours loooooots of bubble bath in it and I stand there and watch and giggle as the bubbles get bigger and bigger and bigger. He asks me if I need help taking my clothes off and I say no and I do it myself even though I get stuck at the zipper and my shirt gets caught on my head. He laughs when that happens and I laugh too ‘cause it’s silly. But then I’m nakie and the bath is ready so he helps me into the water and it feels good ‘cause it’s nice and warm and the bubbles are all tickly.

            There’s a boat in the water and I play with that and with the squirt toy and me and the new man laugh when I spray him with it. He dumps water on my head and puts slippery stuff in my hair while I make big castles and mountains out of the bubbles. Then he puts more water on my head and starts scrubbing me with a washcloth and I smile at him ‘cause it feels good. He scrubs my arms and my chest and my tummy and my legs and my feet and when he starts cleaning my pee-pee I squirm a little ‘cause it feels extra good and I’m not sure why. My pee-pee starts getting really big and the bigger it gets the better it feels but I’m scared ‘cause I don’t know why it’s doing that.

            The new man sees my big pee-pee and tells me that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, that it’s normal for little boys to get stiffies when their pee-pees feel good. And then he gets real close and whispers and asks he if I ever play with my pee-pee and I don’t know if I can tell him since it’s a secret that I tug my tinker but he’s really nice so I tell him that I do. He smiles and says that I can go ahead and tug on my tinker if I want, that he knows how good it feels and that he wants me to feel good. I feel silly at first but then I touch my pee-pee and it feels so good that I keep touching it, pull on my big pee-pee really really fast and it feels better and better and better and then there’s a really really good feeling and I’m making stickies all over my neck and my chest and my tummy and some even gets on my cheeks.

            An’ I lick at da thickies an’ dere nummy an’ I feew good aw ovah.

            Daddy say I may wotsathickies an’ he cwean me up an’ da water go bye-bye. Aw da bubba go bye-bye too an’ when pop-pop come he smiwe an’ may me happy. Pop-pop an’ daddy smiwe at me an’ immanakie baby in da tub. See my tootsies an’ put dem in my mouf. Feew good. Wubhab tootsies in mouf. An’ pop-pop an’ daddy tell me imma good widdah baby. Smiwe at me an’ may me feew good. Good wike tootsies. Good wikenummy tootsies.



End Chapter 1


by: babiedboi | Complete Story | Last updated Dec 28, 2017


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