
by: willau | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 7, 2017

A submitted story fro a fan of the Archive. "I wrote the kind of story I would like to find more on the internet : no magic, no sex, just a case of mistaken identity"

Chapter 1
Complete Story

Hello, my name is Ryan Deeper and I am cursed with a babyface. I am also very small, which adds to my youthful appearance.

People would always assume I was 4 or 5 years younger. I am 25 years old, but whenever I shave, I appear to be under 18. That’s why, I liked reading stories about forced age regression, but I never dared to experiment in life, fearing to be caught. Interested in how people treat each other based on their age, I studied psychology. I never had a girlfriend because no mature woman wants to go out with a high-schooler looking man. I only had success with teenage girls, which nourished my fantasies.

It was summer and I was on holiday in France until September. I thought this might be a good opportunity to carry a study and put my fantasy into action. I was working on child psychology and the problems between teen and adults. So, I thought It would be better if I pass as a teen so I could be part of a gang and see how differently adults would treat me. I thought, if I could pass as a 16-year-old, It would be perfect. But there was no way, in my current state, that I could pull it through. I behaved like an adult, dressed like an adult and a crowd would spot the fraud miles away.

Luckily, I had a good friend of mine, Isabelle, who had emigrated from the US a year ago. We grew up together and at some point, I even considered dating her. But she turned me down. She was a very accomplished make up professional and her carrier looked very promising.

I had some worries on how it would all work out. I could be put on trial if someone found out that an adult was posing as underage, even if it was supposedly to study child psychology. I landed in France at 9 a.m. I had some time before Isabelle would pick me up. It was time to try a first little experiment. Until now, I appeared to everyone around 21 with my beard and my professional suit. By just taking the suit off, how old would I look ?

I asked the question and got multiple answers. To kids, I always looked my age, but adults now thought I was 19 to 17 ! Fun fact, in America teen look a lot younger than in France, I could take advantage of that.

- Hy Ryan ? I spotted you first, shouted a voice with a little French sexy French accent.

- Wow, Isabelle, is that you ? You changed a lot.

- Well, you just look the same as in high-school ! she joked. I thought that idea of yours was crazy, but I think I can pull it through.

- Who is the little boy ?

- That’s my treasure, Ryan, he is fourteen years old !

- Same name as mine. He even looks a lot like me. Hello champ !

I knew how difficult it had been for Isabelle to be a teenage mum at just 15. She broke up with her family and that made her mind to start a new life in France. I stared at her sun. He was kind of small for his age,which meant we were the same height.

- Okay, here we are ? beamed Isabelle. Ryan junior, could you show Ryan senior to his room ?

- Okay mum, he said in a defeated voice.

- You don’t seem very happy I am here, I enquired.

- No, not at all, he lied, here this my room, our room.

- Oh, I understood, of course, you don’t want to share your room with a 25 year old men.

He looked at me thoughtfully. After a while, he started smiling.

- Actually, it is not as bad. You look like my big brother. Here check my face app, it gives an approximation of your age.

- Okay, I don’t mind.

- Oh ! It says 16. You really have a babyface. You should shave and wore my clothes, then I would feel a lot more comfortable.

For the first time in 8 years, I was to wear baggy jeans and a cap, that was the first step to my regression from adulthood. I was in shock at my reflection, the clothes did a lot in the trick. I realized how much my suit had made me look older. Now, with baggy clothing, I looked like I was in High-school. My small seize and my juvenile face did the rest. No one would suspect I was a 25 year old man. It was perfect, just as I had imagined

- How come you are so underdeveloped ? He dared to ask. I hope you don’t take any offence.

- No, it’s okay, in my family, we are all dwarfs, but I am the first one with a youthful face.

- The thing I don’t get is why you want to pass as a kid. I can’t wait to grow up.

- It is for my work ! I lied, he didn’t buy my feeble attempt. Right, you want to know the truth. I never really fit in an adult crowd, because of my face, I am not taken seriously, so I have always to look serious, to mind my words. Wearing a suit, the right hair-style, all of this is what helps me to set myself apart from your teenage world. But now, I just want to take a break, a last vacation from those pressures.

- It is not easy to be my age either, maybe you forgot that, he said trying to sound wise. But okay, I will help you. Friends ?

- Friend !

- I thought you wanted to date younger girls, that’s what I would have done ! Let’s go downstairs.

Isabelle was talking to an older lady. She was Isabelle’s neighbor, Miss Sabatier.

- Oh, you are a cute one, she addressed me, Isabelle told me everything about you, young man, you are Ryan’s American cousin, what high-school are you attending ?

- I am out of high-school, I quickly replied, almost offended.

- Well, you are a funny one. That beard of yours doesn’t hide you true age one bit. Trust me, I know what I am talking about.

- Miss Sabatier is my former boss, told me Isabelle, she taught me everything I know about make-up.

- Come by from time to time, my grandson Tomas would love to meet you.

Deep inside, I was excited. I would not have assumed that just wearing teenage clothes would instantly make me look young again. Now, I was afraid at how young I really looked without my facial hair. After the old lady was gone, I turned over to Isabelle.

- I cannot believe you fooled her. At look at you, you look like Ryan’s older brother. This has definitely convinced me that it could work.

- That what could work ? I said, suddenly worried, I knew from experience that look in Isabelle’s eyes.

- There, she handed me over an advertisement.

- The kids dream beach, I read.

- The place is really great, my new little brother nodded, I used to spent there my summer holidays when I was little.

- No no no, I refuse, this is humiliating.

- Bu I am sure it would work. At least, hear out my plan.

- Fine. How in the world am I going to fit with a bunch of teenagers ?

- I thought you could pass as Ryan ! You two have the same height, just let me cut your beard and you’ll see.

- Okay, If anyone thinks I am your son I accept whatever plan you have in mind for me.

- Thank you, she beamed. This is a great opportunity to test my skills.

- I still lake faith.

She reassured me. After all, it was her job to make adults up in their thirties to look like teenagers on TV-shows.

First, she dive my hair in gold and put white powder on my face, where she added some fake pickles. She cut my hair very short, to let the child reappear. Then, she bought me more clothes of your typical high-school boy. Then, she took all my facial hair away. Damn, I could always dress in my professional suit again, but now there was no turning back. It took me years to grew facial hair.

- There you go, I think I won our bet.

- I doubt that, I replied, as she guided me to a mirror with her son standing next to me.

Damn, she got me there. I could still argue I was more muscular and my small wrinkles made the difference, but I would have had trouble to know which one was the real Ryan.

Of course, she emphasized, I had to play the act on my part. Best was I pretended to be shy and use simple sentences. She had a whole program in mind for me.

- There, here is your timetable, from this day on. You shall be Ryan’s big brother for the time being. Your priority is to get rid of your adult attitude and of those muscles of yours. Your aim is to look like his twin.

The door rang, it was the postman.

- There give it a try, try to pass as my son.

I tried a stupid teen voice you hear in Hollywood movies; the problem was my English accent. That gave me away.

He asked me if Ryan was home. However, the tone he used revealed that he thought I was some underage. I beamed with joy, it was just as I had pictured it, the feeling of not caring how adults would treat me. That proved I looked like a teenager, if Miss Sabatier’s statement hadn’t already proven it. When Ryan joined me, the man commented on how alike we looked. If it wasn’t for my accent, he would have been fooled. He assumed I was his bigger cousin.

Back in the living room, I realized Isabelle was looking strangely at me.

- We should shave all your hair, really all of it, she proposed. Your man hair would give you away.

- Wouldn’t that make me look even more like a child ?

- Only If you act like one, she teased me with a mischievous smile.

I was in for one last test. She drove me to the zoo, where I could enter without paying. Now, I was confused. It was free for children under 15. I complained over to Isabelle about how French were very dumb not to tell the difference between an adult and a child. She didn’t say a word, scrubbed my head and told me how cute I was. I seemed to get a lot of attention from smaller girls. After three yours, Isabelle was getting bored but her son wanted to go see the lions so we left her at a café and went there alone. A young man about 16 was selling tickets.

- No entrance without adult supervision, he said in a deep voice.

- But the board states children over 16 can enter, I replied.

- Which you clearly are not, stop playing a prank on me and step out of the line wimp !

- But I have an I.D to prove I am 25, I handed it over to him. I was waiting for his reaction, and I wasn’t disappointed.

- That’s obviously a fake, stop wasting my time.

I couldn’t believe that I was scolded by a teenager. A mother with a little child took pity on us and bought us our ticket. She believed that teen had been exaggerating. The way I was talking and moving clearly showed I was a nice 16 year old boy, despite my small stature.

I hadn’t realize until now how far my transformation had gone. Hopefully, at the summer camp, people would know I was 16, I didn’t want them to treat me younger.

- I don’t understand why Hhe thought I was younger than him.

- Maybe it is because you were acting like a kid back there, just like me when I had that argument with mum last night about my school grades. I think you copied my attitude without realizing it. Plus mum’s program is starting to kick in. You are not the muscular man you used to be when you arrived here a month ago. Muscles make the man, he stated wisely.

- Yeah, you’re right Ryan, also my English accent seemed to be fading away, I wonder…

- I think I know where this is going and I am in ! But mum musn’t know it or she’ll be mad.

- Of course, that’s all in the name of psychology study.

- Yeah, right !

I reported everything that had happened to Isabelle, who was very proud of herself. She suggested out of nowhere that she wanted to take it to the next level, just to see how far we could go. I now looked around her son’s age. Could she make me look younger ? Then passing as her son would be no challenge if I could pretend to be even younger ! It was a logical argument, so I accepted it without any problem. Despite trying to restrain myself, she caught my excitement. The zoo had a shop where she bought some goodies, like fake round glasses and T-shirt for children.

- Wow, I never thought they would fit you !

- These glasses make me look so innocent ! I complained.

- Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it ? Now, the final touch, she said with a professional tone, this a special cream used in Hollywood movies, it takes off the dust off your face as well as any wrinkles.

- Wait ! I pleaded, I never agreed to go this far.

- Too late, already finished, now look at yourself, you are a whole new person !

- Big brother, you now are officially my little brother for the day.

- Seriously dude, how old do I look ?

- Well, it is hard to explain, but I would say this costume has such a childish appeal to it. I don’t want to say something stupid. I guess you will find out by yourself.

We went to see a dolphin show and found the same teen that had annoyed me previously. I was annoyed that he didn’t recognize me. How old did I really look ?

- Hey champ, he greeted me with a warm smile, you can enter without paying.

- Champ ? repeated Isabelle. How old do you think my son is ?

- Well, it’s quite hard to tell, between 10 and 14, something like that, hard to tell. No offence, but he is very small, like my 8 year-old brother.

- And what about me ? asked Ryan junior. No way do I look this young.

- No, the teen nooded, you are definitely the big brother, you look around 13, maybe a little more.

- Thank you sir, replied Isabelle, this was very enlightening.

At the way home, we made a stop to relax. Isabelle was looking exhausted.

- Go play you two. I am going to take a little nap.

There were some kids playing there as well. A girl with a big smile immediately greeted me ignoring my ‘big brother’. I thought why not give it a try, I would have to play with kids for the whole coming month at summer camp.

While playing I had fun, I have to admit, it was a nice day and I needed some activity after sitting nearly for two hours in the car. I looked what big brother was doing. He was talking to a tall guy.

- Is this your little brother, it is nice you are watching over him.

- Well, Ryan blushed uncomfortably, I guess so. Then that is your little sister ?

- Yes, although she sometimes is a pain, I will always take care of her. That’s the key of her feeling like a safe an loved child.

- Taking care of my little brother, Ryan laughed enjoying the situation. Okay, little brother, he addressed me, playtime is over, mum is waiting for us !

- Why did you tell him I was your little brother ? I asked him reproachfully.

- I didn’t have to, I swear it ! You don’t realize it, but you played like a 10 year old boy, snap out of it, it’s scarring me. Remember, tomorrow you will go at my place to school, don’t embarrass me acting like a kid.

- No, I promise. It won’t happen again. It was an accident. I don’t know what come into me.

Frankly, I had never expected to go back to school. Everyone assumed I was Ryan, fourteen year old, hell I even fooled Ryan’s friends. But I wasn’t prepared to take a math exam. That’s what the true Ryan had wanted all along, that I did his stupid exam so he could go to high-school. Well, I owed him so much for accepting me in his family temporarily.

However, my luck would soon fade away. I got a call from Ryan. His mother had left early from work and was already her. I went back home with my tail between my legs. She didn’t greet me with her usual smile.

- This is unacceptable, putting my son’s future at stake, what if someone discovered you ?

- That was the whole point, wasn’t it ? I said defiantly.

- You really have become an irresponsible teenager, at least I content with that success. But you crossed a red line there. You will be punished like the child you have become. I trusted you, gave you everything you’ve asked for. If this happens again, you go back to the united states. Am I clear young man ?

- Yes, I am sorry Isabelle, that wasn’t smart of me. What can I do to make it up for you ?

- Take some time with other teenagers than my son and continue the good work you have done so far.

- So, I won’t be puished.

- Oh dear, Ryan, you talk like my son ! Of course, you will be punished but not with a spanking, not in the way you think. I will be much more painful, I promise you that. You will discover it when the time is right.

I was very confused about this whole adventure and next day, I reverted back to my older adults clothes to gain back some dignity. This had gone to far. Taking Isabelle’s advice, I went outside to breathe fresh air to clear my mind. I was wondering if it was wise to go on with this Camp idea after all. I met with a group of teenagers who were obviously making fun of me.

- What is your problem ? I blurted out.

- Well, you are all serious-looking, explained a tall girl.

- Yeah, he reminds me of my little sister playing grown-up, added another.

- Well, believe or not, I’m actually 25.

- No kidding, she said surprised after I showed them my ID, I thought you were 15. Sorry, it’s your babyface and your small size. Sorry sir, she said with some irony with her cracking voice.

When I was back, Isabelle remarked that something was bothering me. I explained that, even wearing my old clothes, people still thought I was barely 15. She told me it was the effect of the special cream. It took a bit of arguing, but she convinced me to apply her special cream every day until the start of summer camp. I wanted to be around Ryan’s age, so I just listened obediently to her.

Camp was still two weeks left. I took the time to hang out with some teenagers, disguised in my baggy attire. I quickly took their vocabulary to integrate myself and learned a lot of fun stuff about their generation. With Isabelle, we finally agreed to treat me completely like a young teenager. I was becoming lazy and started neglecting my psychology report. Some crazy stuff happened to me. I met with Thomas, miss.Sabatier’s, and we quickly grew attached to one another. I liked his deep green eyes and big stature. He was the kind of man I dreamt to be. I didn’t understand why until he came out to me after we had drunk a lot. He thought I was handsome and liked my odd maturity about some adult stuff. I wasn’t gay, but I was curious to what it would do to kiss a guy. I didn’t stop him and we kissed passionately. Suddenly, he was standing naked before me, his penis standing up. That stopped any pulsion I had just felt.

- I can’t, I told him in all honesty, I don’t like men.

- Well, it’s okay if you are not ready yet, you are still young, I came out last month at my 16th birthday party. That leaves you two year!

This story would have turned bad, but fortunately, camp was starting the next day. I would never see Thomas again, but I always recall our kiss.

So, everything was ready. I was going to a summer camp, south, not far away from the coast, as Isabelle’s son. For a whole month, no worries, a true holiday. Then, I scolded myself, I shouldn’t forget why I was doing this.

Isabelle had packed my luggage and dressed me in a very childish attire. I thought that was the punishment. But I didn’t mind if the personal at summer camp knew I was fourteen. I still wasn’t over my fear to be discovered, but Isabelle told me not to worry.

Isabelle had insisted on packing my luggage while I was playing with Ryan on the computer. I had gradually reverted to my teenage self.

- Dude, I am going to miss you, stated Ryan junior, you are the best buddy I ever had. Next year, you can come back to my room if you want.

- Well, see you, when I come back, I will be a complete child I think.

- Don’t end up to young or it is you who might go to a child psychiatrist, he joked.

Isabelle smiled at that touching moment. What a far way her friend had come from. A few weeks ago, he was a responsible adult. Now, he clearly had regress. She was certain that Ryan was not realizing how far his transformation has gone. But he was still to be punished for going to school at her son’s place. She couldn’t wait the moment he would discover the surprise she had prepared for him. We didn’t talk much during the ride. I was strangely both fearful and excited about what age people would give me. I vaguely looked at picture of myself from a month ago and only thought how old I used to look. All that old life seemed strangely far away, like it was belonging to a different person. Before steeping out of the car, Isabelle checked one last time if everything was right. Her mischievous smile was back.

- Enjoy your time, she wished me.

- I will, I rejoiced naively with joy.

- I prepared you a big surprise in your wallet. But don’t open it until you are in your room.

I was strangely embarrassed when she accompanied me inside the main building. As any fourteen year old, I didn’t want my mother to accompany me to the reception.

The receptionist was a woman in her forties, she was very professional and smiled at me. We were lucky, she said, there was only one place left. She took papers from Isabelle and scrutinized them a bit. I was sweating a little and acting too shy to my own taste. But then, she smiled again and said that everything was fine. I followed her and weaved at Isabelle before she was ought of sight.

- There this is your room, Valentin sleeps her as well. I am sure you two will get along, he is the same age as you. Ah, à propos, I am miss Tabitha, just come to me if there is anything wrong. One last question. Do you wet the bed ?

- No, of course not, haven’t for years.

- Nothing personal. Many boys at your age still do. Anyway, I wish you lots of fun, I am sure you will enjoy your time here. So, here we are Ryan, this is your bedroom.

I looked in disbelief at my roommate. He looked quite young.

- Hum sorry, Miss Tabitha, how old is he ?

- Well, as I just told you, the same age as you. You are twelve, aren’t you ?

- No…Yes, I mean yes, I am twelve I mumbled shy like a real boy.

Men, I had almost give myself away. That damn Isabelle, she tricked me good. I felt suddenly worried about the big surprise she had promised. I scrutinized the boy. Valentin was a muscular boy compared to me. Lucky for me, he seemed nice. He was staring at me in a strange way. Valentin was waiting for me to speak. I had no choice but to play the act. He quickly started talking about online-gaming. That was lucky. Thanks to my time with Ryan, I knew every new game. I soon had adapted and downgraded my language and mimics with the same ease I had posed as a teenager. It worked as he thought I was his age. It helped that my French was a little poor which made my sentences even more childlike. I even try to reproduce his intonation. He was still looking inquisitively at me. I started to feel uneasy. This whole operation may have been a bad idea. Obviously, I wasn’t twelve, magical Hollywood cream or not.

- You look a lot like Jamie ? he admitted

- Who is this ?

- My little brother, he looks a lot like you. Don’t be offended, although he’s 9, he looks older.

- It’s okay, I get that a lot, I admitted which seemed to reassure him.

- So, are you excited for beach parties, next year ? asked my new friend.

- What do you mean next year, this is summer camp, right ?

- Oh so you don’t know, we are with the babies, from 7 to 12 years. Real summer camp is from 13-year-old.

This was not what I had planned. I immediately went to miss Tabitha, trying to explain there had been a misunderstanding, that I was in fact a year older.

- Yes, your mother explained me your age complex, I assure you are thirteen and look your age.

- But I wanted to go to summer camp, I pleaded in vain. Man, my voice had just cracked there.

- Stop being such a child, you are not old enough for summer camp. Now, not another word, or you can go home !

I almost said yes defiantly but stopped. I had already learned many things today. I was 25 and doing this for work. I fell silent, nodded and joined Valentin and his friends to play hide and seek.

Pretend to be a child 24hours a day was a lot easier than I had thought. I lost the sensation of time and played like the young person I was supposed to be.

I got very dirty, so I quickly went back to my room and decided it was time opened my wallet. I was shocked again. The surprise was real. The clothes inside were even childish for a 12-year-old. How young could I get. I thought let’s put some extra cream and see what happens. I waited a few minutes while going through my clothes. I immediately took a liking in the red hat. I hid my hair and stayed there admiring the child I saw in the mirror. With my small stature, now I could really be confused for a 9-year-old. Because, I had become lazy and had regained some childish cheeks. My fantasy was in real life even better than what I had dreamed of. I met Miss Tabitha, which at first thought I was Valentin’s younger brother, she quickly apologized and asked me If I had seen Jamie. She seemed in a hurry and was carrying a bag with something that looked like white trousers. But it was too quick for me to grasp what is was. I thought maybe his mother had send him clothes. I quickly forgot all about it and decided to enjoy my day.

I was spending a lot of time playing, and didn’t even mind being with smaller kids. After one week, I was noticing some changes. Again, I had adapted to my childish environment. I was starting to behave like a younger child, using mere childish words. I wasn’t used to play outside, and after playing under the rain, I caught a cold. My voice was now a bit higher, adding even further if possible to the childish acting. One day, I heard Valentin talking with his friends about me. They didn’t notice I was here.

- Well, he says he’s 12, but he acts younger, maybe he lied about his age, he commented in a mean voice, look how he likes playing with smaller kids.

- Yeah, bet you, he could pass for your brother Jamie, I’ll bet one hundred I couldn’t tell who is who if there were side by side, commented one boy.

I was offended but also strangely excited in the meantime. I had once seen Jamie and it was true we were almost like siblings. We even shared the same height. He was excessively dressed, having also catch a cold. With so much clothing on him, he was as large as me. Miss Tabitha had already been fooled once. I would have had a hard time impersonating any child of such a young age, but Jamie looked a little older and if he was as mature as Valentin, I had nothing to worry about.

I was seduced by the idea to play a trick on Valentine and see his reaction. This experiment could be a huge success for child psychology breakthroughs. Later that night, I went to Jamie’s bedroom on my tiptoes. At first, he didn’t seem delighted by playing a prank on his brother, but then I convinced him by saying it was only for a day and that tomorrow, there was a trip to the beach, where only boys and girls over 11 would be allowed. That got his attention. I knew boys his age couldn’t resist the temptation! We had a deal. Until tomorrow night, he was to be me. My undercover operation was going just as I had planned. Now, I was a 9 year old boy.

Next morning, however, I was in for a big surprise. I was awaken up by Miss Tabitha, who was staring at me in an odd way. I thought I had been discovered. But to my surprise, she said :

- Jamie, what a naughty boy you are, why are you not wearing your diaper ? You know I threated to send you to the littles if you took off your diaper once more.

- But, I don’t need a diaper, I wined. This wasn’t happening. Was I dreaming ? No, this was real, I realized.

- Whether you like it or not, you are a bedwetter, I am tired of changing your sheet, so please wear a diaper !

My face was red right now. I wasn’t the only one in the room. My roommate was laughing and pointing at me. I felt embarrassed and remembered how it felt to be a little boy.But miss Tabitha wasn’t finished with me. She was staring at a glass full of green liquid.

- And you didn’t take your medicine, that’s it young man, you are spending your day in the nursery, no buts, and drink your medicine !

So how did all this happen, there I was, at 25, diapered, in a nursery. But my pain wasn’t over. Miss Tabitha told her colleague I should be treated like I deserved. I was forced to dress in a onesie. I probably looked like an oversize toddler. Katrina, the helper, had a motherly smile.

- Ah, she said in a sing-song voice, the boss told me everything. I know how hard it can be to be a big 7-year-old boy. Lots of boy your age still wet the bed. You are not the first one to be send here. Don’t worry, it is just for today because of the beach trip, the personal won’t have time to take care of you. Just relax while you’re here okay. Here, you can even use your diaper no problem !

- I am not 7, I am 9, I replied fiercely. I felt odd defending my fake age.

- The boss told me you like to pretend to be older, but you are seven ! No boy at 9 would need a diaper and not use it, and throw out a tantrum! She assumed logically. Stop replying now. You know what we do here with little beasts, we spank them !

I saw to her expression that she was serious. Moreover, she was a very large woman so that would be no problem to her. Now, I knew how children felt when they were being naughty.

Still, this was going too far, I now wanted to stop the whole experiment and was going to defend the little of pride I had left. Suddenly, I felt a huge pressure in my bladder.

Could the green medicine have been some kind of laxative ? I tried to press my legs together to stop the flow but it was too late. Katrina recognized immediately what had happened. There were to many emotions inside of me. I tried hard to fight them back but failed. How could this have happened? I felt so helpless. Memories from an older time took control of me. Defeated, I just let the pee flow and began to sob uncontrollably.

- Oh poor thing! Good thing you are here. Maybe, you should stay here with children under 6. Maybe it was too soon for you to go with the big kids. Out of nowhere, she took a pacifier and before, I could react, she put in my mouth. I sucked on it instinctively. She lifted me with relative ease and placed me on the changing table.

- I want to go home, I cried, adding more to her belief that I was a retarded child having a tantrum.

- Shhhhh, Well, looks like baby needs a change. Come here, don’t be shy. Oh, you wee-wee seems big for your age, you are going to be a lover boy when you grow up, aren’t you, mister ? She tried cheering me up.

I was kind of glad Isabelle had shaved my hair.

For the rest of the day, I tried hard not to pee in my diaper. Children were looking baffled at me. One boy named Adrian, came to me. He was around three and was toilet trained.

- How come you are such a bwig boy in diaper ? he asked innocently

I decided not to talk back. Katrina looked disapprovingly at me.

- Don’t mind him, he is jealous because he still has diaper on. Be nice to him.

- Then I am bigger, deduced Adrian with his child logic.

- Why don’t you two play together ? She encouraged him.

I had to spent the whole afternoon in hell, listening to Adrian’s babble. I was getting bored. What could I do to kill the time. I looked around and thought why not take advantage of the situation, completely relax, no teenage worries, no big kids worries, that sounded great for a day. I played with baby toys and began to enjoy the peace and quietness. I was like in a trance and hadn’t even notice I had peed again. Adrian thought he needed to comfort me. Old and buried childhood memories resurfaced. Out of shame, I began sucking my thumb. Strangely, I felt glad that Adrian was watching over me, like some big brother.

A man came in to deliver papers. To my horror, I recognized the postman of Isabelle’s town. I quickly removed the thumb out of my mouth and tried to be unnoticed. What did such bad luck come from ? Oh, no, He had spotted me.

- Well, isn’t he a little big to be in here ?

- Don’t trust appearances, despite him being 6 years old, he behaves more immature than Adrian here who is just 3, she mocked me, he even plays with baby toys and wets his diaper.

- I am not six, I am seven ! I shouted without thinking. What was wrong, I was so angry now, I was supposed to be seven, not a little six year old !

I wasn’t prepared for what came next. The man lifted me and put me on his knees. He patted my diapered butt and told me I have time to grow up and should enjoy my childhood. He smelled the pee but didn’t judge me. I was moved to tears. He thought that despite I was six, there was no problem to be in a diaper. Incredible how he knew how to comfort little children. This would make my study in psychology even better. Then, he started singing a child melody and all children sang heartily. Well, I might be six, a little too big for toddler songs, but it didn’t matter anymore, I decided to enjoy the experiment and sang as well.

Hopefully, this would all soon be over and I could go back to my true 13-year old self. That night, I went to my old room, hoping Jamie hadn’t been caught. Silently, I woke him up. It took time for him to recognize me. I was still wearing the onesie and still having the attitude of a six year old.

- Okay, champ, I told him, time to switch back. I realized it must have sounding weird to call him champ in my current condition.

- No way, he blurted, I don’t want to go to nursery ! Let’s wait till the end of camp to switch back.

- Why ? I said in disbelief.

- I don’t want to wear a onesie ! It so humiliating. Why did you embarrass you so much ?

- It wasn’t my fault. You should have told me about your wetting problem, I tried to explain.

- Valentin ! he said loudly to wake up his brother.

- What is going on Ryan ? said Valentin, still sleepily, then he saw me. He was angrily looking down on me. I heard what happened, he said not looking at me, I am ashamed of you Jamie, how could you ? You have embarrassed me for the rest of my life, he stated reprovingly.

- Listen to me, I shouted, decided to put an end on all this mascaraed, I am not…

Suddenly, the door opened in a burst, revealing my worst fear, Miss Tabitha.

- What is all this racket about ?

- Jamie doesn’t want to go back to sleep, said the real Jamie, with a mischievous grin.

- That’s it, busted Miss Tabitha, you will spend the rest of camp with Katrina. Your education is terrible and you need to learn the basics all over again. Unless you want your parent to take you home, you will remain silent. One more time and I am calling your parents, she repeated.

She took me by the hand and out of the room. I felt the situation escape my control. Until now, this had all been a joke. Now, I was trapped in my own game. My parents, no Jamie’s parents, could take me away. And surely, no one would believe my true identity? They would just think I was trapped in a child fantasy.

I had now spent two weeks at the nursery. I wasn’t even trying. I always had it hard to grow some hair, so there was no way to prove I was a grown man. And, should the truth come out, my carrier was ruined.

I had lost any bladder control and even popped his pants without noticing it due to his strange green medicine. Being surrounded by babies and being treated like one made him slowly regress. Plus, I was just laying lazy on the ground. That did hurt my muscles I had worked on so hard for years, while Jamie was probably training hard to be body built to go along his act being him.

Truth is, because I was treated like a toddler, I had to struggle even acting as a 9 year-old-boy.

The day before the end of camp, Jamie came to my bedroom where I was laying in a extra-large crib.

- Hey, wake up baby, he joked. Do you want to go back being 12 ?

- Yes, I weally want, I mubbled. 12 seemed like a big number, wasn’t I supposed to be 10 ?

- Well, look at you, now, I look much older than you ! But, guess we have to back to our old self.

- Oh, I panicked, I went pee-pee my diaper, I said without thinking, on the verge of tears.

- Oh, let me change you then, you obviously need help, he said pragmatically.

I realized how much Jamie seemed grown up compared to me. He could handle me easily now. He felt I was feeling uneasy, so he comforted me. After the change, he thanked me for the whole experience. He was out of diaper. Glad I could do something useful in this whole mess. He started telling me about all the exciting adventures he had had. I had to concentrate really hard to understand everything he was saying. After a while, I got bored, so he proceeded to tell me a story for babies until I fall asleep.

Summer camp was over. It was time to go back to my true 12 year old self, I meant adult self. Inside my head, something had changed. My mind seemed to have somehow regressed. Finally, I saw my bwig sister, I mean, Isabelle

- Ryan, is that you, my god, you really look like a child ! What happened ?

- Why did you put me as a 12 year old ? I tried to silence her.

- Oh, are you wearing a diaper ? She said bewildered.

- Yeah, and I weally need a change, I stated getting red.

- Well, perhaps, 12 was too high. Come now, I’m thrilled to hear about your progress on child psychology.

I followed her sucking my thumb. I am Ryan and I am 12 years old and I am a teen diaper lover. Isabelle brought me to a child psychologist who proposed I went back to 7th grade to get over my regression complex. I was slowly reeducated and became again a fourteen-year-old in mind. I was so proud of myself. I had no recollection of a past adult life for a few years until I turned 18. All memories came back. I know have two personalities coexisting, my 30 year old self and my teen counterpart. And believe it or not, I went on becoming the greatest child psychologist in history.



End Chapter 1


by: willau | Complete Story | Last updated Feb 7, 2017


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